Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 86

  EAG           ISPE 
              ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                                          INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION              
(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Organization)                                                                            (Global Foundation)             
     ER&A         NEHMAP Initiative
           ER and Associates Limited                                  New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty                   
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                       (Global Cooperatives Management Organization)

NEHMAP Comment on ILO Global Summit July 2020 and UNDESAHLPF July 2020 (2)


The ILO Global Summit 1-2 July 2020 has been held. With benefit of hindsight, the Warnings made by our Organization that: the ILO Global Summit Program suggested it would be Business as Usual repeating Past ERRORS of Past similar UN Events and that the Summit needed Rethinking to Right these known ERRORS, were not misplaced. The outcome of again ignoring, wishing away, avoiding or evading the Warning has confirmed that the known Past ERRORS have become Re-occurring Decimal. As the 2nd Part of ILO Global Summit 7-9 July 2020 start today, it is our hope that the Warnings will be taken seriously this time.

It is pertinent to note that the ILO Global Summit July 2020 is intended to be ILO’s Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 linked to achieving 5 Global Goals – SDGs 2015; AAAA 2015, Finance for Development Dimension of SDGs; COP 21 2015, Climate Change Dimension of SDGs, Agenda 21, Rio 1992 and Rio + 20, 2012, Development and Environment Dimension of SDGs and NIEO (New International Economic Order) 1974, Political Economy Dimension of SDGs, in all 193 UN Member States and by end 2030 target date to achieve the SDGs.

The UNDESA HLPF initially scheduled for 7-19 July 2020 but now holding 6-16 July 2020 is intended to be another of UNDESA’s Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 linked to achieving 5 Global Goals – SDGs 2015; AAAA 2015, Finance for Development Dimension of SDGs; COP 21 2015, Climate Change Dimension of SDGs, Agenda 21, Rio 1992 and Rio + 20, 2012, Development and Environment Dimension of SDGs and NIEO (New International Economic Order) 1974, Political Economy Dimension of SDGs, in all 193 UN Member States and by end 2030 target date to achieve the SDGs.

The UNDESA HLPF Kicked Off 6 July 2020 has been held. With benefit of hindsight at the end of Day 1 Events, the Warnings made by our Organization that: the UNDESA HLPF July 2020 Program suggested it would be Business as Usual repeating Past ERRORS of Past similar UN Events and that the Summit needed Rethinking to Right these known ERRORS, were not misplaced. The outcome of again ignoring, wishing away, avoiding or evading the Warning has confirmed that the known Past ERRORS have become Re-occurring Decimal. As the UNDESA HLPF continues today till 16 July 2020, it is our hope that the Warnings will be taken seriously this time.

It is pertinent to note that this problem of repeating Past ERRORS is not only on ILO and UNDESA sides, but in entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO, UNWTO Membership; all 193 UN Member States Governments – All Arms of All Tiers; Business and Academia sides and that should World Leaders Fail to speedily find National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to this real and complex problem, seeking to Win War on COVID-19 and in Ways that Help Get Done the much that remain to be Done, if all 193 UN Member States are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the barely 10 years remaining to end 2030 target date, in Ways that Leaving No One Behind in All Countries will be Mirage. Should this be allowed to happen, Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences is Guaranteed.

We again restated that to achieve this, Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps need to be Urgently Filled, if there is to be increasing Convergence between entire UN Membership Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 linked to achieving 5 Global Goals Vision Intention and Reality in all 193 UN Member States.

We note the Urgent Need for World Leaders on UN, Governments, Business and Academia sides to Change Course by 31 July 2020, if the identified Gaps are to be Filled and on time to avoid looming Ultimate Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID-19 and Failure to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States.

We again further note that the rapidly closing COVID-19 Short Window of Opportunity to Build Back Better and Build Back Greener Underline Urgent Need for World Leaders on UN, Governments, Business and Academia sides to Change Course and on time before end the Final Final Deadline of 31 July 2020, to avoid looming Guaranteed Ultimate Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID-19 and Failure to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States.

It is against this background that we wish to share our thoughts in this Paper (2) on Priorities and Direction Moving Forward in URGENT Global Interest.

Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID-19 Crisis

The DSDG Leaders at UNDESA HLPF 6 July 2020 Event on 2020 Targets: Renewing Commitments and Galvanizing Action AGREED that All Countries are Off Track achieving SDGs by 2030; that Global Goals 2030 need to be achieved first before World leaders could Press Forward to seek to achieve Global Goals 2050.

With this Knowledge, it is therefore a Puzzle that DSDG and UNDESA reject National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions that help Fight and Win War on COVID-19 linked to achieving SDGs by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States and in Ways that Make UN System Fit for the 21st Century Now and Press Forward to Make UN System Fit for the 22nd Century in 75 Years time when World Celebrate UN150.

The Choice World Leaders on UN, Governments, Business and Academia sides Make to Change Course Making New Paradigm Shifts including Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID-19 Crisis linked to achieving 5 Global Goals that Work; Business as Usual is Obsolete that Work, Working SMARTer Doing New Things in New Ways and Getting New Results etc, or Refuse to Change Course Maintaining Old Paradigms including Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID-19 Crisis linked to achieving 5 Global Goals that is Not Working; Business as Usual is Obsolete that is Not Working, Working HARDer Doing Old Things in Old Ways and Getting Same Old, Flawed and Failed Results etc, at the end of Business on 31 July 2020, will Greatly Determine the Future of our World in Years ahead.

We again restate that technically so much time has been lost; that we warned in October 2019 that World Leaders have 5 Critical Quarters: October 2019 – December 2020 to Change Course, if SDGs Pledge Delivery is to be achieved by 2030 and War on COVID-19, which as from early 2020 made Bad Situation Worse, is to be Won.

We further restate the Sad reality that DSDG and UNDESA now admit, is that at the end of 3 of 5 Critical Quarters and 18 of 60 Quarters of SDGs Implementation on 30 June 2020, not only are all 193 UN Member States Off Track achieving SDGs by 2030, Gains made over the years Winning War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty are being lost. 

The implication of World Leaders Failing to Change Course at the end of Business on 31 July 2020, is that all 5 of 5 Critical Quarters have been lost, as it is almost humanly impossible to recover lost ground by 31 December 2020 and then press forward to do all that remain to be done to Win War on COVID-19 and achieve SDGs (all 5 Global Goals) Pledge Delivery in all 193 UN Member States, in barely 10 years remaining to end 2030 target date, given the present level of Orientation, Organization and Discipline of Leaders and Followers on UN, Governments, Business and Academia Sides.

There is still COVID-19 Short Window of Opportunity: Utilized before it close, the Impossible can still be Possible, as World Leaders Change Course by End July 2020 and achieve Extra Ordinary Mobilization of all National and Global Stakeholders on UN, Governments, Business and Academia Sides and their National and International Partners to take all necessary measures to Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning War on COVID-19 linked to achieving SDGs (all 5 Global Goals) by 2030 in All Countries and in Ways that Leave No One Behind.

Should this COVID-19 Short Window of Opportunity be Squandered, Failure to Win War on COVID-19 is Guaranteed and this in turn Guarantee Ultimate Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences in all Countries, in its extreme People Dying 1st, Businesses Dying 2nd and Planet Dying 3rd.  

If the extra 25 Days to end July 2020, is also Squandered, then World Leaders on UN, Governments, Business and Academia simply live with Ultimate Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Choices they have Individually and Jointly FREELY and Knowingly made.

If this Short Window of Opportunity is not to be Squandered DSDG and UNDESA need to ensure that the remainder of UNDESA HLPF 7-16 July 2020 indeed answers How Questions and meaningfully address all related fundamental issues raised in EAG Submissions in Public and Private. The same goes for remainder of ILO Global Summit 7 – 9 July 2020.

Please note that answering How Questions is DOING Matter and Mutual Collaboration Events and Activities Should Indeed Start from the 3 Day EAG HLPF holding before 31 July 2020 as the Global Re-Orientation Workshop whose Outcome Indeed Drive Amazing Transformation in Societies in all 193 UN Member States starting from the High Flyers in Phase 1, to Phase 2 UN Member States and Phase 3 Laggard UN Member States.

Multiple Actions in Decade of Action – Role of Climate Change Action for Result

In Paper (1) we highlighted the Role Bank of England Executive Director Ms Sarah Breeden's Paper on Climate Related Financial Disclosures could Play in the Great Task of Winning War on COVID-19 linked to achieving Global Goals and noted TCFD, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNGC, UNDESA, ILO, FAO, WHO, other UN Members and Governments North and South need to better Organize, Orientate and Discipline its Internal and External Publics to Individually and Jointly answer Global Goals - SDGs 2015; AAAA 2015- Finance for Development Dimension of SDGs; COP21 2015, Climate Change action Dimension of SDGs; Agenda 21 - Rio 1992 and Rio+20 2012 Environment and Development Dimension of SDGs and NIEO 1974 (New International Economic Order) Political Economy Dimension of SDGs Targets How Questions, if all fundamental issues raised in Sarah’s Paper are to be Fully Implemented with effective Monitoring and Evaluation of this Implementation in all 193 UN Member States.

We shared our experience that to meaningfully contribute its Quota in the Implementation of Sarah’s Paper, TCFD, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNGC, UNDESA, ILO, FAO, WHO, other UN Members and Governments North and South Individually and Jointly need to focus on National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to both Climate Related Financial Disclosures and Beyond Climate Related Financial Disclosures real and complex issues on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location action.

These actions need to be taken in ways that are Interlinked, Interconnected, Interdependent and Interrelated with TCFD, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNGC, UNDESA, ILO, FAO, WHO, other UN Members and Governments North and South Individually and Jointly Implementing the UNFCCC November 2019 Report on Accelerating the Low Carbon Transition Conclusions and Recommendations for Results and in ways that make meaning in the daily lives of 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders out of the 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030 DEMAND Joint focus of UN, Governments, Business and Academia on National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to both Climate Related Financial Disclosures and Beyond Climate Related Financial Disclosures real and complex issues on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location action.  

The above needs to be done within Integrated 4 in 1 Actions:-
1.      Climate Related Financial Disclosures
2.      Climate Related Sustainability Actions
3.      Governance Related Financial Disclosures  
4.      Governance Related Sustainability Actions

1.      Climate Related Financial Disclosures Dimension of Climate Change Action
2.     Climate Change Action Dimension of SDGs, AAAA, Agenda 21 – Rio and Rio + 20 and NIEO
3.    Climate Related Financial Disclosures Dimension of SDGs, AAAA, Agenda 21 – Rio and Rio + 20 and NIEO.

Noting that:-
1.    Financial Disclosures and Sustainability Actions are 2 Sides of the Same Coin that is when One is Front End, the remaining 3 is Back End and vice versa.
2.      Focus on 1 without focus on remaining 3 amount to No Issue or Is No Issue
3.      Fail in 1 is Fail in remaining 3.
4.      TCDF, UNGC, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNDESA, other UN Members and Governments North and South National and Global Recommendations Implementation that address Technical Issues in Silos not helpful. Technical Issues and Political Issues Needs to be effectively addressed in Synergy.
5.    TCDF, UNGC, UNFCCC, UNEP, UNDESA, other UN Members and Governments North and South National and Global Recommendations Implementation that focus on Technical Process Discussions not helpful. Technical Process and Political Process Discussions as One.
6.    TCDF, UNGC, UNFCCC, UNEP UNDESA, other UN Members and Governments North and South National and Global Recommendations Implementation Technical Solutions without Political Solutions, not helpful. Once Political Solutions that compliment Technical Solutions are found, all remaining Solutions – Economic Solutions, Financial Solutions, Social Solutions, Security Solutions, Environmental Solutions and all remaining Solutions will emerge. 
7.    There is urgent need for Central Coordination Jurisdiction with a specific UN System Entity being saddled with Domestic and Global Response Central Coordination Responsibility as follows:-
1.      Health and Wellbeing -   WHO
2.      Industry and Livelihood – UNIDO
3.      Food, Nutrition and Agriculture – FAO
4.      Workers and Employers – ILO
5.      Financial  Stability  and  Development – IMF
6.      Finance and         Development – WBG
7.      Trade and Tariff – WTO
8.      Tourism and Development – UNWTO
9.      UNO Overall Central Coordination: Climate Change Action Ambition  – UNFCCC
10. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Development and Environment Action Ambition  – UNEP
11. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Angel Investors Action Ambition – GIE- MLC
12. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Financial Disclosures Action Ambition  –        TCDF
13. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Development Administration Action Ambition  -  UNEOSG
14. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Service Delivery Action Ambition  – UNRCNYO
15. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Political Stability Action Ambition  – UNSC
16. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Economic Stability Action Ambition  – UNDESA
17. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Corporate Sustainability Action Ambition  – UNGC 
18. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Inclusive Communication Action Ambition  – UNDPI
19. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Inclusive  Education Action Ambition  – UNE3SCO
20. UNO Overall Central Coordination: Integrated Innovation Action Ambition  – UNIN

Sarah's Paper, the UNFCCC Report and similar Individuals/Institutions Papers/Reports underline What Needs to be Done for Results, if the above 5 Global Overall Central Coordination Platforms will decide to Change Course On Time to Deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities rather than making excuses and rationalizing powerlessness.

UNFCCC Race to Zero Dialogues November 2020

We are aware that UNFCCC is Planning an Event in November 2020 to address Implementation of the UNFCCC November 2019 Report. If it has to take UNFCCC a year to organize an Event to address Implementation of the UNFCCC November 2019 Report, this suggest UNFCCC itself does not understand the magnitude and complexity of the Challenge of Fighting and Winning War on COVID-19 linked to achieving Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050.

It will be very sad, if UNFCCC Race to Zero Dialogues November 2020 Event will knowingly make the same Past ERRORS ILO Global Summit July 2020 and UNDESA HLPF July 2020 made. More importantly should World Leaders Fail to Change Course by 31 July 2020 and Fail to Remedy Past UN Events ERRORS Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences is Guaranteed.

Should this be the new reality it would now be matter of: Worst Global Depression in recent Centuries that make that of 1930s Child’s Play; Reducing Depth of the Global Depression and How Long it takes to get out of the Global Depression – if our World is Lucky that these actions and inactions of World Leaders have not Perished our Fragile Planet by that future date.

That is, should World Leader Keep Looking On and Standing By, irreversibility Point be Passed, then its Matter of When Not if our Fragile Planet PERISH with People Dying 1st, Businesses Dying 2nd and Planet Dying 3rd.

Multiple Actions in Decade of Action – Role of Universities Action for Result

The JohnsHopkins University President Ronald Daniels wrote a powerful article in the University Magazine. We made a comment on the Magazine Website and followed up by sending on 30 June 2020 email below to the Magazine Editor:-

Please find below comment posted in response to above article as follow up to action on your twitter handle wherein:-

"The first is to engage more closely with policymakers and communicate our best insights to citizens and to the media in a clear and accessible manner in order to ensure that our research is informing democratic life and governance," says
@JohnsHopkins President Ronald Daniels.
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health @JohnsHopkinsSPH
"Universities responded to the pandemic with sound science and advice," writes @JohnsHopkins president Ronald J. Daniels. "We can still do more." https:// https://magazine.jhsph.edu/2020/universities-vital-role-pandemic-response
It's not just JHU that need to do more, it's all Top 10, Top 100, Top 1,000 Universities in the World & remaining Universities/Higher Education Institutions. World Leaders Change Course

Great Article  Mr President. But raise many Big Questions:-
1.   Why is it the case that despite advances in technology in past 102 years, our world is still at 1918 levels fighting COVID-19 and repeating the same mistakes - not only in poor South Countries but also in rich North Counties including USA? 
2.    Can points you make be meaningfully addressed on the ground in all Communities in all 193 UN Member States without UN System, Governments, Business and Academia meaningfully addressing all points made here?
3.  JHU-CCP is Pursing War on COVID-19 Linked to achieving SDGs in all 193 UN Member States Model it is interested in rather than Model that is in Global Interest. Is this in enlightened JHU Self Interest as well as in Common Interest, Common Future and Common Destiny of US and World?

We do hope Mr. President will Walk his Talk, if so, we are glad to hear from him.


It is a Puzzle that JHU President Ronald Daniels could write this type of article at this time, yet maintain deafening silence to the fundamental issues raised in EAG comment and mail.
This suggest Past ERRORS made by ILO, DSDG, UNDESA, other UN System Members are indeed being made by Top 10 Universities in the World (JHU is among Top 10 Universities in the World and we have had similar experience with at least 4 more of the Top 10 Universities in the World including Harvard, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge).

If World Leaders are to Change Course and On Time – by 31 July 2020 to avoid Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID-19 and Failure to achieve Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050, Leaders in all 4 University Community – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Post Graduate Students and Undergraduate Students as One need to also Change Course by 31 July 2020.

Multiple Actions in Decade of Action – Role of Media Action for Result

Thalif  Deen wrote a powerful article in IPS Online Newspaper. Extracts:-

Cover-up at the UN: You Scratch My Back & I’ll Scratch Yours

The ongoing battle between China and the United States is threatening to paralyze the most powerful body at the United Nations – the 15-member Security Council (UNSC)—which has virtually gone MIA (missing in action) on some of the key politically-sensitive issues of the day.

The Council has scrupulously avoided any resolutions on the devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has claimed the lives of over 500,000 people worldwide, while it has remained silent on Secretary-General Antonio Guterres’ call for a global cease-fire in war-ravaged countries, including Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia and Yemen.

Summing up the dysfunctional state of the UNSC, UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said: “We have not seen a statement (from the Security Council) on COVID 19. (And) we have not seen a statement on the Secretary-General’s call on global ceasefire”.

The warring parties in current conflicts are backed, directly or indirectly, by the five permanent members (P5) of the UNSC: the US, UK, France, Russia and China who are providing either political or military support– or both.

The big powers have a longstanding tradition of protecting their allies and their own national interests while covering up each other’s military sins — mostly on a reciprocal basis.

As the old saying goes, one Asian diplomat remarked, “the underlying principle is: You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

The Security Council, Dujarric rightly pointed out, has primacy in the UN over issues of peace and security. “A strong statement from that body… a strong unified statement from that body supporting the Secretary General’s call for a global ceasefire, I think, would go a long way in, hopefully, making a call for a ceasefire a reality”, he added.

Ian Williams, a veteran journalist who has covered the UN since the 1980s and currently president of the New York Foreign Press Association, told IPS it is past time for the grown-ups in the UN to get together to call out the UN P5, especially the recidivist veto-brandishers like the US, China and Russia.

Even the Trump administration is not impervious to rebuffs, he added.

“I seem to remember when the People’s Republic of China (PRC) was going to veto a peacekeeping mission in Haiti over its recognition of Taiwan, until Ambassador Juan Somavia (of Chile) spoke to them on behalf of the LATAM members and warned of the consequences to their reputations. The consequences do not have to be critical – they can be cumulative since even the P5 need support.”

This Secretary General exceeds the quota on diplomacy, said Williams, author of “UNtold: The Real Story of the United Nations in Peace and War.”

“Perhaps he should abandon any ambitions for a second term and, while he still has it, use his moral authority as custodian of the Charter to name and shame those who hold up crucial decision for national ego”.

“He has the pulpit: he should try preaching and rallying other members. Better to be a memorable one termer than a footnote two-termer!”, said Williams, a former President of the UN Correspondents’ Association (UNCA).

The Trump administration broke ranks and blocked consideration of a proposed resolution on COVID19– because it did not specifically single out China by name. If such a resolution came up before the Council, the Chinese would obviously have vetoed it.

At the same time, no Security Council member would dare introduce a resolution supporting pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, criticize the brutal suppression of Uighurs Muslims in China or condemn Israel for threatening to annex Palestinian territory.

As Guterres said during his press conference last week: “The problem is not that multilateralism is not up to the challenges the world faces. The problem is that today’s multilateralism lacks scale, ambition and teeth.”

And some of the instruments that do have teeth, he explained, “show little or no appetite to bite, as has recently been the case with the difficulties faced by the Security Council.”


This Powerful article raises serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of Powerful Retired Top UN Executives, Powerful Retired Foreign Press Association Executives and Powerful Retired UN Correspondents Association Executives, Powerful Serving Foreign Press Association Executives and Powerful Serving UN Correspondents Association Executives.

The Time is Now for these Retired and Serving Media Executives to Stand Up to be Counted on the side of DOING the NEEDFUL and in Urgent Global Interest.

In Sum,

Our World is in COVID-19 Crisis worsening other Crises. Yet COVID-19 as Force for Good will Contribute much towards Finding and Implementing National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to real and complex National and International Development Cooperation Radical / Fundamental and Rapid / Fast Change at levels adequate to ensure our World Win War on COVID-19 linked to achieving Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050.

However, should COVID-19 remain Force for Evil, Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences is Guaranteed and at its extreme resulting in People Dying 1st, Businesses Dying 2nd and Planet Dying 3rd.

We have again raised serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of entire UN System Members Leadership and all 193 UN Member States Governments and in Urgent Global Interest.

As No One Know when irreversibility point will be passed to tip our World to Global Catastrophe as warned by Ms Largarde few Days ago, One Day Delay Implementing Good Ideas in EAG Submissions, may be One Day too late to Save or Fragile Planet from looming Peril.

In view of the above, we again urge entire UN System Membership and Powerful North and South Countries Governments to genuinely recognize that:-
1.      Time for Rhetoric and Excuse is Over.
2.      Now is Time for Practice and Action.
3.      The Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID-19 and Failure to achieve SDGs in All Countries by 2030 are Catastrophic at National and Global levels.
4.    The Rewards of Win War on COVID-19 and achieving SDGs in All Countries by 2030 are Massive at National and Global levels.
5.  Entire UN System Membership Timely Action Ultimately Determine (3) or (4) as Reality in 2030.
6.    Powerful North and South Countries Government have Central Role to Play if (4) is to be the Reality in 2030.

We await UN System and Powerful Governments early response this time – if Positive, Amazing World Transformation Driving Winning War on COVID-19 linked to achieving SDGs by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States will unfold before our very eyes.

Who will be the first to pick up the Gauntlet……

God Bless UN. God Bless our World.


NEHMAP Team Leader and
Director General
Economic Alliance Group
A Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Organization
M: +234-8162469805
Website: www.nehmapglobal.org                                                      
Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk info@nehmapglobal.org                         

July 2020.