Monday, December 13, 2010

Achieving New International Order (3): Central Role for Political Leaders, Religious Leaders and Traditional Leaders

Matters Arising from Previous Posts

With participants from 23 Countries – US, Canada, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, Russia, France, Croatia, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Cote d’ivoire, Kenya, Tanzania, Egypt, Brazil, Peru and largest readership coming from US, France and Russia, it is clear that this Blog’s content has substance and our cause – Help make World Poverty History, has merit.

This Blog continues to make slow but steady progress. We keep pressing forward. We hope to attract and retain very soon, the attention of:-
1.    Media Executives of National and International Media in the Countries where we have readers, currently 23.
2.    Governments of Countries where we have readers
3.    Institutional Heads, Senior Administrators, Senior Technocrats of International Institutions operating in Countries where we have readers.

We also hope to rapidly increase the number of Countries where we have readers and the number of readers in each of these Countries.

During the last week, some previous articles were read. The most popular were articles on New International Order (1), New International Order (2) and MDGs’ at 10.

These popular articles and earlier articles on Global Agenda, Implementing G20 Declarations and Strengthening Advocacy Systems provide background material for deeper understanding of fundamental issues discussed in this week’s article.

It appears some readers are not aware that New Articles are posted every Monday. We are getting increasing number of Participants that are repeat readers every Monday. If you are visiting this Blog for the first time, we encourage you to join the increasing list of repeat readers every Monday.

We encourage all readers to please visit the Blog every Monday from 10.00 GMT when new articles are posted and to comment on aspects of any article of interest to the reader. The only comment we have received thus far, is a Commendation in response to the MDGs’ at 10 article. Our repeat readers are either Active Development Change Champions or Potential Development Change Champions.

Either way, our view is that each repeat reader has expertise, experience and exposure to share with other Participants, and could do this through expressing their thoughts / reflections on points of interest in past and current articles.

We urge all Participants, particularly repeat readers, who are genuinely motivated to join like minds, in the great work towards improving Leadership Responsiveness, Followership Responsiveness, Development Effectiveness and Development Impact in the implementation and monitoring implementation of National Visions and World Visions Ambitions on Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions sides, to please let this much needed interactions / active participation begin now. We further urge both repeat readers and first timers to please help bring ongoing discussions on this Blog to the attention of others.

Today’s Article:

Achieving New International Order (3): Central Role for Political Leaders, Religious Leaders and Traditional Leaders

In the work towards solving real and complex Global Recession, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism Problems on the ground at Sub-national, National, Regional and Global levels, it is easy to focus on problems and passing blame. It is difficult to correctly identify the direct and remote cause(s) of the problems. It is very difficult to correctly identify the practical solutions to correctly diagnosed real and complex problems on the ground. It is very, very difficult to correctly implement the correct prescription to correctly diagnosed real and complex problems on the ground.  It is very, very, very difficult to correctly monitor the implementation of the correct prescription to correctly diagnosed real and complex problems on the ground.

It is pertinent to note that New International Order Initiative started in 1973, 37 years later, the World is still grappling with fundamental issues that ought to have been resolved over 30 years ago. As long as Political Leaders, Religious Leaders and Traditional Leaders on both Developed and Developing Countries sides, continue to knowingly or unknowingly fail to undertake correct Diagnosis, Prescription, Surgery and Recovery Management, but continue to Rebrand and Reemploy the same factors responsible for Decayed Research, Planning, Statistics, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment Systems, to overhaul these Systems, while graciously anticipating a “Miraculous Outcome”, Sustainable Solutions to Global Recession, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism Problems on the Ground on Developed, Developing Countries and International Institutions sides, would continue to elude the World, with ultimate catastrophic consequences to Governments, Institutions and Citizens across the World.

The Leaked US Diplomacy Documents make it imperative that US and Partner Countries recognize that “Security” is not just a mere word, but an acronym of different structures which makes up a sturdy foundation for its sustenance. To embrace an acronym without full and correct understanding by all relevant stakeholders of the true meaning of the acronym, as defined by each letter that makes it up and its spirit, is like trying to make solid shapes with water in its natural form – an exercise in futility.

The point we are making is that without sound understanding by all relevant stakeholders, of the importance of those fundamental structures that promote and protect National / Global Security; the probability is high that Scarce Resources – Influence, technical, Funding and Human, would continue to be wasted, Security Flaws and Failures would continue to increase and Countries – Developed and Developing would continue to grapple with avoidable retrogression in some / all Sectors, though severity of impact would naturally vary form one Developed Country to another, one Developing Country to another and one International Institution to another.

Let No One assume that the US, UK or any other Developed Country has adequate numbers of Security and Non Security Experts with adequate levels of  Hard Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies – Character, Courage and Mindset required to successfully overhaul National / Global Security Systems of both Developed and Developing Countries worldwide and in ways that help solve on sustainable basis Global Recession, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems on the ground, while delivering proportional Sustainable Benefits to Citizens on both developed and Developing Countries sides.

In discussing frank and truthful political solutions, economic solutions, technical solutions and religious solutions to real and complex National / Global Security problems on the ground challenging Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions, there is a need to deeply view the subject from the Criminology Perspective. This is because Criminology is the Light that is able to illuminate the dark corners of any Society – Sub-national, National, Regional, Global; while in the area of knowledge. It enlightens Peoples’ understanding of Principles upon which a Society should be run in order to have crime reduced to the barest minimum.

The Criminology Perspective includes Security Evaluation / Assessment that call for greater interlinkages, interconnectivity and interdependence between the External Security and Internal Security Agencies of each Country – Developed and Developing and between the External Security and Internal Security Agencies of all Countries – Developed and Developing. The US and Partner Countries need to consider adopting / adapting this Criminology Perspective, if the US is really serious about finding and implementing sustainable solutions to real and complex Diplomacy, Development, Defense / Security, Elections / Democracy, Trade, Finance, Service Delivery / Performance Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Migration and Human Rights in all its Ramifications- Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: HR-PESCR etc. thrown up by the leaked US Diplomacy Documents and in ways that Promote and Protect US, Partner Countries, rest of the World Common Interest, Common future, Common Prosperity and Common Security on successful and sustainable basis.

In the work towards achieving New International Order since 1973, How have Political Leaders – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary; Religious Leaders – Orthodox, Non Orthodox and Traditional Religions and Traditional Leaders – Institution, Community, Culture; made Society at Sub-national, National, Regional and Global levels? The two regulatory systems that should keep our society sane are the Religious Systems led by Religious Leaders and Traditional Systems led by Traditional Leaders. These two institutions that should act as checks on Political Systems and Political Leaders have failed to deliver on their responsibilities to society. The failure of Political Leaders / Political Systems is simply unfortunate reflections of failure of Religious Leaders / Religious Systems and Traditional Leaders / Traditional Systems.

In sum, we submit that any attempt to achieve New International Order that is not firmly grounded in successful and sustainable overhaul of Internal Security / External Security Systems within each Developed and Developing Country; between each Developed and Developing Country interlinked, interdependent and interconnected with successful and sustainable overhaul of Political System, Religious System and Traditional System would at best achieve little that is not sustainable and at worst fail with ultimate catastrophic consequences for all concerned worldwide and that the US and Partner Countries would do well to Learn Lessons from past failure as basis for New Direction and New Priorities Moving Forward in the work towards successfully tackling Global Recession, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems on the ground.

We urge all to remember that as long as Ordered Change is refused, Disordered Change become inevitable – with ultimate catastrophic consequences.


If you want to participate in the implementation of ideas and suggestions generated from discussions on this Platform, we invite you to join Multidisciplinary Professionals Community of Practice on Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability, MPCOP-PE&ES and Comprehensive Systemic Reform, CSR Project. Please send 3PCM and CSR Project enquiry to

List of Topics for Next 10 Weeks.
New Topic Posted Every Monday

1.    Achieving New International Order (2): Central Role for Researchers and Reporters 6 December 2010 Ref 6/2010
2.    Achieving New International Order (3):  Central Role for Political Leaders, Religious Leaders and Traditional Rulers 13 December 2010 Ref 7/2010
3.    Achieving New International Order (4): Central Role for Developed and Developing Countries Citizens 20 December 2010 Ref 8/2010
4.    Achieving New International Order (5): Rethinking, Redesigning, Rebuilding Government Accountability and Whistleblower Reform  27 December 2010 Ref 9/2010
5.    New Year; New Hope for International / National Development Cooperation 3 January 2011 Ref 1/2011
6.    Elections, Economic Growth and Pro Poor Institutional Reforms 10 January 2011 Ref 2/2011
7.    International Development Cooperation (1): Need to Standardize Evaluation Approach 17 January 2011 Ref 3/2011
8.    International Development Cooperation (2): Need to Standardize Program Approach 24 January 2011 Ref 4/2011
9.    Reorganization, Reorientation and Discipline of National, Regional, Global Professional Bodies with Central Role in achieving National Visions and World Visions 31 January 2011 Ref 5/2011
10.                       Transforming Policy, Program, Project Failure into Success 7 February 2011 Ref 6/2011

Together we can help make our World a
Better Place
to Live, Work and Recreate for Citizens and Immigrants in all Countries Rich and Poor.