Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 10

The UN 69th General Assembly opened on 16 September 2014. The Interim Results of the discussions, online engagement and research inputs summarised into a Global Report was to be presented to Member States, as well as the Public, in form of a High Level side event on that day. Spirited effort to find out if the Global Report was presented to Member States or was not released at all is yet to be successful. This is a puzzle if UN Executive Management, UN Security Council and UN General Assembly are really serious about achieving Final Push to achieve MDGs by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Ambitions.

It is our hope that the Global Report will be released to the Public without further delay and its implementation as well as the monitoring and evaluation of this implementation will better address realities of over 100 Million Poor Nigerians, over 300 Million Poor Africans and over 2 Billion Poor Worldwide.

Meanwhile, the SD2015 Partners including UNDESA and CIVICUS are working with Partners on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions and International Foundations sides towards achieving increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDGs by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality. This is Good. However, moving forward, there are 3 Models – New Vision Model, Business as Usual Model and Pessimistic Model. Should SD2015 Partners continue to adopt Business as Usual Model, the Best that can be achieved if the World continues to fumble and wobble and keep avoiding Catastrophe. The Worst is that Economic Recession, Terrorist Attacks, Hunger, Poverty, Natural and Unnatural Disasters and other World Problems will Push the World to Pessimistic Model and catastrophe become inevitable.

Should SD2015 Partners genuinely commit to pursue with determination, collaboration, coordination and cooperation in all arms of all governments on one hand and collaboration, coordination and cooperation in all arms of all governments, non governmental organizations, private sector, financial institutions and community stakeholders on the other hand, at sub-national, national, regional and global levels in each of the over 200 UN Member Countries and Non Member Countries in our World today, World Sustainable Development could be achieved through New Vision Model delivering proportional WIN – WIN for all concerned Stakeholders in our World today.

It will be recalled that the UN IEAG on Data Revolution after Global Consultation released its Data Revolution Report on 6 November, 2014. This Report following the Business as Usual Model focused on answers to Data Revolution What and Why Questions and refused to include answers to Data Revolution How questions provided by at least 2 of the contributors. This is indeed very sad. We are aware that some complain has been made. It is our hope that SD2015 Partners would take up this complain with aim of including practical answers to Data Revolution How Questions in the implementation as well as the monitoring and evaluation of Data Revolution through New Vision Model.

It will be recalled further that Food Security and Nutrition Security issues is now being put on the front burner in the Global Arena within New Agriculture Revolution. Again it is Agriculture Revolution What and Why Questions that are being addressed. As long as Agriculture Revolution How Questions are not addressed, the mistakes of history in the implementation of first Global New Agriculture Revolution in the 1940s’ up to the fourth Global Agriculture Revolution ending 2015 will be repeated as the fifth Global Agriculture Revolution start from 2016. This is avoidable, if the UN Executive Management, UN Security Council and UN General Assembly take corrective action on time.

It is clear that Global New Agriculture Revolution whose Design and Delivery is built upon New Vision Model will effectively bridge gap between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting and so will Treat Crops, Livestock, Fisheries and Forestry: Pre Harvest, Harvest and Post Harvest 30 Issues and 8 Cross Cutting Themes as One – as applicable to each Community in each Local Government in each of the over 200 UN Member Countries and Non UN Member Countries in our World today.

The 30 Issues are: Land, Labour, Fund, Technology, Infrastructure, Market, Water, Health, Security, Education, Environment, Standards, Production, Processing, Storage, Research, Extension, Psychology, Corruption, Disasters, Welfare, Information, Enterprise, Partnership, Innovation, Organization, Orientation, Discipline, Data, Communication.

The 8 Cross Cutting Themes are: Technical, Political, Cooperation, Competencies, Economic, Social, Cultural, Religious.

It is clear that Agriculture Revolution is a Primary Revolution. For Best Results it must be integral part of other Primary Revolutions: Data Revolution, Enterprise Revolution, Government Revolution, Applied Research Revolution, Attitudinal and Behavioural Change Revolution, Cooperation Revolution and Digital Revolution as well as Secondary Revolutions: Education Revolution, Health Revolution, Anti Corruption Revolution, Electricity Revolution, Housing Revolution etc. These Primary and Secondary Revolutions cannot stand on their own but are interlinked, interdependent and interconnected with Reinventing Cities, Reinventing Governance, Reinventing Universities and Tertiary Institutions etc as well as other interventions.

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 9

As we race to the UN 69th General Assembly, 16 September 2014 where Interim Results of the discussions, online engagement and research inputs summarised into a Global Report will be presented to Member States, as well as the Public, in form of a High Level side event, it is our hope that the Global Report will better address realities of over 100 Million Poor Nigerians, over 300 Million Poor Africans and over 2 Billion Poor Worldwide.

We urge World Leaders to access the good ideas and pertinent suggestions being generated in ongoing PenState Geodesign Massive Open Online Course, MOOC, particularly those on its Discussion Forum Thread focused on Geodesign How Questions; Thread focused on Human Impact; Thread focused on GIS Technology and Thread focused on Human Security as well as Leiden Configuring the World, CtW MOOC particularly on its Discussion Forum Thread focused on CtW How Questions, Thread focused on Sustainable Development, Thread Focused on Globalization and Thread focused on Global Order. 

Please find below 9 September 2014 mail to Leaders of UN Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform contents of which are self explanatory:-

Dear Leaders of Major Groups,

We have been in continuing constructive engagement of SDKP Team on ways and means through which our Organization could contribute meaningfully to help achieve increasing convergence between Final Push to achieve MDGs’ by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.

Please find below recent exchange of mails between SDKP and ISPE / EAG, for the consideration and appropriate Action of the Major Groups Individually and Collectively.

Should any of you require clarification or additional information to take decision on way forward, we are glad to respond to any such enquiry.

God Bless our World.

Yours Sincerely,

Lanre Rotimi
Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination /
Economic Alliance Group
5, Moses Orimolade Avenue
Ijapo Estate – Akure
Ondo State – Nigeria
West – Africa
M: +2348162469805

On Monday, 8 September 2014, 19:16, SD Knowledge Platform wrote:

Please see below a response to your message with subject "Re: Major Group Membership and Related Matters".
You may respond and see full details of this message by clicking on this link.

Dear Lanre Rotimi,

As I'm sure you can understand, rules are in place to ensure that each organization is treated as equally and fairly as possible. We are not in a position to make any exemptions when it comes to accreditation. With that said, since you have been granted account credentials with which to log onto our website, we encourage you to post the relevant materials mentioned in your previous email for consideration by the Organizing Partners of the Major Groups. The OPs ( listed at the following address: remain your primary point of contact for engaging with Major Groups. You should stay in contact with the relevant Major Group OP to ensure that you are going through the proper channels to engage.

Kind regards,
Division for Sustainable Development
Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform

Note: Please do not respond to this message by return email, as the email inbox is unmonitored. If a response is required, please do so by clicking on the link above.
Visit the Sustainable Development Knowledge Platform:

Dear Team,

Thanks for your messages of 4 and 5 September. These responses encourage and inspire us, because you welcome our contribution and recognize the potential of our processes, frameworks and professionals and the positive contribution these could make in the Work towards achieving Dream of World without Hunger and Poverty by 2025 and 2030, thus making our World a much more Safe, Secure, Peaceful and Prosperous place to live, work and raise children, than it is today on both Developed and Developing Countries sides.

We have visited the link and observe that the next Consultative Status application deadline is 1 June 2015 for consideration in 2016 Session and approval could take up to 3 sessions that is 2018. The implication is that it could take up to 2018 before our NGO receive required approval to make contribution to SDG work.

Well our view is that Rules are made for Men. Men are not made for Rules. So Rules can be amended and Rules can have Exception. We are not an NGO. We are an Institution with Members who are NGO, Development Cooperation Consulting Firm, Development Research Organization, Development Cooperation Training Organization, Evaluation Consulting Firm, Attitudinal and Behavioral Change Consulting Firm etc. This explains the positive difference you observe in the Sustainable Development Solutions we put on the table. In registering us, if allowed, in an appropriate Major Group, this fact needs to be taken into consideration.

We have taken fresh critical look at the Major Groups and find that Business and Industry Major Group has rejected us, NGO Major Group may reject us but the Global Partnership for achieving Sustainable Development Cluster is within the Sustainable Development Goals Thematic Clusters Group and the High Level Political Forum and Governance for Sustainable Development Major Group may in fact be the more appropriate Major Group for ISPE / EAG to join, if our request for Exemption is granted.

The Big Issue really is, without prejudice to the assessment already undertaken by each of the existing Major Groups Team and those conducted by UN Headquarters and UN Agencies Teams on Final Push to achieve MDGs’ by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Initiatives, we crave your indulgence to create a technical Platform to review the usefulness or otherwise of the SDKP Position Papers 1 – 3 and documents on Development Blog and NEHAP Wiki links that we have provided.

It is our hope that after thorough assessment of the submissions by your Team of experts, you may consider any of the following options:-
        1. If the submission is found to be of some value and capable of reinforcing Final Push to achieve MDGs’ by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda, exception could be made for ISPE / EAG to be admitted into relevant Major Group, in time for good ideas and pertinent suggestions set out in the submissions that are acceptable to relevant UN Authorities, to be included in Interim Global Report that will be presented at 69th General Assembly 16 September 2014. The exception could also include mechanism for accommodation of Consortium Partnership of Service Providers with adequate Hard Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies – Character, Courage and Mindset operating within effective Global Partnership Platform to design and deliver effective Support Services to all relevant World sustainable Development Stakeholders.
        2. If the ISPE / EAG value proposition however presents nothing new or of added value to the Major Groups, UNDESA, UN Headquarters, UN Agencies – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Country Offices, Sub Country Offices and their Partners on both Developed and Developing Countries sides, ISPE / EAG should be told in clear language and advised how best it would channel its energies much more rewardingly.

In undertaking this assessment, please recognize that “either the UN Headquarters and each UN Agency Headquarters deal with what is reality of Natural Hazard and Unnatural Hazard, Natural Disaster and Unnatural Disaster, NHUHNDUD within its respective Vision, Mission and Mandate or UN Headquarters and each UN Agency Headquarters can be sure that the reality of NHUHNDUD is going to deal with UN Headquarters and each UN Agency Headquarters sooner or later. The 69th UN General Assembly taking decision on Interim Global Report that include most of our ideas and suggestions can take our World from Accelerating on Road to Doom with ultimate catastrophe consequences to accelerating on Road to Boom with ultimate Prosperity consequences. The choice is for relevant UN Authorities to make.

Should your assessment lead you to take option 1 and should relevant UN authorities accept your recommendation and grant us exemption, we are glad to make contribution in Service to Humanity,

Yours sincerely,

Lanre Rotimi

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Final Push To Achieve MDGs And Create Sustainable Post-2015 Development Agenda 8

As we race to the UN 69th General Assembly, September 2014 where Interim Results of the discussions, online engagement and research inputs summarised into a Global Report will be presented to Member States, as well as the Public, in form of a High Level side event, it is our hope that the Global Report will better address realities of over 100 Million Poor Nigerians, over 300 Million Poor Africans and over 2 Billion Poor Worldwide.

We urge World Leaders to access the good ideas and pertinent suggestions being generated in ongoing PenState Geodesign Massive Open Online Course, MOOC, particularly those on its Discussion Forum Thread focused on Geodesign How Questions; Thread focused on Human Impact; Thread focused on GIS Technology and Thread focused on Human Security. Please find below recent Post on the Human Security Thread contents of which are self explanatory:-

4 Quotations 

NEPAD embraces every aspect of our life – political, economic, social. The reason is the fact that these are interconnected and interdependent. You cannot want to move forward economically without first of all having the political base for moving forward economically, you cannot want to move forward socially without having the political and economic base to move forward socially. So if you pay attention to one while leaving the other, you will be deceiving yourself.
Nigeria President Obasanjo: in early days of NEPAD in 2002.

..... Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Holy Bible: Philippians 4: 19

Suggested Principles to guide the Structure, Organization and Content of Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Dialogue:-
1  1. No One Individual, Institution or Government has all the answers to all the problems.

   2. Shift away from problems and passing blame and shift towards solutions and  opportunities.

3   3. Shift away from talking and thinking and shift towards action and results.

4. Shift away from acquiring knowledge for knowledge sake and shift towards  acquiring wisdom for solution sake.
      5. Shift away from science advancing academic knowledge and shift towards science advancing corporate productivity.
    6. Shift away from politics of investment and shift towards politics of service
        7. Work together: Benefit together.

Lanre Rotimi, ISPE / EAG

Knowing what we don’t want other people to do to us and Knowing what we should not do to them is what the Bible calls CONSCIENCE. The Conscience is God’s Law written in the heart and the Mind of Man - Men, Women, Youth and Children in both Developed and Developing Countries in our World today. Even if Man doesn’t have the Bible (that is Faithfuls in other Religions – Orthodox or Traditional or profess no Religion – Atheists) he / she has his / her Conscience. The Conscience is the Pagan’s substitute for the Law - the Ten Commandments in Old Testament or Golden Rule in New Testament in Christian Religion. Always remember that in God’s sight, the Conscience has Tremendous Authority. We are to obey it, if we are to make Right Choice between Work against Nature and Perish and Work with Nature and Prosper in each Community – Neighborhood to Global in our World today. 

The Authority of Conscience – Our Conscience: We all Know Right from Wrong.

These 4 Quotations are Food for thought that all Instructors and Participants who accept that that this Geodesign Course Materials and Discussion Forum raise serious Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management Issues of serious business that deserve their serious attention.

Week 2 Lectures and Case Studies underline urgent need to address Geodesign How Questions raised in this Thread and Human Impact issues raised in this Thread. It is a puzzle that this MOOC present Geodesign in a very informative, educative and entertaining way that all Participants who speak out describe as interesting, has up till the time of this Post Instructors and Participants shy away from tackling Geodesign How Questions we have raised in our two Threads. Can anyone tell us why this is the case?

We are concerned that Instructors in a Geodesign Course teaching Change are themselves avoiding or evading tackling Change in the Two Threads. Our Study finding is that addressing real and complex Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management problems on the ground from Neighborhood to Global levels on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions and University Community sides is less of Science and more of Politics; that there is enough Technology, Funding and Manpower available to the over 200 Countries in our World today, if New Sub-national, National and Institutional Order – Political and Cultural; Economic and Financial; Social and Environmental and Religious and Moral could be evolved; that the UN Security Council through the UN 69th General Assembly, September 2014, is the Starting Point and that the Instructors Team, PenState Art and Architecture Department Management and PenState University Management is a Key to ACTIVATING this Starting Point.

Nigeria President Obasanjo made a Call to a Connector who in turn made call to another Connector and this led to clear instruction that made the recently concluded Governorship elections in Osun State Nigeria Credible, Free and fair. Past Presidents / Heads of Government and Serving Presidents / Heads of Government in both Developed and Developing Countries need to make Call to Connectors if the UN 69th General Assembly is to mark turning point in Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation.

It is pertinent to state that US Cities exceeds its bio capacity 4 times; consuming more and more diminishing resources. US Economy is unsustainable given its huge debt profile. US Contemporary Cities may look greener but they have displaced energy sources; food supplies; water sources and waste streams beyond US immediate sensate requirements and these facts are underlined by Weeks 1 and 2 Course Case Studies. Cities in other Developed Countries, Nigeria and other Developing Countries have their own similar problems, the difference is in the degree. This underlines the need for US President Obama, Nigeria President Jonathan, other serving Presidents / Heads of Government; US Past President Clinton, Nigeria Past President Obasanjo, other past Presidents / Heads of Government in US, Nigeria, G8, G20, G77, other UN Member States and remaining Countries in our World today to help make the Connections required to effectively and efficiently tackle Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management problems on the ground in our World today.

Can Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholders on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions, University Community Sides in our World today, be in Self Denial and Self Deception and expect Sustainable Development? God Forbid. Solutions to real and Complex World Political, Economic, Social, Terrorism and related problems exist. If we fail to find these solutions, fully implement them and effectively monitor and evaluate this implementation the fault is in us and not in our Stars and of course, we all have to take responsibility and bear the consequences, ultimately catastrophic, of the choices we make and fail to make. This is Nature in ACTION.

The Main Test of Credibility of the Instructors Team, PenState Art and Architecture Department Management and PenState University Management, is How this PenState Geodesign MOOC help make these required Connections. To Pass this Credibility Test we urge Professor Kelleanne to convince the Instructors Team, who in turn convince the PenState Art and Architecture Department Management who in turn convince PenState University Management to issue a Press Release to the National and International Press endorsing Points made in this Post and attaching the Post unedited.

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group