Statement by Lanre Rotimi, ISPE / EAG
Board of Governors of the World Bank Group, WBG and International
Monetary Fund, IMF; Development Committee and International Monetary and
Financial Committee
Global Consultation with Member States; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF;
CSOs/NGOs; Farmer and Processor Organizations; Private Sector: Micro, Small,
Medium, Large and Multinational Enterprises; Academics and Researchers;
Internal and External Consultants; Journalists 21 – 23 April 2017.
“Rethinking Development Finance;
Rethinking Global Economy; Rethinking Evaluation;
Rethinking Development,
Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data and Digitization; Rethinking Communication
and Rethinking Multi Stakeholder Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs and Lobbying as
Force for Good as Foundation for Achieving increasing Convergence between 2030
Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention ad Reality
in each Community in each of
UN Member States by Target Date”.
My name is
Lanre Rotimi , International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic
Alliance Group, ISPE / EAG. I am honored to make this Statement on the topic of
“Rethinking Development Finance;
Rethinking Global Economy; Rethinking Evaluation; Rethinking Development,
Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data and Digitization; Rethinking Communication
and Rethinking Multi Stakeholder Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs and Lobbying as
Force for Good as Foundation for Achieving increasing Convergence between 2030
Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention and
Reality in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States by Target Date”
and Commendation
congratulate Christine Lagarde, Managing Director IMF on her 12 April 2017
Speech on “Building a more Resilient and Inclusive Global Economy in which she
highlighted issues she expect to be on the minds of Finance Ministers, Central
Bank Governors and other Stakeholders participating in the 2017 Annual Spring
Meetings of WBG and IMF. We also congratulate WBG President Jim Yong Kim on his 11 April 2017 Speech on “Rethinking
Development Finance” in which he called for a “New Approach” to Development Finance to meet the aspirations
of the World’s over 7 billion people and make this Generation the first in
history to end extreme poverty.
We applaud
the devotion of the Annual Spring Meetings to provide a Multi Stakeholder
Platform / Partnership or Forum for:-
- International Cooperation that strengthen
the Bank and the Fund to better serve Member Countries.
- WBG and IMF Leadership; WBG and IMF
Member States and other Stakeholders to engage in frank and truthful
dialogue on sustainable solutions to real and complex poverty reduction
and ultimately elimination, international economic development and
international development finance problems on the ground in each Community
in each Member State.
We also applaud
the devotion of the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Institutions and their various
Bodies towards achieving increasing convergence between 2030 Transformation
Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention and Reality in each
Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States by Target Date. Giant Strides
have been made but much more remain to be done. This requires filling all
identified information, knowledge and research gaps.
Individually and Jointly is/are in a unique position to strengthen and
reinforce Community to Global Stakeholders to meet this requirement within the
Mission and Mandate of each Stakeholder, as all concerned work jointly within
Common Strategy – General Agreement on Alignment, Harmony, Synergy, Ownership,
Transparency, Accountability; Common Leadership – Trust, Integrity, Ethics,
Professionalism, Honesty, Commitment, Cooperation, Cohesion, Collaboration,
Coordination and Common Approach: Principles, Instruments corresponding to each
Principle, Practices and Database towards achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda
Vision Ambitions by target date.
Tackling Answer to How Question Challenge
We observe
that over the years National and International Development Cooperation What
questions are over answered while How questions are avoided or evaded or
answers to What questions are passed as answers to How questions. The Result is
that there is undue focus on treatment of Symptoms rather than required focus
on identifying primary cause or root cause of real and complex National and
International Development problems on the ground from Community to Global
levels in each of 306/193 UN Member States as basis for design and delivery of
Sustainable Solutions - Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct
Surgery and Correct Recovery Management.
MD IMF: Rethinking Global Economy
Initiative and President WBG Rethinking Development Finance Initiative –
Tackling Research, Implementation, Evaluation and Success Challenge
Rethinking Global Economy Initiative of MD IMF and Rethinking Development
Finance Initiative of President WBG are two sides of the same coin. However,
they cannot stand alone but need to be integral part of other Rethinking
Initiatives such as Rethinking Evaluation; Rethinking Development,
Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data and Digitization; Rethinking Communication
and Rethinking Multi Stakeholder Partnerships / Platforms, MSPs and Lobbying as
Force for Good as Foundation for Achieving increasing Convergence between 2030
Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Vision Intention ad Reality
in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States by Target Date”.
These Rethinking Initiatives
underline urgent need for Global Consultation aimed at generating many useful
ideas and pertinent suggestions; quickly harvesting and processing same and in
ways that help put work towards achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda
Implementation and Evaluation on Track towards achieving its Global Goals in
each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States by 2030 Target date.
It is pertinent to note
that QCPR 2016 has been adopted by UNGA as the Pillar of UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF Reform; that without renewed effort the probability is low that UNSG will
deliver on responsibility to submit Report by 30 June 2017 in compliance with
Paragraph 19 QCPR 2016; that without co-Facilitators of the Improving UN System
Alignment and Synergy Process facing new direction and adopting new priorities,
their Report will be Business as Usual which is unhelpful. These are time bound
issues that 2017 Spring Meetings of WBG and IMF need to address.
It is pertinent to note
further that as 2nd quarter 2017 Year 2 of Implementation few days
old, fundamental issues that ought to have been settled by end 1st
quarter 2015 Year of Decision are still outstanding and unless concerted effort
is made and on time, the probability is high that these fundamental issues
could remain unaddressed well into the future even till 2030. Allowed to occur,
in the face of worsening World Hunger, Malnutrition, Poverty, Terrorism,
Migration, Climate Change, Corruption and related problems on the ground from
Community to Global levels in each of 306/193 UN Member States, the ultimate
consequences for over 7 billion people in both North and South Countries,
especially the over 2 billion poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders that
UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF serve, could be catastrophic. This is avoidable if
timely action is taken again these are fundamental issues that 2017 Spring
Meetings of WBG and IMF need to address, if MD IMF and President WBG are to
individually and jointly lead IMF and WBG to “Walk their Talk”.
The many
useful ideas and pertinent suggestions generated by these Rethinking Initiatives
could help find cure and prevention for real and complex Evaluation and non
Evaluation problems on the ground in the National and International Development
Cooperation System, should adequate levels of Political Will on the part of
National and International Public / Civil Servants and Public Will on the part
of Citizens in both North and South Countries, especially Powerful North and
South Countries be mustered without delay and sustained until 2030 Transformation
Agenda Global Goals are achieved in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member
States by target date.
Paradigm Shifts
fundamental issues involved should WBG and IMF Leadership genuinely determine
to pursue Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct
Recovery Management as One to all identified real and complex political,
cultural, economic, financial, social, environmental, peace, security,
religious, moral, legal, technical problems on the ground in specific
Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global Context
demand a shift from focus on problems and passing blame to focus on solutions
and result that is part of a bundle of paradigm shift from Talking and Thinking
to Action and Accomplishments for Results. That is at the community level, at
the sub-national level, at the country level, at the sub-regional level, at the
regional level, and at the global level, we all need to make these things
jointly making paradigm shifts from working in
silos to working intersectorially in synergy;
from multiple
approaches to common approaches that continuously improve convergence,
alignment and harmony;
from business
as usual to business unusual;
parrotting change to practicing change;
from academic
research aimed at advancing frontiers of knowledge to development research
aimed at significant improvement in critical contemporary measures of service,
speed, costs, quality and where necessary revenue;
from talking
and thinking to Action and Accomplishment.
addressing these fundamental issues, present Task that must be done, that is beyond
the entire UN System: UNO, WBG and IMF. For this Task to be done and on time
National Leaders and World Leaders in identified 8 Blocks of Stakeholders:-
- UN Member States Governments – Executive,
Legislature, Judiciary: all arms at al tiers
- UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF
- Farmer and Processor Organizations
- Private Sector: Micro, Small, Medium,
Large and Multinational Enterprises
- Academics and Researchers
- Internal Consultants and External
- Journalists
Need to
meaningfully support High Level Expert Forum with Official Status – a level of
recognition by UN System: UNO, WBG , IMF and UN Member States that help
generate sustainable solutions to all identified real and complex National and
International Development Cooperation problems on the ground from Community to
Global levels.
Tackling Muddled Thinking
There is a need to recognize that
the level of Muddled Thinking in National and International Development
Cooperation is too much. There is urgent need to deploy different types of
Thinking to correct this lapse, if 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision ambitions
are to be achieved in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States. We
suggest: Spatial Thinking or Organized Relationships Thinking focus on Planning
Side (Planning, Research and Statistics/Data); Systems Thinking or Problem
Solving Thinking focus on Implementation Side; Reflective Thinking or Value
Judgement Thinking focus on Evaluation Side (Monitoring, Evaluation and
Assessment) and Critical Thinking or Organized Learning Thinking focus on
Success Side (Learning, Results and Measuring Success).
Academics, Researchers,
Practitioners and Professionals as Instructors and Participants in Policy,
Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One within all
aspects of Rethinking Evaluation, Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defence,
Rethinking Communication and Rethinking MSP and Lobbying as Force for Good;
need to meaningfully Practice the Art and Science of the 4 Types of Thinking in
their Day to Day work, if they are to contribute much more meaningfully to help
concerned Stakeholders from Community to Global levels achieve New National and
International Development Cooperation Vision Ambitions on successful basis
under WIN-WIN arrangement delivering Sustainable Benefits to ALL Stakeholders.
effectively tackle all these real and complex problems on the ground from
Community to Global levels in both North and South Countries, there is need to
recognize that Aid Effectiveness and Development Evaluation are components of
Development Effectiveness and Development Effectiveness is Component of
National and International Development Cooperation. This suggest that seeking
to meaningfully address real and complex problems on the ground on the
Development Evaluation side without simultaneously seeking to meaningfully
address real and complex problems on the ground not only on Aid Effectiveness
and Development Effectiveness sides but also on National and International
Development Cooperation on both North and South Countries sides could be
exercise in futility.
The implication of
above points is that MD IMF Rethinking Global Economy Initiative and President
WBG Rethinking Development Finance Initiative, each needs to transform from an
Individual Initiative to an Institution Initiative and be effectively
Integrated with Rethinking Evaluation, Rethinking Development, Diplomacy,
Defence etc, Rethinking Communication and Rethinking MSP and Lobbying as Force
for Good Initiative that has Official Support of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF
Entities and Powerful North and South UN Member States Entities.
Study Findings
finding is:-
- 1/3 Failed Policies, Programs, Projects
(3P); 1/3 Flawed 3P and 1/3 Successful 3P
- 1/3 Failed Evaluation; 1/3 Flawed
Evaluation and 1/3 Successful Evaluation.
- 80% Evaluation Professionals,
Practitioners, Academics and Researchers have minimum certain levels of
Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills
- 20% of the 80% have minimum certain
levels of Soft Competences: Character, Courage, Discipline and Mindset
- 60% of Evaluation Professionals are
Quacks. That is the 100% Evaluation Professionals in (3) and (4)
constitute 40% of Evaluation Professionals.
- Creating Demand for Research,
Implementation, Evaluation, Success is basis for Creating Supply for Research,
Implementation, Evaluation, Success that reduce Quacks to less than 10%,
ensure over 80% Research, Implementation, Evaluation, Success:
Professionals, Practitioners, Academics and Researchers have minimum
certain levels of Hard Competences: Learning and Skills and Soft
Competences: Character, Courage, Discipline and Mindset.
- Creating One Worldwide Approach to
Evaluation is the Master Key to (6)
- Creating One Worldwide Approach to
National and International Development Cooperation, inclusive of (7) is
Master Key to achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision Ambitions by
Target date.
One Worldwide Approach to National and
International Development Cooperation
It is
pertinent to note that One Worldwide Approach is not the same thing as
One-Cap-Fit-All. It is simply a Common and Systemic Approach based upon Systems
Analysis, Systems Theory and Systems Practice – that is a Generic Approach that
can be adapted to suit the unique and specific needs of each Community to
Global Constituency in each of the 7 Blocks of Stakeholders identified above.
The One
Worldwide Approach needs to have clear Principles, Instruments corresponding to
each Principle, Practices and Database. ISPE/EAG Study finding is that Approach
is being confused with Instrument/Tool. An Instrument/Tool is a component of an
Approach but an Approach is not a component of an Instrument/Tool. Once, there
is Common Agreement on this FACT, then it will be clear that virtually all
Approaches in Evaluation and Non Evaluation Components of National and
International Development Cooperation are in reality Instruments/Tools.
It is
pertinent to note further that evidence abound that there is only One Known
“One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation
in our World today – 3PCM – Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management Approach
to Benefits Focused National and International Development Cooperation. 3PCM is Original Contribution of Systems Analysis, Systems Theory
and Systems Practice as One to National and International Development
Cooperation Sustainable Solutions. The 3PCM 4th Instrument is a
Master Instrument / Tool Box that has the Capacity to accommodate all known –
credible, productive and relevant Instruments / Tools.
It is clear
that ISPE/EAG Study Findings shed light on priorities and direction moving
forward in the work towards finding sustainable solutions to real and complex
problems on the ground highlighted in the IEG Blog Rethinking Evaluation
Initiative (see Appendix) and underline the fact that one of the primary issues
that need to be settled if there is to be Motion with Meaning Moving Forward Rethinking
Development Finance, Rethinking Global Economy, Rethinking Evaluation;
Rethinking Development etc; Rethinking Communication and Rethinking MSP and
Lobbying as Force for Good as Driver of work towards achieving 2030
Transformation Agenda Vision Intention and Reality by target date in each
Community in each of the 306/193 UN Member States, is for the 8 Blocks of
Stakeholders to adopt a One Worldwide Approach. It does not have to be 3PCM,
although this is the Only such One Worldwide Approach in our World today. But
is has to be sufficiently Robust – All Embracing, All Inclusive and Ambitious
Approach to Drive Achievement of increasing convergence between the All
Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious SDG Agenda Vision Intention and Reality
in each Community in each of 306/193 UN Member States.
It should be
recognized that AAAA is in reality the Finance Dimension of SDG; COP21 is
Climate Change Dimension of SDG; Agenda 21 is Environment Dimension of SDG and
SDG affect all North and South Countries in our World today and not just South
Countries as was the case with MDG.
Systems Change Sustainable Solutions
We are
informed that International Foundations, Cities in both North and South
Countries and Private Enterprise in both North and South Countries are
beginning to recognize need for Systems Change robust enough to ensure that
they work in viable Multi Stakeholder Platforms / Partnerships for better
success working across fragmented and contentious Society where they operate in
the Common Interest and Common Future of all National and International Stakeholders
in that Society.
It is clear
that the different Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional
and Global Stakeholders need to better understand their differences, if
sustainable solutions that work are to be found to the real and complex
Sustainable Development problems on the ground in their specific context and
that Systems Change – Analysis, Theory and Practice offers a viable way forward
for tackling these complex problems. There is strong need for 2017 Spring
Meetings of WBG and IMF to set new direction and new priorities for more
effectively supporting Systems Change Sustainable Solutions that work for
Millions of Groups out there in each Community in each of the 306/193 UN Member
Partnership with Private Sector
The SDG full
implementation with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation
in ways that achieve increasing convergence between 2030 Transformation Agenda
– AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 aligned and harmonized with Community Development
Plans and Country Development Plans in each Community in each of 306/193 UN
Member States Vision Intention and Reality by target date calls for Stronger
Partnership Strategy with the Private Sector especially External Consultants
Constituencies and all other CSOs (broadly defined) Constituencies by UN
System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities and UN member States Entities.
ISPE/EAG is aware of
FAO’s commitment to meaningfully engage Private Sector, CSOs and other
Constituencies in meaningful Partnership Strategy. IEG-WBG and other UN System:
UNO, WBG, IMF Entities as well as UN Member States Entities need to consider
adopting this worthy FAO Initiative.
We have in the Appendix
set out thoughts o ways and means of operationalizing in practice these
Partnership Strategies.
WDRs’: Tackling Implementation and Evaluation Challenge
Each Year the WBG
releases many Study Reports. The annual World Development Report is one of the
WBG Flagship Reports. The Big Issue that WDR and IMF Board of Governors, Member
States and other Stakeholders at 2017 Spring Meetings of WBG and IMF need to
address in Global Interest is What does UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Internal
Publics and External Publics do with the Huge Information and Knowledge contained
in UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Study Reports, Conferences and Meetings Outcome
It is pertinent to note
that WDR 2004 on Public Sector Management, PSM; WDR 2008 on Agriculture; New
PSM 2011; 10th Anniversary PSM 2014; WDR 2014 on Risk Management;
WDR 2015 on Attitudinal Change; WDR 2015 on Digitization and WDR 2017 on Governance
contain many god ideas and recommendations which fully implemented with
effective evaluation in each of the 306/193 UN Member States, over the years,
would have delivered better Aid Effectiveness, Development Effectiveness,
Development Impact and Development Results that help Configure or Reconfigure
our World in such a way as to have eliminated many of the Sustainable
Development and Development Cooperation problems on the ground today in both
North and South Countries.
It is not enough for
the UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF to come up with Good Study Reports, Conferences
and Meetings Outcome Documents each Year. The time is NOW for UN System: UNO,
WBG, IMF Leadership and Member States Leadership to meaningfully tackle their
Study Reports, Conferences and Meetings Outcome Documents Recommendations
Implementation and Evaluation Challenges on the ground from Community to Global
levels in each of 306/193 UN Member States. Action in this regard should start
from 2017 Spring Meetings of WBG and IMF.
Know How – Necessary for Finding Correct Answers to AAAA, SDG,
COP21, Agenda 21 How questions
In the work towards
achieving AAAA, SDG, OP21, Agenda 21 Goals by 2030, records show What questions
have been over answered and HOW questions have been avoided or evaded. Yet without
finding correct answers to How questions, achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda
Vision Ambitions by target date in many of the 306/193 UN Member States would
be mirage. It is unhelpful for WBG and IMF Leadership to keep turning blind eye
to this unshakeable fact.
Records show Member
States are looking up to UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF for help to achieve AAAA,
SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 Goals by 2030 Target date but UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF
Entities themselves need help before they can be in a position to help Member
Also many UNGA
Resolutions saddle UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF with responsibility to Re-engineer
themselves so that they can be in position to support the Re-engineering for
achieving 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision in Member States, yet neither
UNDESA nor UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF has the capacity to Re-engineer themselves.
This is another reason why How questions are being avoided or evaded.
The correct answer to
How questions has little to do with PhD or Professor; Trained Economists or
Trained Evaluators but much to do with Community to Global Stakeholders in each
of the 8 Blocks identified in this Paper being organized onto Grassroots
Professionals Levels 1 and 2 and Advance Professionals Level 1 and 2 and
ensuring that Professionals in each of the 4 Levels have minimum certain levels
of Hard Competences: Learning and Skills and Soft Competences: Character,
Courage, Discipline and Mindset.
Moving Forward in Global Interest
Moving forward we
suggest Board of Governors of WBG and IMF considers taking the following
1. Establishing Global Partnership on Ending Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty, GPEHMAP as Multi Stakeholder Platform / Partnership for Research,
Implementation, Evaluation and Success of all good ideas and pertinent
suggestions set out in WBG and IMF Study Reports, Conferences and Meetings
Outcome Documents.
2. Presenting a Memo to 306/193 UN Member States setting out the GPEHMAP
Initiative Vision and calling for their personal and official support,
including the nomination of High Level Research (Research, Planning,
Data/Statistics); Implementation; Evaluation (Monitoring, Evaluation) and
Success (Learning, Results, Measuring Success) Experts to serve on the GPEHMAP.
3.Establishing Pilot Program on Ending Hunger, Malnutrition and
Poverty in 6 North Countries - US, UK,
Germany, France, Portugal and Russia 6 South Countries – Nigeria, South Africa,
Kenya, Rwanda, Algeria, Brazil as basis for Scale Up Program covering all
Action Agenda Items in 2030 Transformation Agenda – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21
aligned and harmonized with Community Development Plans and Country Development
Plans in all 306/193 UN Member States.
4. Establishing a Committee of WBG and IMF Executive Management and
Board Members to work with ISPE/EAG on ways and means of establishing the
Global Partnership Joint Support Team and the Secretariat to the GPEHMAP.
Rethinking Development
Finance, Rethinking Global Economy, Rethinking Evaluation etc is not about Changing
for Change Sake but about Needed Change; not about pursuing abstract Knowledge
for Knowledge Sake but about demonstrating Applied Knowledge for Sustainable Development
and World Peace Sake. These call for Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale
driving New Advocacy and New Know How for Accomplishment and Results from
Community to Global levels.
It is our hope that
the thoughts expressed in this Paper resonate positively with Board of
Governors of the World Bank Group, WBG and International Monetary Fund, IMF;
Development Committee and International Monetary and Financial Committee; Member States; UNO; CSOs/NGOs; Farmer and Processor Organizations;
Private Sector: Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Multinational Enterprises;
Academics and Researchers; Internal and External Consultants; Journalists
participating in the 21 – 23 April 2017 Spring Meetings of WBG and IMF.
16 April 2017.
Extract of Statement to co-Facilitators of Improving UN
System Alignment and Synergy Process, by ISPE/EAG
It will be recalled that the next
Global Consultation on Improving Alignment and Synergy of UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF Bodies meeting is scheduled for 11 April, and the co-facilitators welcomed
input to determine the topics for discussion.
outcome of the co-facilitators Global Consultation meeting on 6 March 2017 once
more provide evidence that UN Events set up to find answers to 2030 Agenda How
questions end up avoiding or evading answer to How questions while over
answering What questions and this include providing answer to What questions as
answers to How questions. There is therefore urgent need for the
co-Facilitators to ensure that the 11 April 2017 meeting and remaining meetings
in this process provide clear and correct answers to How questions.
The UN
System Delivery as One, DaO Initiative is over 10 years old. If National
Leaders and World Leaders do not know why UN System DaO is not working, they
will not know how to Reform the UN System to be fit for the 21st
Century and in ways that ensure that UN System DaO will work and in ways that
ensure 2030 Agenda Vision ambitions are achieved by 2030 target date in each
Community in each of the 306/193 UN Member States.
It is
pertinent to note that:-
UN System is used interchangeably with UNO. The UN System goes
beyond UNO to include WBG and IMF. UN System DaO therefore goes beyond UNO DaO
to UNO, WBG, IMF DaO. It is clear that without achieving UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF DaO, it will be Mission Impossible achieving 2030 Agenda – AAAA, SDG,
COP21, Agenda 21, Original PD/BD Vision ambitions in each Community in each of
306/193 UN Member States. The implication is that achieving 2030 Agenda driven
by UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF DaO calls for “Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defense, Democracy, Data and
Digitization - Research: Research, Planning, Statistics/Data; Implementation;
Evaluation: Monitoring, Evaluation; Success: Learning, Results, Success Policy,
Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One”.
UN Member States are looking up to UN System:
UNO, WBG, IMF Entities for help to achieve 2030 Agenda in each Community in
their Country but UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities themselves need help before
they can be in a position to provide the type of help UN Member States desire
and deserve.
The 2016 TI Corruption Perception Index shows
that World Corruption is worsening with 2/3 of 176 Countries Surveyed falling
below the Index mid point. The TI Corruption Perception Index is itself Corrupt
as it is based on subjective methodology and it addresses Bribe Takers without
addressing Bribe Givers. Also the WBG Governance Indicators is corrupt as it
recognizes Legal Corruption such as Lobbying and it places undue focus on Bribe
Taking while turning blind eye to many of the remaining 16 commonly occurring
forms of corruption.
There is a need for one official list of UN
Member States instead of the current two; there is a need for adoption of the
list of 193 UN Member States as the only official list; there is a need for New
Corruption Perception Index based on objective methodology for two lists –
Bribe Takers and Bribe Givers in which all 193 UN Member States are surveyed.
It takes two to tango. While many Developing
Countries, including Nigeria are high on the list of Bribe Takers; many
Developed Countries are high on the list of Bribe Givers including US, UK,
France, Germany, Russia.
There is need for Multi Stakeholder Partnerships
/ Platforms, MSPs as Force for Good and Lobbying as Force for Good. There are many approved MSPs, some extended/expanded
and others new. However, is there any of these MSPs that meet the minimum
certain Multi Stakeholders Platform/ Partnership, MSP, Standards required to
achieve 2030 Transformation Agenda Vision Ambitions? Please take critical look
at the DCDE Study Reports on MSPs’. Engaging the Private Sector through MSPs
Evaluation of Select MSPs
The content
of the DCED Reports should be Food for Thought for IDEAS; UN System: UNO, WBG,
IMF and Member States Governments: Executive and Legislature/Parliament
(Judiciary is conspicuously missing) that strengthen Community to Global
Stakeholders in identified 7 Blocks commitment towards the establishment of New
MSPs’ and Re-establishing Existing MSPs’ and underline the need to meaningfully
address Rethinking Evaluation; Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defence,
Democracy, Data, Digitization; Rethinking Communication and Rethinking MSP and
Lobbying as Force for Good as One in MSPs Moving Forward.
On the Rethinking Communication component,
there is a need for National Leaders and World Leaders in the 7 Blocks to
recognize that in Information as in Food, there is Chronic Hunger, Acute Hunger
and Malnutrition real and complex problems on the ground from Community to
Global levels in each North and South Country and that addressing Chronic
Hunger, Acute Hunger and Malnutrition problems on Food side from Community to
Global levels without simultaneously addressing Chronic Hunger, Acute Hunger
and Malnutrition problems on Information side from Community to Global levels
would be knowingly or unknowingly undermining potential to achieve sustainable
success in the work towards Ending Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Worldwide,
a major condition for achieving increasing convergence between 2030
Transformation Agenda Intention and Reality in each Community in each of the 306/193
UN Member States.
There is
therefore a need for Rethinking Communication that support Stakeholders in each
of the 7 Blocks to face new direction and adopt new priorities that reinforce
bringing Whole of Community/Company/Bank/Institution/Government/Society
Thinking to bear towards the sustainable solutions to Whole of
Community/Company/Bank/Institution/Government/Society real and complex problems
on the ground. This demands attitudinal and behavioural change by Stakeholders
in each of the 7 Blocks at Country level – Community, Sub-national and National
and International Level – Sub-regional, Regional and Global.
There is urgent need to convert existing UN
System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities Study Reports especially WBG World Development
Reports, WDR 2004 on Public Sector Management, PSM and its follow Up New PSM
2011 and 10 year review of PSM 2014; WDR 2008 on Agriculture; WDR 2014 on Risk
Management, WDR 2015 on Attitudinal and Behavioral Change, WDR 2016 on Data and
Digitization and WDR 2017 on Governance as well as Conferences and Meetings
Outcome Documents especially AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21, Original PD/BD,
Agenda 21 and HLM2 NOD into Vision and Words with ACTION; ensure full
implementation of all Action Agenda Items with effective Monitoring and Evaluation
of this Implementation as appropriate to each Community to Global location
context. Rethinking Evaluation Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defense,
Democracy, Data, Digitization What is Wrong with Development
Achieving (1) – (8) greatly depends on selecting
One Worldwide Approach to Benefits focused National and International
Development Cooperation.
Operationalizing (9) in Practice greatly depends
on the appointment of Global Coordinating External Consultant and Global
Coordinating Internal Consultant with minimum certain levels of Hard
Competences: Learning and Skills and Soft Competences: Character, Courage,
Discipline and Mindset to meaningfully support Community, Sub-national,
National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global Stakeholders from UN Member States
Governments: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary at all tiers; UN System: UNO,
WBG, IMF Entities; CSOs/NGOs; Farmers and Processors Organizations; Private
Sector: Micro, Small, Medium, Large and Multinational Enterprises; Academics
and Researchers as they work jointly towards achieving 2030 Agenda within each
Partners unique and specific location context.
The current
situation wherein too many CSOs are antagonistic stakeholders focused on
government flaws and failures must change to a new situation in which the
greater majority of CSOs are Active Participants focused on working jointly
with Stakeholders in remaining 6 Blocks on Global Goals – AAAA, SDG, COP21,
Agenda 21, Original PD/BD aligned and harmonized with Community and Country
Development Plans Action Agenda Items in ways that accomplish targets and on
scheduled time.
To make this
and related paradigm shifts, such as silos to synergy; business as usual to
business unusual; parroting change to practicing change; academic research to
development research greatly depends on effectively deploying competences
identified above and in ways that effectively deploy Whole of Bank /
Institution / Government / Community / Country / World Thinking to bear towards
the sustainable solutions to Whole of Bank / Institution / Government /
Community / Country / World Problems. This underlines need to recognize that
Good Communication Strategy is not Razzmatazz and Sensation focused on Shadow
but Connection and Understanding focused on Substance.
It is
pertinent to note that many ECOSOC accredited CSOs are not aware of the
Communication Resources available at UNDPI; that many of these CSOs that are
aware, are not able to effectively utilize the Communication Resources due to
Competences and Capacity issues and that many of these Communication Resources
may not meet the unique Communication Needs of particular Communities in
Specific Member States. This underlines the magnitude and complexity of the
challenge facing UNDPI in the Design and Delivery of effective and efficient
Global Goals – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21, Original PD/BD Communication
Resources that help to effectively link each Community in each of 306/193
Member States to UN Headquarters New York and also help to achieve increasing
convergence between Global Goals – AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21, Original PD/BD
aligned and harmonized with Community and Country Development Plans in 306/193
Member States Vision Intention and Reality by scheduled target date.
The answer to 2030 Agenda How questions is in the DOING and this is in
Pilot Program and Scale Up Program. This
DOING could start from converting the UNSG Statement at his swearing in
ceremony on 12 December 2016 into Vision and Words with Action; ensuring the
UNSG regain lost time and deliver on responsibility to produce Report by end
second quarter 2017 set out in Paragraph 19 QCPR 2016 and ensure New FAO End Poverty,
End Hunger and End Malnutrition, EPEHEM Comprehensive Approach is adopted by
each of the 306/193 UN Member States as each seek to achieve 2030 Agenda
Ambitions by 2030 target date.
The co-Facilitators, UN Member States, SOs/NGOs and other Stakeholder
Blocks participating in this process need to recognize that pour World is
accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM and
achieving 2030 Agenda greatly depends on our World hanging to and accelerating
on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM. There are Bright Prospects of Success, if National
Leaders and World Leaders Chose Road to Boom and recognize that One Day delay
may be One Day too late.
Lanre Rotimi -
International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group