Saturday, June 21, 2014

War ON Poverty

China, India and Nigeria with populations of 1.3 billion, 1.1 billion and 160 million respectively have the highest population of Poor People in our world today. In relative terms, given that China and India each has over 1.0 billion people, Nigeria with about 160 million people has the highest percentage of poor people (over 112 million, 70%).

Poverty is a Global problem. Given available human, material, financial and technology resources in our world today, there should be no poor person in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, USA and rest of the World.

The world poverty problem cannot be solved without solving Africa poverty problem. Africa poverty problem cannot be solved without solving Nigeria poverty problem. Nigeria poverty problem cannot be solved without tackling the problem of family business and family farming in Nigeria.

Nigeria, Africa and World poverty is the greatest tragedy of our time because Nigeria, Africa and the World is each too rich to be poor and too poor to be rich. To break the vicious poverty circle, there is a need to organize, orientate and discipline people irrespective of age, tribe, race, education, class, gender, religion, political or any other interest, to be the MOVING FORCE Driving the TRANSFORMATION of Society out of the poverty vicious circle, in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, USA and rest of the World.


We read with interest a recent assessment of US President Johnson’s War on Poverty, by a scholar from the University of Virginia. Our view is that there has been some Progress and some Setbacks; that should all relevant Stakeholders agree to shift focus away from Problems and Fixing Blame and shift focus towards Fixing Problems and Practical Solutions, America and indeed the World can Conquer Poverty.
2014 is the 50th Anniversary of President Johnson’s War on Poverty. There is a need for a New Type of assessment of the War on Poverty focusing on what is working and how it can be improved; what is not working and how it can be corrected; where America is now and where America need to be if the War on Poverty is to be Won on successful and sustainable basis, by the 75th Anniversary of President Johnson’s War on Poverty.
In the work towards Ending Hunger and Poverty in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World; there is a need to Fight and WIN 4 Wars from Village to Global levels: War on Poverty, Hunger, Disease and Environmental Degradation (PHDE). In each war there is a need to Fight and WIN 11 Battles: Battle Against Arrogance, Ignorance, Indifference, Incompetence, Indiscipline, Injustice, Intolerance, Inequality, Interference and Impunity (A9IC).


Dr. Hellmut Eggers, German, 86 in July 2014 created Project Cycle Management, PCM Approach to Benefits Focused Evaluation in 1987. 27 years after, had there been increasing convergence between Original PCM Approach Intention and Reality, many of the problems highlighted by Evidence Based Policy Development Network, EBPDN, Members in April 2014 Discussion on How Research Influence Policy will not exist. Today, only Hellmut and Lanre et all at ISPE / EAG are practising Original PCM.

Lanre Rotimi created Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM and Comprehensive Systems Reform, CSR Approach to Benefits Focused National and International Development in 2009. In 2012 Hellmut and Lanre’s Versions of Original PCM were merged into 3PCM Approach to Benefits Focused National and International Development Cooperation.

Within 3PCM Approach, National and International Development Cooperation – Policy, Program, Project Interventions; 3PIs’ are Designed and Delivered as a set of Integrated ACTIONS as One:-
1     1. Consultative Research
2   2. Diagnostic Studies
  3. Prescription
      4. Surgery
5    5. Recovery Management

That is 3PCM Initiative – Design and Delivery of 3PIs’ using (1) – (5) as One and 3PCM Training – Design and Delivery of 3PIs’ using (1) – (5) as One Training are two sides of the same coin. Neither can stand alone.

(1) – (5) are interlinked, interconnected and interdependent. Any 3PI where one or more of the 5 Actions are not undertaken at  minimum certain levels of Effectiveness and Efficiency cannot achieve set Goals and targets at all not to talk of on time. Documents relating to 3PCM Approach, including Generic MAF and Testing MAF available upon request.


We define a Community as a Political Constituency or Geo Political Space from as small as a Neighbourhood of a few Streets to the entire World - Globe. ISPE / EAG has identified Root Problems in Community Economies from Neighbourhood to Global. The particular mix of specific Community Economy problems will vary depending upon its unique circumstances.

The Root Problems are:-

Front End Diseases
1   1. Unemployment
2   2. Underemployment
3   3. Unemployability
4   4. Hunger
5   5. Poverty
6   6. Security
7   7. Opportunity
8   8. Evaluation
9   9. Training
1   10. Research
     11. Consultancy

Back End Diseases
1   1. Leadership
     2. Governance
     3.  Advocacy
     4. Environmental Degradation
     5. Media
     6. Technology
     7. Religion
     8. Rules
     9. Partnership
     10. Practice
     11. Disease
     12. Approach

Opportunistic Disease
1   1. Corruption


ISPE / EAG have identified that flaws and failures implementing Sound Recommendations set out in Study Reports; Conference Reports; Parliamentary Committee Reports; Regulatory Agency Reports, arise from the following Root Problems:-
1   1. Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Approach as Robust as 3PCM Approach.
  2.  Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups Platform as robust as NEHAP Platform
3. Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Service Providers Consortium Partnership as Robust as NEHAP Partnership
4   4. Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups Advocacy as robust as NEHAP Campaigns
5   5. Lack of Movement for Positive Development Change Driving National and Global Collective ACTION as Robust as NEHAP Revolutions.
 6. Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Statutory Regulatory Agencies as Robust as Statutory Regulatory Agencies suggested in NEHAP Initiative. 
7    7. Lack of Neighbourhood to Global Institutional Architecture for all relevant National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups suggested in NEHAP Initiative.


The Solutions to Root Problems are:-
1  1. Correct Consultative Research; Diagnostic Studies; Prescription; Surgery and Recovery Management; CRDPSRM.
      2.  Fight and Win War on PHDE and Battles Against A9IC

War on PHDE and Battles Against A9IC need to be fought and Won in each Community from Neighbourhood to Global where the 25 Root Problems of Community Economies as applicable and the 7 Root Problems of Implementing Study Reports are tackled on successful and sustainable basis.

The War on Poverty in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, USA and rest of the World – War on PHDE and Battles Against A9IC can be WON if relevant stakeholders adopt New Priorities and face New Direction. Positive Change in this regard can start from Citizens and Universities in both Developed and Developing Countries across our World today.

In view of the above, there is a need for all who genuinely believe that Dream of Nigeria, Africa and World without Poverty can be a reality to join like minds in the establishment and operation of a Poverty Elimination Platform focusing the MOVING FORCE towards achieving needed TRANSFORMATION from Village to Global levels in all Countries – Developed and Developing in our World today.


The Poverty Elimination Platform will have 3 categories of Members
 1) Partner Members: Financial Partners – contributing cash or kind, Media Partners, Banking Partners, Transport Partners, Hospitality Partners, Technology Partners, Medical Partners, Legal Partners – contributing services free or concessionary.    
     2) Volunteer Members – contributing Time / Effort; Talent / Skills, Treasure / Money
c   3) Beneficiary Members – enjoying services


We propose the Poverty Elimination Platform start from Nigeria with active presence in communities, all 774 LGAs’, all 36 States and FCT (Federal Capital Territory), 6 Geo Political Zones, National and International levels. Membership is open to Nigerians and Friends of Nigeria within and outside Nigeria.

We propose further that ISPE – International Society for Poverty Elimination, be adopted as the Poverty Elimination Platform.

The ISPE Platform compliments the NEHAP Platform. A Member of ISPE Platform may or may not be a Member of NEHAP Platform and vice versa.


Name: International Society for Poverty Elimination            

Motto: Poverty Elimination: A Worthy Task

Address: 5, Moses Orimolade Avenue
             Ijapo Estate, Akure
             Ondo State, Nigeria
             West Africa.

 Focal Person : Mr. Lanre Rotimi

Vision : A World Without Hunger and Poverty

Mission :
To organize, orientate and discipline people irrespective of age, tribe, race, education, class, gender, religion, political or any other interest, to be the MOVING FORCE Driving the TRANSFORMATION of Society out of the poverty vicious circle, in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, USA and rest of the World.
Philanthropic, Non Profit, Non Religious, Non Political, Non Governmental Organization

Aims and Objectives:
1.     To provide arduous sensitization, orientation of Nigerians for the purpose of transforming Nigerian Society to a better Society.
2.     To promote and protect a Rights Based Approach to delivering Basic Services, Infrastructure Services and Support Services.
3.     To inculcate social techniques and practices for conflict resolution and consensus building in Nigerians.
4.     To sensitize the rural and urban people on the merits of governance and sustainable development etc.

Neighbourhood Chapter, Ward Chapter, Community Chapter, Local Government Chapter, Kingdom Chapter, State Chapter, Zonal Chapter, National Chapter, ECOWAS Chapter, Africa Chapter, Commonwealth Chapter, World. This is the same Structure with NEHAP Platform but the NEHAP Service Providers Consortium Partnership starts from Local Government Chapter.

Operational Segments and Services:
Development; Diplomacy; Defence and Security; Elections and Democracy; Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment; Service Delivery; Procurement; Human Rights; Knowledge and Communication

Basic Services:
Water; Sanitation; Health; Education; Enterprise; Food/Agriculture; Housing; Sports; Entertainment; Clothing / Personal Care
Infrastructure Services:
Electricity; Energy; Telecoms; Transport (Air, Road, Rail, Water);    ICT/Internet

Support Services:
Justice Administration; Tax Administration; Anti Corruption; Anti Poverty;   Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale; Institutional Reform; Campaigns, Coalitions; Revolutions; Platforms

The Segments; Basic Services; Infrastructure Services and Support Services Agenda Items make up the Thematic Areas within which ISPE Platform Members will work. This is the same for NEHAP Platform which is a Consortium Platform for Professionals on NEHAP Initiative Service Providers and Service Users sides.

One Worldwide Approach – 3PCM: Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management including SAF – Standard Assessment Framework, SBF – Standard Budget Framework, SCF – Standard Competencies Framework and LBBF - Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting Bridge Building Framework etc.

   Advocacy; Research; Policy, Program, Project Interventions; Monitoring; Evaluation; Others

If you require some clarification or additional information, please send email to:-

Lanre Rotimi
International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE /
Economic Alliance Group

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