Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 61

 EAG        ISPE 
                   ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                                INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
      (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)                     (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date – Urgent Need for UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) to Face New Direction and Adopt New Priorities.


World Leaders agreed the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs or World 2030 Transformation Agenda in September 2030. As all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge which states that none of the SDGs 17 Goals will be considered met, if it is not achieved by All Peoples in All Countries.  With less than 12 years to end 2030 target date, now is an appropriate time to pause, reflect on the over 3 years of SDGs Implementation Worldwide, to critically assess what is working and HOW it could be further improved and what is not working and HOW it could be effectively corrected.

The UN General Assembly saddled UNDESA with responsibility to Re-engineer itself, so UNDESA could be in position to better support UN Member States seeking UNO support to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030.  In seeking to deliver on this responsibility UNDESA has re-organized itself into 10 Divisions. The Big Question is: Are these 10 Divisions Performing? Are these 10 Divisions now in a position to effectively support all 193/306 UN Member States to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date?

This Paper is intended to draw attention of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Authorities and 193/306 UN Governments Authorities to genuinely appreciate that the Huge Task of getting all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date could only be done and on time, if the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Re-engineering Initiatives Face New Direction and Adopt New Priorities.

UNEA4 2019 Event: Turning Point in Work Towards Achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030?

The 19 February 2019 Event on “From Global Issues to Local Priorities: The role of Cities in the Global Agenda including Cities for Sustainable Development, Food Security, Nutrition and Climate Change” with PGA, FAO and UN-Habitat as Co Conveners has been held. The Event set out to answer HOW Questions but like past UNO/UN System Events ended up answering What Questions, despite the fact that suggestions for ensuring the Event indeed answered HOW Questions were made available. These avoidable ERRORS were made in several UNO Events e.g. DCF May 2018 and HLPF July 2018. It is our hope that UNEA4 March 2019 will indeed avoid this ERROR and in Global Interest.

We urge UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) authorities and 193/306 UN Member States Governments Authorities to genuinely appreciate that as long as they keep avoiding or evading answer to HOW Questions, the Task to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030 will remain undone. Allowed to occur, the ultimate consequences will be catastrophic for 8.5 People in our World of 2030, especially the 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders that UN System Claim to serve. UNEA4 need to be Turning Point.
Achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030: Change Must Start from UNDESA and UNO

UNDESA 10 Divisions each has a set of specific main activities that it is saddled with responsibility to deliver on as its contribution to help all 193/306 UN Member States get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.

If each of the 10 UNDESA Divisions is performing at minimum certain levels, all 193/306 UN Member States will be On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.

If all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date, it is obvious that ongoing UNDESA Reforms or Re-engineering is not Progressing at minimum certain levels required to get the Huge Task done.

We perceive that he real problem is that ongoing UNDESA Reforms or Re-engineering is not Departmental Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of entire UNO Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Reforms or Re-engineering Program that Work. This underlines urgent need to go back to the basics of UNDESA Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of basics of entire UNO Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of basics of entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Reform or Re-engineering Program that Work to achieve Results o time.

There is urgent need to Reinvigorate ongoing UNDESA Reforms to meaningfully address:-
  1. Weak and Powerless ASGs: ASGs MUST be Deputies to USG in Power, Authority and Influence. One ASG should be assigned responsibility for Stakeholder Coordination and One ASG should be assigned responsibility for Operation Activities.
  2. The Division for SDGs, DSDG main activities should include Intra Department Coordination, Inter Department Coordination, Inter Agency Coordination, State Actors Coordination and Non State Actors Coordination with regard to ensuring all 193/306 UN Member States achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date, hence the need for DSDG that Work.   
  3. Taking Partnership responsibility away from DSDG and creating Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms MSPs for SDGs Pledge Delivery Support Office, MSDSO to replace Population Division. There is a Specialized UN Agency with responsibility for Population. Population Activities Coordination could be done by DSDG and other relevant UNDESA Divisions/Offices. Without Backbone MSP and MSPs for SDGs Pledge Delivery that Work, seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage, hence the need for MSDSO that Work. 
  4. Taking Communication responsibility away from DSDG and creating Communication for Sustainable Development Division, CSDD to replace United Nations Forum on Forests, UNFF. There is a Specialized UN Agency with responsibility for Forests. Forests Activities Coordination could be done by DSDG and other relevant UNDESA Divisions/Offices. Also there is a Department for Public Information that is more interested in Razzmatazz than in Communication for Sustainable Development that Work. Without Communication for Sustainable Development that Work, seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage, hence the need for CSDD that Work. As part of entire UNO Reform or Re-engineering Program, DPI will be strengthened to deliver on its Communication for Sustainable Development that Work responsibility, but this is not exclusive responsibility.
  5. The Division for Inclusive Social Development, DISD main activities should include Conflict, Inequalities, Injustice, Unsustainable Production, Unsustainable Consumption, Unsustainable Citizenship as One as well as Inclusive Education – Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Production, Education for Sustainable  Consumption and Education for Sustainable Citizenship, hence the need for DISD that Work. DISD responsibility for Cooperatives at the National and International levels need to be passed to the Finance for Sustainable Development Office, FSDO that is better suited to deliver on this responsibility.
  6. The Finance for Sustainable Development Office, FSDO needs to appreciate that without Goals Framework – What National and International Stakeholders Jointly Agree to Achieve; Means Framework – Ways of Raising Finance, Investment and Fighting Corruption and Effectiveness Framework - HOW to Design and Deliver Cohesive, Coordinated, Collaborative, Cooperative and Committed  Research, Planning, Data, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results, Transparency, Accountability and Participation as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context as One, seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage. This underlines the need for FSDO that Work.
  7. The Division for Public Institutions and Digital Governance, DPIDG needs to appreciate that without Public Sector Management and Public Finance Management as One, seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage. This underlines the need for DPIDG that Work.
  8. We observe that Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, is listed as Officer-In-Charge DPIDG as well as Director Statistics Division, SD. This should not be the case. The duties and responsibilities of DPIDG and SD are specialist and demanding thus deserving separate Heads. Mr. Stefan Schweinfest, is probably better suited to continue heading SD where he is Director, while Professionals with adequate Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural Discipline, Mindset and Leadership are appointed to Head DPIDG, MSDSO and CSDD where the position of Director are vacant.
  9. The Economic Analysis and Policy Division, EAPD main activities should include Support for Economic Growth in all 193/306 UN Member States and Institutional Reform at Intra Department, Inter Department, Inter Agency, State Actors and Non State Actors sides. This underlines need to rename the Division as Economic Growth and Institution Reform Support Division, EGIRD and underlines need for EGIRD that Work. Without EGIRD that Work seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage.
  10. The Capacity Building Office, CBO main activities should include Support for all Types of Capital Human Capital – Resources Measured in terms of the Knowledge, Expertise, Ability and Creativity of People; Physical Capital – Resources Measured in terms of Real Assets including Real Estate. Land and Infrastructure; Finance Capital – Resources Measured in terms of Monetary Value and Social Capital – Resources Measured in terms of Networks and Relationships that Connect People, Create Value and Enable/Empower Change. This underline need for Capacity Building on 3 Levels: Individual - Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural Discipline, Mindset and Leadership; Institution: Systems, Structures, Policies, Procedures, Culture, Rules Changes and Society: Political, Cultural, Economic, Finance, Social, Environmental, Security, Peace, Religious, Moral Space for achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context. This underlines need for CBO that Work.
  11. The UN System Chief Executives Board, UNCEB for Coordination needs urgent overhaul. For example, the UNCEB Website still list Inter Agency and Experts Group on MDGs Indicators and MDG Gap Task Force as 1st Quarter 2019 Year 4 of Implementation race to end; UN Evaluation Group, UNEG is sleeping and need to speedily wake up; UN Development Group, UNDG appears to be doing something but need to do much more; Global Food Security and Nutrition Forum, GFSF  and UN System Network on Rural Development and Food Security appear to be doing something but need to do much more; Inter Agency Standing Committee, (IASC) appear to be doing something but need to do much more; UN Non Governmental Liaison Service, NGLS appear to be doing something but  need to do much more; UN Strategic Planning Network, UNSPN appear to be doing something but need to do much more; UN Environment Management Group, UNEMG with its New Model Approach Version 2 is on the verge of doing the much more that need to be done. This suggest that of the 10 UN Management Groups we have suggested, Three Exist – UNEnMG – Environmental Management, UNEG (UNEvMG – Environmental Management) and UNSPN that need to be collapsed into any of the remaining 8 UN Management Groups – Development Management, Resilience Management, Reform Management, Communication Management, Service Management, Productivity Management, Financial Management and Religion Management while the remaining 7 UN Management Groups are speedily established. UNEnMG is already running with Environment Dimension of UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2. The remaining 9 UN Management Groups need to Kick Start their respective Dimensions of UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 and without further delay. This underlines need for UNCEB that Work.
  12. The ECOSOC and its Subsidiary Bodies need urgent overhaul. If these Bodies were working as intended the entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) will be Fit for Purpose and Fit for the 21st Century. For example if Africa Regional Commission was Performing, Africa will not be in the terrible state the Continent is in; if the Europe Regional Commission was Performing there will be no UK/EU Brexit. Without Brexit shifting from Force for Evil and shifting to Force for Good and before irreversibility point is passed, seeking to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 203 target date is Mirage. This underlines urgent need for New ECOSOC and New ECOSOC Subsidiary Bodies.
  13. The 10 Dimensions of UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 we have put forward MUST Operate as One and MUST ensure Policy, Program, Project Intervention, 3PI and 3PI Training as One Top Down Approach actually get down to the Bottom Grassroots in each Community in all 193/306 UN Member States as HOT as it was initiated at the Top and that Bottom Up Approach response to 3PI and 3PI Training as One actually get up to the Top Political Leadership in all 10 Divisions in New UNDESA; New UNDESA; New UNO and New UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) as HOT as it was responded to at the Bottom in each Community in all 193/306 UN Member States.     
  14. The Office of Intergovernmental Support and Coordination for Sustainable Development, OISCSD need to appreciate that in reality OISCSD is responsible for Coordination of Coordination entire UNO and indeed UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) SDGs Pledge Delivery as One. The implication is that without Reformed or Re-engineered OISCSD being the Lead Driver of UNDESA Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of entire UNO Reform or Re-engineering Program that is Integral Part of entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Reform or Re-engineering Program, seeking to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date will be Mirage. This underlines the need for OISCSD that Work and all remaining UNDESA Divisions that Work in the New Dispensation. 
The Way Forward – Facing New Direction and Adopting New Priorities

The era of UN Specialized Agencies – FAO, UNDP etc lamenting issues for which they have statutory responsibility for design and delivery of Innovative Sustainable Solutions is over. The era of UN Coordinating Agencies – UNCEB, UNDESA and its 10 Divisions etc, Parroting Change and Business Unusual while continuing to deliver No Change and Business as Usual is also over. This will be the case if UNDESA, UNO and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) are genuinely interested in helping all 193/306 UN Member States to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the less than 12 years remaining to end 203 target date. To achieve smooth transition to the new era, we have put forward Innovative Sustainable Solutions within  3 Step Actions: Analysis; Pilot Program and Scale Up Program and Feeding Back Lessons Learned into Pilot Program and Scale Up Program as One Universal Framework:-
1.      Triple Action Analyses:
a)    Desk Review of existing relevant Study Reports; Conferences/Meetings Outcome Documents and Technical/Working Papers
b)    Orientation Workshops for each concerned Organization/Government / UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entity’s Governing Council, Executive Management, Management and Staff;
i)     Starting from Top Leadership where Governing  Council, Executive Management and Top Management participate as One and
ii)   Moving into Strategic Business Units (Revenue Generating) / Strategic Service Units (Non Revenue Generating) where all Staff from most senior – Executive Management to most junior Staff will participate as One, to jointly set the Organization / Government / UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entity New Vision and Together Work on Needed Change required to achieve Desired Transformation and within set time.
c)      Technical Surveys:
i)   Management Survey to identify all root cause or primary cause Administration and Personnel problems on the ground and come up with Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Innovative Sustainable Solutions including input from Desk Review and Orientation Workshop.
ii)    Engineering Survey to identify all root cause or primary cause Engineering, Technology, Knowledge, Science and Technical problems on the ground and come up with Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Innovative Sustainable Solutions including input from Desk Review and Orientation Workshop.
iii)    Financial Survey to identify all root cause or primary cause Budget, Finance, Accounts, Audit, Banking, Investment, Insurance, Taxation  and Corruption problems on the ground and come up with Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Innovative Sustainable Solutions including input from Desk Review and Orientation Workshop.
2.      Pilot Program and Scale Up Program:
The Desk Review Reports; Orientation Workshops Reports and Technical Surveys Reports – Management, Engineering and Financial will be Synthesized into a Single Report for Phased Testing and Trial. All Flaws, Failures, Shortcomings and Hindrances identified will be Corrected in Pilot Program before expansion into Scale Up Program wherein all Flaws, Failures, Shortcomings and Hindrances will continue to be Monitored and Corrected until Goals are achieved at set Target dates.  
3.      Feeding Back Lessons Learned into Pilot Program and Scale Up Program
The Gap between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting was not filled in past and ongoing initiatives and this explains why past errors and mistakes remain re-occurring decimal. In this approach, the Gap between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting will be Filled or Bridged. This way Lessons will Actually be Learned and Fed Back to continuously improve both the Pilot Program and Scale Up Program. 

We have submitted that Finding Correct Answer to How Questions, Fully Implementing these Answers with effective Monitoring and Evaluation of this Implementation Demands:-
1.   Comprehensive or Holistic Approach that is All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Goals Framework, Means Framework and Effectiveness Framework as One;
2.   Operationnalizing (1) in Practice would achieve Best Results within Overarching Quality, Productivity and Empowerment Improvement Program that is a Re-Engineering Program or Reform Program.
3.    Operationnalizing (2) in Practice would achieve Best Results if the Organization / Government / UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entity Highest Political Authority Fully Support the Re-Engineering Program or Reform Program
4.    Operationnalizing (3) in Practice would achieve Best Results if the Organization / Government / UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entity Internal and External Publics are guided by Community to Global External Coordinating Consultants with Minimum Certain Levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership as One Support Framework.

We have further submitted that there is a Triangular Relationship between the 3 Reports on 3 Basic SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 Issues, expected to be released soon: UNEMG One Worldwide / Universal Approach; GPEDC Evidence Based Innovative Sustainable Solutions and UNDESA/UNDSDG Multi Stakeholders Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs Support. The 3 Reports are Interrelated, Interconnected, Interdependent and Interlinked and that it is Fail in Implementing One SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 Basic Issue, Fail in Implementing the remaining 2 SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 Basic Issues.

Therefore: the MSPs Support Report Conclusions and Recommendations need to support MSPs Backbone MSP that effectively connect each MSP in each Community, in each Country, in each  Continent and Globally with the UNO Headquarters New York, WBG and IMF Headquarters Washington and WTO (ITO) Headquarters regardless of whether the MSP is focused on single target in single SDG Goal in single Community in single Country – Smallest MSP or focused on all 169 Targets of all 17 Goals of the SDGs in all Communities, in all Countries in all Continents and Globally – Biggest MSP. Without this Backbone MSP fundamental issues of Policy, Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One: Coherence, Coordination, Collaboration, Cooperation and Commitment for Sustainable Development – 3PIs/3PIsTaO - 5CSD as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context cannot be effectively addressed either within single target in single SDG Goal in single Community in single Country or all 169 Targets of all 17 Goals of the SDGs in all Communities, in all Countries in all Continents and Globally or anywhere in between.

The New Model Approach Version 2 Report Conclusions and Recommendations needs to distinguish between One Cap Fit All that is undesirable and unhelpful and One Worldwide Common, Systemic and Shared Approach; between Legally Binding Agreement on Single Multi Stakeholder Approach and Voluntary Option Agreement wherein different Stakeholders use different Approaches some or many of which are divergent. It also needs to provide for the identified 9 Complimentary Approaches.

The Evidence Based Innovative Sustainable Solutions Report Conclusions and Recommendations need to demonstrate clearly that without speedily adopting One Worldwide/Universal Approach as well as supporting Backbone MSP that is Politically relevant in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context 193/306 UN Member States will be unable to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

It is against this background that we suggest as way forward, Action Kick Starting the 3 Step Action begin by UNDSDG, OISCSD, DPIDG, DISD Jointly Making Call for Expression of Interest in MSPs for SDGs Sustainable Solutions Pilot Program and Scale Up Program Invitation to:-
1.      Other UNO Entities and other UN System Entities
2.      193/306 UN Member States Governments: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary at all levels.  

We urge National and World Leaders to note that Kick Starting the 3 Step Action is not exclusive to UNDESA Divisions. Global Political Groupings of Countries, e.g. GPEDC, OECD and or any Regional/Continental Political Grouping of Countries, e.g. ACBF/MfDR/AfCOP; Coalition of Powerful North and South Countries and Coalition of Influential North and South Countries Universities, who are willing and able could also Kick Start the 3 Step Action.

For Best Results we recommend that UN System Entities or other Entities that seek to embark upon the 3 Step Action, first select Global Coordinating External Consultant with demonstrated Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership to effectively support them and their Partners in the work towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.


As UNEA4 hold in the next few days, it is our hope that the UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 Report 2019 and GPEDC Evidence Based Innovative Sustainable Solutions Report 2019 are both released at UNEA4 and UNDESA/UNDSDG New Partnership Support Strategy Interim Report 2019 is also simultaneously released at UEA4.

We urge UNDESA and its 10 Divisions; UN Environment and UNEP; FAO, IFAD, WPO; UNDP; WHO, UNESCO; ILO’ other UNO Entities; ECOSOC and its Subsidiary Bodies; other UN System: WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities; Global/ Continental Political Groupings; Coalition of UN Member States and Coalition of Universities to genuinely appreciate that they individually and jointly need to face new direction and adopt new priorities, if entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) are to be effectively Re-engineered to better support all 193/306 UN Member States to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date; and that the Institutional Architecture for the required re-engineering is best designed and delivered within the type of Analysis; Pilot Program and Scale Up Program and Feeding Back Lessons Learned into Pilot Program and Scale Up Program as One Universal Framework we have proposed.

We urge the National Leaders and World Leaders to genuinely appreciate that our Fragile Planet is at Risk of Peril, if urgent Remedial Action is not taken on time. The Ball is now in the Court of National Leaders and World Leaders – Will they Play or Will they Keep Looking On as the World accelerate on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM or will they DO the NEEDFUL and HELP all 193/306 UN Member States to speedily return to 2014 Cross Road and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM?

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost. To avoid this answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program need to start without delay.  

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
(Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International Society for Poverty Elimination
(Global Social Development Innovation Organization);
ER and Associates Limited
(National and International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative
(Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             February 2019.

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