Monday, February 11, 2019

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 60

 EAG       ISPE 
                    ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

DCF 2018 Outcome: Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date - Call for Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radical/Fundamental Change in all 193/306 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary in all Tiers as well as in all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices and their National and International Partners sides – Beyond Slogan (4).


In Paper (1), we raised National and International Development Cooperation serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of Development Cooperation Forum, DCF; UNDESA; other UNO Entities; other UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities; 193/306 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary; Political Groupings of Countries – GPEDC, OECD, EU/EC etc.

In Paper (2), we raised issues of Resilience as Key Driver for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030; the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Call for North South Interdependence and Solidarity made over 25 years ago being as relevant or even more relevant today as when first made in April 1992 and urgent need to find answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program, if relevant authorities on 193/306 UN Member States and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) sides are to stop accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM, return to 2014 Cross Roads, take Right Turn and start accelerating on MAPing Road to BOOM as applicable in each specific Community, Country, Continent And Company location context.

In Paper (3) we provided additional evidence reinforcing strong need to speedily Kick Start Pilot Program and Scale Up Program in Phases on North and South Countries as well as UN System starting from UNO sides, if the much that remain to be done in the great work to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States is to be done in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030.

The huge interest generated in Papers (1) - (3) encourages us to release Paper (4) providing additional evidence/information reinforcing strong need for Community, Country, Continent and Global Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms as One, that Work through deploying Joint Goals Framework, Means Framework and Effectiveness Framework within Global Pilot Program and Scale Up Program as Master Keys for finding Sustainable Solutions to National./Regional/Global Crises/ Crisis including Brexit and that the Pilot Program and Scale Up Program need to be Kick Started without further delay, if the much that remain to be done in the great work to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States is to be done in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030.
'If my analysis is roughly correct, the forces for change facing the world could be so far-reaching, complex, and interactive that they call for nothing less than the reeducation of humankind.
Paul Kennedy, Preparing for the Twenty-First Century

Understanding SDGs; What is Required to get all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to Achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date

The SDGs differ fundamentally from their MDGs predecessor. The SDGs are set apart by their universal reach, which obligates all governments – North and South – to solve problems at home and do all they can to overcome the challenges that face us all - Worldwide.

The SDGs recognize that all responsible – in government, civil society, development agencies and the private sector – must necessarily play a role, if we are to overcome urgent environmental, governance, political, social and economic challenges that face us all - Worldwide.  

The SDGs also represent the world’s first attempt to capture the breath and indivisibility of shared challenges. The climate crisis, intractable conflict, skyrocketing humanitarian needs, biodiversity loss and contagious disease are among the interrelated – interlinked, interdependent, and interconnected challenges that cannot be solved in isolation. Overcoming One Challenge, demands tackling all the Challenges, jointly. The SDGs recognize this and take aim at the hunger, malnutrition, poverty, injustice, insecurity, inequality, unsustainable production, unsustainable consumption, conflicts, climate change, and environmental degradation that bind and underlie today’s challenges on the ground as applicable in each specific community, country and continent location context.  

The SDGs constitute a resounding call to go beyond past and ongoing business as usual and change for change sake. Achieving the SDGs requires all-of-society changes to the way we live, work, and produce, consume, generate energy, design our cities, and more. This is a challenge for all countries.

The SDGs range from the eradication of hunger, malnutrition and poverty to the need to act for climate mitigation, to the promotion of education and gender equality, to preserving natural resources such as water in sufficient quantity and quality for human needs and much more.
Food access, utilisation, availability, quality and sustainability are at the core of all SDGs and represent a pre-requisite to implement the 2030 Agenda in all countries in the world.
Agriculture accounts for one third of global GhG emissions, cover 38% of the world’s land surface (an area still in expansion), accounts for 70% of water withdrawals and 80% of desertification.
The number of hungry people is rising again and exceeded 815 million in 2016; overweight and nutrition challenges affect two billion people both in the North and the South of the world; and about one third of the food produced for human consumption gets lost or is wasted.
The implication of these realities include that we cannot transform our world without fixing the food system first; that the SDGs are a global and national objective, not a partisan objective and that National Governments are the ultimate duty-bearers of the SDG agenda. Having endorsed the 2030 World Transformation Agenda on September 25th, 2015, National Governments are now bound to embark upon a comprehensive program of implementation, developing a national strategy (-ies), agreeing upon a national monitoring and evaluation framework and a process for annual reporting, and establishing multi-stakeholder advisory groups to support implementation and evaluation that work. Above all, governments need to show a strong public commitment to implementing the SDGs. They will be accountable to their citizens through national formal and informal mechanisms, and to the international community via annual dialogues at the High-Level Political Forum, HLPF.
National Leaders and World Leaders need to be concerned that at Mid 1st Quarter 2019 Year 4 of Implementation of the SDGs, all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge and that with less than 12 years to end 2030 target date, so much remain to be done, if all 193/306 UN Member States are to return to 2014 Cross Roads and get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030. To achieve these UNEA4 March 2019, DCF May 2019, HLPF July 2019 and HLPF September 2019 need to be organized in such a way that their respective outcomes indeed Mark Turning Point in National and International Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radial/Fundamental Change for delivery on SDGs Pledge in All Countries.

Food And Agriculture Are Key To Achieving The Entire Set Of SDGs.

The 2030 Agenda recognizes that we can no longer look at food, livelihoods and the management of natural resources separately. A focus on rural development and investment in agriculture - crops, livestock, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture: pre harvest, harvest and post harvest – are powerful tools to end hunger, malnutrition and poverty, and bring about sustainable development in all 193/306 UN Member States. Agriculture has a major role to play in combating climate change.

Developing SDG strategies and plans should be a multi-stakeholder process, engaging international, national and local government representatives, civil society, businesses, faith-based groups and representatives from academia and science. As noted in Transforming our World – 2030 Agenda, inclusive development means “all stakeholders National and International, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan – the SDGs”.

Effective multi-stakeholder engagement within Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms, MSPs that Work to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge will build on the expertise of individual actors to do collective problem solving. Different actors will need clearly defined roles and responsibilities to make the process work as applicable in each specific community, country and continent location context.   

The UN Secretary General said agricultural and livestock productivity in Africa was and is under threat largely due to conflict and climate change. He added, “climatic shocks, environmental degradation, crop and livestock price collapse and conflict are all interlinked”.

It is pertinent to note that food insecurity, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa, is related to a variety of interconnected factors, such as extreme poverty, un-diversified livelihoods, weak institutions and governance, and, especially, adverse climatic conditions and social conflicts; that Brexit as Force for Evil will raise serious Food Insecurity problems in UK, Ireland and remaining 26 EU Member States and that World Food, Finance and Fuel Crises is Global Crises Must be tackled and within National and International Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radial/Fundamental Change.

It is pertinent to note further that Climate Change and severe extreme weather events could have a tremendous impact on crop yields, livestock, fish stocks and therefore affect farmer’s incomes (especially subsistence smallholder farmers) who become more vulnerable to food insecurity; that NASA recent Report identifies past 5 years as hottest in history and that our Fragile Planet is on Road to Peril if urgent remedial Action is not taken in the next 10 years – that is, it is in enlightened self interest of all 193/306 UN Member States to jointly achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 and this includes achieving delivery on Sustainable Solutions to Brexit on time.
Making Fourth Agriculture Revolution and Fourth Industrial Revolution Work for 8 Billion People in our World of 2030 including 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders on both North and south Countries sides is Master Key to Sustainable Solutions to National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit and this will of necessity involve measures to tackle Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty in EU, Africa and Worldwide including the harmonisation of governance of food security, sustainability and nutrition; building institutional responses to reduce extreme poverty and inequalities; supporting more efficient agricultural systems; ICTs and technology innovation.
Additionally, it also includes supporting farmers to diversify livelihoods and reduce vulnerability; restoring land and increasing integrated land and water management to improve harvests; identification of strategies for building resilience to shocks through adaptation to climate change, institutional response mechanisms; and finally monitoring and reporting of the Global Goals –SDGs, AAAA, COP21, Agenda21, NIEO through generation and sharing of reliable Data and Digitization.
This underlines urgent need to effectively address today’s food related issues in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context with a multidisciplinary approach — from the environmental, governance, political, economic, financial, security, cooperatives, communication, cultural, health, technological, legal and social perspective. Meeting this goal is necessary to secure the wellbeing and health of people and the planet and in ways that increase prosperity, promote peace and strengthen multi stakeholder partnerships in all 193/306 UN Member States.
The coexistence of hunger and obesity, the overexploitation of natural resources and food loss and waste or three imbalances that beset the global food system: food waste (nearly 1/3 of world food production), hunger in the face of epidemic levels of obesity (2.1 billion people impacted), and unsustainable agricultural systems (1/3 of world grain production is used for animal feed, foodstuffs are used for first generation biofuels instead of feeding people are the three paradoxes that need to be meaningfully talked in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-region and regional location context, if all 193/306 UN Member States are to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date. This underlines the urgent need to answer the Big Question: How sustainable farming systems is being utilized in all 193/306 UN Member States as a roadmap for positive action and implementation of the SDGs?
Brexit Sustainable Solutions Integral Part of SDGs Pledge Sustainable Solutions
The exceptionally high levels of:-
Information Abuse – Too Many People Influenced by False Information to take Wrong Action
Information Misuse – Too Many People Influenced by Misleading Information to take Wrong Action
Information Disuse – Too Many People Indifferent to Right Information Do Nothing, that is, Take No Action
Explain why over 50% Voters abstained from Brexit Vote arising from Information Disuse; Leavers Won Vote by narrow margin; Levers and Remainers generously deployed Information Abuse and Information Misuse in their campaigns for Votes.

This Information: Abuse, Misuse and Disuse, is a serious UK Disease that is of epidemic proportions. However, the Disease in epidemic proportions is not exclusive to the UK but is prevalent in Ireland, other EU Member States, rest of Europe and rest of the World.

A generous dose of Communication for Political, Economic, Social, Environmental and Governance Change for Good and Communication for Sustainable Development including Major Instruments like Communication for Behavioral Impact and Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale delivered alongside other Medications and Instruments is required to cure this disease of epidemic proportions Worldwide. UK, Ireland, rest of EU, rest of Europe and rest of World need help of Neutral External Consultants with adequate levels of Hard Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies – Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership for Correct Diagnosis; Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

Just as Ireland’s umbilical cord is tied to UK Economy; Africa’s umbilical cord is tied to EU Economy. If EU Leaders do not want Citizens in EU Member States including Ireland as well as Citizens of African Countries and other EU Partner Countries to suffer Brexit Woes, they must look beyond ongoing Brexit Negotiations to the real intention of UK Voters for Leave and Remain as well as Brexit Vote Abstainers as basis for finding effective cure to EU Project Diseases – including Inequality, Conflicts and Unsustainable Production that Brexit in reality is symptom of.

It is pertinent to note that Northern Ireland passed the 2 year mark of being without a Government on 9 January 2019 – taking the Lead from Belgium – another EU Member State. The 21 year old Good Friday Agreement, GFA aimed at securing peace and prosperity has essentially been squandered and Failed Brexit may finally tear up the Agreement. The EU Approach to defending the GFA may end up destroying it.

A better approach is to find effective cure to Northern Ireland Diseases – including Inequality, Conflicts and Unsustainable Production that is integral part finding cure to African Countries Diseases and other EU Partner Countries Diseases – including Inequality, Conflicts and Unsustainable Production as well as integral part of finding cure to EU Project Diseases – including Inequality, Conflicts and Unsustainable Production.

We urge the EU to pick up the gauntlet and let Positive Change start from Ireland and rest of EU Member States Governments – Executive, Parliament, Judiciary at all levels; EU Member States Publics – Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Volunteer Organization and Ordinary Citizens and Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate Students through EU Global Goals Project.

While waiting for the Political Climate to be favorable to Re-establishing EU Project for Stronger Europe and Stronger World on UK Governments – Executive, Parliament, Judiciary at all levels; UK Publics – Private Sector, Social Enterprise, Volunteer Organization and Ordinary Citizens sides, the Ireland and EU Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate Students can draw on Global Solidarity of Academics to encourage UK Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate Students to kick start their own Global Goals Project. This will certainly fast track emergence of New UK Climate favorable to Re-establishing EU Project for Joint UK, Ireland, rest of EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Prosperity driven by Rethinking Development Finance; Rethinking Cooperatives, Social Economy and Social Enterprise; Rethinking Global Economy; Rethinking Evaluation; Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data and Digitization; Rethinking Elections; Rethinking Transparency, Accountability and Participation; Rethinking Sustainability; Rethinking Environment and Climate Change; Rethinking Development Communication; Rethinking Multi Stakeholder Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs; Rethinking Government and Governance; Rethinking Leadership and Citizenship; Rethinking Attitude and Behaviour; Rethinking Globalization and Brexit and Rethinking Lobbying as Force for Good as Foundation for Achieving increasing Convergence between 2030 Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 (Rio and Rio+20), NIEO Vision Intention and Reality in each Community in each of 193/306 UN Member States by Target Date.

Whole System Reform for Resolving National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit and in ways that HELP all 193/306 UN Member States Achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge

The bottom line for those engaged in whole system reform is that the core strategy must focus on thorough and widespread capacity building, especially the collective capacity of groups. There must be determined effort to reduce culture of blame and to increase: wide spread transparency about results, about what is working and what is not working as well as about intervening in order to build capacity for continuing and sustainable progress towards achieving National Goals Interrelated – Interlinked, Interdependent and Interconnected with Global Goals targets by due date.

To achieve these, what is needed is government management by design built to fit these difficult times; government that identifies the root/primary cause of real and complex problems on the ground in specific community, country or continent location context, recognizes HOW to deliver right sustainable solutions and abandons tools and approaches that have been shown over time not to have worked at all or be working poorly. In this effort governments can draw heavily on the mission driven mindset of its employees – a real comparative advantage for the public sector over the private sector. Too often National and World Leaders tap insufficiently into this valuable resource/asset.

It is pertinent to note that if all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back On Track towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in the barely 12 years remaining, there is need to make Very Big Progress – Quantum Leap Frog Progress – Doing Much More with available resources and in very limited time. Incremental or Piece Meal Progress will not be sufficient to Do all that need to be done in the limited time and resources available.

National and International Stakeholders in each specific North or South Country’s Sustainability Strategy and SDG in Country that is: Executive – Political Leaders in Power (Elected and Appointed); Civil Servants and Public Servants at all Tiers and in all Arms as well as in UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Headquarters, Regional Office, Sub-Regional Office, Country Office and Sub-Country Office Entities NEED the support of Central Coordinating Internal Consultants and Central Coordinating External Consultants who have relevant authorization to be Politically Relevant and Analytically Authoritative in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context for which the Internal Consultants Agency and the External Consultants Organization has responsibility.

In challenging times, the Government we need is rarely the Government we inherit. Instead Government in Power especially at the beginning of a New Administration must be deliberately designed and managed to correctly diagnose real and complex problems on the ground in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context and to make progress with correct prescription, correct surgery and correct recovery management that help the Government deliver on its duties and responsibilities to Citizens and in ways that help achieve delivery on National Goals and Global Goals including delivery on SDGs Pledge in barely 12 years remaining to end 2030.

The UN Secretary General is doing much to Reform the UNO but much more remains to be done Reforming the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) to be Fit for Purpose and Fit for the 21st Century.

Ongoing ECOSOC Reform has Youth Forum. This is good butt for Best Results, there also need to be Children Forum, Women Forum, Men Forum and Elders Forum and ECOSOC New York needs to be effectively Connected with All Communities in All 193/306 UN Member States within entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Delivery as One Reform that effectively Connect UNO Headquarters New York; WBG and IMF Headquarters Washington and WTO (ITO) Headquarters with All Communities in All 193/306 UN Member States. The same goes for all Global Political Groupings of Countries – G7, G8, G20 and Commonwealth OECD, GPEDC etc; Regional Political Groupings of Countries – AU, LAC etc and Sub-Regional Political Groupings of Countries – EU, ECOWAS etc.

Building State/National Capacity that Work for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States

The SDGs Pledge states that none of the 17 Goals of the SDGs will be considered met if it is not achieved by All Peoples in All Countries by end 2030. The implication is that if just One of the 17 Goals of the SDGs is not met in just One Community in just One of the 193/306 UN Member States then all 193/306 UN Member States have FAILED to achieve delivery on the SDGs Pledge.

As all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge with less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date, the magnitude and complexity of the Task that remain to be done is colossal. Brexit as Force for Evil further intensifies the Great Task and must be avoided.

The starting point of this Great Task is Building State/National Capacity that Work for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

Intensive diplomatic action and massive political will required to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030: What needs to be done now, because it wasn’t done before [adopting the SDGs], is the basic diplomatic work that looks at all the issues that are involved here, puts them all on the table and begins a diplomatic process between the national and international stakeholders in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

We cannot continue to see poverty as a simplistic financial indicator, measured in a household income gap between rich and poor. These big indicators are useful tools to track where we are, but they seldom give us the nuanced understanding we need to understand the dimensions of social change. It is becoming imperative that we shift our debate to a more nuanced understanding of inequality, conflict, unsustainable production, unsustainable consumption and the poverty these causes, so that we can start taking the small steps that are needed to strengthen the foundations of our society and building an inclusive society at all levels. All of these need to be on the table. These are what need to be discussed and we have yet to have a serious meeting on these issues. That’s the problem.
Building State/National Capacity requires a focus on three crucial dimensions:-
  1. The Crafting of political coalitions needed to set and carry out policies, programs and projects;
  2. The Mobilizing of resources with which to implement and evaluate national and international development cooperation objectives; and
  3. The Allocation of resources to productive; empowerment; and child and family welfare-enhancing sectors and enforcing rules governing their use.
Given the ultimate catastrophic consequences of Failed Brexit outcome for UK, Ireland, rest of EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Now is Time to step back to Consider the fact that:-
  1. Avoiding or evading answer to Brexit root cause or primary cause problems will only make matters worse.
  2. Sustainable Solutions to Brexit root cause or primary cause problems lies in answer to SDGs Pledge How questions as applicable in each specific Community, Sub- each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
  3. Answer to SDGs Pledge How questions lies in Pilot Program and Scale Up Program that meaningfully resolve Global/Regional/Sub-Regional, National/Sub-National/Community Crises/Crisis.
University/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s Global Goals Project

The new generation of faculty on campuses in all 193/306 UN Member States Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions should strive to conduct world-class research, while working to identify the relevance of their research for solving real-world problems on the ground at specific community, country, continent and global location context that the University/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s has capacity to tackle effectively.

In the new dispensation Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in all 193/306 UN Member States need to hire faculty who are interested not only in the advancement of their academic areas but also in pursuing commercial applications for their technologies, or engage in entrepreneurial activities that correlate with their academic disciplines. The Global Goals Project aims to effectively support all Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in all 193/306 UN Member States fast track transition to this new dispensation. Also as faculty become more interested in commercialization activities, Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions would provide additional resources to encourage mutual collaboration and multi stakeholder partnerships with local communities and industries, expanding according to their capabilities to industries/enterprises at each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

The University/Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution Non-Profit Organization / Social Economy and Social Enterprise, SESE Organization allows domestic - local, national, and international – sub-regional, regional and global industries to partner with expert faculty, other Government Officials and students performing sponsored research. These Multi Disciplinary and Multi Stakeholder Partnerships, MSPs that Work not only connect University/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s and other Government Agencies Experts with Industry Experts, but also facilitate the commercialization of research, and enhance collaborative, cooperative and experiential learning experiences and opportunities. With the creation of the Foundation/SESE organization outside the University/Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution, professors, lecturers and other state employees remain in compliance with state restrictions on equity and revenues streams, while allowing them to be effectively compensated for their work through income from licensing revenues and other shares.

To capitalize on the expertise of seasoned entrepreneurs, each University/Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution in all 193/306 UN Member States need to consider building Entrepreneur in- Residence (EIR) Programs. The EIRs work with University/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s researchers, other government agencies researchers, students, faculty, and staff in the development of early stage start-up companies to provide guidance and advice. EIRs help interested faculty members better understand entrepreneurship, evaluate technology for licensing, expand their network of resources, and guide them on how to start the commercialization process. EIRs usually have a focus area that meets faculty needs, often have a good working knowledge of current intellectual property laws and can assist faculty in finding those ideas in their research programs that are worth commercializing. The EIR program provides mentorship opportunities that help stimulate innovative and entrepreneurial activity throughout campus.

A high priority for the 193/306 UN Member States Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions System is to streamline the technology transfer process, to more effectively identify research with market potential, and to move it from the lab to the marketplace and in record time.

Even with successful and innovative programs, about 20 percent of the University’s/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s population may not fully accept change. However, experience provides a helpful ameliorative blueprint. Consistency and a clear articulation of the Vice Chancellor/President’s vision usually earn the respect of skeptics. The University’s/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s quest as University /Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution Fit for Purpose and Fit for the 21st Century would be helped by the Vice Chancellor/President’s intuitive understanding of internal constituencies, an ability to maintain enough dynamism to make concessions where necessary, a genuine commitment to building a capable and competent senior leadership team and most importantly, the University’s/Tertiary Institution’s/Higher Education Institution’s leadership team recognizing that innovation, by necessity, means not being constrained by conventional thinking. Thus with creativity in the Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions, there are no obstacles that cannot be managed. Just as a bell, innovation without movement does not ring. So Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in all Countries need to go ahead, let innovation ring - join the movement for Transforming their University/Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution to University/Tertiary Institution/Higher Education Institution Fit for Purpose and Fit for the 21st Century.

3 Steps of Action for Resolving National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit and in ways that HELP all 193/306 UN Member States Achieve Delivery on SDGs Pledge

3 Steps to Operationalizing in Practice Leave No One Behind and Work Together Benefit Together Concepts as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context:-
  1. Analysis / Examine – Desk Analysis; Orientation Workshops; Management Surveys, Engineering Surveys and Financial Surveys;
  2. Pilot Program and Scale Up Program – Empower and Enact – Implementation and Evaluation of Study Reports and Conferences and Meetings Outcome Documents Conclusions and Recommendations to Test Innovative and Creative Ideas harvested from (1) in Pilot Program, Adjust Pilot Program to address flaws and failures in real life situation before blowing up in Scale Up Program as appropriate in specific Community, Country, Continent location context;
  3. Building Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting – Applied History and Dynamic Communication – Move (2) forward in ways that ensure National and Global Goals are achieved by Target Dates through Communication Strategy that ensure all National and International Stakeholders are aware of the Results - Success and Failures, and Challenges – Opportunities and Threats facing each Partner and ways and means the Partner is addressing same, noting that High Flyers enjoy Gains and Laggards endure Losses but Laggards Losses pose Risks to High Flyers if same remain unaddressed. This makes High Flyers and Laggards genuinely appreciate that Leave No One Behind and Work Together Benefit Together are indeed SDGs/SDGs Pledge Concepts that is in the enlightened self interest of both High Flyers and Laggards to fully implement and effectively deliver and on time.

The starting point in the implementation of the 3 Steps of Action is Twofold:-
1. An appreciation that Our World is in Crises and Our World is the Crisis; that EU and its Institutions – EC, ECB, ECJ, EP and COE is in Crises and EU and its Institutions – EC, ECB, ECJ, EP and COE is the Crisis; that same apply to similar Sub-Regional and Regional Political Groupings of Countries in our World today – and that Crises – Multiple and Crisis - Singular are always steeped in context. Even if at the time of unfolding of the Crises/Crisis that context is difficult to grasp, careful reconstruction shows HOW (and the extent to which) the factors active in the launch and unfolding of the Crises/ Crisis were rooted in history and context. Such attentiveness to context and history is a quality that is particularly nourished by historians, anthropologists, and sociologists. Yet these and other relevant Professionals are not meaningfully involved in attempts to find Sustainable Solutions to the Crises/Crisis – World Food, Fuel, Finance Crises/Crisis; Irish Crises/Crisis; UK/EU Brexit Crises/Crisis etc
2. A renewed effort to support all 193/306 UN Member States to achieve delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date, should be long-term, strategic-level, low-carbon action plans, supported by a holistic national urban/rural planning approach that enables the integration of large mainstream investment flows rather than a project-by-project approach on the sidelines of core development strategies and decisions.

Also understanding the interface between the demand and supply sides of public services is key to establishing and successfully implementing with effective monitoring and evaluation, a comprehensive end hunger, malnutrition and poverty strategy of which social protection framework including safety nets and social assistance are a sub-set, in any given community, country or continent specific location context. This underlines urgent need for strategies, policies, programs and projects that are grounded in a proper understanding of the size and dimension of the problems that Governments and their National and International Partners face, as they grapple with challenges of sustainable development.

National and Global Leadership in UN System and all 193/306 UN Member States

In the work towards doing the much that remain to be done if all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back On Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date, the BIG Question is: Who takes responsibility for Bad Political, Economic, Social, Governance and Environmental Decisions that hinder 193/306 UN Member States from achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date?

The Leadership BURDEN means that there is Lag between Good Decisions in any or all of these areas taken by relevant National Leaders and Global Leaders and when these Good Decisions manifest positively in the Lives and Livelihoods of Ordinary Peoples – Citizens and there is also Lag between Bad Decisions in any or all of these areas taken by relevant National Leaders and Global Leaders and when these Bad Decisions manifest negatively in the Lives and Livelihoods of Ordinary Peoples – Citizens.

This underline urgent need to Rethink Transparency, Accountability and Participation alongside other Rethinking identified in the Paper and deploy outcome as appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context, in ways that effectively hold National Leaders and Global Leaders responsible for decisions they take in Office. This way 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years down the line, Good Decisions can be Rewarded and Celebrated and Bad Decisions can be Sanctioned and Condemned – even if the National Leader/Global Leader is Dead.

We have used Leadership in its broadest sense –
Governments – Executive, Parliament, Judiciary at all tiers;
Global Political Groupings of Countries – UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO); G7, G8, G20, G77+China; Commonwealth; OECD, GPEDC; etc
Regional Political Groupings of Countries – AU/AC; LAC etc
Regional Political Groupings of Countries – EU/EC, ECOWAS etc

There is also urgent need to find effective ways of holding Followers and Citizens Accountable for Imposing Public Will on National Leaders and Global Leaders that Force these Leaders to take Bad Decisions or their Refusing to embrace and support Good Decisions taken by these Leaders.

It is pertinent to note that Leaders Accountability and Followers/Citizens Accountability are Two sides of the same Coin, if our World is to get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030.
It is pertinent to note that getting all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date underlines urgent need for analytical work and piloting that might help all concerned national and international stakeholders to understand better the linkages between local governance, service delivery and social safety nets/social protection.

This will require capacity building for policy making and financial instruments to assist the cities/communities in both developed and developing nations with the up-front investments needed to create and undertake low-carbon initiatives and related initiatives. Such support should be an impor­tant part of any global climate/SDGs Pledge delivery negotiation outcome.

It will also require the Professional tackling of the Leadership Challenge in all North and South Countries in our World today through:-
  1. Leadership Burden: Presidents/Prime Ministers/Heads of Government, who mean well and genuinely desire and promise to deliver positive change for greatest number of citizens – Most Popular when Least Effective and Least Popular when Most Effective. Time Lag between Painful Decisions and Beneficial Results deceive Public to continue being fickle – they seek to avoid or evade Pain while seeking to enjoy and celebrate Gain. The Challenge of Mastering this paradox is one that Good Leaders must overcome.
  2. Government Effectiveness: The Business of Government is Governance. Governance Sustainability greatly depends on Government Effectiveness and Vice Versa. All North and South Countries Need Capacity in Government to Get Things Done. This Capacity determines if the Country will demonstrate and be seen to demonstrate minimum certain levels of Government Effectiveness and Governance Sustainability required to design and deliver, National and Global Goals by target date in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
  3. Recognizing the Big Issues Challenging North and South Countries in our World today are essentially similar – Growing National Economies in ways that create opportunities for all especially the disadvantaged and deprived; Providing High Quality Food, Health, Employment, Entrepreneurship and Education Services; Ensuring Safety, Security and Justice. In most cases the Best Sustainable Solutions for each specific Community, Country or Continent location context are already know – exist in some Study Report or Conference/Meeting Outcome Document but need to be updated and complemented with appropriate Field Work – Orientation Workshops and Surveys: Management, Engineering and Financial.
  4. Appreciating in the 21st Century, meeting this Challenge in each North or South Country is no longer about Political Leaders knocking down Political Opponents arguments, it is about Political Leaders in Power:-
a)      Building Up a Robust System of Government appropriate to their specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context that deliver Results – the National and Global Goals by target date.
b)      Appreciating that Pace of Change in the 21st Century is Incredible – New Technologies in Communications, Energy, Medicine etc; New Global Challenges like Climate Change, Migration and Terrorism etc; Existing Global Challenges like Financial Crisis; Food Crisis, Fuel Crisis, Corruption etc. Only Systemic Change that Totally Overhaul or Rebuild the System will be adequate to deliver the Sustainable Solutions for the Results Citizens desire and deserve.
c)      Appreciating that the Best Systemic Change Design and Delivery start from the Right Conceptual Analysis. Whereas much of Politics is conducted in a completely non intellectual atmosphere, the Best Policy actually comes from a clear and rigorous intellectual approach. There must be an unbroken thread between a Conceptual Analysis on what the real problem on the ground is, then an Orientation or Direction in order to resolve it and then a specific Policy, Program, Project Intervention, 3PI and 3PI Training as One. This sequence is crucial – the specific 3PI and 3PI Training as One has to flow from specific Policy Direction and the Policy Direction has to come from a Right Conceptual Analysis.
d)     Appreciating that the Implementation and Evaluation of 3PI and 3PI Training as One needs to be firmly grounded in Accountability that are based on Commitments to both Internal and External Publics.
e)      Appreciating that Government Effectiveness and Governance Sustainability must be measured in the Simplicity of Live Events that have meaning to Individual and Corporate Citizens.
f)       Appreciating that Government Effectiveness and Governance Sustainability delivering Simplicity of Life Events to Individual and Corporate Citizens must be firmly grounded in Innovation and Creativity that Work for each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
g)      Appreciating that Innovation and Creativity that Work depends of favourable climate – political, cultural, economic, financial, social, security, justice etc promoting “Work Together to Benefit Together” and “Leave No One Behind” Concepts of the SDGs.
h)      Appreciating that design and delivery of SDGs in Country and Country Sustainability Strategy in all North and South Countries must be driven by Sustainable Public/Civil Service for Sustainable Transformation of Society in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
i)        Appreciating that the actual People developing and enacting, that is the Policy Makers/Decision Makers/ Political Leaders in Power at each point in time Matter. They must have minimum certain levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership required to ensure that the Duty Bearer is able to deliver on the Duties and Responsibilities of the Office he/she occupy.
j)        Appreciating that Governments around the World – Big or Small; Rich or Poor; North or South can and should Learn from One Another.
k)      Appreciating that Governments in both North and South Countries need help from competent External Consultants if they are to achieve Sustainable Success grappling with these Big Challenges.
  1. The UNO Entities in particular and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities in general have much to contribute if all North and South Countries are to achieve meaningful success overcoming Challenges in (4). If these UNO Entities and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO Entities are to help Transform our World, they must first Transform themselves. To achieve this, these UNO Entities and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities need help from competent External Consultants.
  2. Regional Political Groupings like EU/EC, AU/AC and equivalent inn all remaining Regions in our World today have Central Roles to Play in (4) and (5).
  3. Global Platforms like GPEDC, OECD also have Central Roles to Play in (4) - (6).
  4. Top 1,000 Universities and Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in particular and indeed all Universities and Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions in all 193/306 UN Member States have Central Roles to Play in (4) – (7).
  5. Internal and External Consultants with adequate levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership to effectively support MSPs that Work to effectively tackle real Challenges on the ground as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context have Central Role to Play in (4) – (8). 
Domesticating of Global Goals in all 193/306 UN Member States

The Great Task to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge including Sustainable Solutions to Brexit greatly depends on Domestication of Global Goals – SDG, AAAA, COP21/Agenda 21 and NIEO as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context through Design and Delivery of Policy, Program and Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One within 10 Cross Cutting Themes aimed at achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context by end 2030 target date:-
  1. Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty
  2. Environmental Sustainability and Climate Change
  3. Basic Services: Water, Sanitation, Health, Employment, Housing, Education, Justice, Security, Food, Nutrition, Agriculture, Mining, Management, Communication, Social Protection, Extension, Research and Development, Conflict Resolution, Risk Management
  4. Basic Infrastructure: Transport, Telecom, Internet, Energy, Electricity, Finance, Technology
  5. Capital: Human Capital – Knowledge, Creativity, Ability, Experience; Financial Capital – Loan, Equity, Grant, Tax; Physical Capital – Real Assets including Real Estate, Land, Infrastructure; Social Capital -  Networks and Relationships Connecting People, Creating Value, Enabling Change; Spiritual Capital – Spirituality, Prophesy, Deliverance
  6. Communication for Behavioral Impact; Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale
  7. Inclusive / Lifelong Education – Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Citizenship, Education for Sustainable Consumption and Education for Sustainable Production
  8. Inclusive / Lifelong Entrepreneurship – Public Organization, Commercial Organization, Social Organization and Volunteer Organization
  9. Urban and Rural Communities Extension, Research and Development.
  10. Service Delivery, Support for Pro Poor Economic Growth and Institutional Reform and Support for Reforming Institutions
  11. Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment, Lessons Learning
  12. Transparency, Accountability, Stakeholder Participation
  13. Systems Reform, Policy Reform, Structures Reform, Procedures Reform, Project Reform, Culture Reform
  14. Risk Management, Disaster Management, Geodesign
  15. Technology for Development
  16. Finance for Development
  17. Finance, Accounts, Law, Strategy
  18. Development Anthropology, Social Psychology, Marketing Communication
  19.  Creative Arts for Behavioral Change
  20. Media: Radio, TV, Print, Online for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Solutions to National/ Regional/Global Crises/Crisis

Our World and its 5 Continents and 193/306 UN Member States; Africa and its 5 Sub-Regions and 52 Countries; EU and its 28 Member States including UK that may be on its Way Out at this time; Europe with EU and Non EU Member States including Turkey that is Arab Country on European Land as well as other Sub-Regional, Regional and Continental Political Groupings in remaining parts of our World are in Multiple and Serial Crises or Our World and its 5 Continents and 193/306 UN Member States; Africa and its 5 Sub-Regions and 52 Countries; EU and its 28 Member States including UK that may be on its Way Out at this time; Europe with EU and Non EU Member States including Turkey that is Arab Country on European Land as well as other Sub-Rerional, Regional and Continental Political Groupings in remaining parts of our World are in Multiple and Serial Crises is the Major Crisis?

The above Multiple Crises including the respective Major (Single) Crisis are worsened by the following weaknesses:-
  1. Socio Economic Model that fail to serve the needs of disadvantaged and deprived in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
  2. Banking and Financial Institutions whose flamboyant and speculative financial service activities are making huge profits while they cease to discharge their basic social functions, namely intermediating between savers and investors and assessing credit risk. A system where financial activity is not auxiliary to non financial activity cannot be stable.
  3. Fiscal crisis where gap between tax design and the reality of tax collection is growing. This is worsened by public spending that many tax payers see as not delivering value for money or fitness for purpose and use this as excuse for tax avoidance or tax evasion. While tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion is illegal. Both should be illegal.
  4. Macro-economic crisis where macro-economic steering capacities – the pulls and levers of macro-economic policy are rendered inoperable by structural changes in World Economy such as the sinking of the Breton Woods International Monetary System in 1971 but 45 years later Institutions Safeguarding the System- World Bank Group and IMF refuse to allow needed change.
  5. Political crisis - The developments leading to the structural weaknesses (1) – (4) came hand in hand with the growth of transnational economic activities. Thus, the nation-state remained the key political unit while it progressively lost the economic and institutional means with which to discharge the constitutional mandates of full employment and rising living standards. That was bound to create a growing political unrest at heart, the increasing polarization and politicization at each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context, resulting from the growing gap between what politicians pretended they were capable of doing, and what they were actually capable of doing. By inflating social expectations at the very time that they found themselves with ever fewer means to realise them, political representatives set the stage for a structural political crisis.
It is clear that if Our World/Each of the 5 Continents is to break the viscous circle of being too rich to be poor and too poor to be rich, Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global Stakeholders need to jointly ask - What is the definition of:-
  1. Political Justice, Economic Justice, Social Justice?
  2. Political Inclusion, Economic Inclusion, Social Inclusion?
  3. Political Freedom, Economic Freedom, Social Freedom?
  4. Political Dignity, Economic Dignity, Social Dignity?
The answer to these 4 in 1 Questions would shed light on the fact  that Sustainable Solutions to all identified Crises/Crisis in all 193/306 UN Member States; Global, Regional, Sub-Regional Political Groupings of Countries lies in National Leaders and World Leaders genuinely appreciating that in the same way that the flu is a lethal disease for those who are very frail, the flu is a serious problem for those who have a previous condition, but the flu is only a temporary setback for those whose immune system had been shaped up by a previous flu.

The implication is that present National/ Regional/Global Crises/Crisis may end up being lethal for not only UK and EU but also Nigeria, and Africa; China and Asia and USA and rest of our World, if urgent remedial action driven by Sustainable Solutions that Work to meaningfully support all 193/306 UN Member States get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date are not speedily found and fully implemented with determination as well as effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

Urgent Need to Resolve Brexit to be Force for Good Driving Delivery on SDGs Pledge

As UK and EU race to Brexit 29 March 2019 exit date, Fantasy Meet Brutal Reality as UK and EU Leaders now know that LOSE LOSE Outcome would Hurt UK, EU and the World.  Right now National, Regional and Global Stakeholders are not even really recognizing that we have this problem.

It is pertinent to note that ongoing Brexit Negotiations whichever way it ends on 29 March 2019 will not address root cause or primary cause of Brexit and there is high probability it would make National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis in UK, Ireland, rest of EU, rest of Europe and rest of World even worse after 29 March 2019, unless urgent remedial action is taken and on time.

We stress the importance of a meaningful implementation of the SDGs, in the fair resolution of National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit, considering that the SDG Implementation is already in its fourth year and needs a more ambitious implementation and evaluation action plan, if SDGs Pledge Delivery is to be achieved in all EU Member States including UK that may be on its way out and all remaining UN Member States and in ways that deliver Sustainable Solutions to all identified National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit.

It is pertinent to note that protection and improvement of health and wellbeing is also central to the synergistic interactions of the SDGs. As UK and EU move nearer to 29 March 2019, fundamental issues of Food Brexit, Agriculture Brexit, Health and Wellbeing Brexit, National Security Brexit etc are coming to the fore. These fundamental issues cannot be wished away but need to be discussed, negotiated and established and on time.

It is pertinent to note further that Sustainable Solutions to National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit lies in appreciating that the SDGs would need to be further mainstreamed in current and future policies in all EU Member States including UK that may be on its way out, as well as in all EU Partner Nations, essentially all remaining UN Member States. However this will not happen by essentially making use of existing tools and coherence mechanisms without additional tools and linked collaboration, coherence, cooperation, coordination and commitment mechanisms.

It will be recalled that the Conclusions of the EU Council representing the EU Member States adopted in June 2017 a document recognized that a higher level of ambition is required from both the EU Institutions and the EU Member States to implement and evaluate the 2030 Agenda – SDGs (2015 – The Main Agenda), AAAA (2015 – Finance for Development Dimension of the SDGs), COP21 (2015 – Climate Change Dimension of the SDGs) inclusive of Agenda21 (Rio, 1992 and Rio+20, 2012 – Environment Dimension of the SDGs) and NIEO (1974 – Political Dimension of the SDGs), for delivery on SDG Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date.

In the document EU Member States through EU Council urged the EU Commission to undertake a comprehensive gap analysis, identify further action in all relevant policy areas, and to speed up the elaboration of an EU-wide SDG implementation strategy with timelines, objectives and concrete measures. Had the EU Council ensured that the EU Commission effectively consulted and collaborated with all 28 EU Member States including UK that may be on its way out, Brexit Negotiations that started a few months earlier March 2017 would today has have better outcome.

The EU Council also acknowledged that the universal and integrated nature of the 2030 Agenda and the interlinkages between SDGs call for a much more holistic and coherent approach that involves internal and external actors. This required some structural reorganisation of the Council’s own working methods. In particular, all relevant Council formations and their working groups should ensure the coherence of sectoral policies and include all three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – in EU internal and external policies. This seemingly technical evolution in working formations is a strong statement of intent and a different way of doing business. Again had the EU Council Walked its Talk, necessary EU wide Reforms (in all EU Institutions) would have been Kick Started and this would have had positive influence on the Brexit Negotiations.

It is sad that UK and EU have allowed frayed nerves to blind them from their shared history especially after World War 2 when the UK collaborated with US on Marshal Plan for EU including UK; the positive roles UK Played in EU Parliament Committees and other EU Institutions. EU Leaders especially Germany, France, Netherlands cannot run away from answering fundamental Question that ought to have been settled with Citizens in all 28 EU Member States – What Type of Regional in reality Sub-Regional Political Groupings of Countries do we want to jointly establish:-
  1. A Supranational Entity wherein all Member States Surrender individual Sovereignty – Model (A)
  2. An Intergovernmental Entity in which Member States Cooperate and Collaborate in Solidarity without Surrender of Individual Sovereignty – Model (B)
  3. A Blend of (1) and (2) – Model (C).
Any Reform of the EU that would find Sustainable Solutions to National/Regional/Global Crises/Crisis including Brexit facing all 28 EU Member States including UK on its way out, must be built on the backbone of answer to this Main Question, agreed to unanimously or by consensus of all 28 EU Member States including UK on its way out. However, without help from Neutral and Competent External Consultants the EU and UK will on their own be unable to sit down to discuss the Questions not to talk of dialoguing in such a way as to find mutually acceptable answer to this Major Question. The reality is that as long as UK and EU fail to sit down to answer this Major Question, the EU Project will be on Fast Track to Total Collapse and the UK will be on Fast Track to National Crises that make the worst UK National Crises Child’s Play.

There is a Spiritual Dimension to Brexit. British Christianity is in trouble because Britain itself is disappearing. Immigrant religion is still thriving in the UK, whether it is Christian or Muslim. But that is because it has an entirely different relationship to the surrounding culture. The answer is not to discriminate against African, Arab and Asian economies but to be open to all on the Physical Dimension while meaningfully addressing the Spiritual Dimension of the problem. This Spiritual Dimension affects UK Political Culture. However, it is not only the UK that is facing Spiritual Dimension of Brexit and SDGs Pledge Problems worsened by their Political Culture.

Irish Border problem holding back Brexit Withdrawal Agreement is firmly rooted in Irish Christianity – Catholics and Protestants and this explain why 20 years after Good Friday Agreement Irish Christians – Catholics and Protestants as well as Irish Nationalists and Unionists cannot live together. The Irish must find Sustainable Solutions to their Spiritual Dimension of Brexit and SDGs Pledge as well as Political Culture problems on the ground. All remaining 26 EU Member States need to also look inwards and meaningfully address Spiritual Dimension of Brexit, SDGs Pledge and Political Culture problems on the ground in their own specific Community and Country location context.

Not to embrace an EU Fit for Purpose and Fit for 21st Century Model of harmonisation and identical regulation designed to effectively deliver Stronger UK, Stronger EU, Stronger Europe and Stronger World inclusive of mutual recognition to learn HOW to achieve better ends by better means is to assure early collapse of EU Project as well as to ensure that all 193/306 U Member States fail to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The time of NOW for EU "Not to be parochially regional but to be ambitiously global", the starting point is Sustainable Solutions to UK/EU Brexit root cause or primary cause problems.

Way Forward – Achieving SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by 2030

The scale of the ambition captured in the SDGs has moved from a whole-of-government effort to whole-of-society-effort, and from billions to trillions of US dollars (US$700 Trillion). In this context, the proposition of the EAG/ISPE/AR/NEHMAP is three-fold:-

First, that Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global as One Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships and Platforms, MSPs for specific National Goals and each of the 17 SDGs Goals or Group of 2 – 17 SDGs Goals Jointly adopting and deploying Universal/One Worldwide Approach that is Common, Systemic, shared Approach with clear and known Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database will be increasingly critical moving forward.

Second, that it is time to ensure the MSPs that Work effectively deploy  the One Worldwide 3 in 1 Integrated Frameworks of National Goals effectively linked with Global a) Goals Framework – SDGs (2015), COP21 (2015), Agenda21 (Rio 1992 and Rio+20 2012), NIEO (New International Economic Order 1974) – What National and International Stakeholders want to Jointly achieve; b) Means Framework – AAAA, that is Finance for Development that is the National and Global Goals Financing Framework and c) Effectiveness Framework (HOW to design and deliver Research, Planning, Data, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results, Transparency, Accountability and Participation as One Cohesive And Coherent Community, Country, Continent, Global Framework and in ways that ensure all National and International Stakeholders in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context Best Work Together to Benefit Together and in Ways that Leave No One Behind in all 193/306 UN Member States) to complete the National and International Architecture for the SDG that get All North and South Countries presently Off Track, to be back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge (None of the 17 Goals will be considered met if it is not achieved by All Peoples in All outcries by end 2030 target date) and in the 12 years remaining to end 2030 Agenda target date) including Sustainable Solutions that meaningfully address all Communities, Countries, Continents and all Groups unique problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context – the National and Global Goals Implementation and Evaluation for Results Framework;

Thirdly, it is time complement ongoing effort on 193/306 UN Member States and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Delivering as One sides with Pilot Program and Scale Up Program that is sufficiently All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious to meaningfully support all 193/306 UN Member States get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

Way Forward – UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 Report 2019

UNEMG executed a Global Consultation on its New Model Approach and UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 Report 2019 is expected to be released shortly. It is our hope that this UNEMG Report will indeed demonstrate that UNEMG has actually learned lessons from lessons learnt from failures of past and ongoing Approaches for achieving delivery on Sustainability, Governance, Environment, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Development Cooperation and related National and Global Goals; that this Report will be released in time for UNEA4 Participants to endorse it and that the Report will contribute meaningfully to UNEA4 and following UNO Events in 2019 indeed Marking Tuning Point in National and International Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radial/Fundamental Change Driving Transformation of Society in all 193/306 UN member States and in ways that ensure All North and South Countries achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.

Way Forward – GPEDC Call for Evidence Report 2019

GPEDC executed a Global Consultation on its Call for Evidence Initiative and GPEDC Call for Evidence Report 2019 is expected to be released shortly. It is our hope that this GPEDC Report will indeed demonstrate that GPEDC has actually learned lessons from lessons learnt from failures of past and ongoing Approaches for achieving delivery on Sustainability, Governance, Environment, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Development Cooperation and related National and Global Goals; that this Report will be released in time for UNEA4 Participants to endorse it and that the Report will contribute meaningfully to UNEA4 and following UNO Events in 2019 indeed Marking Tuning Point in National and International Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radial/Fundamental Change Driving Transformation of Society in all 193/306 UN member States and in ways that ensure All North and South Countries achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.                   


In the EU today, there is failure, real or perceived, of the EU Member States Economies to deliver higher living standards for many of its people. This real or perceived failure cannot be wished away.

We have provided additional evidence supporting the fact that Alternative Brexit could move Brexit away from current Force for Evil to Force for Good; that there are Bright Prospects of Success achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining, if urgent remedial Action is taken and on time. We have warmed that failure to find Brexit Sustainable Solutions that is Integral Part of 193/306 UN Member States Country Sustainability Strategy and SDG in Country would have ultimate catastrophic consequences for 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030 especially the 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders in all North and South Countries. We have Challenged Top 1,000 Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions Leading all remaining Universities/Tertiary Institutions/Higher Education Institutions to contribute their Quota through Inclusive Education or Lifelong Education – Education for Sustainable Development, Education for Sustainable Production, Education for Sustainable Consumption, Education for Sustainable Citizenship.

The Ball is now in the Court of National Leaders and World Leaders – Will they Play or Will they Keep Looking On as the World accelerate on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction)  Road to DOOM or will they DO the NEEDFUL and HELP all 193/306 UN Member States to speedily return to 2014 Cross Road and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM?

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost. To avoid this answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program need to start without delay.  

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
(Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International Society for Poverty Elimination
(Global Social Development Innovation Organization);
ER and Associates Limited
(National and International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative
(Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             February 2019.