Friday, April 24, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 80

 EAG        ISPE 
                       ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

ISPE EAG Comment on HOW to Fight and WIN War on CONVID 19 in this 2020s’ (6)

SBCC 2020 Outcome: Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date - Call for Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radical/Fundamental Change in all 193 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary in all Tiers as well as in all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Entities – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices and their National and International Partners sides – Beyond Slogan.


At the ECOSOC High Level Virtual Meeting on Global Response to COVID 19 Crisis and achieving SDGs by 2030, held on 23 April 2020, convened and chaired by ECOSOC President Mona Juul, the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres reminded World Leaders that COVID 19 Crisis is wrecking increasing havoc globally at unprecedented scale and that finding National, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to COVID 19 Crisis demand unprecedented Global Response.  

We have identified Gaps in entire UN Membership Entities individual and joint response to COVID 19 pandemic at domestic and global levels in all 193 UN Member States. We have suggested urgent need for Whole of WHO, Whole of UNDESA, Whole of UNO and Whole of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Support to all 193 UN Member States: Domestic and Global Governance; Public Goods and Solidarity – Political, Science and Financial as One and at minimum certain levels, if the UN System is to effectively help all 193 UN Member States Fight and Win War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if all 193 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date and we have warned that should the entire UN System Membership continue with Business as Usual, the Ultimate Consequence to 193 UN Member States – Governments and  Citizens would be Catastrophic and this underline Urgent need for entire UN System Membership to Change Course Now deploy its Might and Power to Support EAG Submission Implementation.

In Paper (1), we set out EAG Thoughts on HOW to Fight and Win CONVID 19 in the 2020s by Building Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting, that is actually Learning Lessons from Past Global Public Health Emergencies to Find Sustainable Solutions to CONVID 19.

In Paper (2), we are elaborated on these New Ideas, as CONVID 19 Devastation keep getting worse and it is in Urgent Global Interest that World Leaders Change Course without Delay.

In Paper (3), we underlining the role of Communication for Change, Development and Environment Fit for the 21st Century in Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 in US, Europe and rest of the World Linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE, if all 193 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

In Paper (4), we underlined urgent need for National, Regional and Global Central Coordination of COVID 19 Response that Work linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030, if our World is to avoid looming Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Fight and win War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in US, Europe and rest of the World.

In Paper (5), we underlined urgent need for All Arms of All Tiers of Governments in US, Europe and rest of the World; U System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices and their National and International Partners are to Work Together to Succeed Together in Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

In this Paper (6), we seek to draw attention of World Leaders to the urgent need to meaningfully address fundamental issues of Rethinking Sustainable Solutions and Rethinking Institutional Architecture, , if All Arms of All Tiers of Governments in US, Europe and rest of the World; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices and their National and International Partners are to Jointly tackle Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date, Implementation and Evaluation Challenge.
Understanding Unprecedented Global Response Mean Unprecedented Global Response

The above Global Call on World Leaders to Design and Deliver Unprecedented Global Response to tackle Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date need to go beyond Slogan, if our World is to avoid the looming ultimate catastrophic consequences of failure to Win War on COVID 19 and failure to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030.

If this Global Call is not to be mere Slogan, there is urgent need for Leaders and Followers in all major Stakeholder Groups involved in Fighting and Wining War on COVID 19  linked to getting done the much that remain to be done, if all 193 UN Member States are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than ii years remaining to end 2030 target date, to have Common Understanding and Common Agreement on WHAT Unprecedented Global Response Mean; WHAT the Duties and Responsibilities of each Major Stakeholder Group Member is, in the Design and Delivery of the Unprecedented Global Response Dimensions within its Statutory Responsibility is and WHAT the Rights of each Major Stakeholder Group is within the Unprecedented Global Response.

These Major Stakeholder Groups – 193 UN Member States Governments – All Arms of All Tiers; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Members – Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices; Regional and Sub-Regional Political Groupings of Countries - Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices;  Business – Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Transnational Enterprises/Social and Solidarity Economy Organizations; Consultants - Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Transnational; Universities/Higher Education Institutions – Top 10, Top 100, Top 1,000, others; and other Major Groups of Stakeholders as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context MUST find a way to Work Together to Succeed Together and in ways that Leave No One Behind as they Jointly Design and Deliver the Unprecedented Global Response.

This DEMAND, the Major Stakeholder Groups Individually and Jointly demonstrating and been seen to demonstrate adequate levels of:-
1.      Willingness to Try New Ideas, New Thinking and New Ways of DOING Things;
2.      Willingness to Try New Partnerships, New Networks and New Cooperation;
3.     Readiness to accept past failure and to Build Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting;
4.   Readiness as Individuals, Institutions or Governments to Change Attitude and Behavior at Scale – National, Regional and Global.

This in turn DEMAND, the Major Stakeholder Groups Individually and Jointly demonstrating and been seen to demonstrate adequate levels of:-
1.      Political Will and Public Will
2.      Reforming Institutions, Services and Systems;
3.   Building Hard  Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft  Competencies -  Character, Courage,  Cultural, Communication, Attitude, Behavior, Discipline and Mindset required to achieve increasing convergence between National and Global Goals Vision Intention and Reality;
4.      ackling Implementation and Evaluation Challenge for Results Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
Understanding Pandemic Risk

The WBG World Development Report, WDR 2014 on Risk Management background paper on Pandemic Risk

set out many good recommendations for Results Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The paper looked at pandemic risk, what it means for development, and how management of this risk could be improved, both in countries and internationally.

The paper noted that pandemic risks are substantial, as a single severe flu pandemic could cost $3 trillion; that it is hard to imagine a more severe threat to ending absolute poverty or to boosting shared prosperity in developing countries; that OECD, among others, see (in 2014 – 6 years ago) a severe pandemic as a top global catastrophic risk, one that is higher than terrorism risk and that such pandemic would bring shared misery, economic decline, and societal disruptions on a global scale, with the poor and those in fragile states hit the hardest. (2020 reality is poor in all 193 UN Member States are hardest hit).

The paper noted that reduction of pandemic risk is a public service that only governments, through their coordinated actions, can provide; that Delivery of this service can benefit from systematic application of ‘science of delivery,’ notably by using One Health approaches for early effective control of contagion.

The paper noted that all countries can build and operate systems that meet international standards; that the annual spending required to reach that goal is not only modest but also ten times less than the expected annual cost of inaction (as being experienced in 2020); that Advocacy and communications for prevention and preparedness are key public sector responsibilities at global, country, and community levels.

The paper noted that the main beneficiaries of pandemic risk reduction will be our children (in 2020 our children are losing vital education) and future generations because their lifetime odds of experiencing a pandemic are now high and growing; they face worse odds than present-day adults, including the political and business leaders who need to lead if this risk is to be reduced.

The paper noted that preparedness for pandemics is low everywhere, but especially in developing countries, with potentially high-cost impacts on health, economies, and society and that Whole-of-society planning for responses is a low-cost activity that will mitigate these impacts.

National and World Leaders had 6 years to prepare haven been warned in the Paper, yet did not do so. The Warning was No Good as COVID 19 Crisis is now a reality. The Challenge now is not only to overcome COVID 19 Crisis in all 193 UN Member States but to also press forward this time to heed the Warning and be Better Prepared for future pandemic as they arise or as they are prevented from arising.

Understanding Public Goods

The World Bank Global Public Goods Report, 2007
is a comprehensive description of Global Public Goods in its broadest sense. The narrow definition of Global Public Goods by UN Entities and 193 UN Member States Governments in their ongoing Response to COVID 19 is not helpful, in the great task of getting Results Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The Report noted that Global Public Goods, GPGs concern all countries, rich and poor, and they can no longer be separated from national interests and that the spread of communicable diseases and the impact of climate change clearly illustrate the urgency of concerted global action.

The Report noted that Economists describe GPGs as sharing two qualities: their benefits are non-excludable (once available, everybody can enjoy them) and non-rivalrous (consumption by one person does not reduce the availability to other individuals across nations).

The Report adopted a more pragmatic and operational interpretations: GPGs are those goods whose supply depends critically on international collective action, even though they may not be fully global (they may be regional) and have some excludability (as with some critical components of global knowledge whose use is restricted by patents) or rivalry (as with the exhaustion of high-seas fishery resources or biodiversity).

National and World Leaders had 13 years to reach agreement on GPGs Design and Delivery. COVID 19 Crisis underlines urgent need for World Leaders to speedily reach this agreement. The Challenge now is not only to Design and Deliver GPGs within unprecedented Global Response to COVID 19 Crisis in all 193 UN Member States but to also press forward this time to Design and Deliver GPGs for achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

5 Global Events

The Design and Delivery of Unprecedented Global Response to tackle Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date Demand Configuring or World to evolve New World Order.

5 Global Events shed light on way forward in the evolutions of this New World Order. They are:-
  1. John Hopkins University Centre for Communication Programs, JHU-CCP Springboard Platform Webinar on COVID 19, 7 April 2020.
  2. UNDESA Department of SDGs, DSDG Webinar on COVID 19, 9 April 2020.
  3. WBG/IMF Spring Meetings 2020, 17 – 19 April 2020. Its Virtual Meeting this year thanks to COVID 19.
  4. ECOSOC High Level Virtual Meeting on Global Response to COVID 19 Crisis and achieving SDGs by 2030,, 23 April 2020.
  5. UNDESA et al Virtual Dialogue on SDG17 and Public-Private Partnerships: COVID-19 Response & Recovery in the Framework of the 2030 Agenda

Events 1, 2, 3 and 4 have been held. Event 5 will soon be held. There is need for Event 5 to actually Learn Lessons from outcome Events 1, 2, 3 and 4.

New UN Partnership Strategy

UNDESA promised to release New UN Partnership Strategy by July 2018 and is yet to do this. There is urgent need for a re-written New UN Partnership Strategy for Results in the Design and Delivery of Unprecedented Global Response to tackle Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date, to be released.

Central Coordination of Unprecedented Global Response

In view of realities on the ground, it is now clear that Central Coordination of Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date DEMAND:-
1.   A Single Community Based/ One Planet/One World Public Health/Health ad Well being Approach Interrelated, Interlinked, Interdependent, Interconnected and Interdependent with One World Agenda; One World Communication; One World Education; One World Development Finance; One World Science, One World Technology, One World Innovation, One World Food and Nutrition, One World Agriculture, One World Security, One World Evaluation; One World Reform and One World Public Sector etc as One Approach that is essentially Whole of World Approach, Whole of Government Approach, Whole of Society Approach, Whole of Bank Approach, Whole of UN System Approach etc using
2.     Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Frameworks within
3.  Single: Research, Planning, Data/Statistics; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results; Ownership, Alignment, Harmony; Transparency, Accountability, Participation; Leadership and Measuring Success as One Framework as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

The Institutional Architecture that effectively support above Approaches and Frameworks from Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global level is missing and this explain why the Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps responsible for increasing divergence between National and Global Sustainable Development Goals Intention and Reality was not filed in the past, is not being filled now and with Business as Usual and remaining Old Paradigms will not be filled in the future, with Ultimate Catastrophic  Consequences for our Fragile Planet. That is the Bad News.

The Good News is that Know How exist and is available to National and World Leaders to Build this required Institutional Architecture that effectively support above Approaches and Frameworks from Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global level and in ways that effectively fill the Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps for assuring  increasing convergence  between National and Global Sustainable Development Goals Intention and Reality now and in the future with Business Unusual and remaining New Paradigms thus ensuring US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

In the Design and Delivery of Unprecedented Global Response to tackle Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date, it is clear that solutions that need to be provided should be All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious as well as Available, Affordable, Accessible and Adequate as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context. This underlines the Urgent Need to Rethink Sustainable Solutions and Rebuild Institutional Architecture.

We urge Presidents/Heads of Government in any Powerful North or South Country genuinely interested to take all necessary measures to Fight and Win War on CONVID 19 Linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 to take up the Challenge of Hosting the suggested 3 Day High Level Political Forum, HLPF on Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 Linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030, to please contact us on email below to discuss action next Steps in their Country and Global Interest.

There are bright prospects of success should World Leaders ensure that the HLPF to find Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions hold as suggested. However, there are Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences should it be Business as Usual and the HLPF not be convened and on Time.

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost.

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             April 2020.