Saturday, June 27, 2015

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 14

Stakeholders were invited to make Statements during the Major Groups and other Stakeholders meeting on 24 June 2015. Group 7 with focus on Transparency, Accountability and Participation, TAP issues had a Group Statement delivered by TAP Network Steering Committee Co Chair, Paul Divakar. The highlight of this Group Statement was “how governments will engage with all stakeholders, particularly civil society, in the follow-up and review and accountability of the Post-2015 agenda, and at all levels and stages of review processes - including design of accountability mechanisms and verification of data”. Please find link to full Group Statement:-
Group 25 with focus on Means of Implementation, MOI issues was unable to come up with a Group Statement. However, the First Draft of the Group Statement written by ISPE / EAG came to the attention of UNDESA and UNNLGS, with caveat that it is dead at birth as the Group could not agree a Final Draft for some cogent reason. We got mail from UNNGLS thanking us for Statement made and inviting us to make specific text suggestions. This encouraged us to amend the Group Statement to Statement made by ISPE / EAG. Please find link to the ISPE / EAG Statement:-

The highlights of this ISPE / EAG Statement were:-
1. how governments will constructively engage with all relevant stakeholders at subnational, national and international levels in the implementation of the Action Agenda in each of the 17 / 21 SDG

2.  urgent need to ensure that a “One Worldwide Approach” with “Local Context” is selected without delay and that selection is based on the most advanc “One Worldwide Approach” with clear “Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database” that ensures  critical principles of “Transparency, Accountability and Participation, TAP; Evaluation, Learning and Results, ELR and Means of Implementation, MOI as One” cannot and will not be left behind in the work towards achieving increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

It is clear that the How question issues highlighted in Group 7 Statement and Group 25 Statement cannot be effectively and efficiently addressed without simultaneously addressing TAP, ELR and MOI as One Issues and One Worldwide Approach with Local Context issues.

Oxfam at the meeting raised inequality issues and was invited to make specific text suggestions. Please find link to their proposal:-

Oxfam welcome suggestion for further improving the specific texts on inequality issues. It is one thing to come up with specific texts for improving inequality issues in the Post 2015 Development Agenda, it is quite a different thing to implement these suggestions in ways that achieve increasing convergence between Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

Points made by Oxfam in this proposal underline need for the Co-Facilitators and Writers of the FfD Zero Draft and Post 2015 Zero Draft to actually learn lessons from Lessons Learnt in MDG Gap Reports over the years, particularly those of 2013 and 2014.
Other highlights of the meeting were:-
1  1. The relationship between the FfD3 outcome document and the MOI chapter of the post-2015 outcome document.
2  2. The need to reference a better and “fit for purpose” UN system to help countries respond to development challenges and support the implementation of the agenda.
3 3. How to develop a common understanding of the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities (CBDR).
4  4. It is clear that the How question issues cannot be addressed without simultaneously addressing TAP, ELR and MOI as One Issues and One Worldwide Approach with Local Context issues.

It is pertinent to note that addressing Point 1 call for FfD Zero Draft MOI to be distinct from Post 2015 Zero Draft MOI and that each of the 17 / 21 Goals need to have its own MOI.

We note the unwillingness at the meeting to reopen the Goals. But what is worth doing at all is worth doing well. SDG is far more comprehensive than MDG. This is commendable. All Countries – Rich and Poor have something to gain from participating in SDG.

Corruption was identified at the meeting as a Major Issue. As the current Anti Corruption Industry and World Governance Indicators are themselves Corrupt, If Corruption is to be tackled with the seriousness it deserve, so that sustainable success can be achieved in the implementation of the SDG, then Goal 16 needs to be unbundled to New Goal 16 with focus on Governance and Four New Goals on Corruption, Conflict and Terrorism, Religion and Morals and Data. If Stakeholders genuinely desire Success in the Implementation of SDG then expanding from 17 to 21 Goals as suggested is suggestion worth considering.

It is clear that addressing issues within highlights of the meeting, including those selected above call for all Stakeholders giving serious attention to the serious issues of serious business raised in the ISPE / EAG Statement.

It is the Representatives of the 193 UN Member States that can collectively take decision on the submitted good ideas and pertinent suggestions that help make our World a better place to live, work and raise children. But it is when other Stakeholders raise their Voices that these Representatives can take decisions that better promote and protect the Common Interest and Common Future of all 193 UN Member Countries.

The Representatives of Permanent Members of the UN Security Council, particularly US, UK and France and the Representatives of Powerful Developing Countries in Africa – particularly Nigeria, South Africa and Kenya and around the World particularly Brazil, China and India can help the Co-Facilitators come up with Post 2015 Zero Draft and FfD Zero Draft that help achieve increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

Yes, Giant Strides have been made in the FfD Process in its final round of negotiations before the Addis Conference Mid July 2015. As decision on FfD Zero Draft at the Addis Conference will feed into the Post 2015 Zero Draft that will be decided upon at the UN General Assembly September 2015 and as these decisions will guide the Post 2015 Development Agenda, all suggestions and proposals that could help enrich the outcome of ongoing negotiations need to be given serious consideration in the overall best interest of Citizens on both Developed and Developing Countries sides, particularly the over 2 billion poor.

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 13

The Pledge that “No One will be left behind” suggest the SDG will be “All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious” and will be “People Centred”. This underline urgent need for “One Worldwide Approach” recommended in the Synthesis Report to be selected without delay. Implementing SDG in practice should help Overhaul Decayed Sub-national, National and International Systems; Link Disconnect between what is happening at UN Headquarters New York with what is happening in Local Communities in each of the 193 UN Member States and Fill Gaps in Policy, Program, Project Interventions in each of the 17 / 21 SDG.

It is pertinent to note that How questions were not answered in Synthesis Report released 4 December 2014 and Data Revolution Report released 6 November 2014. 

This is one of the major reasons why 6 / 7 months after issues already addressed in these two important Reports are still causing division among Stakeholders in the Post 2015 and FfD Processes. This act of omission or commission needs to be avoided through delivery of Post 2015 and FfD Outcome Documents that answer How questions and in ways that effectively address how governments will constructively engage with all relevant stakeholders at subnational, national and international levels in the implementation of the Action Agenda in each of the 17 / 21 SDG.

It is pertinent to note further that critical principles of “Transparency, Accountability and Participation, TAP; Evaluation, Learning and Results, ELR and Means of Implementation, MOI as One” needs to be deployed within “One Worldwide Approach with “Local Context if above issues are to be addressed in ways that ensure increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

Please find link to Statement by ISPE / EAG including specific text suggestions for the Post 2015 Outcome Document.

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group