Thursday, March 21, 2019

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 63

  EAG       ISPE 
                           ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

UK / EU Future - Brexit Myths - Time to Reason and Get Real (2).
Time is Now to Meaningfully Tackle UK / EU Brexit Impact Challenge; Shift Focus from Adversarial/Unhealthy, Unfriendly Competition and Shift Focus to Allies/Healthy/Friendly Competition; Accept Ordered Change or Make Disordered Change Inevitable: Time is NOW to Meaningfully Tackle UK / EU Brexit Challenge: Pursue Genuine National, Regional, Global Reforms or Suffer Catastrophic Nationnal, Regional, Global Peril – Choice Too Important to be Left to UK and EU Leaders Alone.


The EU is defending and undermining its “core values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights” at the same time. This explains why there is increasing divergence between EU Vision Intention and Reality whereas EU Leaders appear to be making spirited effort to achieve increasing convergence between EU Vision Intention and Reality.

On proposal of the European Commission, the European Council in 2010 adopted the Europe 2020 Strategy that succeeded the Lisbon Strategy which the European Council adopted in 2000. Even though the Europe 2020 Strategy was better defined and equipped than the Lisbon Strategy, its performance is not better. This is because the EU Leaders are working HARDer doing the same old things in the same old ways and expecting new results. EU Leaders are now looking forward to Europe 2030 Strategy. However, as long as EU Leaders do not know why there were flaws and failures in the design and delivery on Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy, they will not know how to design and deliver Europe 2030 Strategy that succeed where Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy had flaws and failures. Thus to avoid repeating Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy ERRORS in Europe 2030 Strategy, EU Leaders need to immediately start working SMARTER doing New Things in New Ways.

It is pertinent to note that Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy each has provision for different EU Membership Categories. Yet since 2010 when reinforced Europe 2020 Strategy became operational, relevant provisions in this regard had not been fully operationalized. The European Council February 2016 decision on UK Special Status in EU, should UK retain its EU Membership, was another lost opportunity to fully operationalize these relevant provisions in the Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy, and in way that significantly improve Europe 2030 Development Management, Development Impact, Development Effectiveness and Development Results.

This Paper sets out our Organizations thoughts on Priorities and Directions Moving Forward if UK, EU and World are to avoid looming catastrophe by 2030.

Big Questions
  1. How can EU weather the storms which come over EU at National, Sub-National and Global levels between now and 2030?
  2. How can EU Systems, Structures, Policies, Procedures, Rules, Political Will and Public Will be made firm enough to make envisaged National, Regional and Global Progress achievable by set target date.
  3. How to realize a Pro Poor Growth Strategy and keep up to date the Economy in each EU Member State alongside Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Security, Climate Change, Environment, Governance and Religion Developments in other Countries and Regions Worldwide by streamlining and focusing all EU Institutions Policies, Programs and Projects, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One aligned and harmonized with all EU Member Countries 3PI and 3PIs Training as One. 
UK, EU and World Leaders can no longer avoid or evade finding answer to these How Questions within Framework of Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Local Government, Country and EU location context.

As long as UK, EU and World Leaders continue to undermine the level of Know How – Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage, Cultural, Discipline, Mindset and Leadership that Internal and External Consultants; Duty Bearers on 193/306 UN Member States Governments: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary at all tiers; UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-Regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices as well as their Partners in each specific Community, Local Government, Country and EU location context, should have, finding correct answer to Brexit How Questions, EU Project How Questions, SDGs Pledge How Questions and related How Question will remain Mirage.

Rethinking Brexit and Rethinking EU Project to achieve Stronger Europe and Stronger World

EU is in Crises and EU is the Crisis. University of Oslo released a 2014 Report focused on the Finance and Sovereignty dimensions of these Crises. In the past 5 years matters have gone from bad to worse. If remedial action is not taken on time, things would deteriorate even further.  

EU Crises of such magnitude and complexity demand Innovative Sustainable Solutions wherever in the World, EU Leaders may find such Solutions that Work and in ways that effectively cure Brexit and EU Project root cause or primary cause problems on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Local Government, Country, EU and Global location context.

We urge UK, EU and World Leaders to genuinely appreciate that seeking to achieve 5 Global Goals – SDGs, AAAA, COP21, Agenda21 – Rio and Rio+20 and NIEO Vision Ambitions and in ways that meaningfully help all 193/306 UN Member States achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in 11 ¾ years remaining to end 2030 target date, greatly depends on finding Innovative Sustainable Solutions to Brexit, EU Project real and complex problems on the ground and on time.

EU Crises Innovative Sustainable Solutions Implementation and Evaluation will have to be aligned and harmonized with all remaining Regions in our World Crises Innovative Sustainable Solutions Implementation and Evaluation, if all 193/306 UN Member States are to get Back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in the 11 ¾ years remaining to end 2030 target date.

This is the most partial, productive and result oriented way forward, if UK / EU Brexit problems and
EU Project problems are to be solved on sustainable basis and in ways that effectively help all 193/306 UN Member States achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in 11 ¾ years remaining to end 2030.

We further urge UK, EU and World Leaders to genuinely appreciate that EU Project is not too BIG to FAIL; that EU Project cannot keep fumbling and wobbling, yet keep avoiding collapse or peril and that Rethinking Brexit and Rethinking EU Project has ultimate huge reward for all EU Internal and External Publics and Refusing to meaningfully address Brexit and EU Project root cause or primary cause problems has ultimate catastrophic consequences for EU Internal and External Publics.

UK and EU Leaders need to jointly do more to effectively address Mutual Distrust, Mutual Suspicion, Mutual Information Abuse, Mutual Information Misuse and Mutual Information Disuse Driven by Decades and Centuries Old Myths that are largely False and FEARS that are largely False Expectations / Experience Appearing REAL.

UK and EU Leaders also need to jointly address Leadership Development, Good Governance and Economic Empowerment issues as applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Region, Region and Global location context within Europe 2020 in the less than 2 years remaining to end 2020 target date; Europe 2030 in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date and 5 Global Goals – SDGs, AAAA, COP21, Agenda21 – Rio and Rio+20 and NIEO as One aligned and harmonized with SDGs in UK and UK Sustainability Strategy; SDGs in each of the remaining 27 EU Countries and Sustainability Strategy in each of the remaining 27 EU Countries, in the less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

UK and EU Leaders need to urgently take all necessary measures to kick start Europe 2020 and Europe 2030 provisions for meaningful involvement of UK and EU Universities/Higher Education Institutions in the Great Task of Rethinking Brexit and Rethinking EU Project to achieve Stronger Europe and Stronger World within a Global Goals Project that Work for All UK Citizens, Citizens of all 27 EU Countries and Citizens of all remaining UN Member States.

UK-EU Brexit – Fantasy Meet Brutal Reality

EU Leaders at their meeting in February 2016 took decision to granting a Special Status Deal to help keep the UK in the EU.

This EU Leaders decision is consistent with the spirit and letters of Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy.

With benefit of hindsight, had both UK and EU sides learnt from Errors in the Implementation and Evaluation of Lisbon Strategy and Europe 2020 Strategy, both sides would have taken National Reforms, EU Reforms, Leadership Development, Good Governance, Economic Empowerment, Social Inclusion, Climate Change, Environment and Communication for Sustainable Development issues more seriously while demonstrating and being seen to demonstrate genuine commitment to full implementation as well as the effective monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the UK Special Status in EU Deal.

Regretfully, this was not done. Both Leave and Remain Campaigns were marred by half truths and outright lies. The larger majority of the UK Voters abstained. Leave Won by very narrow margin. Now that the facts are out, there is now talk that WIN is WIN and Democracy will be Murdered if Leave WIN is undermined. Is this not absurd? Is Democracy in many North and South Countries not having the same half truths and outright lies disease? Is our Fragile Planet not at increased risk of Peril if this disease is not urgently cured in all Countries where it exists? Does Brexit as Force for Good not present bright prospects of curing this disease in all EU Countries and indeed in all Countries Worldwide where it exists? Can Brexit be Force for Good, if UK, EU and remaining UN Member States do not jointly address Alternative UK-EU Brexit How Questions that is Integral Part of SDGs Pledge Delivery in all 193/306 How Questions?

As Fantasy meet brutal reality, it is getting increasingly clear that ongoing Brexit negotiation whether it ends in deal or no deal has not addressed Breixt root cause or primary cause problems on the ground on both UK and EU sides; that these real and complex problems on the ground in Communities in UK and Communities in each of the remaining 27 EU Countries cannot be solved by National Elections or National Referendum and for UK and EU its Reform or Perish.

UK and EU Leaders cannot on their own meaningfully address these complex problems on their respective sides. UK and EU Leaders need Technical Advice and Reform Consulting Services Support from Competent and Neutral Consultants. UK and EU Leaders need to appreciate that Alternative Brexit Innovative Sustainable Solutions need to be designed and delivered within 3 Frameworks and 3 Initiatives as One using One Worldwide Approach described in earlier Papers.

For How Long can UK-EU Leaders ignore, avoid or evade meaningfully addressing points made in this Paper, Papers below and related Papers:-

For How Long can 193/306 UN Member States Leaders and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Leaders ignore, avoid or evade meaningfully addressing points made in this Paper, Papers below and related Papers:-

UK-EU Brexit simply open up the soft underbelly of the especially difficult times the EU has been passing through. As long as UK and EU Leaders are not prepared to face new direction and adopt new priorities, Brexit will be Force for Evil with ultimate catastrophic consequences for UK, EU and rest of the World. However, should UK and EU Leaders face new direction and adopt new priorities, Brexit will be Force for Good with Significant Benefits to Target Beneficiaries in UK, EU and Worldwide.

The issues at stake are too important to be left in the hands of UK and EU Leaders alone. UK and EU Leaders need to help themselves but World Leaders need to recognize that it is in their respective National Self Interest to help UK and EU Leaders to help themselves before irreversibility point in reached as UK, EU and our World keep accelerating on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM. Time is running out for our World change lane and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to DOOM. UNIPCC and NASA warnings underline the fact that our World has less than 12 years to avoid PERIL. The implication is that One Day Delay making this change over, may be One Day too late.

Europe 2030 and SDGs Pledge Delivery 2030 – National Reform Programs and Regional Reform Programs

All arms of all tiers of Government in UK / 27 EU Countries are Members of Whole of Government Approach to Alternative Brexit, New EU Project and New SDGs Pledge Delivery in EU and Worldwide. It is not helpful that Lisbon Strategy, Europe 2020 Strategy and Europe 2030 Strategy treat Sub-National Governments as Partners while UN 5 Global Goals: SDGs, AAAA, OP21, Agenda21 – Rio and Rio+20 and NIEO treat Local Government as Member Major Groups and other Stakeholders – MGoS but does not recognize or has no place for other levels (1 or 2) of Sub-National Governments depending on whether the Country – North or South has 3 or 4 tiers of Government. The UK has 2 tiers of Government. 

Europe 2020 embraces macro-economic as well as micro economic issues. The former was intended to be addressed within National Reform Programs, NRPs and the later within Flagship Initiatives, FIs. The NRPs and FIs were in turn intended to be closely connected with Internal Markets, Trade Issues, Access to Raw Materials with Regional and Local Authorities as well as CSOs being seen as Partners. This Model has not Worked, is not Working and will not Work.

In the new dispensation, NRPs would absorb FIs. The New NRPs would be aligned and harmonized with Community Reform Programs for each Community in UK / 27 EU Countries; Sub-National Governments Reform Programs for all Sub-National Governments in UK / 27 EU Countries; Sub-Region Reform Program for entire EU Reforms and Global Reform Programs for all 5 Global Goals: SDGs, AAAA, OP21, Agenda21-Rio and Rio+20 and NIEO.

Complexity should not be excuse to keep tolerating Non Performing Bureaucracy. This underlines urgent need to meaningfully address New NRPs Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms, MSPs Institutional Reforms and related issues within sufficiently robust All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Goals Framework, Means Framework, Effectiveness Framework, Desk Analysis Initiative, Pilot Program and Scale Up Program Initiative and Feeding back Lesson Learnt into Pilot Program and Scale Up Program Initiative as One and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Region, Region and Global location context.

If urgent remedial action is not taken, the UK will race past irreversibility point on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM and kick start UK National Crises that make worst UK National Crises in recent Centuries Child’s Play. The resulting UK Economy Woes will have contagion effect on 27 EU Countries National Economies with Ireland Economy as much or worse Woes than the UK Economy as well as on African Countries National Economies and National Economies of Countries in all remaining Regions in our World today.

On EU side, UK National Crises Catalyzed by Brexit as Force for Evil would most likely result in Failure of EU Project with ultimate catastrophic consequences for 27 EU Countries National Economies and National Economies of EU Partner Countries in all remaining Regions in our World today.

No one knows when UK will run past this irreversibility point, thus One Day delay taking remedial action may be one day too late. Should UK be allowed to run past this irreversibility point, seeking to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge will be Mirage and there is High Probability that EU Project will FAIL in the not too distant future. If the EU Project is not to FAIL and if all 193/306 UN Member States are to be effectively supported to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in 11 ¾ years remaining to end 2030, urgent remedial action need to be taken and without delay.

It is pertinent to note that a very important aspect of Europe 2020 Strategy is that by its Institutional set-up and content, it envisages to overcome the counterproductive distinction between Community (EU) Matters and Matters that remain preserved for the Member States. If the first 6 years of Implementation and well as the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation of Europe 2020 Strategy had meaningfully addressed this issue, there would have been no Brexit Vote in the UK in 2016; UK and EU relations will not be in the toxic state it is now in 2019 and many of the EU Project Challenges facing many EU Countries today will simply not exist.    

Universities/Higher Education Institutions Global Goals Project

Universities/Higher Education Institutions, especially the Top 10 Universities in the World, Top 10 Universities in UK and EU and Top 10 Universities in all 193/306 UN Member States have individually and jointly failed UK Citizens, EU Countries Citizens and Citizens in all remaining North and South Countries in our World today. This partly explain why all 193/306 UN Member States are Off Track achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge with 11 ¾ years to end 2030 target date.

2 of the Top 10 Universities in the World are in the UK. Some of the 8 of Top 10 Universities in the World are in the EU. Top 10 Universities in the UK and Top 10 Universities in each of the 27 EU Countries should be ashamed that they are either looking on or are more part of the Brexit problem and EU Project problem than part of the Brexit Innovative Sustainable Solutions and EU Project Innovative Sustainable Solutions as well as SDGs Pledge delivery in EU and Worldwide Innovative sustainable Solutions.

If Brexit is to be Force for Good that help find Innovative Sustainable Solutions to Brexit real and complex problems on the ground in each specific Community, Local Government, Country and EU location context, that is integral part of finding Innovative Sustainable Solutions to SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 real and complex problems on the ground in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context, there is urgent need for UK and EU Universities/Higher Education Institutions to effectively play the Major Role assigned to them in the Europe 2020 Strategy and go further to expand to all Universities/Higher Education Institutions in all 193/306 UN Member States Playing Major Role that will now be assigned to them, if National Leaders and World Leaders are indeed serious about ensuring all 193/306 UN Member States achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

Addressing Discontent in UK, EU Countries and all remaining UN Member States

There is much Discontent in the UK, EU Countries and all remaining UN Member States. If this Discontent is not meaningfully and urgently addressed, things could go from bad to worse with ultimate catastrophic consequences by 2030. Yet the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs or World 2030 Transformation Agenda agreed by World  Leaders in September 2030 offer a Very Good Framework for sustainable solutions to Discontent problems on the ground in all 193/306 UN Member States as well as at Regional and Global levels.

WHO Graphic Expression of Climate Change on its Twitter Handle correctly identifies Climate Change as:-
  1. A Hunger Problem
  2. An Education Problem
  3. An Empowerment Problem
  4. A Poverty Problem
  5. A Water Problem
  6. An Equity Problem
  7. A Health Problem
  8. An Ecosystem Problem
  9. An Oceans Problem
  10. A Resource Problem
  11. An Innovation Problem
  12. A Social Justice Problem
  13. A Community Problem
  14. A Global Problem
  15. A Solvable Problem
  16. Our Problem that We can Solve it (Together) italics ours.
We have suggested WHO include:-
  1. A Political Problem
  2. A Technical Problem
  3. A Governance Problem
  4. A Livelihood Problem
  5. A Food Problem
  6. An Agriculture Problem
  7. A Security Problem
  8. A Migration Problem
  9. A Leadership Problem
We have consistently submitted that there are 5 Global Agendas – SDGs, COP21, Agenda21 – Rio and Rio+20, and NIEO; that SDGs is the Overarching Global Agenda; that COP21 is the Climate Change Dimension of the SDGs; that AAAA is the Finance for Development Dimension of the SDGs; that NIEO is the Political Dimension of the SDGs that without Political Solutions and Technical Solutions to SDGs Pledge Delivery all remaining SDGs Pledge Delivery Solutions – Economic, Financial, Social, Governance, Climate Change, Environment, Religious etc are No Issues or Amount to No Issues and that the SDGs needs to be collapsed into 2 Main Goals – End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, EHMP Main Goal and Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability, CCES Main Goal that where EHMP is Front End of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Entity and or 193/306 UN Member States Entity 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One; CCES is Back End and Vice Versa .

The implication is that for past Errors in design and delivery of Europe 2020, Europe 2030 and SDGs to be remedied in the less than 2 years remaining to end Europe 2020 Strategy; the less than 12 years remaining to end Europe 2030 Strategy and the less than 12 years remaining to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge, the 25 Points made in the WHO Graphic Expression of Climate Change needs to be meaningfully addressed and on time.

UK, EU and World Leaders need to genuinely appreciate that they need help from competent Technical Advisers and Reform Consultants, if Innovative Sustainable Solutions are to be found to Brexit, EU Project and SDGs Pledge Delivery in All North and South Countries root cause or primary cause problems, including above 25 points on the ground in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

If there is to be increasing convergence between Alternative Brexit Strategy, Europe 2020 Strategy, Europe 2030 Strategy Vision Intention and Reality aligned and harmonized with increasing convergence between 5 Global Goals – SDGs, AAAA, OP21, Agenda21-Rio and Rio+20 and NIEO in UK, EU and Worldwide Vision Intention and Reality and in ways that effectively help UK and EU Solve Brexit Challenge and help all 193/306 UN member States get back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in 11 ¾ years remaining ti end 2030 target date, then UK, EU and World Leaders need to Face New Direction and Adopt New Priorities and without further delay.

UNJIU Report on Review of UN administrative efficiency – Providing Fresh Evidence

The Joint Inspection Unit of the UN System (UNJIU) has issued a report that reviews UN administrative efficiency. It provides ten recommendations for improvement through UN inter-agency cooperation. Recommendations for action are directed at the UN Secretary-General, the UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) and the UN Sustainable Development Group, among other UN actors and entities.
This UNJIU Report provides Fresh Evidence that:-
  1. 3PIs (Policy, Program, Project Interventions) and 3PIs Training as One within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program that is essentially Reform Program in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context are indeed Indefinite Quantity Reform Consulting Contrast and Multi Stakeholder Partnerships, MSPs Agreement Contract as One.
  2. The Procurement Process for Events and Activities in (1) need to be based on New Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal Assessment.
  3. Institutional Architecture Supporting Events and Activities in (1) need to take into consideration the 17 Principles of the SDGs as One, set out in the Annex.  

We have in this Paper and related Papers raised serious issues of serious business demanding serious attention of UK, EU, remaining UN Member States Authorities as well as UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO Authorities. We urge National and World Leaders to appreciate that avoiding UNIPCC and NASA Warnings will be catastrophic for our fragile Planet as from 2030.

The type of Goals Framework, Means Framework, Effectiveness Framework using Universal/One Worldwide Approach 3PCM Linked to  Analysis; Pilot Program and Scale Up Program and Feeding Back Lessons Learned into Pilot Program and Scale Up Program as One Universal Framework Interventions as One we have proposed cannot be wished away. It would either be adopted or alternative All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Implementation and Evaluation Framework and One Worldwide/Universal Approach found. We are at least 20 years ahead, as any Institution or Government that would develop such alternative will have to make the type of commitments and scarifies we have made to arrive at such discovery.

It is our hope that the 3 Co-Conveners will not look on and again allow the bright prospects of SDGs and Climate Change Conference Copenhagen Denmark 1 – 3 April 2019 to be squandered; that UK and EU Leaders will not look on and again allow the bright prospects of Alternative Brexit that is Force for Good to be squandered and that World Leaders in Powerful North and South Countries will not look on and again allow the bright prospects of getting all 193/306 UN Member States back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge in 11 ¾ years remaining to end 2030 target date to be squandered.

We urge the National Leaders and World Leaders to genuinely appreciate that our Fragile Planet is at Risk of Peril, if urgent Remedial Action is not taken on time. The Ball is now in the Court of National Leaders and World Leaders – Will they Play or Will they Keep Looking On as the World accelerate on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM or will they DO the NEEDFUL and HELP all 193/306 UN Member States to speedily return to 2014 Cross Road and start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM?

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost. To avoid this answer to HOW questions within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program need to start without delay.  

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
(Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)
Affiliate Members: International Society for Poverty Elimination
(Global Social Development Innovation Organization);
ER and Associates Limited
(National and International Development Cooperation Consultants)
New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty, NEHMAP Initiative
(Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization) etc
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             March 2019.

Looking Back to Rediscover Good Way Forward achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery Worldwide

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon in his Synthesis Report on the Post 2015 Sustainable Development Agenda, November 2014 in its Transformational Approach identified 8 essential elements / principles that underscore the urgency of a universal call to commit to a set of principles that, applied together, can bring about a truly universal transformation of sustainable development on which the SDGs foundation should be built.

We note with regret that SDGs foundation has been built with exclusion of many of these sound Principles, despite the urgency identified more than 4 years ago, by UNSG Ban Ki Moon. This explains why at 13 of 60 Quarters of Implementation, basic issues highlighted by these 8 essential elements / principles but were largely unaddressed by relevant authorities on 193/306 UN Member States and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) sides, as at end 1st Quarter, 2019 Year 4 of Implementation of the SDGs, therefore these excluded fundamental issues still constitute hindrances, shortcomings and drawbacks to all 193/306 UN Member States achieving delivery on SDGs/SDGs Pledge by end 2030 target date.

UNSG Ban Ki Moon said in 2014, as we implement the new agenda, we must:-
1.  Commit to a universal approach, including solutions that address all countries and all groups;
2. Integrate sustainability into all activities, mindful of economic, environmental and social impacts;
3. Address inequalities in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should be considered met unless it is met for all social and economic groups;
4. Ensure that all actions respect and advance human rights, in full coherence with international standards;
5. Address the drivers of climate change and its consequences;
6. Base our analysis on credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability, disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
7. Expand our global partnership for means of implementation to maximum effect and full participation, including multi-stakeholder, issue-based coalitions;
8. Anchor the new compact in a renewed commitment to international solidarity, commensurate with the ability of each country to contribute.

EAG/ISPE/ER/NEHMAP in 2018 and 2019 expanded the 8 Principles to 17 Principles improving clarity and effectiveness thus reinforcing UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s statement that “The essential elements of the SDGs/ 2030 Transformation Agenda underscore the urgency of a universal call to commit to a set of principles that, applied together, can bring about a truly universal transformation of sustainable development. Thus, as we implement the 2030 Transformation agenda in all North and South countries, we must:

1.  Commit to a Universal Approach, that is Common, Systemic, shared Approach with clear and known Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database that is One Worldwide 3 in 1 Integrated Frameworks of National Goals effectively linked with Global a) Goals Framework – SDGs (2015), COP21 (2015), Agenda21 (Rio 1992 and Rio+20 2012), NIEO (New International Economic Order 1974) – What National and International Stakeholders want to Jointly achieve; b) Means Framework – AAAA, that is Finance for Development that is the National and Global Goals Financing Framework and c) Effectiveness Framework (HOW to design and deliver Research, Planning, Data, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results, Transparency, Accountability and Participation as One Cohesive And Coherent Community, Country, Continent, Global Framework and in ways that ensure all National and International Stakeholders in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context Best Work Together to Benefit Together and in Ways that Leave No One Behind in all 193/306 UN Member States) to complete the National and International Architecture for the SDG that get All North and South Countries presently Off Track, to be back On Track to achieve delivery on SDGs Pledge (None of the 17 Goals will be considered met if it is not achieved by All Peoples in All outcries by end 2030 target date) and in the 12 years remaining to end 2030 Agenda target date) including Sustainable Solutions that meaningfully address all Communities, Countries, Continents and all Groups unique problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context – the National and Global Goals Implementation and Evaluation for Results Framework;
2. Integrate sustainability into all activities, mindful of development; diplomacy; defense; digitization; data; democracy; elections; political; cultural; economic; financial; environmental; social; religious; moral; peace; productivity; security; leadership; services – public service, civil service, police service, military service, paramilitary service, foreign service, legislative service, judiciary service; communication; attitude and behavior impacts;
3. Address political development, economic development, social development, conflict, inequalities, environmental stewardship, justice access, human dignity, national security unique problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
4. Address inequalities and injustice in all areas, agreeing that no goal or target should be considered met unless it is met for all social and economic groups in all communities in all countries;
5. Ensure that all actions respect and advance universal human/development rights, in full coherence with international standards;
6. Ensure policy coherence, collaboration, cooperation, coordination and commitment for national and international sustainable development;
7. Ensure that all creative with innovative sustainable solutions and thinkers demonstrating thinking through and thinking ahead are identified, promoted and promoted;
8. Address the drivers of climate change, and its consequences;
9. Base our analysis on credible data and evidence, enhancing data capacity, availability, disaggregation, literacy and sharing;
10. Expand our national and global partnership for means of research, planning, data/statistics, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, learning, transparency, accountability and participation to maximum effect and full participation, including multi-stakeholder partnerships MSPs, issue-based coalitions;
11. Ensure National and Global Multi Stakeholder Partnerships/Platforms MSPs have Authority Delegated by Leadership of all relevant Stakeholder Blocks to Serve with Responsibility as Convener, Catalyst, Collaborator and Cultivator at specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global levels;
12. Ensure all communities in all countries are effectively connected to UNO Headquarters New York, each UNO Agency/Entity Headquarters with responsibility for specific SDGs/SDGs Pledge action agenda item relevant to each specific community, country or continent, WBG Headquarters, IMF Headquarters, WTO (ITO) Headquarters;
13. Ensure correct diagnosis,  correct prescription,  correct  surgery and correct  recovery management required for sustainable solutions to all root cause or primary cause national development cooperation and international development cooperation  problems on ground in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
14. Ensure meaningful involvement of people who through their unadulterated struggle and commitment use their talents to seek true peace, security, equality, equity, justice and sustainable development in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
15. Ensure original creators of innovative ideas applicable in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context; processed into study reports; conferences and meetings outcome documents conclusions and recommendations are meaningfully involved in the implementation of these innovative ideas;
16. Ensure effective design and delivery of communication for behavioral impact and changing attitude and behavior at scale required to achieve national visions and global visions by target date,  in each specific community, sub-national, national, sub-regional, regional and global location context;
17. Anchor the new compact in a renewed commitment to national and international solidarity, commensurate with the ability of each community/country to contribute.

The People, Prosperity, Planet, Peace, Partnership; 5Ps of SDGs – Empowering People for Improving Prosperity, Protecting Planet, Prompting Peace depends on Strengthening Partnerships through Respecting Dignity and providing Justice Access to All Residents and Immigrants in all North and South countries in our World today. As long as these 5PsJD Key Elements of the SDGs are avoided or evaded in each specific community, country, continent location context achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge (No Goal will be considered met if it is not achieved by all Peoples in all outcries) in all 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date (with less than 12 years remaining and so much left to be done) will be Mirage.

In the practical implementation and evaluation of UNEMG New Model Approach Version 2, expected to be released soon as basic Universal/One Worldwide Approach for SDGs Pledge Delivery Worldwide, there is a need to appreciate that UNEMG cannot stand alone but need to function as effective part of 9 additional UN Management Groups:-
1. UNEnMG – Environment Management Group Domiciled in UNEP: with responsibility for Climate Change and Environmental Dimension of National and Global Goals
2. UNDvMG – Development Management Group Domiciled in UN FAO: with responsibility for Development, Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Dimension of National and Global Goals
3.  UNEvMG – Evaluation Management Group Domiciled in IEG-UNO (Independent Evaluation Group of UN Organization that is Evaluation Offices in all Institutions or Entities in entire UN Organization Operating as One): with responsibility for Monitoring and Evaluation Dimension of National and Global Goals
4. UNRsMG – Resilience Management Group Domiciled in UNDP: with responsibility for Resilience, Mitigation and Adaptation having 9 indivisible Components – Agriculture; Health – Plants, Animals, Human; Tourism; Water, Humanitarian, Energy/Electricity, Infrastructure – Transport- Rail, Road, Water, Air; Finance – Banking and Non Banking, Technology – Information, Internet, Computer, Telecom, Bio, Management; Ecosystem and Biodiversity and Institutional and Systems Reform as One Dimension of National and Global Goals
5. UNRfMG – Reform Management Group Domiciled in UNRP (UN Reform Program that is UN Reform Office Upgraded to Full UN Program: with responsibility for Institutional Reform and Process Re-engineering Dimension of National and Global Goals
6. UNCmMG – Communication Management Group Domiciled in UNDPI: with responsibility for Development  Communication, Attitudinal and Behavioural Change Dimension of National and Global Goals
7. UNSvMG – Service Management Group Domiciled in UNDSDG: with responsibility for Public Service, Civil Service, Police Service, Military Service, Paramilitary Service, Foreign Service, Legislative Service, Judiciary Service Dimension of National and Global Goals
8. UNPdMG – Productivity Management Group Domiciled in UN ILO: with responsibility for Productivity and Empowerment Dimension of National and Global Goals
9. UNFnMG – Financial Management Group Domiciled in UNDESA: with responsibility for Public Finance, Private Finance Social Economy and Social Enterprise Finance and Grant Finance Dimension of National and Global Goals
10. UNRgMG – Religion Management Group Domiciled in UNESCO: with responsibility for Orthodox Religion, Traditional Religion and Harmful Spirituality Dimension of National and Global Goals

The UN System has 4 Entities – UNO, WBG, IMF and WTO (ITO). For Best Central Coordination of Activities of the 10 Management Groups, there will be:-
1. Conference of 10 Group Heads in each of the 4 UN System Entities - Separately
2.  Conference of 10 Group Heads in ALL of the 4 UN System Entities as One

These Conferences need to be supported by Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent, and Global MSPs that Work such as proposed UNO MSPs for SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 (expected to be key outcome of ongoing UN Partnership Global Survey); proposed GPEDC MSPs for Implementation and Evaluation of GPEDC Call for Evidence Global Consultation Report 2019 (expected to be key outcome of the Report when released soon); MSPs being promoted by Regional Institutions like EU for Implementation and Evaluation of Alternative Brexit, Europe 2020, Europe 2030 (expected to be key outcome of proposed Rethinking Brexit aligned and harmonized with Rethinking EU Project) and equivalent in all remaining Regional Institutions Worldwide and Country MSPs being promoted by All North and South Countries as Global Political Groupings of State Actors and Non State Actors for achieving delivery on SDGs Pledge in less than 12 years remaining to end 2030 target date (expected to be key outcome of SDGs and Climate Change Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 1 – 3 April 2019).