Friday, July 21, 2017

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 42

ISPE       EAG

Food Brexit, Environment Brexit,, Urban Cities Brexit, Rural Communities Brexit and related Brexits: Tackling Implementation and Evaluation Challenges – Thoughts on Priorities and Direction Moving Forward to Stronger UK, Stronger Ireland, Stronger, Stronger Russia, Europe; Stronger Nigeria, Stronger Brazil, Stronger Canada, Stronger USA, Stronger China and Stronger World


The 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP 21, Agenda 21, that is essentially collapsed into the indivisible 17 Goals of the SDG and applicable to all North and South Countries in our World today, is an All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Agenda presenting a Global Framework that could help each North and South Country in our World today in the great task of design and delivery of New National Development Vision and New International Development Vision that collectively help achieve successful World Sustainable Development that Leave No One Behind by 2030 Target date.

In compliance with Paragraph 19 of QCPR 2016, the UN Secretary General on 30 June 2017 released the above UNSG Report on Repositioning the UN Development System to deliver on the 2030 Agenda – Ensuring Better Future for All1. The Report essentially calls for “Rethinking Development Finance; Rethinking Global Economy; Rethinking  Evaluation; Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data and Digitization; Rethinking Cooperatives; Rethinking Communication and Rethinking Multi Stakeholder Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs and Lobbying as Force for Good as Foundation for Achieving increasing Convergence between 2030 Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention ad Reality in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States by Target Date”2.

1.     UNSG Report on Repositioning the UNDS, July 2017
2.     ISPE/EAG Blog Article on Rethinkings for Achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda

The Report provide stronger evidence supporting validity of many of our Organization’s Study Findings including - that there is disconnect between Communities in North and South Countries UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities Headquarters; that many UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities –Policy, Program, Project Interventions are discussed and implemented at Headquarters and Regional Offices, discussed without implementation at Country Offices and not discussed and not implemented at Sub-national Offices and Beneficiary Community levels; that many UN Member States are looking up to the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities for support in aligning and harmonizing 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21 and Agenda 21 to their respective Country Development Plans and Community Development Plans but these UN System Entities themselves need help before they can be in a position to help UN Member States Entities; that UNDESA has been saddled with responsibility to Re-engineer itself to enable UNDESA deliver on its responsibility in the 2030 Transformation Agenda but UNDESA cannot on its own Re-engineer itself as UNDESA needs help if it is to design and deliver UNDESA Re-engineering Program / UNDESA Productivity and Quality Improvement Program that can succeed on sustainable basis. This also holds true for all remaining UN System: UNO, WBG and IMF Entities; that it is not helpful to use UNO interchangeable with UN System. UNO is an Organization that itself is a Member of a Much Bigger Organization the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF; that without knowing why UNO DaO (Delivery as One) that is over 10 years had flaws and failures, relevant authorities on UN Member States and UN System sides will not know how to design and deliver UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF DaO that will be successful on sustainable basis and that meaningfully addressing these and related points greatly depends on finding clear and correct answers to 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 How questions, noting that 2030 Transformation Agenda What questions are over-answered producing Study Reports, Consultation Reports, Conferences and Meetings Outcome Documents that are Vision and Words without Action while 2030 Transformation Agenda How questions that are avoided or evaded in the past and up till now, are needed to produce Study Reports, Consultation Reports, Conferences and meetings Outcome Documents that are Vision and Words with ACTION.

The Report identifies Leadership and Accountability as Major Issues. However, on Accountability; as long as concerned National Leaders and Global Leaders on UN Member States: Governments, Parliaments, Judiciary; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF; CSOs/NGOs; Academic Institutions/ Traditional Institutions/ Religious Organizations; Private Sector: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Multinational Enterprises; Media: Radio, TV, Print, Online sides supported by Internal Consultants and External Consultants with minimum certain levels of Hard Competences: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage and Mindset do not know why Paris Declaration, PD (2005) and Bussan Declaration (2011) had flaws and failures; they will not know how to design and deliver 2030 Agenda: AAAA, SDG, OP21, Agenda 21 Accountability Framework that will succeed on sustainable basis in all 306/193 UN Member States; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities and Partners sides.

And on Leadership, there is a need for UN Secretary General, UNSG; UN Chief Executives Board, UNCEB; UN Security Council, UNSC and UN General Assembly, UNGA and its Committees and ECOSOC as well as UN Member States Governments, Parliaments and Judiciary and their Partners to jointly recognize that whether work towards achieving increasing convergence between 2030 Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention and Reality at each Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional (Sub-Continental); Regional (Continental) and Global - CSnNSrRG levels will Sail or Sink; Succeed or Fail greatly depends on Leadership at each CSnNSrRG level and that domiciling the New Resident Coordinator Concept in UNDP suggest that lessons learning has progressed at the same pace as lessons forgetting, therefore mistakes of Resident Coordinator Concept in more than 10 years of UN Organization Delivery as One, UNO DaO, coinciding with later years of implementing and evaluating MDG and over 18 months of implementing and evaluating SDG would be reoccurring decimals in the remaining less than 13 years of implementing and evaluation SDG, unless corrective measures are taken and on time.

There is need to recognize that using UNO and UN Development System, UNDS interchangeably in unhelpful if not erroneous. The UN Development System or UN System comprises of UNO as well as WBG and IMF. Therefore the Report ought to have covered UNDS that is inclusive of UNO, WBG and IMF DaO and the Report needs to do more if all Information, Research and Knowledge Gaps are to be correctly identified and correctly filled in each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional Location context.

This present challenge of managing the huge and complex structural and policy changes in each UN Member State Governments, Parliaments and Judiciary; in each UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities and their Partners sides at each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional (Sub-continental), Regional (Continental) and Global level; within One Worldwide Approach3 that is not a One Cap Fit All such as 3PCM - a Generic Approach that could be adapted to suit the unique needs and specific peculiarities of each Community to Global location context.

3.     3PCM Long Version. A short Version is available upon request

3PCM is therefore not a one-cap-fits-all approach but a means of Standardizing a Universal Approach or Common and Systemic Approach that could be adopted and applied by all or any Community to Global Stakeholder(s) involved in any aspect of the 2030 Agenda 3P Change and 3P Research, Planning, Statistics (Planning Side); 3P Implementation (Implementation Side); 3P Monitoring, Evaluation (Evaluation Side) and 3P Learning, Results, Measuring Success (Success Side).

This Paper is our Organization’s contribution towards helping to fill identified Information, Research and Knowledge Gaps in the UNSG Report thus converting it to Vision and Words with Action promoting and protecting Motion with Movement and Meaning necessary to support all CSnNSrRG Stakeholders on UN Member States; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF; CSOs/NGOs; Businesses: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Multinational Enterprises; Academics and Researchers; Agro Producers, Agro Processors and Agro Suppliers; Internal Consultants, External Consultants; Traditional Rulers, Religious Leaders; Media: Print, Radio, TV, Online Leaders in the work towards achieving increasing convergence between 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention and Reality in each specific CSnNSrRG context and in ways that Leave No One Behind by 2030 Target date.

Berxit and 8 June 2017 UK Elections

UK Voters have spoken on 8 June 2017. Theresa May has emerged Prime Minister with a hung Parliament that now has the huge responsibility of correctly interpreting what the UK Voters have said and in ways that help achieve stronger UK, stronger Europe and stronger World.

This calls for structural and policy changes at community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global levels that meaningfully promote and protect the common interest and common future of UK, Ireland, Germany, France, Russia, Europe; Nigeria, Africa; Brazil, China, Canada, USA and rest of the World. The required structural and policy changes need to meaningfully address full implementation with effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of conclusions and recommendations in the Experts Group Meeting, EGM on Strategies to Achieve Sustainable Development for All, UN Headquarters, May 2017 Report 4
4.      EGM May 2017 Report

and the UK Parliament Environmental Audit Committee, EAC April 2017 Report on Sustainable Development Goals in the UK5 and in ways that meaningfully mobilize Internal Publics and External Publics in the UN System: UNO, WBG and IMF to jointly find correct answers to Structural and Policy Changes real and complex correct diagnosis, correct prescription, correct surgery and correct recovery management How questions in each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context in each of the 306/193 UN Member States.

For the UK, we noted in earlier Paper that this underlines urgent need for the UK Government and UK Parliament to jointly with their Partners - other State Actors (Government Agencies and Entities) and Non State Actors (Civil Society, Business and General Public) and International Institutions (UN System: UNO, WBG and IMF Entities and Commonwealth System Entities within and beyond the UK on Rethinking UK National Development Vision interlinked, interconnected and interdependent with Rethinking UK International Development Vision. The New Government needs to brace up as it meaningfully addresses these fundamental issues.

It is pertinent to note that Brexit will affect all aspects of UK life; that the UK is now in the 2nd of 6 quarters of Brexit Negotiation Process, yet the outlook remain cloudy and that the UK Governments, UK Parliament; UK Business: Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Multinational Enterprises and UK Citizens in Urban Cities and Rural Communities need to jointly address Food Brexit, Environment Brexit, Urban Cities Brexit, Rural Communities Brexit and related Brexit in both their New UK National Development Vision and New UK International Development Vision components and that the UK cannot do this on its own but needs to work with Non UK State Actors and Non UK Non State Actors to work out Common Agreement in Negotiations with both EU and European Partners and Non EU and Non European Partners and in ways that more effectively and more efficiently promote and protect Stronger UK, Stronger EU, Stronger Europe; Stronger Africa, Stronger Asia, Stronger Americas and Stronger World. This underlines urgent need for UK Parliament Committees to Hit the Ground Running as soon as they are inaugurated.

Food Brexit

A recently released Brexit Briefing Report titled “A Food Brexit: Time to Get Real6 has identified Information, Research and Knowledge Gaps
5.      UK Parliament EAC Report on SDG in the UK
6.      Tim Lang, Erik Millstone & Terry Marsden July 2017; A Food Brexit: time to get real

that need to be urgently filled if Food Brexit Ordered Change is to help achieve Stronger UK, Stronger Europe and Stronger World. The Report warned that chaos and disaster in the UK lie ahead should disordered change in UK Food System arising from Mismanaged or Unmanaged Food Brexit be allowed to occur in reality by UK Government, UK Parliament and UK Citizens Individual and Joint Acts of omission and or commission.

It is pertinent to note that Mismanaged or Unmanaged Huge and Complex Change Processes in Food Brexit, Environment Brexit, Urban Cities Brexit, Rural Communities Brexit and related Brexits could or would unleash chaos and disaster not only in the UK and Europe but also in their Partner Countries that is, all remaining Countries and Continents across our World today.

The Key Food Brexit issues identified in the Report include:-
1.      Era of cheap food including high wastes; obesity from over consumption and hunger from under consumption due to manipulation and exploitation of Farmers in UK and more so in Africa and other Developing Countries is over.
2.      A New Era of cheap food including healthy diet, environmental sustainability, good corporate responsibility, low waste, waste to wealth and food for all in both North and South Countries, especially the over 2 billion poor children, youth, women, men and elders, should emerge if sustainable solutions are to be found to all real and complex Food Brexit and related Brexits problems on the ground in UK, Europe and World, full implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation at each specific CSnNSrRG level context.
3.      Era of Appalling Agriculture Subsidy wherein Cows are allocated US$2 per Day and over 2 Billion People live on less that US$ 2 per Day is over. Agro Producers in both North and South Countries need Support within Business Model that is investment, sustainable and economically viable not Subsidy within Grant Model that is consumption, expenditure, unsustainable and economically unviable.
4.      A New Era of National and International Division of Labor to more effectively and more efficiently strengthen UK, EU, Europe; Africa, Americas, Asia Sustainable Agriculture Value Chain Development that Works should emerge if sustainable solutions are to be found to all real and complex Food Brexit and related Brexits problems on the ground in UK, Europe and World, full implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation at each specific CSnNSrRG level context.
5.       Hard Brexit, Soft Brexit, No Deal Outcomes that excludes Food Brexit would ultimately deliver chaos and disaster, should UK and EU continue to face current direction and adopt current priorities.
6.      Alternative to Brexit that ultimately deliver Stronger UK, Stronger EU, Stronger Europe, Stronger Africa, Stronger Americas, Stronger Asia and Stronger World is urgently needed if our World is to change from accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM.
Alternative Brexit, Public Sector Management, PSM and World Sustainable Development

The design and deliver of Alternative to Brexit that work to better promote and protect World Sustainable Development needs to start from clearly identifying all Brexit root cause or primary cause real and complex problems on the ground in each of the 28 EU Countries and EU Region. Such identification need to focus on:-
1.      Single Currency 18 European Countries
2.      Single Market 28 European Countries, less 1 if or when the UK Finally Exit
3.      Single Customs 28 European Countries, less 1 if or when the UK Finally Exit
4.      Single Region 51 European Countries, including 1 Arab Country on European Land
through correct diagnosis, finding sustainable solutions, fully implementing identified sustainable solutions with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation through correct prescription, correct surgery and correct recovery management. This underlines need for effective Post Conflict and Peace Public Sector Management for World Sustainable Development whose design and delivery is built upon One Worldwide Approach such as 3PCM and recognizes:
1.      Food Security, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture as One Dimension of 2030 Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 as components of indivisible SDG being the overarching 2030 Transformation Agenda that applies to all North and South Countries in our World today.
2.      Need for:-
a)      Powerful North and South Countries: Governments Leaders, Parliament Leaders, Judiciary Leaders, Non State Actors Leaders as Co Chief Champions of National and Global Collective Action for World Sustainable Development through New Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Environmental, Peace, Security, Religious, Moral, Cooperatives, Communication, Governance, Accountability, Legal, Technical Order at each specific CSnNSrRG level.
b)     Non State Actors Activists and Organizers as Mobilizers of the National and Global Collective Action Multi Stakeholders Partnerships / Platforms that Work at each specific CSnNSrRG level.
c)      Powerful Religious Organizations Leaders as Drivers of Values Reorientation; Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale at each specific CSnNSrRG level.

Post Conflict and Peace PSM7 Pillars for Both North and South Countries

1.      Rebuilding Trust in Government Institutions: A Key Challenge in Post Conflict and Peace Reconstruction. Note that all Countries have been in Conflict at one time or the other and so Post Conflict is used in a broader sense and affect all North and South Countries.
7.      WPSR 2010
2.      Post Conflict and Peace Reconstruction: A Complex Task requiring Effective Leadership.
3.      Effective Leadership: A Key Challenge in Building Institutions.
4.      Building Institutions: A Complex Task requiring Good Governance, Value Reorientation, Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale and Effective Civil Service and Public Service.
5.      Effective Civil Service and Public Service: A Key Challenge Integral to the Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Environmental, Peace, Security, Religious, Moral, Cooperatives, Communication, Governance, Accountability and Judicial life of every Country – North or South in our World today.
6.      Citizens Engagement in Post Conflict and Peace Reconstruction: An Essential Ingredient in Sustainable National and International Cooperation.
7.      Citizens Centric Service Delivery in Post Conflict and Peace Situations. The reason d’être of Public Administration in every Country – North or South in our World today.

Good Governance requires clear Goals and robust performance measures which are transparent and more importantly outcome based.

How can National and International Stakeholders in each UN Member State take proper account of all the different issues that matter to Citizens in Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Policy Making? This is the main question the Food Brexit Report seek to answer. The Report has done well on the What component. Results can only come on successful and sustainable basis when the How component answers are provided. Post Conflict and Peace PSM for World Sustainable Development is One of the Master Keys for finding these all important How component answers.

This is a Key moment when the Public in Powerful North and South Countries, leading the Public in all remaining North and South Countries should ensure that Food, Agriculture and Nutrition Policy Choices are taken in an open and accountable manner. It is getting clearer that continuing to leave them fragmented, unspoken and unexplained would be one way ticket to disaster, especially when not if irreversibility point is reached on MADning Road to DOOM should National Leaders and Global Leaders turn blind eye to the evidence and keep working HARDer doing the same old things in the same old ways and wondering why they keep getting the same old Results rather than working  SMARTer DOING New things in New Ways to get New results.

Building and Sustaining Popular CSnNSrRG Movements for Brexit, PSM and World Sustainable Development that Work

1.      Skillful Legislative Tacticians in UK Parliament required to do the ground work in Commons and Lords; generate petitions to Parliament and Mobilize significant help in UK Government Agencies and UK Parliament Committees as well as in Governments and Parliaments in Europe and remaining 4 Continents to create HUGE Popular Movement relentlessly creating Pressures outside Walls of Parliaments in each UN Member State.
2.      National and Global Network of Volunteers in each Stakeholder Block – UN Member States: Governments, Parliaments, Judiciary; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF; CSOs/NGOs; Farm: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Multinational Enterprises; Processor: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Multinational Enterprises, Academics and Researchers; Internal Consultants and External Consultants etc collaborating within CSnNSrRG Multi Stakeholder Platforms / Partnerships that Work.
3.      Just as British Army humiliating defeat quashing slave revolt in St Dominigue (Haiti) sent shock waves throughout the British Establishment and indirectly strengthened the forces in UK Parliament that voted to abolish slave trade in 1807, the realities of Hard Brexit, Soft Brexit or No Brexit as they unfold in ongoing Negotiation Process now in 2nd of 6 quarters, with so many preliminary issues yet to be attended to, shock waves would be sent throughout the UK Establishment, remaining 27 EU Countries Establishment  and EU Establishment and indirectly strengthen forces (if they are organized, disciplined and oriented to be MOVNG FORCCE Driving Transformation of Society in UK, EU and World) within (1) and (2) that Work Together for Stronger UK, Stronger Europe and Stronger World. This needs Strategic Management of Huge and Complex Change Processes. It cannot just be left to happen on its own neither can the adverse and catastrophic consequences of Brexit as Force for Evil rather than Force for Good be wished away. All necessary arrangements for Brexit as Force for Good need to be discussed, negotiated and established and on time.
4.      Support from Major Universities in North and South Countries is much needed and could start from the Authors of the Food Brexit Report and their Universities.
5.      Wilberforce met with Society for Effecting the Abolition of Slave Trade and with encouragement from UK Prime Minister Pitt agreed to raise their cause in UK Parliament. Activist Parliamentarians in North and South Countries need to consider early meeting with International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group and with encouragement from Parliamentary Colleagues Leading Parliament Committees and Heads of Government in their respective Countries agree to raise cause of Ending Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty that is integral to full implementation with effective monitoring and evaluation of the UK Parliament former Environmental Audit Committee Report on SDG in the UK Conclusions and Recommendations in the UK, EU, Europe, Americas, Africa and Asia as well as UNSG Reports; UNGA Resolutions on all aspects of the 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21; other Study Reports such as Food Brexit Report; Briefing Papers such as those posted on ISPE/EAG Blog; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Study Reports; relevant UNDS and Non UNDS Conferences and Meetings Outcome Documents.
6.      Issues within (1) – (6) need to be meaningfully addressed at each specific CSnNSrRG level within Hunger, Malnutrition, Poverty, Security, Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability Dimension of 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, OP21, Agenda 21 aligned and harmonized with Community Development Plans, Sub-national Development Plans and National Development Plans in each UN Member State; Sub-regional Development Plans and Regional Development Plans pooled into a Single Agenda World Development Plan.
7.      Master Keys for Design and Delivery of Master Plans in (6)
A.        Resources: Influence, Science, Innovation, Technology (Management, Information, Internet, Computer, Bio, Energy, MIICBE) Fund, Manpower, Land, Water, Spiritual.
B.         Capacity Building on 3 Levels for all National and International Stakeholder Groups:-
i)     Individual: Hard Competences – Learning and Skills and Soft Competences: Character, Courage and Mindset
ii)   Institution: Systems – Operations, Administration, Governance, Marketing, Funding, Technology MIICBE, Evaluation, Accountability, Regulation, Standards, Accounting, Service Delivery, Legal and Reform
iii) Society: Spaces – Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Peace, Security, Religious, Moral, Cooperatives, Communication, Social, Environmental, Legal and Technical
8.      The Goals and Objectives of Master Plans in (6) need to be agreed by all concerned National and International Stakeholders using One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation that is:-
·        Whole of Society Approach
·        Whole of Government Approach
·        Whole of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Approach
·        Whole of Community Approach

Overall Strategic Intention for each Master Plan:

·        Where are we now (A)?
·        Where do we need to be to achieve the Overall Strategic Objective by Target Date (B)?
·        HOW do we move from (A) to (B) to achieve the Overall Strategic Objective by Target Date?

Direction and Priorities:

·        Food Security, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture Dimensions of 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 applicable to specific location context starting from State, LG, Community Needs Assessment

Activities, Events:

·        Public and Private Agro Production and Storage Extension Services.
·        Public and Private Agro Processing and Marketing Extension Services.
·        Integrated Water (Agriculture, Domestic, Commercial, Industrial, Energy) Resources Management.
·        Integrated Agriculture Security Management
·        Integrated Pest Management.
·        Integrated Health (Plant, Animal, Human) Management.
·        Integrated Human Resources Management.
·        Lifelong Education.
·        Lifelong Entrepreneurship.
·        Integrated Communication Management.
·        Integrated Business Process Re-engineering.
·        Integrated Productivity and Quality Improvement.
·        Integrated Information, Research and Knowledge Management.
·        Integrated MSPs Management.
·        Integrated Cooperatives – Primary Societies, Secondary Unions and Central Society Management.
·        Integrated Consultation: Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global Management.
·        Integrated Attitudinal and Behavioral Change at Scale Management.
·        Integrated OH2A2T2LPRSC (Ownership, Harmony, Alignment, Accountability, Transformation, Transparency, Learning, Leadership, Participation, Results, Success Measurement and Capacity Building) Management.
·        Integrated Technologies (Management, Information, Internet, Computer, Bio, Energy) Management.
·        Strategic Partnership with select North and South Countries through their Embassies / High Commissions – North Countries: US, UK, France, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Japan; South Countries: China, Brazil, India, South Africa, Argentina, Malaysia, Israel for collaboration within Agriculture Research and Development; Strengthened Cooperatives Movement; Student and Management Exchange Programs etc.
·        Integrated Development Solutions (Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Peace, Security, Religion, Moral, Technical, Legal) Management.
·        Finding clear and correct answers to HOW questions through DOING – Pilot Programs and Scale Up Programs in 3 LGAs’ – 1 per Senatorial District.


Productivity and Quality Improvement Programs / Re-engineering Programs
Governments / UNS Entities sides
·        Selecting One Worldwide Approach
·        Selecting Global Coordinating External Consultant and Global Coordinating Internal Consultant for each UN Member State and UNO, WBG, IMF Individually and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF as One.
·        Orientation Workshops.
·        Technical Surveys – Management, Engineering, Financial.
·        Pilot Program for Implementing and Evaluating Technical Surveys Outcome Documents Conclusions and Recommendations.
·        Scale Up Programs for Expanding and Extending Successful Pilot Programs.

Community Side:

·        Community Integrated Farm Estate Type 1 and Type 2. Details provided upon request.
·        New Cooperatives Movement: NEHMAP Multipurpose Cooperatives Primary Societies, Secondary Unions and Central Society.
·        Mobilizing Angel Investors: Indigenes at Home and in Diaspora; Settlers and New Comers who have made the Community their Home to take up Share Holding in Cooperatives Entities and Community Development Investment Companies as well as serve as Sponsor and Beneficiary of NEHMAP Events and Activities. Angel Investors who do not wish to be publicly known can be professionally protected.


No Individual, Institution or Government anywhere in our World today has all of the answers to all of the real and complex problems on the ground facing each North or South Country or knows the Food, Fuel or Finance Shock or any other Shok that would push our Fragile Planet past irreversibility point as our World continue to relentlessly accelerate on the MADning Road to DOOM. The evidence and warnings are getting increasingly clearer. The Time is Now to Reason and Get Real in the great task to achieve increasing convergence between 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision and its Leave No One Behind Concept Intention and Reality in each Community in each North and South Country in our World today.  One day delay in DOING the needful to get our world to kick start paradigm shift from Talking and Thinking to Action and Accomplishments for Results may be One Day too late. That is at the community level, at the sub-national level, at the country level, at the sub-regional level, at the regional level, and at the global level, we all need to make these things happen required to change our world to accelerating on MAPing Road to BOOM:
a)       jointly making paradigm shifts from working in silos to working intersectorially in synergy;
b)     from multiple approaches to common approaches that continuously improve convergence, alignment and harmony;
c)      from business as usual to business unusual;
d)     from parrotting change to practicing change;
e)      from academic research aimed at advancing frontiers of knowledge to development research aimed at significant improvement in critical contemporary measures of service, speed, costs, quality and where necessary revenue;
f)       from talking and thinking to Action and Accomplishment.

A platform such as the FAO Multi Stakeholder Platform / Partnership, MSP described in earlier Paper and similar Platforms in UNDESA, other UNO Entities, other UN System: WBG and IMF Entities; Commonwealth System Entities are Global Public Good that helps all parties on North and South Governments and Parliaments and Partners sides engage in dialogue and agree on way-forward actions

The fundamental issues highlighted in the Paper need to be effectively addressed if sustainable solutions are to be found to War on Hunger, War on Poverty and War on Terror in each Community in each of the 16 LGs in Ekiti State as well as in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, Canada, US and rest of the World and this calls for more spirited effort at addressing Food Security, Nutrition Security and Sustainable Agriculture Dimension of the 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21 and Agenda 21 as One.

There are bright prospects of success, if the right thing is done and on time.

Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group and
Director NEHMAP (New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty)
Email:       M: +234-8162469805                      22 July 2017

On Wednesday, 26 April 2017, 15:49, "ClarosOviedo, Manuel (OPCP)" wrote:

Dear Mr Rotimi,

Thank you for your messages.

I wish to express our appreciation for your interest in FAO’s work and activities, but nonetheless, I would like to point out that as a United Nations specialized agency, the Organization’s internal structure and processes’ change and development are only driven by member states.

Please note that FAO’s interventions at regional, sub-regional and country levels promote an integrated programme approach to food security and nutrition challenges and sustainable development, which are decided on by governments through Regional Initiatives and Country Programme Frameworks (CPF).

Your comments and issues’ about possible FAO structural and policy changes are much appreciated.  Although, kindly note that as a Non State Actor (NSA), your organization cannot be involved in structural decision making processes and/or change of any kind related to FAO, given that NSAs are observers according to internal procedures.

As per FAO’s Strategy for Partnerships with the Private Sector, FAO recognizes two main categories of contributions from the private sector:
•                    Mutual collaboration: Partnerships involve active collaboration of the private sector with FAO in support of its work and in line with government priorities. Such collaboration could concern any of the areas of engagement: Development and technical programmes; Policy dialogue; Advocacy and communication; Norms and standard setting; Knowledge management and dissemination and Mobilization of resources. These may draw on mutual know-how, expertise and other support.
•                    Sponsorships:  Partnerships involve financial contributions from the private sector in support of FAO’s programmes through identified areas of engagement. Private sector contributions can be targeted towards specific projects and programmes.

Considering the information above, we regret to inform you that FAO will not be able to move forward in  partnership with your Organization.

I therefore wish to take this opportunity to express best wishes and the greatest success on your projects.

Kind regards,

Manuel. E. Claros Oviedo
Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development Division (OPC)
División de Asociaciones, Promoción Institucional y Desarrollo de las Capacidades
FAO HQ – Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153
Rome, Italy

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