Saturday, June 14, 2014

Community Economy Solutions

1. Preamble

On 11 April 2014, a discussion started on Evidence Based Policy Development Network, EBPDN Platform on the topic “How Research Influence Policy”.  Members participated actively in the process many real and complex problems within the subject matter were identified.

About the same time, ISPE / EAG made a call to Members who are Procurement Commissioners; Evaluation Commissioners and Professionals interested in helping to achieve Goals and Targets of End Hunger and Poverty by 2025 and 2030 respectively to participate in New End Hunger and Poverty, NEHAP Campaigns within NEHAP Initiative using Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM Approach to Benefits focused National and International Development Cooperation.

A Member asked EBDPN Members to shift focus away from Thinking and shift focus to ACTION and demonstrate this through participating in the NEHAP Campaigns and suggested the establishment of a Steering Group. 3 Members joined this Steering Group.

The Steering Group agreed that it is a Learning Organization; that the Major problem it set out to solve is Help End Hunger and Poverty by 2025 and 2030 respectively and that the starting point is to: develop a Proposal for NEHAP Pilot Program, attract Individual Professionals listed in (A) on Page 4 of the NEHAP Pilot Program Paper as Volunteer Main Researchers / Consultants / Trainers; Volunteer Associate Researchers / Consultants / Trainers as well as attract Institution(s) – one or more listed in (B) on Page 4 of the NEHAP Pilot Program Paper as Pilot Program Funder(s) who also accept to Strengthen their existing and future Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Systems through participating ACTIVELY in NEHAP Initiative.

This Paper, alongside the NEHAP Pilot Program Paper, is the NEHAP Steering Group’s contribution towards ensuring that the discussion on How Research Influence Policy, does not end as just another interesting Professional debate but as suggested by the charge that Members move from focus on Talking and Thinking and move towards focus on Action and Partnerships that help make our World more Secure, Safe, Peaceful and Prosperous for all Citizens in our fragile Planet today, particularly the over 2 Billion Poor in both Developed and Developing Countries.

2. Biggest Finding

The Biggest Finding in the discussion is that “If Research of appropriate Quality and Quantity is to always influence Policy, Program and Project Interventions in ways that achieve increasing convergence between National and International Development Cooperation Goals and Targets Intention and Reality then all relevant Stakeholders need to face New Direction and adopt New Priorities. To move forward on this finding we need to recognize the following Principles:-
1.     Good Thinking Good Product; Flawed Thinking Flawed Product; Failed Thinking Failed Product.
2.     Wrong Question Wrong Answer - Error; Wrong Question Right Answer – Blunder; Right Question Wrong Answer – Mistake; Right Question – Right Answer – Victory.  

These Principles underline the fact that Operationalizing in Practice above Finding greatly depends on:-
1.     Asking the Right Questions and finding the Right Answers; Fully Implementing the Right Answers and Effectively Monitoring and Evaluating this Implementation, with Every Stage of the Process Driven by Good Thinking that Deliver Good Product.
2.     Testing Innovative and Creative Ideas and Solutions in (1) in a Robust Scheme as Comprehensive as NEHAP Pilot Program

There is a need for all relevant Stakeholders genuinely interested in sustainable solutions to the huge and hydra headed real and complex problems on the ground in the Economy of each Community from Neighborhood to Global levels to contribute to a Pool of Right Questions and Right Answers. This calls for all relevant Stakeholders facing new direction and adopting new priorities as well as their JOINT Promotion and Protection of new ideas, new thinking, new ways of doing things, new partnerships, new collaboration and new cooperation – neighborhood to global.

3. Pool of Right Questions

We wish to contribute the following into a Pool of Right Questions:-
1.     Why is Evidence not Influencing Policy all the Time in Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions?
2.     What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (1)?
3.     How can Solutions in (2) be Fully Implemented?
4.     How can Implementation in (3) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
5.     Why are Universities / Tertiary Institutions in Developed Countries and Developing Countries Research Not Contributing Meaningfully towards achieving National and Global Development Cooperation Goals and Targets?
6.     What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (5)?
7.     How can Solutions in (6) be Fully Implemented?
8.     How can Implementation in (7) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
9.     What are the Root Problems facing Local Governments, State Governments and National Governments in Distress on both Developed Countries and Developing Countries sides?
10.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (9)?
11.                        How can Solutions in (10) be Fully Implemented?
12.                        How can Implementation in (11) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
13.                        What are the other Root Problems Linked to Root Problems of Hunger and Poverty on both Developed Countries and Developing Countries sides?
14.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (13)?
15.                        How can Solutions in (14) be Fully Implemented?
16.                        How can Implementation in (15) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
17.                        What are the Root Problems in establishing and Operating Neighborhood to Global CSOs’ Network Partnerships; Stakeholders Coalition Partnerships and Service Providers Consortium Partnerships for achieving National Development Cooperation and Global Development Cooperation Goals and Targets?
18.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (17)?
19.                        How can Solutions in (18) be Fully Implemented?
20.                        How can Implementation in (19) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
21.                        What are the Root Problems in Establishing and Operating Learning Society that Works on both Developed Countries and Developing Countries Sides?
22.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (21)?
23.                        How can Solutions in (22) be Fully Implemented?
24.                        How can Implementation in (23) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?       
25.                        What are the Root problems in the Design and Delivery of current Theories and Models that do not achieve increasing convergence between Research and Policy Influence: Intention and Reality?
26.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (25)
27.                        How can solutions in (26) be Fully Implemented?
28.                        How can Implementation in (27) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?
29.                        What are the Root problems of over 99% of Evidence Based Policy Professionals unwillingness to move away from Talking and Thinking and move towards ACTION and RESULTS?
30.                        What needs to be done to solve Problems identified in (29)
31.                        How can solutions in (30) be Fully Implemented?
32.                        How can Implementation in (31) be Effectively Monitored and Evaluated?

4. Pool of Right Answers - Invitation

People generally do not like to be Rubber Stamp of other Peoples’ ideas and so would like to join initiatives such as Pooling Right Questions and Right Answers as early as possible. Also People contribute based on their Perspectives which in turn is based on their expertise, experience and exposure. The Pool of Questions and Answers will be enriched if more People join at an early stage. This is because the Probability is High that more Potent conclusions would reached when more Perspectives are embraced than when less Perspectives are embraced. We invite interested Stakeholders to contribute to the Pool of Right Questions and Right Answers. Interested, please request for copy NEHAP Pilot Program Paper for more information on the NEHAP Initiative.
5. Conclusion

World Hunger and Poverty is a Scar on the Conscience of: World Leaders – State Actors and Non State Actors; UK Government and Parliament; US Government and Legislature; National and International Media Executives. Once Sub-national, National and International Stakeholders make Ordered CHANGE with Reward Benefits IMPOSSIBLE, they knowingly or unknowingly make Disordered Change with Catastrophe Consequences INEVITABLE.

If Stakeholders in world Economy continue pursuing current priorities and keep facing current Direction, the probability is HIGH that current World Political, Economic, Terrorism etc problems will worsen, with ultimate catastrophic consequences for all Citizens in both Rich and Poor Countries.

The problems facing Economy of Communities from Neighborhood to Global levels are not insoluble. There are more than enough Resources – Technology, Financial, Human etc to solve Community Economy problems in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World on successful and sustainable basis. If enough Sub-national, National, Regional and Global Stakeholders come together to Deploy Collective ACTION at Neighborhood to Global levels, through the Organization, Orientation and Discipline of relevant State Actors and Non State Actors as MOVING FORCE Driving Community (Neighborhood to Global) Positive Development Change Movement in ways that Promote and Protect the Common Interest and Common Future of each Stakeholder, then what appears to be Mountain of Complex problems become Mole Hills of Numerous Manageable Problems that can be Conquered. Each Success Story energizes for tackling the next problem to achieve the next success Story and so on until Dream of World without Hunger and Poverty by 2025 and 2030 become reality and on due date.

We need to Work Together to Benefit Together. We need to tackle all identified Root Problems in a Systematic way to Build Brighter Future for Present and Future Generations of Citizens, Residents and Visitors in each Developed and Developing Country in our World today. We cannot afford to fail God, fail ourselves and fail our Children. We have all it takes to ACHIEVE SUCCESS. Let the ACTION to Actualize New National and International Development Cooperation Vision Begin to the Glory of God and the Benefit of Humanity….

If you accept our invitation or require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-
Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group