(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Organization) (Global Foundation)
ER&A NEHMAP Initiative
ER and Associates Limited New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty
(International Development Cooperation Consultants) (Global Cooperatives Management Organization)
M: +234-9046542952 Blog: http://developmentchangechampions.blogspot.com.ng
Website: www.nehmapglobal.org Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk info@nehmapglobal.org
Open Letter to H.E. Antonio Gureres UN Secretary General
5 September 2020
H.E. António Guterres
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
Dear Mr. Secretary-General,
UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 – The Way Forward in Urgent Global Interest (2)
We refer to our mail of 27 June 2020 sent through Ms. Sanda Ojiambo, ED/CEO UNGC, setting out our Thoughts on Priorities and Direction Moving Forward in Urgent Global Interest, the Implementation of the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 that Work.
We are yet to get your response to the serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of entire UN Membership set out in the submission.
UNSG Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture July 2020 and New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID19
H.E. was the Guest Speaker at the Nelson Mandela Annual Lecture 18 July 2020. H.E’s Speech was most inspiring. However, the Speech again answered What Questions, while avoiding or evading answering HOW Questions.
In NEHMAP Comment on UNSG NMAL 2020 (1) and (2), we made Valuable Suggestions and Inputs for converting the Speech from Words and Vision without Action into Words and Vision with Action through effectively answering How Questions. We made the Comments available to relevant UN Membership.
The New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID19 was launched 25 July 2020 by H.E. The Paper was very inspiring. However, the Paper again answered What Questions, while avoiding or evading answering How Questions
In NEHMAP Comment on New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID19 (1) and (2), we made Valuable Suggestions and Inputs for converting the Paper from Words and Vision without Action into Words and Vision with Action through effectively answering How Questions. We made the Comments available to relevant UN Membership
As relevant UN Membership authorities including H.E. appeared to have ignored these NEHMAP Comments, the Result is that neither the UNSG NMAL 2020 Speech nor the New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID19 Paper, is capable of Delivering the required levels of Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis Challenge on the ground facing entire UN Membership and all North and South Countries Governments and therefore cannot help achieve increasing convergence between the UNSG NMAL 2020 Speech Vision Intention and Reality as well as the New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 Vision Intention and Reality in each Community in each of the 193 UN Member States.
UNSG Remarks at Town Hall Meeting with Young Women from CSOs 31 August 2020
We have read H.E’s remarks at the Town Hall Meeting with Young Women from CSOs on 31 August 2020.
We note with interest that H.E at the Event made it clear that his main objective of attending the Event was to Listen and Not to Talk; that COVID19 has turned our World upside down; that beyond the virus itself, COVID19 havoc and devastation has wrecked disproportionate social and economic impact on women and girls; that COVID19 recovery may take years or generations; that Governments must take a holistic view of the health and beyond health impacts of COVID19; that the UN is ready to support the efforts of all North and South Countries in this regard; that Now is the Time to meaningfully address the important Question of Power; that our World cannot go back to the Failed Pre COVID19 Policies; that Now is the Time to Re-build more equal, inclusive and resilient societies in both North and South Countries; that our Roadmap is the 2030 Agenda for World Sustainable Development and that we all on entire UN, All North and South Countries and their Domestic and Global Partners sides need to take this opportunity of economic re-set Speech calling for taking opportunity of economic rest ensure the rights – to life, dignity and security for all.
We do not know how much listening H.E did or whether those Talking have the Know How to help H.E. find the answers he attended the Event to find. The probability is High that those opportune to talk expressed their Frustrations and Called on H.E. to come up with Sustainable Solutions Faster
If we are right, then at the end of listening H.E. is not better off than when he attended the Event
If we are wrong, then H.E. has gained deep Insights and our World will begin to see New UN that answers How Questions in the days ahead
The Way Forward
H.E. know full well that our World continuing to accelerate on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM with Guaranteed Ultimate Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences should World Leaders Fail to Change Course soonest to start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM with Great REWARDS as World Leaders Pursue Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID-19 Response that Work to help achieve increasing convergence between the UN Comprehensive Response to COVID-19 Vision Intention and Reality in each Community in each of the 193 UN Member States.
In the Annex Below, Paper sent to UNDESA EADP, (similar Paper sent to other relevant UN Membership Entities) we have put forward Valuable Suggestions and Inputs that would help our World Build Back Better, Build Back Greener and Recover Better Beyond Words, Wishes, Slogan or Rhetoric.
In Sum,
H.E is fully aware that our World is at Turning Point / End Point. If Leaders on entire UN and All Governments sides want Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis to Work, it will Work.
Sincerely yours,
Mr. Lanre Rotimi
Director General
NEHMAP Comment on UNDESA Policy Brief #84: Achieving SDGs in the Wake of COVID-19: Scenarios for Policy Makers
Strengthening UNDESA, UNESCO and UN System to Better Contribute Towards Rethinking War on COVID-19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity and Task to Achieve SDGs in All Countries by 2030 to avoid Imminent Perishing of our Fragile Planet
“The recovery will require all tools to address a critical moment that may be as transformational (if World Leaders get it Right) as it is bleak (more frankly catastrophic, if World Leaders get it Wrong)”.
Ms. Christine Largarde, Managing Director European Central Bank
Italics ours
H.E. UN Secretary General Antonio Guteress made 2 important Statements on 3 September 2020:
First at the second discussion in the Round Table series “Rebirthing the Global Economy to Deliver Sustainable Development” a series launched so respected global economists could talk about new solutions that will guide an inclusive and sustainable recovery from Global COVID19 Crisis.
H.E noted that even before the pandemic, the quality of jobs was deteriorating, and with COVID-19, unemployment, underemployment, and unpaid labour have reached crisis proportions; that by the end of the second quarter of 2020, it was estimated that the equivalent of 400 million jobs had been lost worldwide and that the impacts of the pandemic have yet to be fully relized.
H.E suggested that we must do all we can to consider new ways of reskilling young workers now to ensure they have the right abilities for the economy of the future and that these include investing in technology skills, human skills that can’t be replaced by automation, and those aligned with green jobs.
H.E noted that as governments take unprecedented fiscal actions to respond to the crisis, we must not lose sight of the long-term threat of climate change; that last year was the second hottest year on record and 2020 may rival last year’s temperatures.
H.E. reminded all that we face an existential crisis that is getting worse by the day and that Now is the moment to reconsider the economic models that have failed so many and contributed to the climate emergency; that we need polluters to pay for their pollution, an end to subsidies for fossil fuels and no new coal-fired power plants; that we need bold actions that balance people, planet and prosperity and that these must be central to strategies that will allow us to recover better.
Second at the G20 Extraordinary Foreign Ministers’ Meeting:
H.E noted that COVID-19 respects no borders – and that demands that we strengthen cooperation across our own; that the pandemic has forced unprecedented lockdowns, travel suspensions and limited movement across borders; that concerns are growing that some of the current movement restrictions could outlast the immediate crisis; that the adoption of ad hoc measures could create a patchwork of unworkable travel requirements, creating significant obstacles to a global economic recovery and that as we work together to manage our way out, it is vital to move ahead in a coordinated way.
H.E. highlighted five focus areas that can help guide the way forward in global interest.
The G20 to:-
1. Agree on common objective criteria in relation to the removal of travel restrictions, based on scientific evidence.
2. Increase investments on systems and practices that support safe travel – in close coordination with the private sector.
3. Boost coordination in preventive measures – in particular more systematic use of testing and tracing and other proven actions to avoid the spread of the virus and allow for effective control of the potential impacts of increased mobility.
4. Ensure full respect for international human rights and refugee law.
5. Agree that the future vaccines will be considered a global public good to be available and affordable everywhere, supporting global health, global mobility and global economic recovery.
H.E noted that All actions must recognize upholding human dignity as the guiding principle for cross-border policies; that in all we do, we need to advance an inclusive health, social and economic response to the Global Crisis.
H.E was blunt in stating that we still have a long way to ago in two crucial dimensions:-
1. In our capacity to fight the pandemic together. We have seen the results when each country pursues its own strategy, with the advice of the World Health Organization being largely disregarded. When countries go in different directions, the virus goes in every direction.
2. We still lack effective international solidarity to respond to the economic and social impacts and the underlying fragilities exposed by the pandemic.
From the beginning, the United Nations has called for massive global support for the most vulnerable people and countries. Developed countries have done so for their own economies – but we need mechanisms of solidarity to ensure that the developing world will also fully benefit. This includes boosting the resources available to international financial institutions and doing far more to address the escalating debt crisis, which is devastating public balance sheets and hampering crisis response and recovery.
H.E noted that Solutions to the debt emergency must include an extension of the Debt Service Suspension Initiative to at least the end of 2021, a broadening of its scope to all vulnerable countries, as well as comprehensive debt relief for some countries in need.
H.E noted that we must leverage cross-border capital flows for the crisis response by safeguarding global liquidity, reducing the cost of remittances and combatting illicit financial flows; that Recovering better also requires addressing deep-seated inequalities, including with regards to gender and that more than ever, we need effective international solidarity – and concerted G20 action – to advance these priority areas and build a more inclusive, resilient and sustainable world for all.
In Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders (1) we suggested that the PCCB Open Call for Submissions from Bodies established under the Convention and PCCB Open Call for Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders should be Integrated into a Single Open Call to better address Cross Cutting Themes in all 3 Categories:-
1. Category A
Information or suggestions of relevance to proposed or existing areas of work of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building in line with its mandates
2. Category B
a) Information on capacity-building activities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement
b) Information and suggestions regarding the web-based capacity-building portal
3. Category C
a) Information on capacity-building activities for the implementation of nationally determined contributions in the context of the Paris Agreement
b) Information or suggestions of relevance to PCCB mandates related to the capacity-building work of bodies established under the Convention
c) Information and suggestions regarding the web-based capacity-building portal
And All Key Issues in the 2 Calls on the other hand:-
Key Issues in Open Call for Submissions from Bodies established under the Convention Only
1. Assessment of how to increase synergies through cooperation and avoid duplication among existing bodies established under the Convention that implement capacity-building activities, including through collaborating with institutions under and outside the Convention;
2. Identification and collection of good practices, challenges, experiences and lessons learned from work on capacity-building by bodies established under the Convention;
3. Fostering of dialogue, coordination, collaboration and coherence among relevant processes and initiatives under the Convention, including through exchanging information on capacity-building activities and strategies of bodies established under the Convention;
4. Promotion and exploration of linkages with other constituted bodies under the Convention and the Paris Agreement, as appropriate, that include capacity-building in their scopes.
Key Issues in Both Open Call for Submissions from Bodies established under the Convention and PCCB Open Call for Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders.
1. The PCCB is mandated to identify and address gaps and needs, both current and emerging, in implementing capacity-building in developing country Parties and further enhancing capacity-building efforts, including with regard to coherence and coordination in capacity building activities under the Convention.
2. The PCCB manages and oversees the 2016-2020 capacity-building workplan, shown below, which was also agreed in Paris:
a. Assessing how to increase synergies through cooperation and avoid duplication among existing bodies established under the Convention that implement capacity-building activities, including through collaborating with institutions under and outside the Convention;
c) Identifying capacity gaps and needs and recommending ways to address them;
d) Promoting the development and dissemination of tools and methodologies for the implementation of capacity-building;
e) Fostering global, regional, national and subnational cooperation;
f) Identifying and collecting good practices, challenges, experiences and lessons learned from work on capacity-building by bodies established under the Convention;
g) Exploring how developing country Parties can take ownership of building and maintaining capacity over time and space;
h) Identifying opportunities to strengthen capacity at the national, regional and subnational level;
i) Fostering dialogue, coordination, collaboration and coherence among relevant processes and initiatives under the Convention, including through exchanging information on capacitybuilding activities and strategies of bodies established under the Convention;
j) Providing guidance to the secretariat on the maintenance and further development of the webbased capacity-building portal.
3. On the issue of maintaining and further developing the capacity-building portal, the PCCB agreed to:
a) To take note of the opportunities offered by the capacity-building portal in supporting the PCCB in implementing its mandates;
b) To also take note of the suggestions made to further enhance the capacity-building portal and to develop proposals to implement those suggestions to the extent possible, while bearing in mind budgetary and resource constraints related to actions to be taken by the secretariat on this matter;
c) To look into options to further enhance the visibility of the portal; and
d) To launch a call for submissions inviting inputs specifically on:
i. Suggestions for further improving the capacity-building portal, including how its linkages with other platforms and networks can be enhanced;
ii. Relevant capacity-building information to be incorporated in the portal, with a view to advancing its work on its annual focus area.
4. Parties and other interested stakeholders are invited to provide information relevant to the 2020 focus area of the Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB) on “strengthening the coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities for the implementation of NDCs.” Of particular interest to the PCCB would be information related to good practices, challenges, experiences and lessons learned, and opportunities for strengthening the coherence and coordination of capacity-building activities for the implementation of NDCs.
The points made by H.E. in the 2 Statements above encourage us to share further thoughts on Priorities and Direction Moving Forward Paris Climate Capacity Building; PCCB and Sustainable Development Capacity Building; Sustainable Development Capacity Building, SDCB linked to Beyond PCCB and Beyond SDCB as One issues at Domestic and Global levels in all 193 Member States.
Integrated Approach
It will be recalled that in Comment on UNDESA EAPD Policy Brief #84 (1) we highlighted the need to identify UNDESA Scorecard Implementing Original UN Charter Vision as well as need to Know What UNDESA EAPD did Right and How to Improve and What UNDESA EAPD did Wrong and How to Remedy if UNDESA EAPD is to achieve Better Results Implementing Original UN Vision and in ways that ensure UNDESA EAPD Contribution is Relevant in the Great Task of Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts and War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs and remaining Global Goals 2030 including COP21 as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
PCCB addresses the Capacity Building issues within Climate Change Dimension of SDGs, remaining Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050.
There is need for PCCB effort to be effectively complemented by SDCB that has responsibility for addressing Capacity Building issues within Sustainable Development Dimensions of SDGs, remaining Global Goals 2030 and Global Goals 2050. Addressing PCCB issues without simultaneously addressing SDCB issues is Self Deception.
In addressing both PCCB and SDCB as One issues, For Best Results when PCCB and Beyond PCCB is Front End SDCB and Beyond SDCB will be Back End and Vice Versa. UNDESA EAPD has Central Role to Play in both Front End and Back End.
To effectively address all identified Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps as One on entire UN, Governments and their Partners sides, there is need for Integrated Approach Driving National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to National and Global Challenges within SDGs as Overarching World Transformation Agenda Blueprint that has been in existence since 2105 and One Worldwide SDGs Implementation and Evaluation Framework that will be One of the Key Outcomes of the suggested 3 Day HLPF/HLVM.
Facing Facts - Exchange of Tweets early July 2020: Complementary Points Needed for Best Results in the Practical Implementation of Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis
H.E. 3 Points in 1st Tweet:-
1. Approaches have to Change
2. Assumptions have to Change
3. Division is Danger to Everyone
EAG 3 Complementary Points Needed for Best Results in the Practical Implementation of above H.E 3 Points:-
1. Attitudes have to Change
2. Communications have to Change
3. Solidarity is Helpful to Everyone
7 Action Next Steps Suggested to H.E in early July 2020
Our further response to the 1st Tweet and Response to 2nd Tweet included 7 Action Next Steps to H.E. 3 Points and EAG 3 Complementary Points:-
Step 1. H.E Direct EOSG to meaningfully address all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 2. H.E Direct UNDESA to ensure remaining UNDESA HLPF July 2020 Events meaningfully address all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 3. H.E Direct UNDESA to ensure remaining UNDESA HLPF July 2020 Events meaningfully address all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 4. H.E Direct ILO to ensure remaining ILO Global Summit July 2020 Event meaningfully address all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 5. H.E Direct UNFCCC to meaningfully address all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 6. H.E Convene Extra Ordinary Joint Virtual Meeting of EOSG, UNCEB, RCNYO and 5 RCs discuss technical and political processes underlining entire UN System Membership meaningfully addressing all Points made in EAG Submissions
Step 7. H.E Personally take Charge of select UN System Membership and ISPE/EAG Mutual Collaboration to Organize 3 Day HLPF before 31 July 2020 that is Leaders on UN, Governments, Business, Academia Orientation Workshop for Common Approach, Shared Vision, Joint Ownership, Joint Implementation and Joint Evaluation Winning War on COVID-19 and achieving Global Goals 2030 and 2050.
7 Foundation Steps Underlining the 7 Action Next Steps-:
1. Genuine Honest Admission of Past Failure
2. Genuine Commitment to Change Course
3. Genuine Commitment to Build Individual Hard and Soft Competencies
4. Genuine Commitment to Implement Institutions Systems and Services Reform
5. Genuine Commitment to Create Society Political, Cultural, Financial, Economic, Social and Religious Space
6. Genuine Commitment to Implement Inclusive Education
7. Genuine Commitment to Implement Inclusive Communication
7 Driving Principles complementing the 7 Foundation Steps & 7 Action Next Steps:-
1. General Agreement on Approach
2. Testing at Scale
3. Changing Attitude & Behavior at Scale
4. Institutionalizing Innovation
5. Institutionalizing Fast Failure
6. Implementing Pilot Program
7. Implementing Scale Up Program
10 Drivers
Supercharge Solutions to reach #SDGs by 2030 – 10 Drivers:-
1. Accept Past Failure & Build Bridge between Lessons Learning & Lessons Forgetting
2. Accept New Ideas, New Thinking, New Ways of DOING Things; New Partnerships, New Collaboration, New Cooperation
3. Involve Original IDEAS Creators with Genuine Innovation Solutions
4. Re-Establish existing Institutions & Establish New Institutions
5. Deploy Political Will to Change Attitude & Behavior at Scale
6. Deploy Political Will to Organize, Orientate & Discipline Citizens to be Moving Force Driving TRANSFORMATION of Society
7. Deploy Political Will to Effectively Tackle Implementation & Evaluation Challenge
8. Deploy Political Will to Hold HONEST Uncomfortable Conversation
9. Recognize Too Much Time Wasted & Genuinely Commit to Pursuing Needed Action and Needed Change
10. Recognize Inaction, Too little Action, Parroting Change Guarantee Global Colossal Catastrophe
The Way Forward in URGENT Global Interest
The 4 Key Issues in Both Open Call for Submissions from Bodies established under the Convention and PCCB Open Call for Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders need to be effectively addressed as One within PCCB and Beyond PCCB as One as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context and in ways that meaningfully address all points made in Facing Facts above.
Simultaneously The 4 Key Issues in Both Open Call for Submissions from Bodies established under the Convention and PCCB Open Call for Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders need to be effectively addressed as One within SDCB and Beyond SDCB as One as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context and in ways that meaningfully address all points made in Facing Facts above.
To achieve this, all fundamental issues raised in Submissions from Parties and other Stakeholders (1) and (2) need to be effectively addressed by entire UN, all Governments and their Domestic and Global Partners and as soon as possible to avoid Imminent Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID19, remaining 4 Wars; Failure to achieve Global Goals 2030 and 2050 in All North and South Countries by end 2050 target date.
Supporting Documents
Please find attached link to relevant blogs:-
Please follow our Twitter Campaign @LanreRotimi2
We urge again UNFCCC, PCCB, UNDESA, UNESCO and other UN Membership Entities Individually and Jointly to genuinely recognize that the fundamental issues we keep raising cannot be wished away but need to be discussed, negotiated and agreed if there is to be increasing convergence between UNFCCC, PCCB, UNDESA, UNESCO and other UN Membership Entities All North and South Countries Domestic and Global Vision Intention and Realty and that Time is of the Essence if our World is to avoid the Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID-9, remaining 4 Wars identified in EAG submissions, Failure to achieve SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and Failure to reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.
Should UNFCCC, PCCB, UNDESA, UNESCO and other UN Membership Entities after second look at our submissions decide to Partner with us, we are glad to discuss action Next Steps in Common Interest, Common Future and Common Destiny of US, entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO, UNWTO and World.
In Sum,
It is incomprehensible that that H..E UN Secretary General Antonio Guteress and other Authorities in Key UN Entities including UNDESA, RCNYO, UNFCCC, FAO, UNESCO, ILO, WHO; Governments including UK, UK, Ireland, Canada; Platforms including PCCB, PCCB Network, TCDF, GIE-MLC, Global Innovation Exchange Million Lives Club are aware of EAG Innovation that set out Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 Crisis that Work for World Poor – 5 Billion of 8.5 Billion People in 2030, yet they keep up Words, Wishes, Slogan and Rhetoric as they Ignore EAG Innovation on One Hand and Lament Increasing Probability of Global Catastrophe on the other hand.
The fundamental issues set out in EAG Innovation are Time Bound. As No Individual, Institution or Government know when irreversibility point will be passed as our World keep accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM, One Day Delay in entire UN and All Arms of All Governments Creating DEMAND for Businesses: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Transnational Enterprises / Social Enterprises; Academia – Universities and Higher Education Institutions and Consultants – Reform and Non Reform to Create SUPPLY may be One Day too late to avoid Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Win War on COVID19, remaining 4 Wars and Failure to achieve Global Goals 2030 and 2050 in All North and South Countries by end 2050 target date.
There are Bright Prospects of Success if entire UN, All Governments and their National and Global Partners Change Course and START accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity Road to BOOM through Kick Starting Mutual Collaboration Events and Activities from the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM.
We are Good to Go, if UNDESA and/or UNESCO and/or UNFCCC is Good to Go.
We await Cheering News.
God Bless UNDESA. God Bless UNESCO. God Bless UNFCCC. God Bless UN. God Bless our World.
NEHMAP Team Leader and
Director General
Economic Alliance Group (Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)
M: +234-8162469805
Blog: http://developmentchangechampions.blogspot.com.ng
Website: www.nehmapglobal.org
Email: nehap.initiative@yahoo.co.uk info@nehmapglobal.org
September 2020