(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions
(Global Foundation)
ER&A NEHMAP Initiative
ER and Associates Limited New End Hunger,
Malnutrition and Poverty
Development Cooperation Consultants)
(Global Cooperatives Management
Suggestions and Inputs
for Improving Governments and UN Response to Implementing 2021 DCF Summary
Strengthening Governments and UN to Better Contribute Towards Rethinking
War on COVID-19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger,
Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts;
War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity and Task to Achieve SDGs in
All Countries as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals
2050, that is Race to Zero 2050 by end 2050 to avoid Imminent Perishing of our
Fragile Planet
not fool ourselves. A COVID19 vaccine cannot undo damage that will stretch
across years, even decades to come. Extreme poverty is rising; the threat of
famine looms. It is time to reset. As we build a strong recovery, we must seize
the opportunity for change.
UN Secretary General,
H.E. Antonio Guteress Statement on 1 January 2021
The 2021 High Level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum, DCF,
Summary Report serves as an input into the High Level Political Forum, HLPF on
Sustainable Development, 6 – 15 July 2021; the Financing for Development
Process; the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference, COP26 Glasgow; the Fifth UN
Conference on Least Developed Countries, LDC V in Doha amongst other UN Events
in the year ahead.
The Summary Report present impressive Scorecard of UN International
Development Cooperation achievements in the past and note that much more remain
to be done if our World is to Fight and Win War on COVID19; War on Hunger,
Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Inequality,
Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to
achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 or
Race to Zero by end 2050 target date. We commend the Report.
The Summary Report noted that even before the COVID19 pandemic was
acknowledged by UN and Governments early in 2020, our World was not On Track to
achieve the SDGs by end 2030 target date. It is pertinent to note that in
January 2020 the UN launched the International Decade of Action to accelerate
SDGs Implementation in All North and South Countries and that the COVID19
pandemic has made the Decade of Action both more Urgent and more Challenging.
Our World is at Cross Roads or End Point. The Domestic and Global
Challenges facing Governments and UN are Huge and Complex and underline need
for more effective and more inclusive Domestic and Global Response to Domestic
and Global Challenges on the ground facing All Governments and All UN today.
This important Summary Report underlines urgent need to
restore the Justice and Dignity Pillars of the SDGs alongside reinvigorating the
existing 5Ps Pillars of People, Peace, Prosperity, Planet and Partnership, if
our World is to achieve Sustainable Success Fighting and Winning 5 Wars
identified above, alongside achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and
pressing forward to reach Global Goals 2050 or Race to Zero by end 2050 target
The ongoing COVID19 Pandemic continues to wreck
increasing havoc and devastation at Domestic and Global levels in all UN Member
States. However whereas COVID19 is Open Killer, there are Pre-existing
Pandemics of Climate, Environment, Poverty, Inequality, Injustice and
Corruption that are wrecking worse havoc and devastation than COVID19 but being
Hidden Killers, are not getting the attention they deserve Nationally and Globally.
It is now clear to all UN and all Governments Leaders that COVID19 has exposed the Soft Underbelly of Decayed Domestic and Global Systems and Services on North and South Countries Governments – All Arms of All Tiers sides, as well as on All UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO – Trade and WTO – Tourism: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices sides.
It is also now clear to all UN and all Governments Leaders that No One is Safe Until Everyone is Safe and that this underline Urgent Need for entire UN and All Governments to Make Original UN Charter Work for World Poor, in the process Win War On COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity as well as achieve SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 or Race to Zero by end 2050 target date.
We urge all UN and all Governments Leaders to genuinely appreciate that moving forward in Global Interest means Leaders on UN, Governments, Business, Academia, Consultants, other Stakeholders and other Major Groups sides need to know what it means hewing to old ways or finding new, activist ones or both as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.
The Summary Report is another of the DCF’s contribution to find National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to above complex problems. The Summary Report underlines the fact that even before the COVID19 pandemic global progress towards the SDGs had stalled and in some cases reversed; that acceleration is needed in many areas; that the impact of automation and rapid urbanization are just some of the complex issues Development Policy Makers are grappling with where no Best Practice Solutions exist and Views are Divided; that combination of increasing complexity and lagging progress means the approaches characterizing much Development Practice (i.e. top down and rigidly focused on narrowly defined Goals) may be particularly unsuitable.
It is pertinent to note that OECD suggest rather than following a singular Paradigm or Pathway, Development Strategies need to be more context specific and more participatory, place based, multisectoral and multilateral with more focus on experimentation and mutual learning. It also calls for Rethinking of International Development Cooperation beyond financial aid to foster more effective exchanges of social and human capital thus underlining urgent need for New Approaches to Sustainable Development.
This Paper is NEHMAP/EAG contribution towards
effectively reinforcing All UN and All Governments to meet the above need and
in urgent Global Interest.
Specific Comment on the Summary Report
The Summary Report has 36
Paragraphs. We have highlighted 10 Paragraphs for Specific Comment:-
1. Paragraph 4: The upshot: the 2021 Forum gave rise to a
reimagined understanding of development cooperation – informed by risk,
designed to build resilience and strongly linked with climate action – that can
strengthen the foundation for collective action in the COVID-19 pandemic
response and recovery. Global agreements already in place provide a foundation
for building back better. However, doing so will require more concerted,
creative and flexible implementation of the global agreements, and efforts at
all levels must build on and reinforce country systems, policy frameworks and
national and local capacities, support inclusive approaches and facilitate
coordination among diverse actors.
Building Back Better
and Fairer and Building Back Greener underline need for unprecedented Global
Solutions to unprecedented Global COVID19 Crises, Climate Crises and SDGs
2. Paragraph 5: The present summary outlines the key messages
and policy recommendations of the Development Cooperation Forum in five areas:
(a) building risk and resilience into the DNA of development cooperation; (b)
meeting development cooperation commitments to navigate crises; (c) advancing a
sustainable COVID-19 recovery through development cooperation; (d) sharing
knowledge and technology for recovery and response, including to support
inclusive digital transformation and effective data governance; and (e)
reimagining development cooperation for the decade of action.
Time for Words is Over.
Now is Time for Action in all Five Areas that Work.
3. Paragraph 6: Without a stronger international response to
the pandemic, backed by development cooperation, the world risks the
devastation of a “lost decade” of development in developing countries. The
current global context is defined by intersecting risks that simultaneously put
stress on development actors to contain and end the COVID-19 pandemic, to
recover from its socioeconomic impacts and to reinvigorate the effective
implementation of the 2030 Agenda, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris
Agreement and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015–2030.
Without substantial increases in financing and other forms of development
cooperation aimed at building resilience, the Sustainable Development Goals
will be difficult to achieve by 2030. In particular, the multidimensional and
cascading nature of the COVID-19 crisis has once again highlighted the urgency
of financing for prevention and disaster risk reduction, as well as for disaster
preparedness and response. Strengthened international development cooperation
and multilateralism will be critical to enabling recovery, reducing risk and
building resilience and preparedness for the decade of action.
The looming lost decade
affects all North and South Countries. COVID19 has many Areas Hit – Health,
Education, Labor etc; Impacts made – Political, Economic, Social etc and
Dimensions Affected – Governance, Solidarity, Public Goods etc. All Areas Hit,
Impacts Made and Dimensions Affected as applicable or appropriate in each
specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global
location context need to be meaningfully addressed as One. It is Fail in One
Fail in All.
4. Paragraph 12: Flexibility, built on a strong foundation of
trust between partners, has been an important factor behind encouraging
experiences among development cooperation actors so far in the pandemic
response, including the rapid deployment of new resources and tools in order to
achieve immediate impacts. Such flexibility manifested itself in the ability to
reallocate funds to urgent priorities, especially from bilateral donors to the
health area, to streamline and relax certain standards and rules (e.g., for
procurement) for the sake of a quicker response, and to bring forward
implementation dates. Those measures were supported by the existence of strong
national development cooperation policies and agreements that included risk
considerations and contingency response aspects. Moreover, developing countries
have made important contributions to the response, including by sharing
supplies in the early stages, rolling out their own stimulus packages, where
feasible, and taking major steps to contain the spread of the virus through
Trust between Partners
within and between Countries is a Scarce Resource. Yet the design and delivery
of National and International Development Cooperation Radical / Fundamental and
Rapid / Fast Change at Minimum Certain Levels required to Fight and Win War on
COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty; War on Inequality, Insecurity and Conflicts and War on Corruption,
Indiscipline and Impunity; reach SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach
Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date demand Building Trust required for
National and Global Partners Working Together to Succeed Together within All
Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Frameworks robust enough to effectively
implement National and Global Goals with effective monitoring and evaluation of
this implementation.
5. Paragraph 19: Private sector engagement in development
cooperation should become more substantial and strategic in support of
developing countries’ resilience. The 2019/20 Development Cooperation Forum
survey revealed that the engagement by the private sector with developing
countries’ national development cooperation forums or platforms remained
limited. However, the pandemic showed the importance of private sector
contributions to supporting a rapid crisis response. To strengthen partnerships
for resilience, the engagement of private sector actors in development
cooperation should focus on priority areas in which their expertise and
resources can have a transformational impact, including on climate action,
financial inclusion, support for and financing of small and medium-sized
enterprises, agriculture and rural development, the creation of decent work
opportunities for women and young people, and supporting economic actors
through long-term investment.
Private Sector
Partnership Strategy with UN and Governments need radical rethinking, if the
Private Sector is to effectively contribute its quota in the great task of
getting done the much that remain to be done Fighting and Wining War on
COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty; War on Inequality, Insecurity and Conflicts and War on Corruption,
Indiscipline and Impunity; reaching SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and
reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
6. Paragraph 20: South-South and triangular cooperation have
shown resilience in the pandemic context and should be further strengthened.
Deepening South-South cooperation and triangular cooperation can enhance
capacities and resources for risk-informed development cooperation, including
through trade, industrial policy, regional integration and regional value
chains in food, health and related products, and scaledup financing. In
addition, the global South has played a primary role in producing and
catalysing knowledge on health and other risks to sustainable development,
which could be strengthened through the exchange of experiences, skills and
good practices among national and local entities.
North North, South
South and North South Cooperation at Minimum Certain Levels of Effectiveness
are needed if Triangular Cooperation is to effectively contribute its quota in
the great task of getting done the much that remain to be done Fighting and
Wining War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger,
Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Insecurity and Conflicts and War
on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity; reaching SDGs as soon as possible
after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
7. Paragraph 21: Capacity-building support for integrated
national financing frameworks, plus enhanced access to data and information,
will assist developing countries in embedding risk management in fiscal and
financial policies. Integrated national financing frameworks can strengthen the
connection and contribution of short- and medium-term policies to long-term
sustainable development aspirations, as reflected in national sustainable
development strategies. By laying out the full range of financing sources for
sustainable development – public, private, domestic and international – such
frameworks allow countries to develop strategies to increase investment, manage
risks and advance their priorities.
Capacity Building on 3 levels:- Individual
Hard Competencies – Learning
and Skills and Soft Competencies - Character, Courage, Cultural, Communication, Attitude, Behavior,
Discipline and Mindset; Institution –
Governance, Solidarity, Coordination, Reform and Society – Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social and
Legal Space at
Minimum Certain Levels of Effectiveness are needed if Capacity Building is to
effectively contribute its quota in the great task of getting done the much
that remain to be done Fighting and Wining War on COVID19; War on Climate
Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality,
Insecurity and Conflicts and War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity;
reaching SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by
end 2050 target date.
8. Paragraph 27: For sustainable recovery, development
cooperation should further support the localizing of the Sustainable
Development Goals and the design and implementation of inclusive solutions.
Many countries have already recognized the effectiveness of locally led
pandemic response and recovery efforts. Using new technologies, the local and
regional levels have become key spaces for experimentation and innovation to
help overcome common challenges in partnership and solidarity, including
through in-country and cross-border local government partnerships. In addition,
beyond “whole of government” approaches backed by strong political leadership,
“whole of society” approaches are needed to address the dual emergencies of the
pandemic and climate change. Development cooperation should support such
approaches, including by engaging the expertise and knowledge of youth and
indigenous communities, to build long-lasting resilience for sustainable
Technical Solutions
without complimentary Political Solutions is No Issue or amount to No Issue. Once
Technical Solutions and Political Solutions are found, remaining Economic,
Financial, Social, Communication etc Solutions will emerge. Think Global Act
Local is a Challenge in both North and South Countries as well as in UN System
Membership. Whole of Government and Whole of Society Approaches need to move
from Words to Action as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community,
Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
9. Paragraph 31: Innovations in regional development
cooperation and knowledge-sharing spurred by the pandemic should be
systematized and institutionalized to ensure a resilient recovery. The current
pandemic will not be the last crisis of such magnitude. This reality makes it
all the more important to systematize regional cooperation and institutionalize
the lessons gleaned so far from the pandemic response and recovery, including
to ensure more timely and effective knowledge-sharing on data science and
emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence. The pandemic has
elevated the need for and the importance of effective communication tools,
knowledge-sharing platforms and capacity development mechanisms for development
cooperation among all relevant stakeholders, including civil society and the
private sector. Significant strides were made, in particular at the regional
level, to scale up technical and financial cooperation for pandemic response.
New and innovative partnerships, tailored to the distinctive challenges of
recovery, have also emerged and can benefit from further interregional
communication and collaboration.
UN Innovation and Non
UN Innovation as One, driving an All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Single
Catalytic Action Agenda at Minimum Certain Levels of Effectiveness are needed
if Innovation is to effectively contribute its quota in the great task of
getting done the much that remain to be done Fighting and Wining War on
COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty; War on Inequality, Insecurity and Conflicts and War on Corruption,
Indiscipline and Impunity; reaching SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and
reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
10. Paragraph 32: The 2021 high-level political forum on
sustainable development, convened under the auspices of the Economic and Social
Council, should take forward the reimagined understanding of development
cooperation – informed by risk, designed to build resilience and strongly
linked with climate action – which will strengthen the foundation for
collective action in the COVID-19 pandemic response and recovery. Global
agreements already in place provide a foundation for building back better and
fairer. However, doing so will require strengthened global solidarity and more
concerted, creative and flexible implementation of the global agreements, and
efforts at all levels must build on and reinforce country systems, policy
frameworks and national and local capacities, support inclusive approaches,
engaging not only government actors but also women, youth, indigenous peoples,
migrants, local governments, civil society and the private sector, and
facilitate coordination among the diverse actors in international development
cooperation, all with knowledge to share and various resources to contribute.
This reimagined
understanding of Development Cooperation need to move from Words to Action as
applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country,
Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
7 Overarching Mistakes
We urge All UN and All Governments to genuinely recognize
that achieving increasing convergence between the Summary Report Vision
Intention and Reality linked to Winning 5 Identified Wars; achieving SDGs as
soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 or Race to Zero by
end 2050 target date greatly depends on All UN and All Governments genuinely
appreciating the existence of 7 Overarching Mistakes and All UN and All
Governments genuinely recognizing Joint Need to Speedily Resolve and in Urgent
Global Interest the 7 Overarching Mistakes. These are:-
1. Omitting Step 1 How to Get DONE What
Stakeholders / World Leaders have AGREED to Get DONE - Original UN Charter
Vision; World Transformation Agenda Vision - SDGs, AAAA, COP21, Agenda 21 Rio
and Rio + 20; Race to Zero 2050 before operating in Step 2 - Getting DONE or
DOING What Stakeholders / World Leaders have agreed to DO or Get DONE as
2. Deploying Multiple Approaches to
Operate in Step 2 some or many of which are Divergent or Contradictory rather
than First Agreeing One Worldwide Approach that is Sufficiently All Inclusive,
All Embracing and Ambitious such as 3PCM that is Not One Cap Fit All but Common
Agreement and a Generic One Worldwide Approach that is Integral Part of Step 1
and effectively deployed as applicable or appropriate in each specific
Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet
location context.
https://developmentchangechampions.blogspot.com/2019/03/3pcm-benefits-focused-one-worldwide.html 3PCM One Worldwide Approach
All UN and All Governments
essentially Working in Silos in Step 2 while omitting Step 1 rather than All UN
and All Governments essentially Working in Synergy in Step 1 and then Pressing
Forward to Step 2.
4. Lack of Domestic and Global Central
Coordination of National and Global Development Cooperation Radical /
Fundamental and Rapid / Fast Change adequate to achieve all Global Goals agreed
by World Leaders built upon All UN and All Governments Agreeing Step 1 before
Pressing forward to operate in Step 2 as
applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country,
Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.
5. Lack of UN Innovation and Non UN
Innovation as One that is Central Driver of Domestic and Global Central
Coordination in (4).
Lack of meaningful Involvement of
Original Ideas Creators who are State Actors and Non State Actors; UN
Innovators and Non UN Innovators who through their unadulterated struggle and
commitment use their God given Talents to seek True Sustainable: Development,
Diplomacy, Peace, Unity, Defense, Security, Equality, Opportunities, Justice
and Dignity underlining Initiatives in (1) - (5).
7. Lack of
Domestic and Global Communication Strategy meaningfully Supporting Multi
Stakeholder Partnership as applicable or appropriate in each specific
Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet
location context supporting Initiatives in (1) - (6).
As long as these 7 Overarching Mistakes
are not speedily corrected, our World will continue in increasing acceleration
on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM resulting in governments
inability to deliver New Social Contract at National level and New Global Deal
at Global level leading to possible Perishing our Fragile Planet at worst and
Global Depression taking Generation(s) to Reverse at best.
The good ideas in the UN Reports, including
the Summary Report highlighted above and many more, will remain mere good ideas,
if our World does not speedily Change Course to correct the 7 Overarching
Mistakes and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to
Rethinking UN Meetings and Conferences
There is a
need to Rethink UN General Assembly, UNGA Special Sessions and other UN Events,
if these Events – Special and Regular are to contribute more meaningfully
towards identifying and filling all Information, Knowledge, Research, Ambition
and Innovation Gaps identified in Implementing the Summary Report by All UN and
All Governments as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community,
Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent and Global/Planet location context.
We urge UN Department of Economic and Social
Affairs, UNDESA; UN Security Council, UNSC; UN Department of Political and
Peacebuilding Affairs, UNDPPA; UN President General Assembly, UNPGA; UN
Secretary General, UNSG, President UN Economic and Social Council, UNECOSOC and
other relevant UN Headquarters Entities to genuinely appreciate that in UN
Special or Regular Events, any Single Statement that meaningfully addresses all
COVID19 Areas Hit, Impacts Made and Dimensions Affected will be as long, if not
longer than the Invited Statement made by select UN, Government and other
Stakeholders Leaders at these UN Special and or Regular UN Events. Same goes
for all remaining Public Health Issues Challenging All UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF, WTO – Trade and WTO –Tourism Membership and All Arms of All Tiers of
Government in our World today. Same goes for all remaining issues within World
Transformation Agenda.
point being made is that:-
UN and Governments Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented
COVID19; Climate and Environment; Conflicts, Insecurity; Hunger, Malnutrition
and Poverty; Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity Crises linked to achieving
SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Race to Zero by 2050 real and
complex Challenges on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each specific
Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent and Global/Planet location
context need to be more meaningfully addressed and On Time.
2. The Summary Report Implementation Challenge on All UN and All
Governments sides needs to be meaningfully addressed and On Time.
UNSG H.E. Antonio Guteress Statement quoted above underline Global
Need for All UN and All Governments to Work Together to Succeed Together to
effectively address (1) and (2) and as soon as possible in 2021 and Kick Start
this through speedily convene UN General Assembly Special Session, UNGASS 32nd Special
Session or other Special Joint UN and Governments Event that is Global
Re-Orientation Workshop Marking Global Turning Point in the Global Reset
Driving Global Opportunity for Change that UNSG H.E. Antonio Guteress has
consistently called for.
If UN and Governments Leadership keep avoiding or evading meaningfully addressing these 3 points, there are storms ahead in 2021 and Beyond that could consume all of us in our World today. Therefore all necessary measures need to be taken to avoid the looming global colossal catastrophic consequences of Triple Failure: Failure to Win 5 Wars; Failure to achieve SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and Failure to reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
32nd UN Special Session or Other Special Joint UN and Governments Event
We urge all UN and all Governments to genuinely recognize that overcoming the Summary Report Implementation Challenge greatly depends on the Design and Delivery of Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crises, other Pandemics Crises linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 (it is now clear that SDGs can no longer be achieved by 2030) and reaching Global Goals or Race to Zero 2050 by end 2050 target date.
We further urge all UN and all Governments to genuinely recognize that New Levels of Solidarity and Multilaterism required for Sustainable Success need to be Kick Started from the suggested UNGASS 32nd Special Session or other Special Joint UN and Governments Event that is a 3 Day High Level Virtual Meeting /High Level Political Forum, HLPF/HLVM for Decision Makers and Policy Makers on UN, Governments and their Domestic and Global Partners sides.
The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM will help build National and Global Institutional Architecture within which Political Leaders; Civil Servants; Religious Leaders; Traditional Rulers; Tribal Leaders on one hand and Leaders on UN; Governments; Business; Academia; Consultants; other Major Groups such as EU, OECD etc and other Stakeholders such as Student Groups, Labor Unions, Media Houses etc on the other hand Work Together to Succeed Together to meaningfully address the 7 Overarching Mistakes and Obey UNSG H.E. Antonio Guteress Clarion Call for Global Reset and Global Solidarity, as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
The point being made is this 32nd Special Session or other Special Joint UN and Governments Event is essentially a 3 Day Global Re-Orientation Workshop for State Actors and Non State Actors as well as UN Actors and Non UN Actors to come together to agree a Framework for Central Coordination of Domestic and Global Response to Governance, Globalization, Solidarity – Political, Science, Finance, Innovation etc as One and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.
Too much time has been wasted Working HARDer Doing the same old things in the same old ways and wondering why UN and Governments keep getting the same old results – Not Winning 5 Wars and Not achieving Global Goals.
Now is Time for
Action mean Now is Time for action Demand UN and Governments Changing Course to
start Working SMARTer DOING New Thing in New Ways and getting New Results that
Work for 5 Billion World Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders out of the
8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030. This Demand New Types of Multi
Stakeholder Partnerships, MSP, built upon answering this MSP Report How
The Summary Report need to be converted to answer How Questions, if it is to make optimum contribution to Internal Publics and External Publics on all UN Membership and all Governments of North and South Countries sides as they Work Together to Succeed Together and Benefit Together.
Global Turning Point
Our World is at Global Turning Point and Time is running out to make Right Choice or Right Turn.
The Biden
Administration in US as well as the practical realities of implementing UK – EU
Brexit Deal offer opportunity for US Government, Powerful North Countries
Governments and Powerful South Countries Governments as well as UN System
Membership and their Domestic and Global Partners to Work Together to Succeed
Together and Benefit Together addressing the 7 Overarching Mistakes and Obeying
UNSG H.E. Antonio Guteress Clarion Call to Reset our World before it is too
late to avoid looming Global Colossal Catastrophe.
In Sum,
UN Member States are
looking up to UN Principal Organ Entities, especially UN Headquarters Entities
including DCF and UN Agencies especially UNDP,
WHO, FAO, ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF for Practical Help and Support to respond
effectively to National and Global Challenges identified above, that each
Government in each North and South Country is grappling with.
All UN and All
Governments need to jointly find better ways to design and deliver New National and Global Integrated Innovative
Sustainable Solutions to real National and Global Challenges facing entire
UN Membership and all UN Member States.
No One Know when our
World will race past irreversibility point in ongoing acceleration on MADning Road
to DOOM. If UN and Governments are to Change Course and On Time to avoid
Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophe arising from Triple Failures – Failure
to Win 5 Wars; Failure to achieve SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and
Failure to reach Global Goals 2050, then One Day Delay Scheduling the 3 Day
HLPF/HLVM or 32nd Special Session or other Special Joint UN and
Governments Event and may be One Day too late to Change Course and start
accelerating on MAPing Road to BOOM.
COVID19 rapidly closing
short window of opportunity, to Build Back Better and Fairer need to be
utilized by All UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South
Countries. To achieve this All UN Membership and All Governments in All North
and South Countries need to muster required levels of Political Will and Public
It is therefore in
Urgent Global Interest that the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM or 32nd Special
Session or other Special Joint UN and Governments Event Pre Summit Days, Summit
Days and Post Summit Days as One Technical and Political Process Discussions
start immediately.
Should UN and Governments in North
and South Countries take all necessary measures to ensure this Bright Prospects
of Success become reality; UN and Governments in North and South Countries
would have helped Save our Fragile Planet from Imminent Guaranteed Perishing
flowing from identified Triple Failures remaining unchecked.
Bless UN. God Bless our World.
NEHMAP Team Leader and Director General
Economic Alliance Group (Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions
M: +234-8162469805
Blog: http://developmentchangechampions.blogspot.com.ng
Website: www.nehmapglobal.org
Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk
July 2021