Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 95


  EAG           ISPE 

              ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                                          INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION              

(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Organization)                                                        (Global Foundation)             

     ER&A     NEHMAP Initiative

           ER and Associates Limited                                  New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty                   

(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                       (Global Cooperatives Management Organization)


NEHMAP Comment on UNGA75 General Debate, Global Goals Week,

Global Policy Dialogue for Results: Achieving SDGs in the

Wake of COVID-19: Scenarios for Policy Makers


Strengthening GIE, GIE-MLC, SCR, UNSC, UNDESA, UNESCO and UN System to Better Contribute Towards Rethinking War on COVID-19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity and Task to Achieve SDGs in All Countries by 2030 to avoid

Imminent Perishing of our Fragile Planet




“The recovery will require all tools to address a critical moment that may be as transformational (if World Leaders get it Right) as it is bleak (more frankly catastrophic, if World Leaders get it Wrong)”.

Ms. Christine Largarde, Managing Director European Central Bank

Italics ours




H.E. UN Secretary General Antonio Guteress made 2 important Statements on             3 September 2020:


First at the second discussion in the Round Table series “Rebirthing the Global Economy to Deliver Sustainable Development” a series launched so respected global economists could talk about new solutions that will guide an inclusive and sustainable recovery from Global COVID19 Crisis.


H.E noted that even before the pandemic, the quality of jobs was deteriorating, and with COVID-19, unemployment, underemployment, and unpaid labour have reached crisis proportions; that by the end of the second quarter of 2020, it was estimated that the equivalent of 400 million jobs had been lost worldwide and that the impacts of the pandemic have yet to be fully relized.


H.E suggested that we must do all we can to consider new ways of reskilling young workers now to ensure they have the right abilities for the economy of the future and that these include investing in technology skills, human skills that can’t be replaced by automation, and those aligned with green jobs.


H.E noted that as governments take unprecedented fiscal actions to respond to the crisis, we must not lose sight of the long-term threat of climate change; that last year was the second hottest year on record and 2020 may rival last year’s temperatures.


H.E. reminded all that we face an existential crisis that is getting worse by the day and that Now is the moment to reconsider the economic models that have failed so many and contributed to the climate emergency; that we need polluters to pay for their pollution, an end to subsidies for fossil fuels and no new coal-fired power plants; that we need bold actions that balance people, planet and prosperity and that these must be central to strategies that will allow us to recover better.


Second at the G20 Extraordinary Foreign Ministers’ Meeting:


H.E noted that COVID-19 respects no borders – and that demands that we strengthen cooperation across our own; that the pandemic has forced unprecedented lockdowns, travel suspensions and limited movement across borders; that concerns are growing that some of the current movement restrictions could outlast the immediate crisis; that the adoption of ad hoc measures could create a patchwork of unworkable travel requirements, creating significant obstacles to a global economic recovery and that as we work together to manage our way out, it is vital to move ahead in a coordinated way.
H.E. highlighted five focus areas that can help guide the way forward in global interest.

The G20 to:-

1.   Agree on common objective criteria in relation to the removal of travel restrictions, based on scientific evidence.

2.  Increase investments on systems and practices that support safe travel – in close coordination with the private sector.

3.      Boost coordination in preventive measures – in particular more systematic use of testing and tracing and other proven actions to avoid the spread of the virus and allow for effective control of the potential impacts of increased mobility.

4.      Ensure full respect for international human rights and refugee law.

5.     Agree that the future vaccines will be considered a global public good to be available and affordable everywhere, supporting global health, global mobility and global economic recovery.


H.E noted that All actions must recognize upholding human dignity as the guiding principle for cross-border policies; that in all we do, we need to advance an inclusive health, social and economic response to the Global Crisis.


H.E was blunt in stating that we still have a long way to ago in two crucial dimensions:-

1.   In our capacity to fight the pandemic together. We have seen the results when each country pursues its own strategy, with the advice of the World Health Organization being largely disregarded.  When countries go in different directions, the virus goes in every direction.   

2.  We still lack effective international solidarity to respond to the economic and social impacts and the underlying fragilities exposed by the pandemic. From the beginning, the United Nations has called for massive global support for the most vulnerable people and countries. Developed countries have done so for their own economies – but we need mechanisms of solidarity to ensure that the developing world will also fully benefit. This includes boosting the resources available to international financial institutions and doing far more to address the escalating debt crisis, which is devastating public balance sheets and hampering crisis response and recovery.


H.E noted that Solutions to the debt emergency must include an extension of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative to at least the end of 2021, a broadening of its scope to all vulnerable countries, as well as comprehensive debt relief for some countries in need.
H.E noted that we must leverage cross-border capital flows for the crisis response by safeguarding global liquidity, reducing the cost of remittances and combatting illicit financial flows; that Recovering better also requires addressing deep-seated inequalities, including with regards to gender and that more than ever, we need effective international solidarity – and concerted G20 action – to advance these priority areas and build a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world for all.


Also, H.E. UN Secretary General Antonio Guteress in his Annual Report A/75/1 to UNGA 75 that is scheduled for presentation on Thursday 24 September 20020, Day 3 of the General Debate, H.E. has made important points, including:-

1.  Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was not on track to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by the target date of 2030. Now, we face the deepest global recession since the Second World War and the broadest collapse in incomes since 1870.

2.   We must act now to maintain progress made on sustainable development. We share a common fate. Only with true solidarity and unity will we achieve our shared goals and uphold our values.

3.    COVID-19 also brought home the drastic need to rebalance the human relationship with the natural world. We were already approaching the point of no return on climate change. Recovery from COVID-19 must go hand in hand with climate action.

4.      The pandemic is having profound social, economic and political consequences, and we must do everything possible to find the peace and unity that our world needs. There can be only one fight in our world today: our shared battle against COVID-19.

5.    As we emerge from this pandemic, we cannot go back to a world that was delivering only for the few. We need a new social contract within States and a new global deal between States. We need new global governance, rebalanced financial and trade systems, effective delivery of critical global public goods and decision-making guided by standards of sustainability. Our recovery from COVID-19 and our renewal of multilateralism must be based on fair globalization, on the rights and dignity o f every human being, on living in balance with nature, on taking account of the rights of future generations and on success measured in human rather than economic terms.

6.     As we grapple with the effects of COVID-19, we have an opportunity to build a more equal world. This means creating a new social contract – integrating education, A/75/1 20-09967 7/29 employment, sustainable development and social protection – based on equal rights and opportunities for all. Social protection systems for the future must include universal health coverage and promote women’s employment and gender equality, investment in public services and economies that work for people and the planet.

7.   We also need a global new deal in which global governance and financial and trade systems are rebalanced and decisions are guided by standards of sustainability, giving light to the aspirations in the 2030 Agenda. COVID-19 is a human tragedy, but it has also created a generational opportunity. Let us make the commitment to build back better, upholding the vision and resolve reflected in the Charter signed 75 years ago, which continues to guide our way forward together.


The ongoing UNGA75 General Debate and Global Goals Week is repeating Past ERRORS as Re-occurring Decimal as EAG earlier Predicted.


It is against this background that we share our thoughts on Priorities and Action Moving Forward in Urgent Global Interest.


Acid Test of Credibility of UNGA75 General Debate and Global Goals Week


Our World today faces Triple Whammy of COVID19, Climate and Poverty Pandemics. As long as Business as Usual is Obsolete remain mere Slogan; Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis remain essentially Impotent, our World will continue accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM and Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences is Guaranteed, at its extreme it would Result in People Dying 1st; Businesses Dying 2nd and Planet Dying 3rd.


It is incomprehensible that entire UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South Countries know that our World is at Turning Point or End Point; that Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis Demand Unprecedented Global COVID19 Response that Work; that Extra Ordinary Triple Whammy of COVID19, Climate and Poverty Pandemics Demand Extra Ordinary Domestic and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions; yet entire UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South Countries keep Working HARDer Doing the same Old things in the same old ways to keep getting the same old flawed and failed Results rather than Change Course to start working SMARTer DOING New Things in New Ways to get New Results Effectively and Efficiently Delivering the Type of World Transformation that all 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030 especially the 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders Desire and Deserve.


The Acid Test of Credibility of UNGA75 General Debate 22 – 26 September 2020; Global Goals Week 21 – 25 September 2020 and World Leaders Global Policy Dialogue 29 September 2020 is HOW the UNGA75 General Debate, Global Goals Week and Global Policy Dialogue, all 3 Events as One Outcome Help:-

1.   Identify and Fully Fill All 2030 and 2050 World Transformation Agenda Information, Knowledge, Research, Innovation and Ambition Gaps

2.  Identify and Implement All 2030 and 2050 World Transformation Agenda Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management

3.  Identify and Implement All 2030 and 2050 World Transformation Agenda Lessons Learnt from Past Flawed and Failed Interventions / Initiatives

4.   Achieve 2030 and 2050 World Transformation Agenda / Global Goals 2030 and 2050 through Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date as well as achieve increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality

(1)   – (4) as appropriate or applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global / Planet location context.


Central Role for entire UN Membership and All Governments – Our Conviction


We are convinced that entire UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South Countries, Individually and Jointly is/are convinced that in the Great Task of Winning identified 5 Wars linked with achieving 2030 and 2050 World Transformation Agenda:-

1.   Things cannot continue this way. That is Business as Usual is Obsolete MUST Mean Business as Usual is Obsolete and Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis Must be Delivered at Minimum Certain Levels of Potency from Community to Global levels.

2.  Should (1) continue to be avoided, evaded, wished away or ignored, the looming imminent Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win the 5 Wars; Failure to achieve Global Goals 2030 and 2050 and Failure to Deliver Original UN Charter Vision Ambitions is Guaranteed and at its extreme Resulting in Perishing our Fragile Planet – People Dying 1st, Businesses Dying 2nd and Planet Dying 3rd and that this Global Catastrophe cannot be Wished Away, Avoided or Evaded but need to be Professionally Tackled and On Time before our World Race Past irreversibility Point in Ongoing Acceleration on MADning (Mutually Assure Destruction) Road to DOOM.

3.    To avoid (2), Things Need to be DONE Differently, Quickly and in ways that Indeed Ensure Post COVID19 Era National and International Development Cooperation Interventions proceed within Domestic and Global Stakeholders Work Together to Succeed Together accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM to Build Back Better, Build Back Greener and Recover Better and in Ways that Effectively Leave No One Behind.  

4.     To achieve (3) Global-level Platforms, Actors, or Initiatives, such as Global Innovation Exchange GIE need to have better understanding of the progress of Sate and Non State Voluntary Initiatives and Partnerships around the SDGs, the challenges they face, and the kinds of support that would prove most effective in meaningfully supporting the Important Work they are Doing at Domestic and Global levels on One hand and entire UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South Countries meaningfully supporting UN Innovation and Non UN Innovation as One on the other hand and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.


Central Role for entire UN Membership and All Governments – Work Together Succeed Together


If entire UN Membership and All Governments in All North and South Countries, Individually and Jointly is/are to be relevant in Post COVID19 Era Build Back Better, Build Back Greener and Recover Better Interventions on All UN Membership: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices; All Arms of All Tiers of Governments in All North and South Countries and their Domestic and Global Partners including Business: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Transnational Enterprises / Social Enterprises; Academia: Universities and Higher Education Institutions – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate Students; other Major Groups and other Stakeholders, the Security Council Report, SCR’s Approach to addressing Fundamental Issues of :-

1.      UN Security Council Effectiveness

2.     Evolving UN Security Council New Rules and New Practices in Politically Creative Ways within Culture where Better Decisions are taken more Consultatively

3.    UN Security Council’s Interventions and Initiatives within Peace and Security Dimension of Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts and War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity in All North and South Countries

4.    UN Security Council’s Interventions and Initiatives within Peace and Security Dimension of SDGs, remaining Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050 in All North and South Countries

Need Radical / Fundamental and Rapid / Fast Rethinking.


That is, if UN Security Council is to Better Support entire UN Membership Delivering as One, and in Ways that Better support All North and South Countries Fighting and Wining War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts and War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date; Security Council Report, SCR and the UN Security Council needs to be Urgently Re-Engineered Individually and Jointly to Better Deliver on its/their Statutory Responsibilities.  

To meaningfully address above points, there is urgent need to Align and Harmonize the Security Council Report’s Work to Ways and Means of UN Security Council Building High Impact Multi Stakeholder Partnerships, MSPs for achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by 2050 in All Countries and in Ways that Leave No One Behind.


The implication is that SCR and UN Security Council are Master Keys to Domestic and Global Stakeholders in All North and South Countries and entire UN Membership: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices Working Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Wining War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts and War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.


Given the appalling levels of Powerlessness to DO the NEEDFUL demonstrated on UN and Governments sides over the years, there is a Central Role for Global-level Platforms, Actors, or Initiatives such as GIE and GIE-MLC to Play, if they are to deploy their Power as Convener, Catalyst, Collaborator and Cultivator to meaningfully support Domestic and Global Stakeholder Work Together to Succeed Together in the Design and Delivery of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to real and complex National and Global Challenges on the ground from Community to Global levels.


Understanding Nature of Technology for achieving World Transformation Agenda


“When technology succeeds in solving a problem in our lives, it becomes invisible. 
The ticking of a clock so constant as to fade into the background. Too often, we begin to take this transformative force for granted. But technology is not, by nature, an inclusive phenomenon. Its availability in every context cannot be assumed. And as the clock ticks on unnoticed, lives are lost

The right combination of capabilities and conditions must be created to give technology a more humane dimension and allow the benefits it can confer to be enjoyed more widely.

The right connections must be made, at the correct moment.


This is our role at UNTIL. Until Technology includes all”

UN Technology Innovation Lab, UNTIL’s Mission – “Leveraging emerging technology to transform societies, nations and humanity as a whole”, aptly captured in above statement shed LIGHT on the Way Forward in the Design and Delivery of UN Innovation and Non UN Innovation as One at levels adequate to fill all identified Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps if All National and Global Stakeholders Work Together to Succeed Together Fighting and Winning: War on COVID-19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE if all 193 UN Member States are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in barely 10 years remaining to end 2030 target date and in Ways that Leave No One Behind and direct emerging technologies towards positive impacts on National and World Sustainable Development.

The implication of this UNTIL Understanding of Nature of Innovation and EAG Expansion of the UNTIL Statement is that UNO Leadership as well as the Leadership in All Arms of All Tiers of Government in All North and South Countries Need to Better Appreciate that Innovation goes FAR Beyond Tangible/HARD Science and Technology Innovation Model UN Favor over the Pre MDGs Years, MDGs Years and 5 Years into SDGs Implementation, that is Pre COID-19 Years to include Intangible/SOFT Science and Technology Innovation, especially Business and Management Research Innovation.


UN75: The Future Want The UN We Need

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the UN’s worldwide consultation, launched in January 2020 to mark its 75th Anniversary reveals a strong call for action on inequalities and climate change, as well as more solidarity

Through Global Surveys and Dialogues, the UN asked people about their hopes and fears for the future. The UN7 Global Consultation represents the UN’s most ambitious effort to date to understand expectations of international cooperation and of the UN in particular. It is also the largest survey to date on priorities for recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of  21 September 2020,  over a million people from all countries and all walks of life had taken part. Their answers provide unique insights into what the public wants at this challenging time for the world. The answers released to coincide with the UN General Assembly’s official commemoration of the 75th anniversary, held under the banner: the future we want, the UN we need.


We are concerned that the Preferred Top 10 Key findings made public by UN Revealed NOTHING New as they respond to answer to What Questions that are Very Easy to Find but Amount to No Issue or Is No Issue with regard to Tackling Winning 5 Wars, achieving SDG as soon as possible after 2030, reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date and achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.


Yet, there was at least 1 Organization who’s Public and Private Submissions to the UN75 Global Consultation raised serious issues of serious business DEMANDING serious attention of entire UN Membership Leadership, if there is to be increasing convergence between UN75 Global Consultation Vision Intention and Realty. The Response Indeed Presented SOMETHING New that respond effectively to answer to How Questions that are Especially Difficult to Find but Amount to CORE Issue or Is MAIN Issue with regard to Tackling Winning 5 Wars, achieving SDG as soon as possible after 2030, reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date and achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.


As long as entire UN Membership keep conducting Global Consultations with Closed Mindset seeking only IDEAS they are Interested In rather than conducting Global Consultation with Open Mindset seeking only IDEAS that are in Interest of Winning identified 5 Wars; achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030, reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date and achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context; the entire UN Membership and all Governments in All North and South Countries will Keep Dancing Around National and International Development Cooperation Radical / Fundamental and Rapid / Fast Change issues even as entire UN and All Governments in All North and South Countries keep grappling with New and or Worsening National and International Development Cooperation Challenges accompanied with significant reductions in resources; more complex environments and growing especially difficult circumstances on the ground from Community to Global levels.


Facing Facts: World at Turning Point or End Point – The Way Forward

UN Leadership as well as Leadership in all UN Member States Governments is fully aware that our World is at Turning Point / End Point. If Leaders on entire UN and All Governments sides want Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis to Work, it will Work.

We urge entire UN Membership and Governments in All UN Member States Leadership to genuinely recognize that it is Impossible:-

1.      Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; remaining 3 Wars linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date without Reforms in all 6 Organs of the UN and in ways that make the UN Fit for the 21st Century.

2.   Achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality without Reforms in all 6 Organs of the UN and in ways that make the UN Fit for the 21st Century.

The UNGA75 World Leaders Global Policy Dialogue 29 September 2020 present FRESH Opportunity to Reset UNGA75 to Pass Above Acid Test of Credibility, if the Valuable Suggestions and Inputs in this EAG Submission is adopted as Event Working Paper and if World Leaders at the Event Press Forward to Approve scheduling of 3 Day High Level Political Forum / High Level Virtual Meeting, HLPF Suggestion put forward by NAHMAP/EAG for Mid November 2020 with entire UN Membership Leadership and Leadership of all Governments in All UN Member States genuinely committing themselves at the Event to effectively supporting Pre Summit Days, Summit Days and Post Summit Days as One Technical and Political Process Discussions.

The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM Concept Note Backbone has been set out in earlier AG Submissions. As soon as GIE and GIE-MLC and or UN Headquarters agree to Implement the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM knowing full well that it will indeed Mark Turning Point in National and International Development Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change being a Global Re-Orientation Workshop with Full Personal and Official Support of entire UN Membership Leadership and a Greater Majority of Heads of Governments of UN Member States, we are glad to be Invited to provide all necessary information and support to aid successful convening of the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM and in Urgent Global Interest.

UN and Governments Innovation Support Service Model


Entire UN and All Arms of All Tiers of Government in All North and South Countries Innovation Support Service Model need to be Re-Organized, Re-Structured and Re-Engineered if each UN Membership Entity and each Government Entity is to significantly improve its Quality, Productivity, Empowerment and Revenue (where applicable) in the Great Task of achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Vision and National Visions linked to Winning War on COVID19, War on Climate Change Mistakes, remaining 3 Wars; achieving World Transformation Agenda 2030 and 2050 Vision and UN Charter Vision.


We are ready to help achieve these Linked Visions, if UN, Governments and Partners need our Help.


In Sum,


The Type of Partnerships in Interest of Winning War on COVID19, remaining 4 War plus reaching SDGs and remaining Global Goals 2030 as soon as possible after 2030 and pressing forward to reach Global Goals 2050 be end 2050 target date MUST be Integral Part of meaningfully addressing all serious issues of serious business DEMANDING Serious entire UN Membership: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices; All Arms of All Tiers of Governments in All 193 UN Member States and their Domestic and Global Partners set out in this and earlier EAG Submissions.

There are Bright Prospects of Success if entire UN, All Governments and their National and Global Partners Change Course and START accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity Road to BOOM through Kick Starting Mutual Collaboration Events and Activities from the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM.


Should UN and Governments in North and South Countries take all necessary measures to ensure this Bright Prospects of Success become reality; UN and Governments in North and South Countries would have helped Save our Fragile Planet from Imminent Guaranteed Perishing.


God Bless UNDESA. God Bless UNSC. God Bless SCR. God Bless UN. God Bless our World.




NEHMAP Team Leader and

Director General

Economic Alliance Group (Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)

M: +234-8162469805





September 2020