Monday, April 13, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 79

 EAG       ISPE 
                      ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
            (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

ISPE EAG Comment on HOW to Fight and WIN War on CONVID 19 in this 2020s’ (5)

SBCC 2020 Outcome: Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date - Call for Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radical/Fundamental Change in all 193 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary in all Tiers as well as in all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Entities – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices and their National and International Partners sides – Beyond Slogan.


The handling of the COVID 19 Crisis is getting more challenging in all North and South Countries. If the War on COVID 19 is to be Won in US, Europe and rest of the World and in ways that help all 193 UN Member States get back On Track to get DONE the much that remain to be DONE if they are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date, the time is now for National and Global Leaders to pause, genuinely reflect on progress made thus far and jointly determine what next in Global Interest.

In Paper (1), we set out EAG Thoughts on HOW to Fight and Win CONVID 19 in the 2020s by Building Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting, that is actually Learning Lessons from Past Global Public Health Emergencies to Find Sustainable Solutions to CONVID 19.

In Paper (2), we are elaborated on these New Ideas, as CONVID 19 Devastation keep getting worse and it is in Urgent Global Interest that World Leaders Change Course without Delay.

In Paper (3), we underlining the role of Communication for Change, Development and Environment Fit for the 21st Century in Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 in US, Europe and rest of the World Linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE, if all 193 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

In Paper (4), we underlined urgent need for National, Regional and Global Central Coordination of COVID 19 Response that Work linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030, if our World is to avoid looming Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Fight and win War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in US, Europe and rest of the World.

In this Paper (5), we seek to draw attention of World Leaders to the urgent need to meaningfully address fundamental issues of understanding their differences and correctly interpreting their languages, if All Arms of All Tiers of Governments in US, Europe and rest of the World; U System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices and their National and International Partners are to Work Together to Succeed Together in Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 liked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
International Governance of Global Health Pandemics

If World Leaders fail to Learn Lessons of History, our World is DOOMED to keep repeating Mistakes of History.

The American Society of International Law, in a 23 March 2020 Paper by Anastasia Telestesky, in a Paper titled “International Governance of Global Health Pandemics traced World Leaders attempt at Fighting Global Health Pandemics form 1834 to date.

In the Paper it is interesting that:-
1.      In 1834 World Leaders were concerned with disastrous hindrances to international commerce that Global Health Pandemics cause; 
2.     Over  the years to date, Negotiating international agreements around disease was difficult with Parties disagreeing about the nature of disease;  
3.      The World Health Organization began operation in 1948 and introduced better practices in international coordination around pandemics that are still being developed today as US, Europe and rest of the World  react to novel health threats;  
4. In 1969, building on the International Sanitary Regulations, countries adopted the "International  Health  Regulations" (IHR) requiring that WHO be notified whenever cases of cholera, plague, yellow fever, smallpox, relapsing fever, and typhus occurred within their territory;
5.     Appealing to the object and purpose of the International Health Regulations, the WHO has continued to remind countries of the need for proportionality in applying measures that are "restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade" and 
6.    Travel bans have been, and continue to be, imposed that are questioned by public health law experts.

The United Nations, UN Chronicle in a Paper on National Security and Pandemics by Sara Davis addressed many of the issues raised b ASIL from National Security dimension. The Paper, undated was written before World Leaders agreed the SDG, so it is at least 4 years old.

In the Paper it is interesting that:-
1.      Beyond the debilitating, sometimes fatal, consequences for those directly affected, pandemics have a range of negative social, economic and political consequences. These tend to be greater where the pandemic is a novel pathogen, has a high mortality and/or hospitalization rate and is easily spread.
2.   The association of pandemics with national security threat grew to prominence in the1990s. In 1995, the World Health Assembly (WHA) agreed to revise the International Health Regulations (IHR), the only international legal framework governing how WHO and its member States should respond to infectious disease outbreaks, on the grounds that revision was needed to take “effective account of the threat posed by the international spread of new and re-emerging diseases”. 
3.   In 2005, the IHR revisions were adopted as WHA Resolution 58.3. Article 2 announced that the scope and purpose of the instrument was “to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks”.
4.    Since its entry into force in 2007, signatory States have been working, individually and collectively, to meet their core capacity requirements under the new framework.
5.      n December 2012, the General Assembly reinforced the link between security and universality in calling for member States to “recognize the links between the promotion of universal health coverage and other foreign policy issues, such as the social dimension of globalization, cohesion and stability, inclusive and equitable growth and sustainable development and sustainability of national financing mechanisms, and the importance of universal coverage in national health systems”.

Had US, Europe and rest of the World implemented the IHR from 2007 to date, reinforced by the 2012 UNGA Declaration, will there be the level of Confusion, COVID 19 is causing in US, Europe and rest of the World today?

Big Questions

If US, Europe and rest of the World are to Fight and Win War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030, these 4 How Questions need to be urgently answered:-
1.    How to Coordinate Global Response to Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date?
2.   How to Align and Harmonize Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World with accelerating Sustainable Development in US, Europe and rest of the World to achieve National Goals and Global Goals by target date?
3.    How to Rethink Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World: Policy, Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context?
4.     How to Improve Quality, Productivity and Empowerment in each Entity in each Arm of each Tier of Government in US, all European Countries and all remaining Countries in our World today that is Government: Services – Health; Education; Food, Nutrition, Agriculture; Security; Transportation; Housing, Communication etc and Systems – Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Religious etc to better support the Organization, Orientation and Discipline of Citizens to be the MOVING Force Driving National and International Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change Driving Transformation of US, Europe and rest of the World Societies as they Jointly Fight and Win War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date using Single: Research, Planning, Data/Statistics; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results; Ownership, Alignment, Harmony; Transparency, Accountability, Participation; Leadership and Measuring Success as One Framework as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context?

Central Coordination of Global Response

In view of realities on the ground, it is now clear that Central Coordination of Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if US, Europe and rest of the World are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date DEMAND:-
1.   A Single Community Based/ One Planet/One World Public Health/Health ad Well being Approach Interrelated, Interlinked, Interdependent, Interconnected and Interdependent with One World Agenda; One World Communication; One World Education; One World Development Finance; One World Science, One World Technology, One World Innovation, One World Food and Nutrition, One World Agriculture, One World Security, One World Evaluation; One World Reform and One World Public Sector etc as One Approach that is essentially Whole of World Approach, Whole of Government Approach, Whole of Society Approach, Whole of Bank Approach, Whole of UN System Approach etc using
2.     Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Frameworks within
3.  Single: Research, Planning, Data/Statistics; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results; Ownership, Alignment, Harmony; Transparency, Accountability, Participation; Leadership and Measuring Success as One Framework as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

The Institutional Architecture that effectively support above Approaches and Frameworks from Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global level is missing and this explain why the Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps responsible for increasing divergence between National and Global Sustainable Development Goals Intention and Reality was not filed in the past, is not being filled now and with Business as Usual and remaining Old Paradigms will not be filled in the future, with Ultimate Catastrophic  Consequences for our Fragile Planet. That is the Bad News.

The Good News is that Know How exist and is available to National and World Leaders to Build this required Institutional Architecture that effectively support above Approaches and Frameworks from Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global level and in ways that effectively fill the Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps for assuring  increasing convergence  between National and Global Sustainable Development Goals Intention and Reality now and in the future with Business Unusual and remaining New Paradigms thus ensuring US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

WBG/IMF Virtual Spring Meeting 17 – 19 April 2020

This Virtual Meeting cannot afford to be Business as Usual. The Meeting for its outcome to contribute meaningfully towards helping US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World, MUST answer above 4 How Questions and in ways that ensure WBG/IMF Deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities as UN Systems Entities, to US, Europe and rest of the World. 

High Level Political Forum, HLPF, April 2020

There is urgent need for US, all Countries in Europe (Region/Continent), not just EU Countries (Sub-Region/Sub-Continent) and all remaining Countries in the World to answer above 4 How Questions and in ways that ensure US System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Entities Deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities on one hand and all Entities in all Arms of all Tiers of Government in US, Europe and rest of the World Deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities on the other hand.

This Demand all North and South Countries Design and Deliver New National Development Vision and New International Development Vision that Help US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

To meaningfully address these fundamental issues there is urgent need for a Powerful North Country to be Global Leader deploying its Power as Convener, Catalyst, Cultivator and Collaborator or a Group of Powerful North and South Countries to be Co- Global Leaders jointly deploying their Power as Convener, Catalyst, Cultivator and Collaborator to Convene a High Level Political Forum, that is a Virtual Global Meeting deploying the best technical and political process discussions for reaching agreement  on ways and means US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

Understanding Differences and Interpreting Languages

National and Global Leaders and their Followers need to Understand their Differences not Forget their Differences, if US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World. This Demand Live and Let Live to ensure No One is Left Behind achieving National and Global Goals.

National and Global Leaders and their Followers need to Understand each other’s Language, if US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World. This Demand Interpreters who are Neutral in helping National and Global Stakeholder  effectively put National and Global Interest above Personal and Special Interest on one hand and who know that Go in one language could mean Stop with direct interpretation in another language, whereas the correct interpretation would also be Go. That is, many of the Conflicts in Nations and Globally today, could be avoided if there is correct interpretation of languages of different National and Global Stakeholders by knowledgeable and neutral interpreters.

The point being made is that Design and Delivery of Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 Linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery in US, Europe and rest of the World by 2030, within the type of Central Coordination of Global Response to COVID 19 ad Global Response to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 described in this Paper greatly depends on National and Global Leaders understating their Differences and Understanding each other’s Language.  To achieve this National and Global Leaders need help.

UN System Reports

The WBG World Development Report, WDR 2014 on Risk Management, has a background paper on Pandemic Risk

The Paper identified need for “A community-based One Health approach is essential for reducing the risks to people that emerge at the interfaces between animals, humans, and ecosystems”. Had the recommendations in this Paper been fully implemented in US, Europe and rest of the World in past 6 years, will COVID 19 Challenge be the Disaster that it is today in US, Europe and World?   

It is pertinent to note that each WBG WDR released annually address specific Worldwide Theme, for example: WDR 2004 – Public Sector Management, PSM; 2008 – Agriculture; 2014 – Risk Management; 2015 – Attitudinal Change; 2016 – Digitization; 2017 – Governance. Had the recommendations in all these WDRs been fully implemented in US, Europe and rest of the World in past 16 years, will COVID 19 Challenge be the Disaster that it is today in US, Europe and World?   

In 2011 WBG organized Global Consultation on New PSM. It was during this Global Consultation that Lanre Rotimi put forward ideas of Correct Diagnosis and Whole of Bank Approach, for the first time. These ideas were adopted by WBG as outcome of the Global Consultation and WBG has been using the ideas since then. We have no problem with this. However, the fact that WBG is unable to implement the ideas underline EAG submission that WBG and other UN Entities harvesting ideas from Global Consultations, will be unable to implement these ideas without meaningfully involving Original Ideas Creators. PSM Whole of Bank Approach / Diagnosis Approach created by LR during PSM consultation 2011 – evidence  Evidence LR Original contribution of Whole of Bank Approach / Diagnosis Approach during PSM consultation 2011

In 2014, WBG Celebrated 10 years of PSM. Yet in past 16/6 years, PSM/New PSM remain essentially Business as Usual. This is because if the Business Unusual PSM/ New PSM Ideas had been fully implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation in US, Europe and rest of the World, then US, Europe and rest of the World will be On Track achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030; the WHA IHRs issued over the years would have been fully implemented in US, Europe and rest of the World, with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation by the Public Sector in US, Europe and rest of the World. The result will be that COVID 19 Challenge be the Disaster that it is today in US, Europe and World.

The UNDESA World Public Sector Report, WPSR 2018, was intended to be released in 2017 but had to be fundamentally re-written and released in 2018. Lanre Rotimi is listed as one of Contributing Individuals. Some of EAG Ideas processed into WPSR 2018 include Whole of Society Approach, Whole of Agenda Approach, Whole of Government Approach. However, in excluding Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management Frameworks as well as the Original Ideas Creators, UNDESA is unable to implement WPSR 2018. The result is that WPSR 2018 is Good Ideas Not Implemented and this is part of the reasons why COVID 19 Challenge is the Disaster that it is today in US, Europe and World.

Scope of COVID 19 and SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 Challenge UN Member States

The differences between Countries with regard to Human Population; Land Mass; National Wealth; Higher Education; Ethnic Diversity and Human Behavior etc Matters, if US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

To put China with about 1.5 Billion People and India with about 1.3 Billion People of about 8.0 Billion People in our World today, on the same level with US with about 330 Million People and Nigeria with about 200 Million People, is Bad.

To put China, India, US and Nigeria on the same level with North and South Countries with Population below 10 Million and North and South Countries with Population below 5 Million, is Worse.

To put Countries like Russia and US whose Land Mass equal Whole Continents with Countries like China and India whose Land Mass equal Whole Sub-Continents, is Bad.

To put Countries like Russia, US, China and India on the same level with North and South Countries whose Land Mass could be transversed in 1 hour Flight or less and North and South Countries whose Land Mass could be transverse in 3 hours or less Care Travel, is Worse.

The same goes for National Wealth – High, Middle and Low; Ethnic Diversity – High, Medium, Low; Human Behavior -  Collective Action, Centre, Individual Action.

All of these fundamental issues need to be meaningfully addressed within Humans as X Factor, if US, Europe and rest of the World Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 and in ways that Promote and Protect Greater America, Greater Europe and Greater World.

The time is now for National and World Leaders to genuinely appreciate that Technical Solutions to COVID 19 without Political Solutions amount to No Issue or is No Issue; that should they provide Political Solutions to National, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions, all remaining Economic, Financial, Social, Security, Communication, Religions etc Solutions as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context would emerge and that they need to Work Together to Succeed Together; that they need to adopt One Worldwide Approach including Whole of Agenda, Whole of Society, Whole of UN, Whole of Government etc.

We urge Presidents/Heads of Government in any Powerful North or South Country genuinely interested to take all necessary measures to Fight and Win War on CONVID 19 Linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 to take up the Challenge of Hosting the suggested HLPF, to please contact us on email below to discuss action next Steps in their Country and Global Interest.

There are bright prospects of success should World Leaders ensure that the HLPF to find Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions hold as suggested. However, there are Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences should it be Business as Usual and the HLPF not be convened and on Time.

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost.

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             April 2020.