(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)
ER&A NEHMAP Initiative
ER and Associates
Limited New End Hunger,
Malnutrition and Poverty (Global Social Enterprise)
Development Cooperation Consultants)
Sustainable Solutions to 193/306 UN Member
States SDG Pledge Delivery by 2030: HPLF July 2018 Outcome - Matters Arising
EAG Thoughts on Priorities and Direction in
the Implementation and Evaluation of Food, Nutrition, Agriculture and Security
Vision Dimension Linked to Public Sector Management, Public Finance Management,
Procurement and Governance Dimension of
Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21 and Agenda 21 for Delivery on
SDG Pledge - No Goal will be considered met if it is not met by all Peoples in
all Countries by 2030 Target date.
World Leaders agreed in September 2015 the UN
led Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs, aimed at delivering Sustainable Solutions
to real and complex World Political, Economic, Social, Security, Peace,
Cultural, Religious and Environmental problems on the ground in each specific
Community, Country or Continent location context by 2030. There is a Pledge in
the SDGs which states that No Goal will be considered met if it is not achieved
by all Peoples in all Countries.
SDGs Implementation started January 2016. At 2
2/3 years of Implementation there are many UN and UN Member States both North
Countries and South Countries Reports that find that all 193/306 UN Member
States are Off Track achieving SDGs and delivering on SDGs Pledge by end 2030,
just 12 1/3 years remaining.
Our Organization’s Study finding is that this
undesirable situation exists because fundamental issues that ought to have been
settled by end 1st Quarter 2015 Year of decision are still
outstanding as at 3rd Quarter 2018 Year 3 of Implementation. This
Paper is our Organizations’ contribution towards getting all 193/306 UN Member
States back On Track and On Time.
In Paper (1) we urged National
Leaders and World Leaders to appreciate that as long as they do not know why
the unfinished business of MDGs is yet to be completed as at 11 of 60 Quarters
of Implementation of SDGs, they will not know HOW to Reform National and
International Development Cooperation Systems in ways that strengthen all
193/306 UN Member States to get back On Track and achieve delivery on SDGs
We noted that DCF May 2018 and
HPLF July 2018 ignored our suggestions for finding answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge
How Questions as Master Key for getting all 193/306 UN Member States back on
Track towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.
We wait to see HOW all 193/306 UN
Member States could achieve 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision by target date
without finding answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions and related How
This Paper builds on points made in earlier Papers to articulate more
details of interrelated, interdependent, interconnected and interlinked
relationship between the answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions and related
How Questions and achieving increasing convergence between SDGs/SDGs Pledge
Vision Intention and Reality in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target
date and urge the National Leaders and World Leaders in all 193/306 UN Member
States; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) and their Partners to recognize and
appreciate need to Work Together to Benefit Together Concept of the SDGs as
well as its Leave No One Behind Concept are demonstrated and been seen to be
demonstrated in practice through aligning and harmonizing the work towards
answering the these How questions with realities on the ground in each specific
Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location
Central Role for UNO in Particular
and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) in General
UNO in particular and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) in general has/have
Central Role to Play in the design and delivery of Sustainability Strategy and
SDGs in all 193/306 UN Member States that Work to help all 193/306 UN Member
States achieve SDGs Pledge delivery in all Communities, in all Countries in all
Continents in our World today. It is denial or deception to assume that only
South Countries need help to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target
date. If North Countries could on their own achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge,
they would all be in SDG Mode and all in 2018 be on Track towards achieving all
17 Goals of the SDGs by end 2030. The reality is that as at 2 2/3 years of
Implementation all 193/306 UN Member States and all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF,
WTO (ITO) Entities are still in MDG Mode and all 193/306 UN Member States are
Off Track in the work towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in the 12 1/3
years remaining to end 2030 target date.
To deliver on this Central Role responsibility UNO in particular and UN
System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) in general need to Collaborate better with
other International Community Entities in all 193/306 UN Member States as well
as all National and Sub-national Entities; all Universities and Tertiary
Institutions; all Businesses – Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Transnational including
Cooperatives and other Social Economy and Social Enterprises; all Banks and
other Financial Institutions; all Communities and other Stakeholders Entities
“To come up with ways and means of effectively and efficiently converting SDGs
and other Global Goals Vision aligned and harmonized with National Development
Plan; Sub-national Development Plans including all Communities Development
Plans: Policy, Program and Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One.
This will help in the design and delivery of the type of National and
International Development Cooperation Model that achieve SDGs Pledge delivery by
end 2030 target date in each specific Community, Country or Continent location context,
thus meeting the real needs of over 4 Billion Poor in all North and South Countries
in our World today.
To achieve delivery on this HUGE
responsibility, we urge the UNO in particular and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO
(ITO) in general to genuinely appreciate that:-
1. SDGs/SDGs Pledge What Questions
have been over-answered but SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions continue to be
avoided or evaded; that answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge What Questions are easy as
they are essentially SAYING Matter but answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions
are especially difficult as they are essentially DOING and that without
answering SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions, it will be uphill task achieving
delivery on Global and National Visions in all 193/306 UN Member States.
2. The real implication of the SDGs
Pledge is that should 192/305 UN Member States and all Communities in remaining
UN Member State meet all 17 Goals of the SDGs but this last Community in this
last Country fail to meet just 1 of the 17 Goals of the SDGs, all 17 Goals of
the SDGs have not been met by all 193/306 UN Member States.
Universal and Integrated Agenda
The SDGs is a universal agenda. Humankind faces the
same global challenges, and today’s problems transcend borders—even in the
richest countries there is destitution and exclusion. Universality implies that
all countries will need to change, each with its own approach, but each with a
sense of the global common good. Universality is the core attribute of human
rights and intergenerational justice. It compels us to think in terms of shared
responsibilities for a shared future. It demands policy coherence. Universality
embodies a new global partnership for sustainable development in the spirit of
the Charter of the United Nations.
The SDGs must in reality be an integrated agenda for
political, economic, financial, peace, security, cultural, communication,
environmental, social and religious solutions applicable in each specific
community, country or continent location context. Its strength lies in the
interweaving of its dimensions. This integration provides the basis for
economic models that benefit people and the environment; for environmental
solutions that contribute to progress; for social approaches that add to
economic dynamism and allow for the preservation and sustainable use of the
environmental commons; and for reinforcing human rights, equality and
sustainability and political solutions that deliver governance models required
to make all other models, solutions and approaches work for all. Responding to
all 17 SDGs goals as a cohesive and
integrated whole will be critical to ensuring the transformations needed at
scale is achieved and in time for delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN
Member States in the 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
Eradicating hunger, malnutrition and poverty by 2030
is the overarching objective of the sustainable development agenda. We live in
a world of plenty, and at a moment of enormous scientific promise. And yet, for
hundreds and hundreds of millions across the globe, this is also an age of
gnawing deprivation. The defining challenge of our time is to close the gap
between our determination to ensure a life of dignity for all, and the reality
of persisting poverty and deepening inequality.
Achieving the SDGs is not an exercise in
achieving a collection of individual targets, but rather an exercise in
collaboration and joint efforts within government, to a level that has not been
seen before. The realization of the SDGs requires the coordination of actions
of different levels of government in all 193/306 UN Member States; the entire
UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO); the entire University and Tertiary
Institutions System in all 193/306 UN Member States; their National and
International Partners with the support of Internal and External Consultants
with minimum certain levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies:
Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline and Mindset required to help the
National and International Stakeholders in each specific Community, Country, Continent
location context acquire the minimum certain levels of Hard Competencies:
Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline
and Mindset required to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the 12 1/3 years
remaining to end 2030 target date.
The United Nations is also working to make
itself fit-for-purpose for the 2030 Agenda. This underlines urgent need to
reform the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) as well as National and
International Development Cooperation Systems to be fit for the 21st
Scorecard – August 2018
The result in 11 of 60 Quarters of Implementation of
SDGs has underscored the call for the urgent need to recognize and address the
trust deficit between Governments, institutions and the people. Providing an
enabling environment to build inclusive and peaceful societies, ensure social
cohesion and respect for the rule of law will require rebuilding institutions
at the country level and international institutions at the global level ensure
that the great task of getting all 193/306 UN Member States back on track on
achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the 12 1/3 years remaining is done.
This calls for meaningful transformations of our
economies in all North and South countries on one hand and in specific
community, country and continent location context on the other hand and in ways
that make our patterns of economic growth and social justice more inclusive,
while improving sustained and sustainable production and practices in all
relevant stakeholder groups. It is pertinent to note that People in all North
and South countries want decent jobs, social protection, robust agricultural
systems and rural prosperity, sustainable cities, inclusive and sustainable
industrialization, resilient infrastructure and sustainable energy for all.
These transformations driven by reforming national and
international trade, ensuring effective regulation of national and
international: markets and financial actors as well as taking vigorous action
to fight national and international corruption, curb national and international
illicit financial flows, combat national and international money-laundering and
tax evasion and national and international recovery of stolen and hidden
assets, will also help tackle climate change in all North and South countries.
These transformations would also be driven by a
rigorous and participatory monitoring and evaluation / review framework to hold
Governments, businesses and international organizations accountable to the
people for results in each specific community, country, continent location
context, and to ensure that no harm is done to the planet on one hand and a
data revolution to make information and data more available, more accessible
and more broadly disaggregated, as well as for measurable goals and targets and
a participatory mechanism to review: research, planning, data/statistics, implementation, evaluation, learning,
transparency, accountability, participation, measuring success at each specific
community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context on the
other hand.
Action Needed Now
Urgent action is needed to mobilize, redirect and
unlock the transformative power of trillions of dollars of private resources
from commercial enterprises as well as social economy and social enterprises to
deliver on sustainable development objectives. Long-term investments, including
foreign direct investment, are needed in critical sectors in both north and
south countries. These include sustainable energy, infrastructure and
transport, as well as information and communications technologies.
The public sector will need to set a clear direction.
Review and monitoring frameworks, regulations and incentive structures that
enable such investments must be retooled to attract investments and reinforce
sustainable development. National oversight mechanisms such as supreme audit
institutions (not just amounting audit but all types of audit relevant to
sustainable development, for example, environmental audit, social audit,
political audit etc) and oversight functions by legislatures should be
SDGs Complementary Relationships
of one institution or policy in a particular sphere may lead to, or require,
complementary institutions or policies in others. Pursuit of one set of
policies in one domain and the neglect of others may undermine the full
realization of the benefits of the chosen set of policies.
institutional complementarity requires – but should not be reduced to – policy
coherence. Institutional complementarities or policy regimes are a product of
competing values on rights, differences in the weights accorded to markets and
non-market institutions in coordinating activities, and differences in power
structures that have evolved historically. The exploitation of synergies among
different sectors and subsectors is important in overcoming poverty and
inequality. However, such synergistic relationships are not automatic. They
require conscious design of both economic and social policies, backed by
sufficiently powerful coalitions to see them through.
Ultimately, to fully mainstream SDG investing,
new products need to be developed. The financial sector excels at innovation
when demand is there. If Government creates Demand, the Private Sector
including the Financial Sector will create supply.
To achieve the SDGs, Member States need not
only increased financing, but also fit-for-purpose national and international
institutions that facilitate economic stability and sustainable development.
Finding a successful SDG Financing Model means
not just changing how businesses operate, by establishing businesses which,
like co-operatives, are more likely in the longer-term to meet human needs; it
also means changing how people behave.
We all need to stop behaving as investors
looking to maximize gain; if we want a
better world, we need to place our funds where they are more likely to build a
better world. They won’t do that if we invest them in equity shares.
instruments need to be in tune with the attitudes and motivations
of the day. So the goal is to provide a credible proposition for a co-operative
future which people can recognize, understand and believe in, and then provide the right mechanism through
which they can use their funds to secure that future. This means a financial proposition which provides a
return, but without destroying co-operative identity; and which enables people
to access their funds when they need
them. It also means exploring wider options for access to capital outside traditional membership, but without compromising on member control.
This is the context in which appropriate
financial instruments, through which people can fund co-operatives, are essential.
This is territory already much
explored by companies, but similar time and energy has not been applied in the co-operative sphere. All necessary measures
must be taken to ensure Cooperatives and other Social Economy and Social
Enterprise Organization optimize their potentials to make optimum contribution
towards raising the Trillions of Dollars required to finance the SDGs in speifi
Community, Country, Continent location context.
SDG – collaboration, cohesion, coordination, cooperation, commitment
understanding of hunger, malnutrition and poverty in specific community,
sub-national, national, sub-regional or regional location is complex,
context-dependent and culturally mediated. Integration of participatory
approaches into national and international development cooperation responses
are essential to look in the right places, ask the right questions and listen
more effectively before making technical recommendations and implementing
relevant SDGs Policy, Program, Project, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One
interventions using consistent advocacy for multidisciplinary, multisectoral,
intergovernmental and interministerial approaches or one worldwide approach
that is whole of community, whole of government, whole of bank, whole of
institution, whole of country and whole of society approach) to ending hunger,
malnutrition and poverty worldwide.
The protection and improvement of health and wellbeing is also central
to the synergistic interactions of the SDGs
The SDGs would need to be further mainstreamed in current and future
policies, programs and projects in all 193/306 UN Member States. However this
will not happen by essentially making use of existing tools and coherence
mechanisms without additional tools and linked collaboration, coherence,
cooperation, coordination and commitment mechanisms.
The Conclusions of the EU Council representing the EU member states
adopted in June 2017 document recognized
that a higher level of ambition is required from both the EU institutions and
the member states to implement and evaluate the 2030 Agenda for delivery on SDG
Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date. In the document
Member states through EU Council urged the Commission to undertake a
comprehensive gap analysis, identify further action in all relevant policy
areas, and to speed up the elaboration of an EU-wide SDG implementation
strategy with timelines, objectives and concrete measures.
The Council also acknowledged that the universal and integrated nature
of the 2030 Agenda and the inter-linkages between SDGs call for a much more
holistic and coherent approach that involves internal and external actors. This
required some structural reorganization of the Council’s own working methods.
In particular, all relevant Council formations and their working groups should
ensure the coherence of sectoral policies and include all three dimensions of
sustainable development – economic, social and environmental – in EU internal
and external policies. This seemingly technical evolution in working formations
is a strong statement of intent and a different way of doing business.
Council finding apply not just to the EU but also to all remaining Regions in
our World today. The Challenge is for the Council, EU and EC to “Walk the Talk”
and for all remaining regions not to wait for the Council, EU and EC before
Operationalizing in Practice this finding in their own Region and Country location
SDG Communication
is central to this notion. It is a process that promotes dialogue among all the
people involved in national and international development cooperation, at the
centre of which are affected communities and people at risk. This process can
ultimately help strengthen relationships, build trust and enhance transparency
among all those working towards delivering on SDG Pledge to achieve end hunger,
malnutrition and poverty in all communities in all 193/306 UN member States.
SDG Technical Interventions
interventions must be understood and applied in their behavioural, cultural, religious,
economic, political and social context. It is these settings that determine the
success of implementation and evaluation 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One. While
many factors contribute to behavioural outcomes for the implementation and
evaluation interventions, the outcomes cannot be achieved without structured,
strategically planned communication interventions to support specific results.
Behavioural and social interventions, combines a number of different
interventions for each of the 17 Goals of the SDGs and is not limited to
appropriate HOW questions for Sustainable Solutions towards achieving delivery
on SDG Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in the 12 1/3 years remaining to
end 2030 target date include asking: How do we break the barriers to accelerate
the pace of political development, economic development, social development and
environmental sustainability - In all 193/306 UN Member States with competitive
advantage to benefit from WIN WIN National and International Development
Cooperation Initiatives driven by Working Together to Benefit Together? Underlining
these answers are very complex SDG Technical Interventions. As long as National
and World Leaders continue to avoid or evade meaningfully addressing real and complex
SDGs Technical Interventions issues on the ground inn each specific Community, Country,
Continent location context, it will be uphill task achieving delivery on SDGs
Pledge in all North and South Countries in the 12 1/3 years remaining to end
2030 target date.
SDGs Indexes
and Global GDP, Governance, Corruption, Poverty and related Indexes being used
today are inadequate Measures, if all 193/306 UN Member States are to get back
On Track towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in 12 1/3 years remaining to
end 2030 target date.
urgent need to develop new Economy, Productivity, Governance, Corruption,
Poverty etc Indexes that better guide Communities and Countries to Progress
from where they are now to where they need to be if they are to achieve
delivery on SDGs Pledge in the 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
and Global Indexes that are based essentially on academic research aimed at
advancement of knowledge are not helpful as they are in reality abstract
Indexes that make no meaning in the lives of over 4 Billion Poor and contribute
little or nothing to help or motivate Communities or Countries to fill
knowledge, information, research, communication gaps as they work towards achieving
delivery on SDGs Pledge in 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
is urgent need for New National and Global Indexes that are essentially based
on development research aimed at significant improvements in service, speed,
quality, costs and where necessary revenues and profit. These are helpful
indexes that make meaning in the lives of over 4 Billion Poor and much to help
or motivate Communities or Countries to fill knowledge, information, research, communication
gaps as they work towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in 12 1/3 years
remaining to end 2030 target date.
SDGs and Fourth Industrial Revolution and Fourth Agricultural
It's quite
possible that the fourth industrial revolution isn't the fourth industrial
revolution. It could be a post-industrial revolution. It could be that we're
going to get a lot better at developing technologies that do things that human
beings used to do, and a lot of human beings are not going to have a lot of
productive jobs available to them. And then we don't have a lost generation, we
have a failed political, social, economic, peace, security, religious and
environmental model that needs to change.
Right now National
and World Leaders are not even really recognizing that we have this type of change
problem in all 193/306 UN Member States. The SDGs present a global framework
for making Fourth Industrial Revolution and Fourth Agricultural Revolution work
for over 7 Billion People in our World today. All Communities, Countries and Continent
that do not effectively Key into the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Fourth Agricultural
Revolution to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date, will be
left further behind. This underlines the importance of meaningful implementation and
evaluation of the SDGs, considering that the framework is already in its third
year and needs a more ambitious and urgent action plan.
UNSG Synthesis Report 2014: Matters Arising?
Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in his Synthesis Report on the Post 2015
Sustainable Development Agenda, November 2014 (many of our Organizations ideas
were included in the Report) identified 8 Principles on which the SDGs
foundation should be built. We note with regret that SDGs foundation has been
built with exclusion of these sound Principles. This explains why at 11 of 60
Quarters of Implementation, basic issues addressed by these Principles still
constitute hindrances, shortcomings and drawbacks to all 193/306 UN Member
States achieving delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date. The
Principles are:-
- Commit to a
universal approach, including solutions that address all countries and all
- Integrate
sustainability into all activities, mindful of economic, environmental and
social impacts;
- Address inequalities
in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should be considered met
unless it is met for all social and economic groups;
- Ensure that all
actions respect and advance human rights, in full coherence with
international standards;
- Address the drivers
of climate change and its consequences;
- Base our analysis on
credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability,
disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
- Expand our global
partnership for means of implementation to maximum effect and full
participation, including multi-stakeholder, issue-based coalitions;
- Anchor the new
compact in a renewed commitment to international solidarity, commensurate
with the ability of each country to contribute.
At EAG we have expanded the 8 Principles to 17 Principles for improved
clarity and effectiveness to reinforce UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s
statement that “The essential elements of the SDGs/ 2030 Transformation Agenda
underscore the urgency of a universal call to commit to a set of principles
that, applied together, can bring about a truly universal transformation of
sustainable development. Thus, as we implement the 2030 Transformation agenda
in all North and South countries, we must:
Commit to a
universal approach, including sustainable solutions that meaningfully address
all communities, countries, continents and all groups unique problems on ground
in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and
global location context;
sustainability into all activities, mindful of political, cultural, economic,
financial, environmental, social, religious, moral, peace, security impacts;
political development, economic development, social development, conflict,
inequalities, environmental stewardship, justice access, human dignity,
national security unique problems on ground in each specific community,
sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
inequalities and injustice in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should
be considered met unless it is met for all social and economic groups in all
communities in all countries;
Ensure that
all actions respect and advance universal human/development rights, in full
coherence with international standards;
Ensure policy
coherence, collaboration, cooperation, coordination and commitment for national
and international sustainable development;
Ensure that
all creative with innovative sustainable solutions and thinkers demonstrating
thinking through and thinking ahead are identified, promoted and promoted;
Address the
drivers of climate change and its consequences;
Base our
analysis on credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability,
disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
Expand our
national and global partnership for means of planning, implementation,
monitoring and evaluation to maximum effect and full participation, including
multi-stakeholder partnerships MSPs, issue-based coalitions;
Ensure MSPs have
Authority Delegated by Leadership of all relevant Stakeholder Blocks to Serve
with Responsibility as
Convener, Catalyst, Collaborator and Cultivator at
specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and
Global levels;
Ensure all communities in
al countries are effectively connected to UNO Headquarters New York, each UNO
Agency/Entity Headquarters with responsibility for specific SDGs/SDGs Pledge
action agenda item relevant to each specific community, country or continent,
WBG Headquarters, IMF Headquarters, WTO (ITO) Headquarters;
Ensure correct
diagnosis, correct prescription, correct surgery and correct recovery management
required for sustainable solutions to all root cause or primary cause national
development cooperation and international development cooperation problems on ground in each specific
community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location
Ensure meaningful
involvement of people who through their unadulterated struggle and commitment
use their talents to seek true peace, security, equality, equity, justice and
sustainable development in each specific community,
sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
Ensure original creators
of innovative ideas applicable in each specific
community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location
context; processed into study reports; conferences and meetings outcome
documents conclusions and recommendations are meaningfully involved in the
implementation of these innovative ideas;
Ensure effective design
and delivery of communication for behavioral impact and changing attitude and
behavior at scale required to achieve national visions and global visions by
target date, in
each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and
global location context;
Anchor the
new compact in a renewed commitment to national and international solidarity,
commensurate with the ability of each community/country to contribute.
As long as 28 EU Member States and EU/EC
keep avoiding or evading operationalizing these Principles in Practice, finding
sustainable solutions to real and complex Brexit root cause or primary cause
problems on the ground in each of the 28 EU Member States as well as at EU
Sub-regional level will be mirage.
Also as long as 193/306 UN Member States
and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) keep avoiding or evading
operationalizing these Principles in Practice, finding sustainable solutions to
real and complex SDGs/SDGs Pledge root cause or primary cause problems on the
ground in each of the 193/306 UN Member States – Community, Sub-national and
National levels as well as at Sub-regional, Regional and Global level will be
Elements of the SDGs based on the 17 Principles
The People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace,
Partnership; 5Ps of SDGs – Empowering People for Improving Prosperity,
Protecting Planet, Prompting Peace depends on Strengthening Partnerships
through Respecting Dignity and providing Justice Access to All Residents and
Immigrants in all North and South countries in our World today. As long as
these Key Elements of the SDGs are avoided or evaded in each specific
community, country, continent location context achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge
(No Goal will be considered met if it is not achieved by all Peoples in all
outcries) in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date (with about
12 1/3 years remaining and so much left to be done) will be Mirage.
Sustainable development must be an integrated agenda
for political, economic, environmental and social solutions applicable in each
specific community, country or continent location context. Its strength lies in
the interweaving of its dimensions. This integration provides the basis for economic
models that benefit people and the environment; for environmental solutions
that contribute to progress; for social approaches that add to economic
dynamism and allow for the preservation and sustainable use of the
environmental commons; and for reinforcing human rights, equality and
sustainability and political solutions that deliver governance models required
to make all other models, solutions and approaches work for all.
Thus responding to all 17 SDGs goals as a cohesive and integrated whole will
be critical to ensuring the transformations needed at scale is achieved and in
time for delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in the 12 1/3
years remaining to end 2030 target date. Again we wait to see HOW this could be
achieved without answering SDGs/SDGs Pledge How Questions and related How
Questions and on time.
HPLF 2018 Outcome:
Matters Arising (2)?
In addition to issues raised in HPLF 2018 Outcome: Matters Arising (1)? We
wish to highlight the following additional issues:-
Our Organization is the only One
anywhere in our World today Advocating for correct answers to SDGs/SDGs Pledge
How Questions; Policy Reform How Questions; Service delivery How Questions;
Public Sector Management How Questions, Agriculture Revolution How Questions;
Cooperatives / Social Economy and Social Enterprise How Questions and related
How Questions. We also have the most Advanced One Worldwide or Universal
Approach available anywhere in our World today. UNO and UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF, WTO (ITO) Partnership with EAG/ISPE/ERA/NEHMAP Kick Started immediately
will deliver Sustainable Benefits to Target Groups including UN System
Current effort, multiple
approaches, priorities and direction cannot deliver SDGs Pledge in all Countries
in 100 years. If things continue like this ultimate consequences for our
fragile Planet would be catastrophic.
New effort, universal approach,
priorities and direction as proposed in this submission, meaningfully supported
by UNO and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Partnership with
EAG/ISPE/ERA/NEHMAP could lay foundation in next 4 months to end 2018 and built
upon could accelerate Global Push to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all
Countries in 10 years. This gives 2 years to Pull Up all Laggard Nations. This
way New Innovative and Creative Sustainable Solutions in New MSPs that Work
would help achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all North and South Countries
thus handing over Stronger, Peaceful and Prosperous World to Future
Top 10, Top 100 and Top 1,000
Universities in the World Global Goals Project Catalyzing all Universities and
Tertiary Institutions in all 193/306 UN Member States Global Goals Project is
requirement for getting Great Task of achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in all
193/306 UN Member States DONE in 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target
date. No UN Member State can rise above its University and Tertiary Institution
capability in the work towards achieving delivery of SDGs Pledge.
Build Internal and External
Consultants Support Facility appropriate to specific Community,
Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional or Global, CSnNSrRG location
context SDGs Pledge delivery by 2030 needs. Individual
and Institution Consultants must have minimum certain levels of Hard
Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage,
Cultural, Discipline and Mindset to be able to effectively support all relevant
National and International Stakeholders in specific CSnNSrRG location
context to acquire minimum certain levels of Hard and Soft Competencies they need to deliver on their Duty Bearer
Our World cannot afford to let
Nigeria Collapse – a high probability given realities on the ground as Nigeria
race to 2019 Elections. In the Work to make World Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty History; Africa is holding the World back and Nigeria is holding Africa
back. Nigeria, Africa and World have the resources to achieve Nigeria, Africa
and World without Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty by 2030. The implication is
that Nigeria is the MASTER KEY to achieving delivery on SDG Pledge in all
193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date through all domestic and
international stakeholders joint approach to work together to benefit together
in meaningfully addressing Fulani Herdsmen Menace; UK/EU Brexit; US/China Trade
War and US/EU Trade War.
National and Global Visions in
Nigeria should Drive New Cooperatives Revolution that is interrelated, interconnected,
interdependent and interlinked with: Primary Revolutions - New Agriculture
Revolution; New Industrial Revolution; New Enterprise/Lifelong Entrepreneurship
Revolution; New Government Revolution; New Applied Research Revolution; New
Attitudinal and Behavioral Change Revolution; New Data Revolution; New
Digitization Revolution and Secondary Revolutions – Lifelong Education
Revolution; Health – Human, Animal, Plant Revolution; New Water Revolution; New
Sanitation Revolution; New Housing Revolution; New Sports Revolution; New Music
and Entertainment Revolution; New Anti Corruption Revolution; New Security and Peace
Revolution; New Justice Access Revolution etc as One and as applicable to each
specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional or Global location
It is pertinent to note that the 7
Elements of the SDGs based on the 17 Principles are in reality the Building Blocks
of meaningful effort at achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN
Member States by end 2013 target date. As long as National and World Leaders
keep dancing around issues relating to operationalizing in practice the 7
Elements of the SDGs based on the 17 Principles as applicable in each specific
Community, Country, Continent location context, it will be mission impossible
seeking to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in
the 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
To make Right
Choice in the work towards achieving all 17 Goals in 2030 Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21
and Agenda 21 as applicable to the unique and specific needs of all Peoples in
all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date (about 12 1/3 years left),
Now is Time for National and Global Stakeholder Groups – in each of 193/306 UN
Member States to Reason and Get Real. One Day Delay in both North and South
Countries sides jointly recognizing that our world today needs a paradigm
shift from Talking and Thinking to
Action and Accomplishments for Results may be One Day too late. That
is at the community level, at the sub-national level, at the country level, at
the sub-regional level, at the regional level, and at the global level, we all
need to make these things happen and without further delay:
a) jointly making paradigm shifts
from working in silos to working
intersectorially in synergy;
b) from multiple approaches to common approaches that continuously
improve convergence, alignment and harmony;
c) from business
as usual to business unusual;
d) from parrotting change to practicing change;
e) from academic research aimed at advancing
frontiers of knowledge to development
research aimed at significant improvement in critical contemporary measures
of service, speed, costs, quality and where necessary revenue;
from capital driven by greed
to exploit labor to capital driven by
love to embrace labor
g) from unhealthy adversarial rivalry to healthy collaborative rivalry
h) from viscous circle (polarization, special interest, divided vision /
poverty, human rights violation, unsustainable practices) to virtuous circle ( collaboration, common
interest, united vision / prosperity, human rights protection, sustainable
i) from Talking and Thinking to Action
and Accomplishment.
The time to
take these paradigm shifts serious is NOW. Again we wait to see HOW these paradigm shift
issues could be meaningfully addressed without answering SDGs/SDGs Pledge How
Questions and related How Questions.
8 Point Main Concept for achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery Worldwide by end
- Theory and Thoughtful Conceptualization without Practice and Action
is Empty.
- Practice and Action without Theory and Thoughtful Conceptualization
is Blind.
- Ideas Conceptualization not firmly grounded in Theory and
Thoughtful Conceptualization with Practice and Action is Vision and Words
and Motion without Movement.
- Beyond Ideas Concept Actualization firmly grounded in Theory and
Thoughtful Conceptualization with Practice and Action is Vision and Words
for Productivity, Quality, Development Effectiveness, Development Impact
Development Results and Motion with Movement.
- Answer to SDGs/SDGs Pledge HOW Questions in specific Community,
Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional or Global location context
is DOING Matter and Hands On Matter firmly grounded in Beyond Ideas
Concept Actualization.
- Achieving delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge in each Community in each of
193/306 UN Member States in 12 1/3 years remaining to end 2030 target date
DEMAND New Innovative Project that is Championed by Top University,
Government of Country: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary at all levels;
Key UN System Entities led by UNDESA, UNDP and FAO and EAG Collaborative
Research Project as well as UN Member States and EAG Collaborative
Research Project and Top Universities and EAG Collaborative Research
Project – Individually or Jointly firmly grounded in Beyond Ideas Concept
- The New Innovative Project has strong Triangular link between
Development Research; Universal Approach and Policy, Program, Project
Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One - 3PIs3PIsTAO.
- The New Innovative Project is firmly grounded in New National
Development Vision and New International Development Vision in each
specific participating North Country and South Country.
Collaboration – National and International Stakeholders
Our Organization has identified 8 Mutual
Collaboration Kick Start Events and Activities:-
Adopt Universal Approach
Build Community,
Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global, CSnNSrRG
Institutional Architecture that is Inclusive Multi Stakeholder
Partnerships/Platforms, MSPs
Deploy Massive Domestic
and International Political Will appropriate to specific CSnNSrRG location
Deploy Intensive Domestic
and International Diplomatic Action appropriate to specific CSnNSrRG location
Appoint CSnNSrRG co
facilitators for Alternative Brexit Project; SDG Pledge Project and Stronger
World Project.
Build CSnNSrRG High Level
Advisory Body, HLAB.
Build CSnNSrRG Conscience
of Elders Expert Group,C2EG.
Start Domestic and
International Pilot Program and Scale Up Program appropriate to specific CSnNSrRG
location context to help achieve delivery on SDG Pledge in all 193/306 UN
Member States in 12 ¼ years remaining to end 2030 target date built on Working
Together to Benefit Together in Design and Delivery of Innovative and Creative
Sustainable Solutions to SDGs Pledge real and complex problems on the ground in
the specific CSnNSrRG location context.
There are Bright Prospects of Success, should
National Leaders and World Leaders be genuinely committed to contributing their
quota towards achieving SDGs in all 193/306 UN Member States Vision Intention
and Reality by end 2030 target date. Ultimate consequences of failure to find
Sustainable Solutions to Brexit as well as to achieve delivery on SDGs/SDGs
Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date would be
catastrophic for Citizens in all North Countries and South Countries in our
World today.
It is our hope that Bright
Prospects of Success would not be lost.
Director General
Economic Alliance
Group (Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International
Society for Poverty Elimination (Global NGO);
ER and Associates
Limited (International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative (Global
Social Enterprise) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Website: www.nehmapglobal.org
Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk info@nehmapglobal.org
10 August