Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 59

 EAG         ISPE 
                      ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

DCF 2018 Outcome: Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date - Call for Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radical/Fundamental Change in all 193/306 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary in all Tiers as well as in all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices and their National and International Partners sides – Beyond Slogan (3).


In Paper (1), we raised National and International Development Cooperation serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of Development Cooperation Forum, DCF; UNDESA; other UNO Entities; other UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities; 193/306 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary; Political Groupings of Countries – GPEDC, OECD, EU/EC etc.

In Paper (2), we raised issues of Resilience as Key Driver for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge by 2030; the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Call for North South Interdependence and Solidarity made over 25 years ago being as relevant or even more relevant today as when first made in April 1992 and urgent need to find answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program, if relevant authorities on 193/306 UN Member States and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) sides are to stop accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM, return to 2014 Cross Roads, take Right Turn and start accelerating on MAPing Road to BOOM as applicable in each specific Community, Country, Continent And Company location context.

The huge interest generated in Papers (1) and (2) encourages us to release Paper (3) providing additional evidence reinforcing strong need to Kick Start Pilot Program and Scale Up Program without further delay, if the much that remain to be done in the great work to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States is to be done in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030.

EU SDG MSP Reflection Paper 2018: Towards a Sustainable Europe by 2030

In a Joint Forward to the European Union SDG Multi Stakeholder Platform, MSP “Towards a Sustainable Europe Reflection Paper October 2018”,
Frans Timmermans, Chairman of the SDG Multi-Stakeholder Platform, First Vice-President of the European Commission responsible Better Regulation, Interinstitutional Relations, the Rule of Law and the Charter of Fundamental Rights,  and Jyrki Katainen, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness  informed that:-
1.      The European Commission set up in 2017 the high-level multi-stakeholder platform to play a role in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals alongside Member States and the European institutions.
2.     Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals is a shared responsibility and requires a change in thinking, not only by public authorities, but also by other stakeholders including citizens. It is a challenge but also a great opportunity to craft a brighter future for all within our planet's limits. We need to learn from each other and work better together to accelerate progress in reaching those who are left behind and decoupling economic development from environmental degradation.
3.   The report is not an end in itself. It is part of a collaborative process. Through a continued push from citizens, policymakers, the private sector, civil society, social partners and academia, we will jointly build a sustainable future for Europe.
4. The Commission’s multi-stakeholder platform on the Sustainable Development Goals has demonstrated that we can reconcile diverse opinions, learn from each other, and jointly develop practical ideas and solutions for the wellbeing of our present and future generations.


The MSP was set up by the EC in 2017 Year 2 of Implementation of the SDG and this Reflection Report is released at end 2018 Year 3 of Implementation of the SDG. The Result is that after 3 Years of Implementation of SDGs, the EC is still in Talking Mode demonstrating answer to What Questions. Yet all EU Member States are Off Track in the work towards achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge; all EU Member States and the EC are in MDG Mode rather than SDG Mode; most or all EU Member States will not meet Environmental and related Goals including Convention on Biological Diversity, CBD set for 2020 Target date.

The fundamental issues being raised in this Reflection Report are at least 3 years late, that is the EC ought to have set up the MSP in 2015 and by now the EC will be talking of 3 years real experience implementing the Reflection Report ideas in the EU and Globally.

Some Stakeholders are of the view that this Reflection Report in EC language is non committal rhetoric. It is pertinent to note that in 2016 with four years left, five of the world’s largest conservation NGOs (Birdlife International, Conservation International, The RSPB, The Nature Conservancy and WWF) came together to produce an assessment to highlight national and regional progress and ambition to date. Their Report found that while there is evidence of positive progress on a number of the targets, the overall picture is poor, with inadequate progress to date in most countries, and weak levels of future ambition. Based on the current trajectory, the world will not meet the Aichi Targets.
The implication is that if EC and EU cannot achieve CDB targets by 2020, how can EC and EU achieve the more ambitious COP21 targets as well as SDG targets by 2030?

As Fantasy meet Brutal Reality, it would get increasingly clearer to Governments and Peoples of UK; Ireland and 26 remaining EU Countries as well as EC DGs and other Entities within the EU Project that Brexit is a Lose Lose Venture; that two remaining options on the table – Leave and Remain Agreement or Soft Brexit with Soft Irish Border and Leave without Agreement or Crash Out with Hard Irish Border is Managed Disaster without remedy for Brexit root cause or primary cause problems that have high probability of getting worse, with ultimate catastrophic consequences for UK, Ireland, rest of EU and rest of World.

The EC, EU and UK play Ostrich with National and International Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radial/Fundamental Change at their own Peril – which is bad but also at the Peril of other North and South Countries, especially African, Caribbean, Asian and Pacific Countries which is worse as they have to suffer for decisions they are not party to.   .

In a Joint Letter in the Reflection Report, the Members of the MSP stated that:-
  1. Through this new Platform and with our Report, we want to send a vibrant signal to the leaders, actors and people within and outside the European Union: time has come – more than ever – to develop and implement a visionary and ambitious Strategy for a Sustainable Europe 2030.
  2. Within a short period of time, we have strived to build upon and respect our diverse backgrounds and opinions, with the aim of pulling in the same direction for a better, sustainable Europe.
  3. Through strong common values, structural policy improvements and innovative action proposals, we ground our recommendations in the experience and efforts of thousands of men and women in the public sector, civil society and private sector. They have a common ambition to transform the Sustainable Development Goals into practical solutions for the well-being of citizens and the protection of our environment for present and future generations.
  4. Our report highlights different perspectives and addresses some challenging trade-offs between the environmental, economic, social and governance dimensions of sustainable development, some of which we have been able to negotiate, others which need more clarification and consensus-building.
  5. We are confident that the trust and engagement of people and leaders in a continuous transformation of Europe will bear fruit. It requires a fair and equitable culture of dialogue and partnership on all levels, in which each partner can become, and trust the others to be, co-designers of a Europe that cares and works for all. It also involves an overarching strategy for a Sustainable Europe to guide all European policies and programmes that will accelerate our individual and collective endowments in order to yield sustainable security, prosperity and dignity for all.
  6. We are proud of the work achieved so far, while at the same time we feel the urgency to do much more. So, might the sustainability dialogue and collaboration within this Platform - both between the stakeholders and with the EU institutions – rapidly improve and grow.

The MSP Members in their Letter have raised serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of all relevant National and International Stakeholders within and beyond EC and EU.

The MSP Members need to recognize that “Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030 that Work is not Vision and Words without Action but Vision and Words with Action. Therefore the MSP Members should first Pick up the Gauntlet and “Walk their Talk” if they are to have the Moral Right to Persuade and where necessary Pressure all remaining National and International Stakeholders in UK, Ireland, remaining EU Countries, EU Partner Countries, EC, remaining EU Project Entities and EU Project Partner Institutions and Entities to do the needful and on time to achieve delivery on Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030 that is integral part of each EU Country Sustainability Strategy and SDG in each EU Country.

The MSP Members have noted need for urgency to do much more. They need to demonstrate and be seen to demonstrate this urgency and in way that delivery Results on not only the Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030 but also CBD 2030 and 2050 targets as well as SDG 2030 targets. 

EU SDG MSP Reflection Paper 2018: Brexit Challenge – Fantasy Meet Brutal Reality?

Zoe Williams writing on 25 January 2019 in the Independent Newspaper on the topicIf we remain in the European Union, the UK must rebuild its relationship with democracy" raised salient points essentially underlining the fact that of the 2 remaining Brexit Options on the table, both are LOSE LOSE and none will address root cause or primary cause Brexit problems on the ground in the UK and either may in fact make these real and complex problems on the ground far worse. 
Zoe’s concluding remarks: Democracy is not abstract: it is a living, breathing thing with connective tissue, legal and civic, and if you starve its institutions, it cannot thrive. Democratic renewal will begin with a state whose highest value is the wellbeing of its citizens” underlines urgent need for UK, Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries to jointly implement Alternative Brexit and without further delay.
We concede that the Political Climate in the UK may not be friendly towards Alternative Brexit until One of the Two Options has been chosen and Damage Realities become clearer after 29 March 2019.  However to assume that Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries do not have Political Culture Issues of their own that must be meaningfully addressed if sustainable solutions are to be jointly found to all real and complex Brexit root cause and primary cause problems on the ground in Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries sides is self deception and to also assume that Universities and Tertiary Institutions / Higher Education Institutions in UK, Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries are not part of the problem rather than part of the solutions is also self deception.

As we wait for the Political Climate in the UK to be friendly towards Alternative Brexit, that is a time – very soon, when the Government, Parliamentarians and Citizens jointly agree to Rescue the UK from Perishing, NOW is the time to start organizing Government, Parliamentarians and Citizens on Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries sides to start preparatory work towards implementing Alternative Brexit that is Integral Part of Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030; Ireland and 26 EU Countries Sustainability Strategy and SDGs in Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries and this will include Mobilizing Universities and Tertiary Institutions / Higher Education Institutions in Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries to contribute their Quota through their respective Global Goals Project.


As Universities and Tertiary Institutions / Higher Education Institutions have their own Solidarity, the probability is High that UK Universities and Tertiary Institutions / Higher Education Institutions could be persuaded to Kick start their own Global Goals Project alongside their contemporaries in Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries and this would contribute to early emergence of favorable Political Climate for Alternative Brexit in the UK.


Please find below the full article for better comprehension of points made by Zoe:-

It is one of the great unhelpful myths of the referendum that the vote represented a clear political statement by a definable socioeconomic group: it did not. It split classes as effectively as it split families. Leave would not have prevailed without the support of affluent boomers in the southeast, whose anger was not about austerity but sovereignty. Both sound as though they occupy the political space of the “high concept”, yet one is a concrete set of policies creating measurable deprivation, while the other is an infinitely interpretable quality which people now prepared to die in a ditch for hadn’t mentioned in any of the previous five decades.
So let’s park the Surrey Leavers for now, whose anguished call for the world as it was cannot really be met by democratic means. Undoubtedly, the votes to leave the European Union in the north and northeast mapped closely onto those areas hit hardest by the conservative policy of fiscal contraction.
It suits MPs to lay that dissatisfaction all at the feet of “concerns about immigration”; the reality is broader. The EU became the symbol of an unresponsive and undemocratic political centre, and all the ire that had collected against the policies coming out of Westminster – and more importantly, its blank unresponsiveness when the damage of those policies was revealed – became attached to institutional politics per se.
Let’s recap on those policies, leaving aside the cuts to public services and the public sector pay freeze simply for want of space: local councils had had their budgets cut by 40 per cent, while their statutory duties remained unchanged.
The result was a complete breakdown in the relationship between citizens and their first layer of democratic representation. Councils fell short; children’s centres closed; libraries shut down; social care packages were pared down to the minimum.
All the old systems of redress – petitions, appeals, activism – hit the brick wall of incapacity. Meanwhile, sanctions and reassessments in the benefits system subjected the unemployed, the underemployed and disabled people to punitive penury which was declared unjust in the courts, at an individual level, time and again, and found to be inefficient at the level of public finances (which is to say, it cost more to administer these new systems than they saved), and yet persisted.
Whatever the strength of the arguments made against the government, nothing changed.
If, therefore, the referendum were to be rerun, and Remain were to prevail, democratic mechanisms would have to be rebuilt; otherwise none of this animus toward the political centre would disappear. This may, in the long run, mean renewal of political parties so they’re more responsive to members; it may mean open primaries, or a fresh challenge to first past the post.
But in the first instance, it means an end to this destructive belt-tightening, powered by nothing but its own Thatcherite logic that there is no alternative.
Democracy is not abstract: it is a living, breathing thing with connective tissue, legal and civic, and if you starve its institutions, it cannot thrive.
Democratic renewal will begin with a state whose highest value is the wellbeing of its citizens.
EU SDG MSP Reflection Paper 2018: Contributing MSP Members and Observers

The list of EU Multi Stakeholder Platform Members and Observers that contributed to the Reflection Paper is impressive. The Aid Test of Credibility of the ideas set out in the Reflection Paper is HOW it Reforms the EU Project to deliver:-
1.  Alternative Brexit that Work for Much Stronger and More Prosperous UK, Ireland and remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries Worldwide;
2.     Strategy for Sustainable Europe that make up for failure to achieve 2020 Regional and Global Goals and Target to put the UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries Worldwide back On Track to achieve 2030 and 2050 Regional and Global Goals and Targets.
3.   UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries Sustainability Strategy and SDGs in UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries and in ways that achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.
4.    Universities and Tertiary Institutions / Higher Education Institutions in UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries and their Partner Countries that are Re-established to meaningfully support activities and events in (1) – (3).

Platform members: Birdlife; BusinessEurope; Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR); COFACE Families Europe; European Committee of the Regions; CONCORD Europe;COPA-COGECA; CSR Europe; EUROCITIES; European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)European Economic and Social Committee (EESC); ENEL; European Public Health Alliance (EPHA); ESADE Business School; European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE); European University Association (EUA); European Environmental Bureau (EEB); European Youth Forum (YFJ); International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC); FoodDrinkEurope; Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO); Social platform; SDG Watch Europe; Transparency International; Unilever; World Wide Fund for nature (WWF); Ms Vandinika Shukla; Mr Christian Thimann; Mr Wiebe Draijer; Mr Janez Potocnik

Platform observers: European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils (EEAC); European Investment Bank (EIB); European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN); International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD); United Nations (UN); World Bank (WB)

Will this impressive list of MSP Members and Observers pick up the gauntlet and rise up to the challenge of contributing their quota through demonstrating and being seen to demonstrate genuine interest and commitment towards finding sustainable solutions to all identified real and complex EU Project problems on the ground in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent, Company location context and in ways that ensure all EU Project Internal and external Publics work JOINTLY together to PASS above 4 Point Acid Test of Credibility of their Reflection Report? or will they avoid or evade doing the needful? (Company includes Public Enterprise; Private Enterprise; Social Economy and Solidarity Enterprise Organization).

WBG Productivity Revisited Report 2018

We commend the WBG and the Authors for the Report on Productivity Revisited. However, we are concerned that the Book is more academic and theoretical than practical and actionable.

The Report’s concluding remarks “This volume has extended this new literature, anchored it in the reality of the developing world, and sketched out how it implies a corresponding shift in policy approach. To date, however, the impact of the new analysis has been less to definitively answer central questions in productivity growth than to reopen many debates” suggest focus on reopening debates rather than focus on finding answer to HOW Questions.

Answering HOW Questions

The WBG Revisiting Productivity Report 2018, again avoid or evade answer to HOW Question choosing to continue professional debate that answer What Question rather than definitively answer Productivity HOW Questions.

The WBG Report which calls into question much of previous Productivity Analysis Research addresses Ambitious Analytical Agenda.  The WBG Report also identified many good points – Urgent Need to Rethink Productivity on both North and South Countries sides; Central Role of North and South Countries as well as UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) in achieving increasing convergence in Productivity Revisited Vision Intention and Reality as applicable in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context.

However, in not recognizing that past Productivity mistakes arose from mismatch between Theory, Conceptualization, Practice and Action provided by UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) and 193/306 UN Member States Governments and their Internal and External Consultants to solve real and complex Productivity problems on the ground in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context and  Theory, Conceptualization, Practice and Action as One required by UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WO (ITO) and 193/306 UN Member States Governments and their Internal and External Consultants to solve real and complex Productivity problems on the ground in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States, this WBG Report has made the same mistake as past Reports not only on Productivity but also on other components of the SDGs issues by WBG and other UN System Entities – UNO, IMF, WTO (ITO).

We note the increasing Global Awareness and Global Sensitization on urgent need to answer HOW Questions. However, we need to warn that that there is Huge difference between merely putting urgent need to answer HOW Questions in the front burner in the National and Global Public Arena and actually answering HOW Questions and in ways that effectively help all 193/306 UN Member States get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

We urge National Leaders and World Leaders in all 193/306 UN Member States and U System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) to genuinely appreciate that the former will ensure that our World will keep accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM while the later will ensure that our World goes back On Track to 2014 Cross Roads and start accelerating MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM.

National Leaders and World Leaders must Choose between the later and the former. No Choice is a Choice for the former – Business as Usual with ultimate Catastrophic consequences for 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030 and 9.6 Billion People in our World of 2050 especially Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders on both North and South Countries sides. Right Choice is a Choice for the later – Business Unusual with ultimate Rewards for 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030 and 9.6 Billion People in our World of 2050 especially Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders on both North and South Countries sides, including Rescuing our Fragile Plane from Perishing. Time is running out o make Right Choice. One Day delay making Right Choice may be One Day too late as no one knows when irreversibility point will be passed as our World accelerates on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM.

Without prejudice to this increasing Global Awareness and Global Sensitization we once more submit that for as long as WBG and other UN System: UNO, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities keep avoiding or evading answer to HOW Questions, WBG will be undermining work towards achieving WBG Vision – Our Dream is a World without Poverty and UN System Vision to achieve delivery on Global Goals – SDGs, AAAA, COP21, Agenda21, NIEO and other UN System Entities would be knowingly or unknowingly doing the same.

Revisiting UNSG Synthesis Report 2014

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in his Synthesis Report on the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, November 2014 in its Transformational Approach identified 8 essential elements / principles that underscore the urgency of a universal call to commit to a set of principles that, applied together, can bring about a truly universal transformation of sustainable development on which the SDGs foundation should be built.

We note with regret that SDGs foundation has been built with exclusion of these sound Principles, despite the urgency identified by UNSG Ban Ki Moon over 4 years ago. This explains why at 13 of 60 Quarters of Implementation, basic issues highlighted by these 8 essential elements / principles but were largely unaddressed by relevant authorities on 193/306 UN Member States and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) sides, as at 2019 Year 4 of Implementation of the SDGs, still constitute hindrances, shortcomings and drawbacks to all 193/306 UN Member States achieving delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.

We note further that that remedy to the WBG Revisiting Productivity Report mistakes and similar mistakes of past UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WO (IO) Reports underline urgent need to Revisit UNSG Synthesis Report 2014 and UNSG Data Revolution Report 2014.

UNSG Ban Ki Moon said in Synthesis Report 2014, as we implement the new agenda, we must:-
1. Commit to a universal approach, including solutions that address all countries and all groups;
2. Integrate sustainability into all activities, mindful of economic, environmental and social impacts;
3. Address inequalities in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should be considered met unless it is met for all social and economic groups;
4. Ensure that all actions respect and advance human rights, in full coherence with international standards;
5. Address the drivers of climate change and its consequences;
6. Base our analysis on credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability, disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
7. Expand our global partnership for means of implementation to maximum effect and full participation, including multi-stakeholder, issue-based coalitions;
8. Anchor the new compact in a renewed commitment to international solidarity, commensurate with the ability of each country to contribute.

EAG/ISPE/ER/NEHMAP in 2018 and 2019 expanded the 8 Principles to 17 Principles improving clarity and effectiveness thus reinforcing UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s statement that “The essential elements of the SDGs/ 2030 Transformation Agenda underscore the urgency of a universal call to commit to a set of principles that, applied together, can bring about a truly universal transformation of sustainable development. Thus, as we implement the 2030 Transformation agenda in all North and South countries, we must:
1. Commit to a Universal Approach, that is Common, Systemic, shared Approach with clear and known Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database that is One Worldwide 3 in 1 Integrated Frameworks of National Goals effectively linked with Global a) Goals Framework – SDGs (2015), COP21 (2015), Agenda21 (Rio 1992 and Rio+20 2012), NIEO (New International Economic Order 1974) – What National and International Stakeholders want to Jointly achieve; b) Means Framework – AAAA, that is Finance for Development that is the National and Global Goals Financing Framework and c) Effectiveness Framework (HOW to design and deliver Research, Planning, Data, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results, Transparency, Accountability and Participation as One Cohesive And Coherent Community, Country, Continent, Global Framework and in ways that ensure all National and International Stakeholders in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context Best Work Together to Benefit Together and in Ways that Leave No One Behind in all 193/306 UN Member States) to complete the National and International Architecture for the SDG that get All North and South Countries presently Off Track, to be back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge (None of the 17 Goals will be considered met if it is not achieved by All Peoples in All outcries by end 2030 target date) and in the 12 years remaining to end 2030 Agenda target date) including Sustainable Solutions that meaningfully address all Communities, Countries, Continents and all Groups unique problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context – the National and Global Goals Implementation and Evaluation for Results Framework;
2. Integrate sustainability into all activities, mindful of development; diplomacy; defense; digitization; data; democracy; elections; political; cultural; economic; financial; environmental; social; religious; moral; peace; productivity; security; leadership; services – public service, civil service, police service, military service, paramilitary service, foreign service, legislative service, judiciary service; communication; attitude and behavior impacts;
3. Address political development, economic development, social development, conflict, inequalities, environmental stewardship, justice access, human dignity, national security unique problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
4. Address inequalities and injustice in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should be considered met unless it is met for all social and economic groups in all communities in all countries;
5. Ensure that all actions respect and advance universal human/development rights, in full coherence with international standards;
6. Ensure policy coherence, collaboration, cooperation, coordination and commitment for national and international sustainable development;
7. Ensure that all creative with innovative sustainable solutions and thinkers demonstrating thinking through and thinking ahead are identified, promoted and promoted;
8. Address the drivers of climate change, and its consequences;
9. Base our analysis on credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability, disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
10. Expand our national and global partnership for means of research, planning, data/statistics, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, learning, transparency, accountability and participation to maximum effect and full participation, including multi-stakeholder partnerships MSPs, issue-based coalitions;
11. Ensure National and Global Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms MSPs have Authority Delegated by Leadership of all relevant Stakeholder Blocks to Serve with Responsibility as Convener, Catalyst, Collaborator and Cultivator at specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global levels;
12. Ensure all communities in all countries are effectively connected to UNO Headquarters New York, each UNO Agency/Entity Headquarters with responsibility for specific SDGs/SDGs Pledge action agenda item relevant to each specific community, country or continent, WBG Headquarters, IMF Headquarters, WTO (ITO) Headquarters;
13. Ensure correct diagnosis,  correct prescription,  correct  surgery and correct  recovery management required for sustainable solutions to all root cause or primary cause national development cooperation and international development cooperation  problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
14. Ensure meaningful involvement of people who through their unadulterated struggle and commitment use their talents to seek true peace, security, equality, equity, justice and sustainable development in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
15. Ensure original creators of innovative ideas applicable in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context; processed into study reports; conferences and meetings outcome documents conclusions and recommendations are meaningfully involved in the implementation of these innovative ideas;
16. Ensure effective design and delivery of communication for behavioral impact and changing attitude and behavior at scale required to achieve national visions and global visions by target date,  in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
17. Anchor the new compact in a renewed commitment to national and international solidarity, commensurate with the ability of each community/country to contribute.

The People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace, Partnership; 5Ps of SDGs – Empowering People for Improving Prosperity, Protecting Planet, Prompting Peace depends on Strengthening Partnerships through Respecting Dignity and providing Justice Access to All Residents and Immigrants in all North and South countries in our World today. As long as these 5PsJD Key Elements of the SDGs are avoided or evaded in each specific community, country, continent location context achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge (No Goal will be considered met if it is not achieved by all Peoples in all outcries) in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date (with less than 12 years remaining and so much left to be done) will be Mirage.

Roadmap to 2020, 2030 and 2050

WWF in its contribution to help North and South Countries achieve CBD targets in 2020, 2030 and 2050 set out a 3 Point Roadmap:-
  1. Translate the Aspirational Vision to an Ambitious Goal
This suggestion stems from the reality that National Ambitions set out in Voluntary Plans fall far below minimum required to achieve Global Goals for many or most North and South Countries
  1.  Identify Ways to Measure Progress Towards the Goals
This suggestion stems from need for suitable Indicators. The real problem is that there is no Common Agreement on Universal Approach as well as Common Definition of Goals, Indicators and Targets. As long as these basic issues remain unaddressed, authorities in North and South Countries; EU, EC  and remaining EU Institutions; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) and their National and International Partners will keep dancing around Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030; 193/306 UN Member States Sustainability Strategy and SDGs in 193/306 UN Member States real and complex National and International Development Cooperation problems on the ground as applicable in each specific Community, Country, Continent And Company location context.
  1. Identify Actions to deliver the required Transformation in Global Biodiversity
This suggestion stems from the need to meaningfully tackle the challenge of identify potential pathways that will allow us to restore biodiversity, as well as achieving the necessary transformation while feeding a still growing population – 8.5 billion by 2030 and 9.6 billion by 2050 under the accelerating effects of climate change in a rapidly changing world.

This 3 Point Roadmap falls into the same trap as present and past Roadmaps that answer What Questions whole avoiding or evading answering HOW Questions. To answer HOW Questions there must be Dynamic Reforms – Level 1: Reorganization that is essentially Renovation without Structural Change; Level 2: Re-design that is more Ambitious Reorganization with Structural Change and Level 3: Re-engineering that is Pulling Down and Total Rebuilding of the Structure.

Once the Level of Dynamic Reform appropriate for the specific community, country, continent, company location context has been selected; the second step is to select the Universal or One Worldwide Approach such as 3PCM with clear Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database;
http://nehmapglobal.org/3pcm-benefits-focused-one-worldwide-approach-to-national-and-international-development-cooperation-short-version/  3PCM Short Version; the third step is to design appropriate Reform Pilot Program and Scale Up Program based on 3 Steps:-
  1. Where are we now - baseline that is starting point in the work towards achieving Goals by set target date (A).
  2. Where do we need to be to achieve Goals by set target date (B). 
  3. HOW do we move from (A) to (B) without Fail by set target date(C). 
Way Forward - Alternative Brexit

UK/EU Brexit is disaster waiting to happen. Now is time to shift focus away from problems and blame and shift focus to solutions and opportunities. The Political Culture in UK, Ireland, remaining 26 EU Countries as well as EC and remaining EU Institutions need to Change for Good and on time before irreversibility point is passed. No one knows when this will be but if we all wait to find out the ultimate consequences will be catastrophic for Governments and Citizens in UK, Ireland, res of EU and rest of the World.  

Our World today is very different from our World of 1945 when the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF was created and also very different from the Cold War years. Alternative Brexit that Work for the Worlds Poor would help create a New International Order – Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Trade, Aid, Environmental, Governance, Security, Religious, Moral, Anti-corruption, Communication,  Legal, Technological without which it will be impossible to achieve Strategy for Sustainable Europe 2030 Vision Ambitions that is Integral Part – Interrelated, Interconnected, Interlinked and Interdependent with achieving 193/306 UN Member States Sustainability Strategy Vision and SDGs in 193/306 UN Member States Vision and in ways that help all 193/306 UN Member States achieve delivery on SDG Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date. 

Way Forward – UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 Report 2019

UNEMG executed a Global Consultation on its New Model Approach and UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2 Report 2019 is expected to be released shortly. It is our hope that this UNEMG Report will indeed demonstrate that UNEMG has actually learned lessons from lessons learnt from failures of past and ongoing Approaches for achieving delivery on Sustainability, Governance, Environment, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Development Cooperation and related National and Global Goals.

Way Forward – GPEDC Call for Evidence Report 2019

GPEDC executed a Global Consultation on its Call for Evidence Initiative and GPEDC Call for Evidence Report 2019 is expected to be released shortly. It is our hope that this GPEDC Report will indeed demonstrate that GPEDC has actually learned lessons from lessons learnt from failures of past and ongoing Approaches for achieving delivery on Sustainability, Governance, Environment, Climate Change, Biodiversity, Development Cooperation and related National and Global Goals.               


We have provided additional evidence supporting the fact that our World does not need more of answer to What Questions; that EAG/ISPE was for many years the only Institution Advocating for answer to How Questions; that this EAG/ISPE Advocacy in gaining increasing Global Currency and that without Government Experimentation – Reform Pilot Program and Scale Up Programs, it will be Impossible to find answer to HOW Questions and that without finding answer to HOW Questions it will be Impossible to find Sustainable Solutions to UK/EU Brexit, Sustainable Solutions to EU Global Strategy and EU Sustainability Strategy and SDG in EU Countries and remaining UN Member States and in ways that help achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in all 193/306 UN Member States in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of sues would not be lost. To avoid this answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program need to start without delay.  

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
(Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International Society for Poverty Elimination
(Global Social Development Innovation Organization);
ER and Associates Limited
(National and International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative
(Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk   info@nehmapglobal.org             January 2019.