Sunday, September 22, 2019

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 68

 EAG       ISPE 
                     ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date – Urgent Need for UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) to Face New Direction and Adopt New Priorities (4).

EAG Thoughts on Priorities and Direction in the Implementation and Evaluation of Food, Nutrition, Agriculture and Security Vision Dimension Linked to Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Security, Peace, Religious, Climate Change, Environmental, Procurement and Governance etc Dimensions of  Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 and NIEO for Delivery on SDG Pledge (No Goal will be considered met if it is not met by All Peoples in All  Countries) by 2030 Target date.


As 3rd Quarter 2019 Year 4 of Implementation of SDGs end, and all 193/306 UN Member States are still Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030, we again urge World Leaders to recognize that there is an urgent need for them to pause and do critical review of successes, flaws and failures in past 15 of 60 Quarters of SDGs Implementation, as basis for Rethinking   SDGs Pledge (which states that No Goal will be considered met if it is not achieved by all Peoples in all Countries) for effective delivery Worldwide, in the barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The fact that all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030 demand minimum certain levels of National and International Development Cooperation Radial/Fundamental and Rapid Change. This paints an inclusive education and inclusive communications landscape that is quite different from what we were familiar with. This points to new directions for needed changes and expose significant inadequacies in the framework of analysis that was employed in the past and are still being employed in the present. This underlines urgent need to fill information, research, knowledge and ambition gaps as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context, if all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

In this Paper, we again appeal to the conscience of National and World Leaders to know that choices they make – what they do and what they do not do, will determine if SDGs Pledge is achieved Worldwide or not; that should all Communities, Countries and Continents in our World today, fail to achieve delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date, the Ultimate Consequences will be Catastrophic for all Citizens, especially the over 5 billion Poor in all North and South Countries in our World of 2030 and that there are Bright Prospects of success should National and World Leaders do the needful and without further delay.

Study Findings

Our Study Finding is that:-
1.   There are 2 sides to Culture and Values in all Countries (193/306 UN Member States and these are:-
a)      Attitude, Behavior and Communication
b)      Rights, Development and Governance
2.      There are 3 Generations of Universal Human Rights. These are:-
a)      1st Generation:  Civil and Political Rights
b)      2nd Generation: Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
c)      3rd Generation: Collective, Freedoms and Solidarity Rights
3.    The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Generations of Universal Human Rights need to be Implemented and Evaluated as One in each of the 193/306 UN Member States and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Sub-Continent and Continent location context.
4.  Realities of No Government in Northern Ireland for years as well as UK/EU Brexit as National/Sub-Region Crises and Mess – Political, Economic, Social dismiss Myth that High Income Countries are in 3rd Generation Universal Human Rights; Middle Income Countries are in 2nd Generation Universal Human Rights and Low Income Countries are still grappling with 1st Generation Universal Human Rights.
5.   All Countries in our World today, have Bad Cultures and Bad Values hindering Work towards achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030 as well as Good Cultures and Good Values helping Work towards achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030. The Challenge is to reduce its own Bad Cultures and Bad Values while preventing other Countries Bad Cultures and Bad Values drawing it back from achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030 while simultaneously improving on its Good Cultures and Good Values and adapting other Countries Good Cultures and Good Values to increase its acceleration towards getting done the much that remain to be done, if it is to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all its Communities by 2030 target date.
6. As long as Right Answers to National and international Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change HOW Questions are not speedily found; Solving SDGs in all 193/306 UN Member States and 193/306 UN Member States Sustainability Strategy HOW Questions; Humans as X Factor How Questions; Changing Attitude and Behavior of Leaders and Followers at Scale in all 193/306 UN Member States Leaders and Followers HOW Questions and related HOW Questions would be especially difficult if not impossible. As long as these Linked answers are not found, fully implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation, and on time, the probability of finding permanent solutions to all 193/306 UN Member States New National Development Vision and New International Development Vision as One Huge and Complex problems on the ground is Low. If these permanent solutions are not found and on time, the ultimate consequences shall be catastrophic for all National and International Stakeholders in World Economy.
7.  Meaningfully addressing (1 - 6) underline urgent need to Operationalize in Practice Millennium Declaration (see below) and in ways that are Interrelated, Interdependent, Interlinked and Interconnected with Delivery on SDGs 5Ps – Peace, Prosperity, People, Partnership and Planet and 2 SDGs Principles set out by UNSG Ban Ki Moon that were omitted in SDGs Agreed by World Leaders – Dignity and Justice, that is SDGs 5Ps and DJ as well as SDGs 2  Concepts – Work Together to Benefit Together and Leave No One Behind as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Sub-Continent ,Continent and Global location context.
8.   Ministry of Justice in All 193/306 UN Member States have Central Role to Play in the Dignity and Justice Dimension as well and the Universal Human Rights Dimension of the SDGs in all 193/306 UN Member States.

Multi Stakeholder Platforms, MSP for Results SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030

To effectively address all fundamental issues highlighted in the Study Findings, DEMAND:-
1.    Sustainable Development Solutions Network, SDSN: There is urgent need for backbone SDSN that is essentially for Academics and Theoreticians.
2.    Development Cooperation Solutions Platform, DCSN: There is urgent need for backbone SDSN that is essentially for Academics and Theoreticians.
3.   Sustainable Development Solutions Platform, SDSP: There is urgent need for backbone SDSP that is essentially for Professionals and Practitioners – State Actors and Non State Actors, Informal Sector and Formal Sector, National and International in all 193/306 UN Member States.
4.    Development Cooperation Solutions Platform, DCSP: There is urgent need for backbone SDSN that is essentially for Professionals and Practitioners – State Actors and Non State Actors, Informal Sector and Formal Sector, National and International in all 193/306 UN Member States.

Each of the 4 MSP will have National and International Architecture that effectively connect all Communities in all 193/306 UN Member States to UN System: UNO Headquarters New York and Headquarters of UNO Entities outside New York; WBG Headquarters Washington; IMF, Headquarters Washington and WTO Headquarters. EAG Innovation essentially converts 17 Goals of the SDGs into 2 Goals – Ending World Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty and Managing Climate Change and Achieving Environmental Sustainability in All North and South Countries.

Each of the 4 MSP will help in the Implementation and Evaluation of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions set out 3PCM, One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change at levels required to achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date; HOW Master Plans for Implementation and Evaluation of SDGs in Country and Country Sustainability Strategy that is sufficiently All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in all 193/306 UN Member States in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date – involving Making 4th Agriculture Revolution Work for World Poor, Making 4th Industrial Revolution Work for World Poor, Making Globalization Work for World Poor and Making Governance Work for World Poor and remaining 3 Pillars and also set our Procedure – Goals Framework – WHAT National and International Stakeholders want to achieve; Means Framework – Resources – Capital – Fund, Human, Physical, Network at levels adequate to achieve the Goals and Effectiveness Framework: HOW to effectively deploy the Resources into Research, Planning, Data, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Results, Success Measures at levels adequate to achieve the Goals in each of the 193/306 UN Member States and by end 2030 target date.  

Values underlying The Millennium Declaration (MDGs 8 Goals, are still Valid for achieving Delivery on SDGs 17 Goals in all 193/306 UN Member States by 2030)

The Millennium Declaration—which outlines sixty goals for peace; development; the environment; human rights; the vulnerable, hungry, and poor; Africa; and the United Nations—is founded on a core set of values:
“We consider certain fundamental values to be essential to international relations in the twenty-first century. These include:
Freedom. Men and women have the right to live their lives and raise their children in dignity, free from hunger and from the fear of violence, oppression, or injustice. Democratic and participatory governance based on the will of the people best assures these rights.
Equality. No individual and no nation must be denied the opportunity to benefit from development. The equal rights and opportunities of women and men must be assured.
Solidarity. Global challenges must be managed in a way that distributes the costs and burdens fairly in accordance with basic principles of equity and social justice. Those who suffer or who benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most.
Tolerance. Human beings must respect one other, in all their diversity of belief, culture, and language. Differences within and between societies should be neither feared nor repressed, but cherished as a precious asset of humanity. A culture of peace and dialogue among all civilizations should be actively promoted.
Respect for Nature. Prudence must be shown in the management of all living species and natural resources, in accordance with the precepts of sustainable development. Only in this way can the immeasurable riches provided to us by nature be preserved and passed on to our descendants. The current unsustainable patterns of production and consumption must be changed in the interest of our future welfare and that of our descendants.
Shared Responsibility. Responsibility for managing worldwide economic and social development, as well as threats to international peace and security, must be shared among the nations of the world and should be exercised multilaterally. As the most universal and most representative organization in the world, the United Nations must play the central role.”
United Nations Dept. of Public Information, 2000.

As long as Task to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge is not firmly grounded in operationalizing The Millennium Declaration Value Orientation Dimension of SDGs, seeking to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date is Mirage.

The Big Challenge

The SDGs has set out All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious 2030 World Transformation Agenda without complimentary All Inclusive, all Embracing and Ambitious World Implementation and Evaluation Framework. This explain why as at end 3rd Quarter 2019 Year 4 of Implementation All North and South Countries are still Off Track achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

All North and South Countries could be Categorized into 3:-
1.    Achieved Some of the Goals of the SDGs; On Track to achieve Some of the Goals of the SDGs and Off Track achieving remaining Goals of the SDGs.
2.    On Track to achieve Some of the Goals of the SDGs and Off Track achieving remaining Goals of the SDGs.
3.      Off Track achieving all the 17 Goals of the SDGs.

The Work Together to Benefit Together Concept of the SDGs means that there must be a Whole of World as One Society Approach towards achieving Delivery on the SDGs.

The Leave No One Behind Concept of the SDGs means that all necessary measures need to be taken an On Time towards ensuring that All Communities in each of the 3 Categories of Countries that are Off Track need to be effectively supported to achieve Delivery on the SDGs Pledge by end 2030 and those Communities that are On Track in each of the 2 Categories are given required support to ensure that they indeed achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030.

Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each of the 3 Categories of Countries in barely 11 years to end 2030 target date greatly depends on Design and delivery of National and International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change on 4 Pillars:-
1.      Inclusive Communication  and Inclusive Education
2.      Integrated Innovation and  Coordinated Entrepreneurship
3.      Leadership and Followership
4.      Systems: Political, Economic, Financial, Social etc  Reform and Service Reform: Civil Service, Public Service, Military Service etc

with minimum certain levels of Development Interventions (Policies, Programs, Projects) as applicable or appropriate in each specific Society – Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Planet/Global location context.

Inclusive Communication:  Communication for Sustainable Development; Communication for Sustainable Production; Communication for Sustainable Consumption and Communication for Sustainable Citizenship; Attitudinal and Behavioral Change Communication; Political and Behavioral Change Communication; Economic and Behavioral Change Communication; Social and Behavioral Change Communication; Cultural and Behavioral Change Communication; Climate Change and Behavioral Change Communication; Environmental and Behavioral Change Communication; Arts and Behavioral Change Communication; Entertainment, Education and Behavioral Change Communication; Development Impact and Behavioral Change Communication; Communication for Behavioral Impact; Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale Communication

Inclusive Education: Education for Sustainable Development; Education for Sustainable Production; Education for Sustainable Consumption and Education for Sustainable Citizenship as One that is within Universal / One Worldwide Approach / Whole of Community / Whole of UNO / Whole of Government / Whole of Country / Whole of Society Approach is a Master Key for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge. It is Fail in One Fai in All.

The Big Challenge is “How the Implementation and Evaluation Country Sustainability Strategy in UK, 27 EU Countries and remaining 165/278 UN Member States; SDGs in UK, 27 EU Countries and remaining 165/278 UN Member States is to be Organized and in ways that achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date?”

The Big Question

The Overarching Big Question is HOW to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining?

The Answer: For All 193/306 UN Member States should get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining, World Leaders should agree Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms, MSPs Community to Global Framework deploying One Worldwide Approach for delivery on SDGs Pledge within an All Inclusive, All Embracing, Ambitious SDGs Implementation and Evaluation Agenda robust enough for achieving increasing convergence between All Inclusive, All Embracing, Ambitious SDGs Agenda Vision Intention and Reality in all 193/306 UN Member States.

The One Worldwide Approach that Work need to be:-
  •       Whole of Community Approach; Whole of Bank Approach; Whole of Institution Approach; Whole of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Approach; Whole of Government Approach; Whole of Country Approach and Whole of Society Approach as One;
  •    Deployed within Backbone Global MSP with Global and National Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms, MSPs for delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

UK / EU Brexit as Force for Good – Tackling Implementation Challenge

Brexit as Force for Evil will seriously undermine work towards achieving the SDGs Pledge Delivery in all 3 Categories of Countries by end 2030 target date. To achieve the SDGs Pledge Delivery in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date, Brexit needs to be Force for Good.

It is now clear to UK, 27 EU Counties and EU Authorities that whichever way ongoing negotiations end, root cause or primary cause Brexit problems, would not have been addressed and would in reality have been made worse.

It should be clear to all remaining North Countries and all South Countries in our World today, that the UK needs to be Saved from Itself; Ireland needs to be Saved from Itself, each of the remaining 26 EU Countries need to be Saved from itself; EU needs to be Saved from Itself; that NONE of these Countries and the EU can on their own Save Themselves from Themselves; that should they keep sitting by looking on, UK Woes, Ireland Woes, remaining 26 EU Countries Woes will have contagion effect on their own Woes. 

The implication is that all necessary measures need to be Taken and On Time, to shift from Brexit as Force for Evil, before Irreversibility Point is Passed and shift to Brexit as Force for Good.

One Worldwide Approach and New Ways of DOING Things - 3PCM One Worldwide Approach

Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation eliminates Multiple Approaches by National and International Stakeholders in specific Society, many of which are divergent thus undermining Communication Strategy or Living Strategy Objectives.

3PCM delivers Medicine to Fit Disease through ensuring Correct Diagnosis as basis for Correct Prescription as basis for Correct Surgery/Treatment as basis for Correct Recovery Management. This underlines Consultative Research and Diagnostic Studies as Foundation of Development Interventions – Policies, Programs and Projects: Research, Planning, Data/Statistics; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation; Learning, Results/Measuring Success; Transparency, Accountability, Participation; Ownership, Harmony, Alignment as One and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Society location context.

If Governments, UNO and Universities are to be effective part of addressing these real and complex problems on the ground in UK, EU and Worldwide; Governments, UNO and Universities needs to appreciate urgent need for One Worldwide Approach like 3PCM; SBCC need to do more to PUSH for New Ways of DOING Things in UK, EU and World:

and Governments, UNO and Universities need to meaningfully address Business Participation and related issues raised here

Participatory Communication

Dialogue is the key for development. If civil society as well as businesses, are to take a larger role in conceiving and working for True Sustainable Development – National and Global Goals, then, dialogue is unavoidable. If Donors, Development Agencies and UNO Agencies on one hand and North/South Governments and Universities on the other hand and their National and International Partners including Think Tanks are ready to change their practices and their relation with business and the civil society, then dialogue is essential at the community level.

Participatory communication movements are an invitation to dialogue, which ought not to be refused, if all real and complex National and Global International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Changes issues on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context, are to be identified and solved and in ways that meaningfully help all 193/306 UN Member States to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years left to 2030

Should Governments, UNO and Universities be ready to work effectively with UK, 27 EU Countries and EU Authorities to shift from Brexit as Force for Evil to Brexit as Force for Good as Viable Option for Design and delivery of National, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to UK is in Crises and UK is the Crisis;  each of the 27 EU Countries is in Crises and each of the 27 EU Countries is the Crisis;  EU is in Crises and EU is the Crisis and World is in Crises and each of the 193/306 UN Member States is the Crisis and in time to save UK, EU and World from looming catastrophic consequences of Brexit as Force for Evil, there is strong need for the 3 Categories of Countries to make best use of the next 5 Quarters – October 2019 – December 2020 to lay Strong Foundation and indeed Mark Turing Point in the Great Task of getting all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years left to end 2030 target date.

Development Communication Fit for the 21st Century

Development Communication Fit for the 21st Century is the Study of Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Religious, Peace, Security, Environmental and Governance Change brought about by the effective application of Communication Research, Development, Theory, Practice and Technologies to bring about True Sustainable Development in both North and South Countries.

True Sustainable Development is a widely Participatory Process of Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Religious, Peace, Security, Environmental and Governance Change in a Society – Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent or Planet intended to bring about both Welfare and Material Advancement of All Peoples in the Society, especially Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders, including Greater Equality, Freedom, Solidarity, Rights and other Valued Qualities for All the People, through their gaining greater control over their Livelihood and Environment.

Development Communication that achieves True Sustainable Development is Participatory Communication or Inclusive Communication – Social and Behavioural Change Communication, Commutation for Behavioural Impact, Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale etc. Inclusive Communication cannot Stand Alone but needs to be Integral Part of Inclusive Education – Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Production, Education for Sustainable Consumption and Education for Sustainable Citizenship.

If all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 10 years remaining to 2030, Inclusive Communication Must have Strategic Impact in National and International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change at Minimum Certain Levels in All Countries.

New National, Regional and Global Initiatives – Governments, UNO, Universities Role

Governments, UNO and Universities needs to be effective part of New National, Regional and Global Initiatives for:-
  1. Making 4th Agriculture Revolution (Crops, Forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture: Pre Harvest, Harvest and Post Harvest) work for the World Poor – 5 of 8.5 Billion People – Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders in our World of 2030.
  2. Making 4th Industrial Revolution (including Digitization) work for the World Poor (as identified)
  3. Making Globalization (Original Globalization as described above) work for the World Poor (as identified)
  4. Making Governance (including National and International Public Sector Management) work for the World Poor (as identified)
  5. Making Brexit (as Force for Good) work for the World Poor (as identified, not just Poor in UK and EU)
  6. Making Communication (inclusive Communication and inclusive Education as defined in EAG Papers) work for World Poor (as identified)
  7. Making Development (all Services, Sectors, Issues) work for the World Poor (as identified)

Governments, UNO and Universities need to appreciate that in the work towards achieving National, Regional and Global Goals and in ways that achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge in UK, 27 EU Countries and remaining 165/278 UN Member States in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 Target date, it is FAIL in any One of the above 7 Initiatives, FAIL in ALL 7 Initiatives.
Filling Information, Knowledge, Research and Ambition Gaps

The Busan Declaration, BD 2011 and its Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation, GPEDC were intended to fill gaps in Paris Declaration, PD 2005. In agreeing BD and GPEDC World Leaders did not Learn Lessons from PD Flaws and Failures as well as PD Results and Successes.
Also in agreeing SDGs 2015, World Leaders did not Learn Lessons from MDG Flaws and Failures as well as MDG Results and Successes.

As long as these Lessons remain unlearnt, BD, GPEDC and MDG mistakes will keep re-occurring as this explain why all 193/306 UN Member Countries are Off Track in 15 of 60 Quarters of SDG Implementation and unless remedial action is taken and on time, would remain Off Track by 60 of 60 Quarters of SDG Implementation. Allowed to occur, the ultimate consequences will be catastrophic for our fragile Planet.     

The SDGs underlines the importance of World Leaders agreeing Global Goals but does not specify HOW Resources – Financial Capital, Physical Capital, Human Capital and Network Capital that are  Adequate, Available, Affordable and Accessible in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global levels would be Mobilized nor does it specify  HOW the Resources when Mobilized would be Deployed within Research, Planning, Data; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results; Transparency, Accountability, Participation and in ways that achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in all 193/306 UN Member States in the barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The reality that all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge as at 15 of 60 Quarters of SDG Implementation underline urgent need for Instruments that effectively Fill SDGs Pledge Delivery Information, Knowledge, Research and Ambition Gaps:-
1   1.    To be tested in practical application (and possibly altered in the light of results thus to be obtained) before being proposed to the signatories of the SDGs.

2  2. Such testing should take place at two levels: (a) the Intervention level of Policies, Programs and Projects (PPPs) on the one hand and (b) the level of the International Development Cooperation System (IDCS), as a whole, on the other: 
(a)   The Intervention Level:
The easiest way to test the approach would be the application of the 3PCM to PPPs at the inception stage of the PPP cycle. Then, the ToR of the formulation of (i) the PPP Idea; the (ii) Pre-feasibility study; the (iii) Feasibility study; the (iv) Financing Proposal and Convention; the (v) Implementation and Monitoring Documents; and the (vi) “In.-Itinere”, “End-of PPP” and “Ex-post” Evaluations, could all be conceived and structured on the basis of the 3PCM. However, in this case such application would deliver the results of the validity of the 3PCM Approach only after the end of the PPP cycle. Therefore, the 3PCM can, and should, first be tested taking into consideration already ongoing PPPs: Thus, the stage of the cycle reached by the PPP under consideration should first be ascertained, and then the ToR corresponding to that stage would be designed on the basis of the 3PCM, making sure that the specifics of the case under consideration would be fully taken into account: For example, if the PPP considered would have reached stage (iii) of the cycle, then the ToR for the feasibility study would have to be established and the study to executed on that basis; likewise, if the cycle had reached, in stage (vi), the “End-of PPP” point in time, then the ToR for the corresponding Evaluation would have to be worked out, still on the basis of the 3PCM, and the evaluation would be executed on that basis; etc...

(b)   The System Level:
The 3PCM is designed to overcome (or at least to limit) the weaknesses of the present International Development Co-operation System. The “Medicine” (the 3PCM) has to fit the “Disease”, and therefore the “Diagnosis” has to be correct. Also the “Implementation” has to be correct.
Thus, consultative research and diagnostic studies will have to ascertain whether the following statements are correct or not:
(bi): Development Interventions (PPPs) are not, in general, squarely concentrating on the creation of Sustainable Benefits for their Target Groups;

(bii): PPPs often are failing to consider ALL of the important aspects experience teaches are essential for successful Development Interventions;

(biii) ToR throughout the PPP cycle tend to be conceived in an ad-hoc fashion, making it difficult to profit from lessons learned in the past;

(biv) decision making discipline is often not being observed at the passage from one phase in the PPP cycle to the following one;

(bv) existing commissioning framework tend to be conceived in ways that make it difficult for the most innovative and creative solutions provider to emerge preferred bidder.

(bvi) existing competencies framework tend to be conceived in ways that make it difficult for all necessary Hard Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies – Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline and Mindset to be acquired and deployed throughout the PPP cycle.

(bvii) and thus: “Lesson forgetting” tends to proceed at the same pace as “Lesson Learning” through evaluations, making operational feed-back sporadic at best and virtually impossible in actual fact.

Are these statements correct, partially correct or incorrect? It is essential to find out through 3PCM Testing! Answers will help put all 193/306 UN Member States On Track to achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

3PCM Testing: Invitation – Call for Expression of Interest

In 3PCM Testing the Development Intervention is the Project and the Project is the Development Intervention and this explain why Correct answer is found to SDGs Pledge Delivery How Questions and related How Questions including Development Communication How Questions. This will involve:-
1  1. Catalyzing Transformational Change – Making Paradigm Shifts – Arithmetic Progression to Geometric Progression; MDG Mode to SDGs Mode; Working in Silos to Working in Synergy etc.

2  2. Creating National and international Architecture for Re-establishing Existing Disciplines and Professions and Establishing New Disciplines and Professions.

3  3. Deploying Technology – Information, Internet, Computer, Energy, Electricity, Bio, Science, Agricultural, Medical, Engineering, Laboratory, Space, Broadcast, Print, Management etc as appropriate or applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global - Society location context.

3PCM Testing will be within:-

  1. Countries Global Goals Project;
  2. UNO Global Goals Project and
  3. Universities Global Goals Project as One. 
Interventions in (1) and (2) essentially aim to finding answer to National and International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change at levels adequate to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030 HOW Questions and related Development Communication; Finance for Development; Monitoring and Evaluation, Climate Change, Environmental Sustainability, Technology for Development etc HOW Questions as appropriate or applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global - Society location context.

Interventions in (3) essentially aim at effectively mobilizing 4 University Communities – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff; Post Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students as One through Doctoral Academic Research and Professional Research Programs on Global Sustainable Development; Global Sustainability Governance and Global Development Communication Part Time and Full Time as well as Fee Paying and Student Paid Driving University Training, Research, Consultancy and Volunteering for achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date, as appropriate or applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global - Society location context where the University operate.

We hereby invite Expression of Interest from Governments, UNO, University willing to participate in 3PCM Testing Pilot Program and Scale Up Program as Viable Options for Sustainable Solutions to UK/EU Brexit as well as for getting all 193/306 UN Member States On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.  

In Sum

A New UK, A New Europe and A New World is Possible, if Governments, UNO, Universities are ready to PUSH for Configuring our World / Changing our World for Sustainable Solutions to real and complex problems on the ground within each of the 193/306 UN Member States; each of the 5 Continents and Globally that the SDGs 2030 World Transformation Agenda seek to help find, should Governments, UNO, Universities authorities support implementation and evaluation of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Innovations set out in this message.

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost. To avoid this answer to SDGs Pledge Delivery HOW Questions and related How Questions need to be found within the 3PCM Testing 3 Steps: 
(Step 1) Orientation Workshop, Surveys - Management, Financial, Engineering; 
(Step 2) Implementing (1) Outcome Document Conclusions and Recommendations and
(Step 3) Feeding back Implementation Lessons Learnt into (2)

As One Day Delay taking Remedial Action may be One Day too late, we urge UNO Entities, Powerful North Countries Governments, Powerful South Countries Governments and Top Universities in the World, Influential Philanthropy Organizations and Influential Global Media Organizations genuinely interested in achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date to Partner with our Organization on Implementation of EAG Intervention Idea though 3PCM Testing. Interested Governments, Universities, Philanthropy Organizations and Media Organization to please send us email on the topic “3PCM Testing: Pilot Program and Scale Up Program”.

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
(Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International Society for Poverty Elimination
(Global Social Development Innovation Organization);
ER and Associates Limited
(National and International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative
(Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Email:               September 2019.

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