Matters Arising from Previous Posts
With participants from 20 Countries – US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Cote d’ivoire, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Brazil, Peru and largest readership coming from US, it is clear that this Blog’s content has substance and our cause – Help make World Poverty History, has merit.
This continues to make slow but steady progress. We keep pressing forward. We hope to attract and retain very soon, the attention of:-
1. Media Executives of National and International Media in the Countries where we have readers, currently 20.
2. Governments of Countries where we have readers
3. Institutional Heads, Senior Administrators, Senior Technocrats of International Institutions operating in Countries where we have readers.
We also hope to rapidly increase the number of Countries where we have readers and the number of readers in each of these Countries.
During the last week, all previous articles were read. The most popular were articles on MDGs’ at 10 and Implementing G20 Declarations. The lease popular was article on Strengthening Advocacy Systems. This is a Paradox because without strengthening Village to Global Advocacy Systems, it would be especially difficult achieving MDGs’ Ambitions, G20 Ambition and other World Visions ambitions on successful and sustainable basis and this has implication for achieving Developed / Developing Countries National Visions Ambitions on successful and sustainable basis.
The earlier articles on Global Agenda, MDGs’ at 10, Implementing G20 Declarations and Strengthening Advocacy Systems, provide background material for deeper understanding of fundamental issues discussed in this week’s article.
It appears some readers are not aware that New Articles are posted every Monday. We encourage all readers to please visit the Blog every Monday from 10.00 GMT when new articles are posted and to comment on aspects of any article of interest to the reader.
We urge all Participants who are genuinely motivated to join like minds, in the great work towards improving Leadership Responsiveness, Followership Responsiveness, Development Effectiveness and Development Impact in the implementation and monitoring implementation of National Visions and World Visions Ambitions on Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions sides, to please let the interactions / active participation begin now.
Today’s Article:
Achieving New International Order (1): Urgent Need to Overhaul National / Global Security and Anti Corruption Systems
The air security and privacy issues in US; Student Protests in the UK, Violence Issues in Afghanistan and Terrorism Issues in Nigeria underline the fact that Countries across the World today face unique and peculiar Security issues that are interlinked, interconnected and interdependent with corruption issues facing each country. The sustainable solutions to the unique and peculiar security issues facing each country Developed or developing lies in sustainable solutions to the International / National Development Cooperation issues facing the country.
In the UK , there has been two students protests, each intended to be non violent, yet both ended up being tarnished by violence. The probability is high that as long as students and government are talking at rather than to each other, the future protests would also witness violence in the months ahead, as effects of Governments cuts across the UK economy bite harder from January 2011.
In the US increasing air passenger discontent with deployment of full body scanners or full body search is threatening homeland security. The fundamental issue is not should government protect air passengers from terrorist attacks on planes. It is How does the US Government and Governments of Powerful nations across the World protect air passengers from terrorist attacks? And Have these powerful Nations learnt correct lessons from the sad event of 11 September 2001? It will be recalled that in December 2001 a British Citizen’s failed Shoe Bomb attempt led to uncomfortable and costly passenger searches and that in December 2009 a Nigerian Citizen raised in the UK, failed underpants Bomb attempt led to deployment of full body scanners in the US and other Countries across the World. About 12 months later, is now not an appropriate time to undertake Evaluation of the responses of relevant authorities in the US , UK and other Countries to failed Shoe Bomb and underpants Bomb attempts?
Is the UK Media helping UK Students when disproportionate focus is on the violence and not the message? Is it fair for UK Students to ask UK Government in whatever measures Government take to rescue UK economy, not to cut their future? What are UK Grandparents – Grandmothers in particular, if Grandfathers chose to look on and enjoy their evening years in peace, to help their Grandchildren get their future back? Have these Grandparents paused to consider the impact of these cuts on the future of their Children’s Children?
Our study finding is that there is clear link between Security and Corruption; that the 4 Specific Security Issues we have mentioned, 2 of which we have discussed in some detail are representative of Security issues facing Developed and Developing Countries today and that sustainable solutions to these problems lies in all relevant stakeholders recognizing that:-
1. Sustainable Solutions to Security Problems lies in fighting and winning War Against A5IC – Arrogance, Injustice, Incompetence, Indiscipline, Indifference, Impunity and Corruption.
2. Corruption goes beyond fraud and bribery. There are 20 commonly occurring forms of corruption and all are present in UK , US, other Developed Countries, Nigeria , Afghanistan and other Developed countries. It is the degree that differ. This is the bad news. The good news is that the UK and US have advance National Self Correction Systems. Should UK and US Citizens focus their Hard Times anger on getting these Systems to work better, the UK , US and rest of the World would benefit significantly.
3. Political Corruption, Moral Corruption and Religious Corruption are probably the worst forms of commonly occurring corruption and without fundamental change to the way Government and Society work in UK, US, other Developed Countries, Nigeria, Afghanistan and other Developing Countries, the War against A5IC cannot be fought and won.
4. The UK National Security Strategy Model built on levels of Security threats needs to be expanded to include the US National Security Strategy Model built of 3 Pillars – Development, Defense / Security and Diplomacy, to include additional Pillars – Monitoring and Evaluation, Service Delivery / Performance Management, Trade, Migration, Procurement and Human Rights in all its Ramifications – Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: HR-PESCR
5. The leaked US Diplomacy Documents raise Big Questions such as “What is the Quality of Homeland and Global Security Information contained in the leaked documents? How well can this Information help improve Development Impact and Development Effectiveness within US National / International Development Cooperation Initiatives?" The correct answers to such Big Questions underline urgent need to overhaul existing Diplomacy, Development, Defense, Security and Anti Corruption Strategies, Policies, Programs, Projects within the type of Reinforced and Reinvigorated National Security Strategy suggested in (4) and this calls for reviewing existing Village to Global Diagnosis, Prescription, Surgery and Recovery Management Frameworks on one hand and reviewing existing Village to Global Research, Planning, Statistics, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment Systems within Diplomacy, Development, Defense, Security and Anti Corruption Strategies, Policies, Programs, Projects on Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions sides.
6. Operationalizing (1) – (5) in practice and in ways that deliver sustainable benefits to Citizens on both Developed and Developing Countries sides, particularly the Poor, preset evidence of urgent need to overhaul National / Global Security and Anti Corruption Systems within Frameworks for achieving and maintaining New International Order – Political, Trade, Development, Finance, and Security Worldwide.
UK Students, UK Grandmothers and Grandfathers have unique opportunity to help get UK Students future back through helping to build sound mechanisms for nudging UK government and Partner Governments across the World including governments in US, France, Germany, Russia, other Developed Countries, India, China, Brazil, Nigeria, Afghanistan, other Developing Countries towards better management of Global Recessions, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems in the common interest, common future, common prosperity and common security of citizens in all countries, particularly the poor.
The real situation on the ground in US, UK, other Developed Countries, Nigeria, Afghanistan, other Developing Countries underlines the fact that such management requires greater sensitivity to Global needs and national needs; it cannot, therefore, emerge from direction by a small group of the powerful at National, regional and Global levels; it must be fashioned by all relevant national, regional and global stakeholders acting in effective partnerships to jointly search for, frankly discuss and firmly establish their common interest, common future, common prosperity and common security.
We urge all to remember that as long as Ordered Change is refused, Disordered Change become inevitable – with ultimate catastrophic consequences.
If you want to participate in the implementation of ideas and suggestions generated from discussions on this Platform, we invite you to join Multidisciplinary Professionals Community of Practice on Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability, MPCOP-PE&ES and Comprehensive Systemic Reform, CSR Project. Please send 3PCM and CSR Project enquiry to
List of Topics for Next 10 Weeks.
New Topic Posted Every Monday
1. Achieving New International Order (1): Urgent Need to Overhaul National / Global Security and Anti Corruption Systems 29 November 2010 Ref 5/2010
2. Achieving New International Order (2): Central Role for Researchers and Reporters 6 December 2010 Ref 6/2010
3. Achieving New International Order (3): Central Role for Political Leaders, Religious Leaders and Traditional Rulers 13 December 2010 Ref 7/2010
4. Achieving New International Order (4): Central Role for Developed and Developing Countries Citizens 20 December 2010 Ref 8/2010
5. Transforming Policy, Program, Project Failure into Success 27 December 2010 Ref 9/2010
6. New Year; New Hope for International / National Development Cooperation 3 January 2011 Ref 1/2011
7. Elections, Economic Growth and Pro Poor Institutional Reforms 10 January 2011 Ref 2/2011
8. International Development Cooperation (1): Need to Standardize Evaluation Approach 17 January 2011 Ref 3/2011
9. International Development Cooperation (2): Need to Standardize Program Approach 24 January 2011 Ref 4/2011
10. Reorganization, Reorientation and Discipline of National, Regional, Global Professional Bodies with Central Role in achieving National Visions and World Visions 31 January 2011 Ref 5/2011
Better Placeto Live, Work and Recreate for Citizens and Immigrants in all Countries Rich and Poor.