Friday, November 13, 2015

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 13

ISPE       EAG

17 November 2015 UN Security Council Open Debate Working Paper:

Achieving AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Vision and Words with Action Agenda by 2030 – Central Role for UN Security Council

World Leaders endorsed SDG on 25 September 2015 that is Vision and Words without Action. Spirited effort is ongoing at Global level to find answer to SDG How questions – a necessary condition for converting the SDGs into Vision and Words with Action. This effort is at least one year behind. If correct answer to SDG How question is not found on time and in ways that make up for lost time, the probability is high that the Global Goals will not be achieved by 2030 Target date. Allowed to occur in reality, the ultimate consequences could be catastrophic for all stakeholders in our fragile Planet.

The UK Presidency of the UN Security Council is organizing an Open Debate on 17 November 2015 with the aim of enhancing the Council’s understanding of how its work relates to and can better support development, particularly for transitions, and the range of tools at the Council’s disposal for prevention. The Debate will focus on:-
1.      The connections between peace and security and development, in the context of pursuing peaceful societies and supporting the Council’s prevention agenda.
2.      Addressing root causes is equally beneficial and important to conflict prevention as it is to sustainable development.
3.      An effective Council able and ready to act decisively and preventively through efficiently supporting sustainable development needs
4.      Governing the interface between security and development in matters of international peace and security
5.      Addressing  Council Joined-up Approach to working across the security-development spectrum, including whether this could ever amount to joint working towards shared objectives – while remembering that this is not a debate about the Council implementing and or evaluating the SDGs, AAAA, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc.
6.      What more can the Security Council do to promote understanding of the interdependence of peace and development, and the central importance of inclusive institutions, the rule of law, and access to justice to the achievement of both peace and development.
7.      What more the Council should be doing to address a range of issues that can lead to conflict and which stunt and prevent peaceful societies taking root. This includes, in particular, a lack of inclusivity in policies, lack of equal access to services, politics and government, weak and unaccountable institutions, lack of respect for fundamental rights and freedoms. This also has to include how the Council ensures that women and girls are engaged and active in peace settlements as much as they are and should be engaged in gender sensitive development programming. Conflict-sensitive programming and political and conflict analysis is just as important where peace operations are deployed as in UN Country Team settings, especially those operating in post-conflict environments.

The Council accept that some of the roots to conflict stunt development and, welcome, views on how to address (1) – (7).

The Council states clearly that its objective is not development, per se. Rather it is to act to maintain international peace and security; in doing so it reinforces that the peace and security agenda and the development agenda share common aims.

We urge Council to reflect deeper on its intentions for organizing this Open Debate at this time and come to clearer understanding, appreciation and recognition of the inter-linkages, interconnectivity and interdependence between Security and Defence, Development, Diplomacy, Human Rights, Data, Monitoring and Evaluation, Trade, Debts, Service Delivery, Corruption, Aid, Knowledge and Communication, Subsidy, Pricing and Markets and Political Leadership. This is likely to lead to the conclusion that fail in one is fail in all. Therefore the Overarching Objective of the Council can and should be World Sustainable Development not Peace, Security and Development which are just three of the Multiple Components of World Sustainable Development.

In the work to achieve this Overarching Objective through Design and Delivery of World Sustainable Development Strategy, WSDS – AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc as One, the Central Role for which the Council has a Duty and Responsibility of the International Peace and Security Component of the WSDS.

If the UN Security Council, ECOSOC, HLPF, UNGA, GA 6 (12) Committees, G8, G20, G77 + China, EU, AU and equivalent Regional Bodies is to each deliver its quota in the work towards finding correct answer to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21 etc How questions that effectively address International Peace and Security Component, Development, Diplomacy and Data Component and all remaining Components of WSDS, all fundamental issues raised in this Paper and earlier Papers need to be discussed, negotiated and established and as soon as possible. They cannot be left to happen on their own.

Acid Test of Credibility

The Acid Test of Credibility of UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 is How each event help Deliver Sustainable Solutions for effectively and efficiently tackling real and complex:-
1.      Risk Management Root problems
2.      Geodesign Management Root Problems
3.      Other Disciplines Management Root Problems
4.      End Hunger and Poverty by 2025 and 2030 Root problems
5.      Aid Effectiveness and Post 2015 Development Agenda Root problems
6.      Governance and Globalization Working for the World Poor Root problems
7.      Creating Learning Society in over 200 Countries Root problems
8.      Creating Development Change Champions in over 200 Countries Root problems
9.      Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale in over 200 Countries Root Problems
10. Building National and Global Collective Action Driving TRANSFORMATION of Society Root problems
on the ground from Neighbourhood to Global levels facing Individuals, Institutions and Governments (all arms and all tiers in all countries – developed and developing) in our World today.

New Ideas, New Thinking, New Ways of Doing Things

We gave the Concept of Whole of Bank Thinking to World Bank New Public Sector Management, New PSM Vision Team in 2011. Had WBG achieved increasing convergence between New PSM Vision Intention and Reality in the past four years, the Final Push to achieve MDG by 2015 would have achieved much more and the flaws and failures in the Post 2015 Development Agenda including AAAA, SDG and COP21 would have been significantly less.

We are the only Institution that can help WBG to effectively deploy New PSM Vision in Countries where WBG operate. As long as any Institution(s) / Individual(s) that create any idea(s) in any National or Global: Consultative Meeting / Research / Study; Course / Conference / Workshop that WBG accept, are not meaningfully involved in the Implementation of Recommendations arising from such ideas, like Investment Climate Reform, CLEAR, PSM etc such WBG Initiatives will continue to underperform. It regrettable that World Bank New Risk Management, NRM Vision 2014, follow the same old path and so instead of achieving promised new results, it’s the same old Scorecard of underperformance. It is more regrettable that New Geodesign Management, NGM Vision and other Discipline Vision suffer the same malady.

Words of Wisdom

We wish to highlight some Words of Wisdom.
1.      Your Enemy is your Friend – Timarattie – Special Person and Participant WBG Risk Management MOOC 2014
2.      Evil thrive when Good Men / Women sit down looking on
3.      All huge and complex problems become smaller and simple (not simplistic) to tackle, if you don’t dodge, avoid or evade them; if you don’t rationalize; explain or wish away; if you don’t punish, victimize or demonize Advocates of divergent views.
4.      The First Person a Leader must Lead is himself / herself.
5.      He / She who comes to Equity must come with clean hands
6.      A Goldfish has No Hiding Place
7.      Light Always overpower Darkness. Be the Light of the World
8.      UN Family Organization, including WBG, IEG-WBG, IMF; Commonwealth, G20, G77 + China, EU need to Individually and Jointly Build Neighbourhood to Global Assembly of Champions – True Development Change Champions: who are Good Geniuses; Genuine and Committed – Grassroots and Advance Professionals; Trained and Retrained Anti Poverty Fighters
9.      When a Man / Woman’s ways please God, HE makes even his Enemies to be at Peace with him / her
10. When you point One accusing finger, Four fingers are pointing back at you
11. First take out the LOG in your eye so that you can see clearly to take out the speck in another persons’ eye. The speck in the others eye is from the LOG in your eye.
12. How can you claim to LOVE God who you do not see, when you do not LOVE Man / Woman who you see.

Natural Disaster, Natural Hazards, Unnatural Disaster and Unnatural Hazards, NHNDUHUD

The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, UNISDR say that “There is no such thing as “Natural Disaster”, only “Natural Hazards” and that Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR aims to reduce the damage caused by Natural Hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through an “Ethic of Prevention”.

Disaster Risk Reduction, DRR aims to reduce the damage caused by Natural Hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones through the ethic of prevention. We wish to add to this list desertification and humans. Just as Humans are the most valuable resource of any Organization or Country, Humans are also the most dangerous Hazards in any Organization or Country. Our view is that Natural Hazards cause Natural Disasters; that Organizations or Countries that effectively manage their Humans perform better at Disaster Risk Reduction, DRR and Organizations or Countries that Undermanage or Mismanage their Humans will perform poorer at DRR.

Organizations or Countries that are High Fliers in DRR need to give more support to Organizations or Countries that are lagging behind meeting minimum Global DRR Standards because our Global Village is more interconnected, interlinked and interdependent than ever before such that DRR shortcomings in Lagging Organizations or Countries could have catastrophe consequences for High Flier Organizations or Countries.

Of course, having Great potential and Actualizing this Great potential are two very different things. The former is meaningless without the later. The later depends on Choice made by all Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) who accept UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 and if the number of Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) that freely make Right Choice are in sufficient numbers to Catalyze needed Change from Village to Global levels as well as in each Community in each Local Government in each of 193 Member States.

How can we best understand and respond to the Threats Natural Hazards – earthquakes, floods, desertification, droughts, cyclones and humans pose to Human Safety and well being? 20 years after the Concept of Human Security was first put forward in UNDP 1994 Human Development Report, what is the Scorecard of UN Agencies, Developed Countries, Developing Countries and Partners – Neighbourhood to Global Implementing Human Security? Is Human Security a problem only for people in Developing Countries and Post Conflict Countries or problems also for the most wealthy and industrialised Countries as Hurricane Katrina and Japan Tsunami show?

Can these fundamental issues be effectively addressed without simultaneously addressing fundamental issues within NRM Vision, NGM Vision and related Visions identified by ISPE / EAG as One Integrated Vision? With One year to go for MDG and UNSIDR Hyogo Framework of Action, what can be gained pursuing NRM and NGM as 2 sides of the same coin within the One Integrated Vision in the work towards achieving Final Push to achieve MDGs’ by 2015 and Post 2015 Development Agenda Ambitions?

Our Study finding is that addressing real and complex Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management problems on the ground from Neighborhood to Global levels on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions and University Community sides is less of Science and more of Politics; that there is enough Resources: Influence, Science, Technology, Innovation, Art, Funding, Manpower, Spiritual, Land and Water available to the over 200 Countries in our World today, if New Sub-national, National and Institutional Order – Political and Cultural; Economic and Financial; Social and Environmental; Peace and Security, and Religious and Moral could be evolved; that the UN Security Council through the UN 70th General Assembly, UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 is individually and collectively the Starting Point and UK Presidency of UN Security Council and ECOSOC President is each Key to ACTIVATING this Starting Point.

We urge World Leaders and Global Citizens to recognize that dealing with fundamental issues of World Sustainable Development, of which Security, Peace and Development are essential Components, is a FAITH Based undertaken that cannot be pursued for Sustainable Success without Optimism, sometimes at huge level even in the face of bleak realities.

The effort to tackle Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management problems on the ground in our World today would be at least double the effort required to achieve success in the last two successful world movements – movement against slavery and movement against apartheid and it is not beyond Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholders in our World today to Mobilize this Effort.

It is in the Common Interest, Common Future and Common Humanity of all Citizens in Developed and Developing Countries to help RESCUE our Fragile Planet through helping to ensure the Effort Delivers World Sustainable Development in way that effectively address NHNDUHUD real and complex problems on the ground in 193 Member States to achieve AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc Vision ambitions by 2030 Target date in each Community, in each Local Government in 193 Member States.

4 Quotations


NEPAD embraces every aspect of our life – political, economic, social. The reason is the fact that these are interconnected and interdependent. You cannot want to move forward economically without first of all having the political base for moving forward economically, you cannot want to move forward socially without having the political and economic base to move forward socially. So if you pay attention to one while leaving the other, you will be deceiving yourself.

Nigeria President Obasanjo: in early days of NEPAD in 2002.


..... Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Holy Bible: Philippians 4: 19


Suggested Principles to guide the Structure, Organization and Content of Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Dialogue:-
1.      No One Individual, Institution or Government has all the answers to all the problems.
2.      Shift away from problems and passing blame and shift towards solutions and opportunities.
3.      Shift away from talking and thinking and shift towards action and accomplishment.
4.      Shift away from acquiring knowledge for knowledge sake and shift towards acquiring wisdom for solution sake.
5.      Shift away from science advancing academic knowledge and shift towards science advancing corporate productivity.
6.      Shift away from politics of investment and shift towards politics of service
7.      Work together: Benefit together.

Lanre Rotimi, ISPE / EAG


Knowing what we don’t want other people to do to us and Knowing what we should not do to them is what the Bible calls CONSCIENCE. The Conscience is God’s Law written in the heart and the Mind of Man - Men, Women, Youth and Children in both Developed and Developing Countries in our World today. Even if Man doesn’t have the Bible (that is Faithfuls in other Religions – Orthodox or Traditional or profess no Religion – Atheists) he / she has his / her Conscience. The Conscience is the Pagan’s substitute for the Law - the Ten Commandments in Old Testament or Golden Rule in New Testament in Christian Religion. Always remember that in God’s sight, the Conscience has Tremendous Authority. We are to obey it, if we are to make Right Choice between Work against Nature and Perish and Work with Nature and Prosper in each Community – Neighborhood to Global in our World today. 

The Authority of Conscience – Our Conscience: We all Know Right from Wrong.

These 4 Quotations are Food for thought that all Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) who accept UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 can and should raise serious Natural and Unnatural Hazards and Natural and Unnatural Disasters Management Issues of serious business that deserve their serious attention.

Finding Correct Answers to How Questions

We agree that finding answers to New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management / other Discipline Management How questions is tough. However, is this not the Heart of New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management / other Discipline Management? Our study finding is that answers to How questions make or break Design and Delivery of New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management / other Discipline Management Concept in any Community / Constituency in each of the 193 Member States.
We perceive reluctance to tackle How Questions arise from New Geodesign Management / Risk Management / New Public Sector Management / other Discipline Management language that currently exclude Common Agreement / Common Definition on taxonomy e.g. Is New Geodesign / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management etc an Intervention, Instrument or Approach?

If Intervention – What are the Instruments and what is the Approach deployed to plan, implement, evaluate New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management etc  Policy, Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs’?

If Instrument – What is the Approach within which New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management etc  3PIs’ are planned, implemented and evaluated?

If Approach – What are the clear Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database within which New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management etc  3PIs’ are planned, implemented and evaluated?

It is pertinent to note that New Risk Management, NRM Vision and the NGM Vision are essentially 2 sides of the same coin. While NRM addressed the Economic Dimension of NHNDUHUD the NGM addresses the Environmental Dimension of NHNDUHUD. NRM and NGM on their own, are insufficient, to achieve World Sustainable Development Vision. They  both need to be complimented by other Visions e.g. World Bank: New Public Sector Management, PSM Vision; Centre for Learning in Evaluation and Results, CLEAR Vision; Investment Climate Reform, ICR Vision; ISPE / EAG: Communication for Behavioural Impact / Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale, COMBI / CABS Vision; Value Chain Management, VCD Vision; UN FAO: Management Assessment Centre, MAC Vision etc – within One Overall Vision: New End Hunger and Poverty, NEHAP whose Design and delivery has One Worldwide Approach: Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM Driven by One Global Platform with Master Multi Stakeholder Platform, MSP numerous MSPs, numerous Communities of Practice, COPs etc for achieving World Sustainable Development  Vision in each of the 193 Member States. The NEHAP Platform is probably the most “All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious” Platform using “One Worldwide Approach” and speaking 6 UN Official Languages, available anywhere in our World today.

Good Thinking: Good Product

The work towards Achieving World Sustainable Development Vision in each Community in each Local Government, in each of 193 Member States Demand Good Thinking to Deliver Good Product. Our Study finding is that Four Types of Thinking will be involved. Spatial Thinking, Critical Thinking, Systems Thinking and Reflective Thinking, none of which can stand alone but need to complement each other by if each Type of Thinking is to help achieve increasing convergence between Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Vision Intention and Reality on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions and Partners sides.

Should Spatial Thinking or Organized Relationships Thinking focus on Planning Side (Planning, Research and Statistics); Systems Thinking or Problem Solving Thinking focus on Implementation Side; Reflective Thinking or Value Judgement Thinking focus on Evaluation Side (Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment) and Critical Thinking or Organized Learning Thinking focus on Results Side (Learning, Results and Progress) then Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) in UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, Practicing the Art and Science of the 4 Types of Thinking in their Day to Day work can contribute much more to help concerned Stakeholders from Neighbourhood to Global levels achieve the New World Sustainable Development Vision that is AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc Visions Ambitions on successful basis under WIN-WIN arrangement delivering Sustainable Benefits to ALL Village to Global Stakeholders in each Community in each of 193 Member States.

As long as the 4 types of Thinking are not embraced and practiced, it will be difficult to find answers to New Geodesign Management / New Risk Management / New Public Sector Management etc How questions without which answers to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc How questions cannot be found without which answers to UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, How questions cannot be found.

The point we are making is that without World Leaders and Global Citizens getting support from those who demonstrate required levels of Know How, it will be especially difficult to find and implement the correct answers to Security, Peace, Development, Defence, Diplomacy, Data, Human Rights, Trade, Aide, Corruption, Debts, Poverty, Hunger, Unemployment, Underemployment, Unemployability, Governance, Political Leadership etc How questions as well as effectively monitor and evaluate implementation of the correct answers in ways that help achieve Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Vision Goals and Targets on successful and sustainable basis and in schedule time.

Cities and Leaders – Filling the Gaps

It is pertinent to state that US Cities exceeds its bio capacity 4 times; consuming more and more diminishing resources. US Economy is unsustainable given its huge debt profile. US Contemporary Cities may look greener but they have displaced energy sources; food supplies; water sources and waste streams beyond US immediate sensate requirements and these facts are underlined by several Case Studies.

Cities in UK, other Developed Countries, Nigeria and other Developing Countries have their own similar problems, the difference is in the degree. This underlines the need for US President Obama, UK Prime Minister Cameron, Nigeria President Buhari, other serving Presidents / Heads of Government; US Past President Clinton, US Past President Bush, UK Past Prime Minister Blair, UK Past Prime Minister Brown, Nigeria Past President Obasanjo, Niger Past President Jonathan, other Past Presidents / Heads of Government in US, UK, Nigeria, Africa, Europe, Commonwealth, G8, G20, G77, that is 193 UN Member States and remaining Countries in our World today to help in Filling the Gaps and making the Connections required to effectively and efficiently tackle Natural Hazards, Natural Disasters, Unnatural Hazards and Unnatural Disasters Management problems on the ground in our World today.

Can Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholders on Developed Countries, Developing Countries, International Institutions, University Community Sides in our World today, be in Self Denial, Self Deception and Self Delusion and expect True Development for Sustainable Solutions to Europe Crisis, Africa Crisis and World Crisis? God Forbid.

AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21, UNSDS 2015 Outcome, ECOSOC Retreat 2 2015 Outcome, UN Security Council Open Debate Outcome etc Sustainable Solutions to real and Complex World Political, Economic, Social, Terrorism, Corruption, Trade, Aid, Debts and related problems exist.

If we – World Leaders and Global Citizens fail to find these sustainable solutions, fully implement them and effectively monitor and evaluate this implementation from Village to Global levels, that is in each Community, in each Local Government, in each of the 193 UN Member States and each Non UN Member States in our World as is today, the fault is in us – Leaders and Followers on both Developed and Developing Countries sides and not in our Stars and of course, we all have to take responsibility and bear the consequences, ultimately catastrophic, of the choices we make and fail to make. This is Nature in ACTION.

The UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 can individually and collectively help focus Global Collective Action towards the sustainable solutions to all identified NHNDUHUD root problems on the ground from village to global levels in each Community in each Local Government in each of 193 UN Member States and Non UN Member States in our World today.

Paradigm Shifts

All who genuinely desire to help Change Your / Our World need to JOINTLY with other Village to Global Stakeholders focus sub-national, National and Global Collective ACTION on Policy Coherence, Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation for Sustainable Development in deploying Computation to address Complexity. This underline need to address points made on this and earlier Papers and in ways that promote and protect:-
1.      Shift away from overly technical and insufficient political approaches and shift towards approaches that tackle the inner politics of development in ways that effectively bridge gap between thinking and working politically.
2.      Shift away from explaining why Development Change can’t happen and shift towards understanding how positive Development Change can happen.
3.      Shift away from endless competition, constraints and conflicts among individuals, organizations and governments seeking Sub-national / National / International  Development Cooperation and shift towards constructive engagement and professional dialogue promoting and protecting the real stuff of Politics for Sustainable Development – deliberation over distribution and values; striking mutually beneficial and proportional rewarding deals; building, maintenance and transformation of networks, coalitions, partnerships, institutions, governments and societies; operation of power for Sustainable Development of Community from Neighborhood to Global levels.
4.      Shift away from current approach where Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Village to Global stakeholders do not understand each others’ language and shift towards a New One Worldwide Approach where Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholders understand one another’s language.
5.      Policy, Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs’ and 3PIs’ Training as One in (1) – (4) Design and Delivery should promote and protect Politics Shape Service and Service Shape Politics Concept.
6.      3PIs’ and 3PIs Training as One in (5) should promote and protect Transparency, Accountability and Citizens / Stakeholders Participation: Learning through Positive Collaboration Concept.

To make these paradigm shifts successful and sustainable, Developed Countries Governments; Developing Countries Governments; International Institutions; Traditional Institutions, Religious Institutions,  Academic Community; Media Community and Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Partners need:-
1.      Incentive Structures established
2.      Sanctions Structures established
3.      Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale Structures established
4.      Administrative Barriers to more flexible Joint Country Programming Frameworks removed
5.      Staffing Issues: Competencies Sets – Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage and Mindset addressed
6.      Resources: Influence, Science, Technology, Innovation, Art, Fund, Manpower, Spiritual, Land and Water provided.
7.      Appetite: Interest – Political, Economic, Social, Cultural etc met
8.      Maneuvers amidst Constraints: identify where is the room for maneuver or how it can be created to make support of Development Reform possible

If you – World Leader, Decision Maker or Commissioning Manager; are not in Denial, Deception or Delusion; if you are genuinely interested in Integrated: Geodesign, Risk Management, Public Sector Management and related Disciplines Approach that Optimizes Development Impact and Development Effectiveness as you work with others and know that you can’t do it alone, as you work to help Configure Your / Our World to help Change Your / Our World, please consider and take positive ACTION on points made in this and earlier Papers as we – Village to Global Stakeholders all work together to tackle NHNDUHUD and in ways that help lift over 4 Billion Poor on both Developed and Developing Countries above Hunger and Poverty.

Alignment and Harmonization

The Good News is that: should enough Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) in UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, Jointly agree to share their perspectives on the Geodesign Management, Risk Management and related Disciplines Dimension each is interested in and Build Consensus Aligning and Harmonizing the various Geodesign Management, Risk Management and related Disciplines Dimensions on the table, UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 can individually and collectively come up with a New Geodesign Management, NGM Vision; New Risk Management, NRM Vision, New Public Sector Management, New PSM Vision and related Discipline Visions that could resonate positively with all Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholders on Developed Countries Governments; Developing Countries Governments; International Institutions; University Communities; Media Communities and Partners sides, from Village to Global levels, in each of 193 Member States and Non UN Member States, that effectively and efficiently address all Natural Hazards and Unnatural Hazards, Natural Disasters and Unnatural Disasters, NHNDUHUD Management problems on the ground in our world as is and not as any Stakeholder, no matter how powerful, wish it to be.

Big Issue

This Big Issue is can Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) in UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, MUSTER the WILLINGNESS and ABILITY to move from Geodesign, Risk Management, Public Sector Management and related Disciplines Old Normal to Geodesign, Risk Management, Public Sector Management and related Disciplines New Normal? Are you – Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) in UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, part of Geodesign, Risk Management, Public Sector Management and related Disciplines Problems in Old Normal or part of Geodesign, Risk Management, Public Sector Management and related Disciplines Solutions in New Normal?

70th UNGA: Call to Service?

We have raised serious issues of serious business deserving the serious attention of those Panellists, Delegates, Participants (Physical or Virtual) in UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015, who genuinely desire to make positive contribution towards helping to Configure Your / Our World to help Change Your / Our World in ways that help find, implement, monitor and evaluate the implementation of practical sustainable solutions to real and complex world political, economic, social, terrorism, corruption, trade, aid, debts and related problems on the ground on Developed Countries Governments, Developing Countries Governments, International Institutions, Academic Community, Media Community and Partners sides in our World today as is and not as any Stakeholder wish it to be.

The UN 70th General Assembly is saddled with responsibility for moving forward implementation and evaluation of AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 and in ways that promote and protect UN Family Organization, including WBG, IEG-WBG, IMF Entities including UN Security Council, HLPF, ECOSOC and GA 6 (12) Committees. Past effort aimed at finding answer to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc How questions including UNSDS 2015 and ECOSOC Retreat 2 did not answer How questions at all.  Will the 70th UNGA fail in Call to Service and let down over 4 Billion Poor that the UN should be serving?

These Initiatives in working HARDER only to keep answering What and Why questions, ensure that flaws and failures in AAAA, SDG, COP21 etc processes remain reoccurring decimals. It is therefore not surprising that response to latest Global Consultation on answer to SDG How questions (contributions close 15 November 2015) that would produce Synthesis Report that the UN Secretary General will submit in December 2015 continue to repeat the same error. There is no better time than now for 70th UNGA to ensure that correct answer to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc How questions are found, fully implemented with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation.

Should the Organizers fail to restructure UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 to correct this error, the probability is low that AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 Vision ambitions will be achieved by Global Goals 2030 Target date. Should this occur in reality, the ultimate consequences for stakeholders in our fragile planet particularly the over 4 Billion Poor on both Developed and Developing Countries sides could be catastrophic.

Working Together To Benefit Together

To help ensure World Leaders deliver on promise to achieve SDGs’ by 2030, we suggest  UN Security Council, UNGA, GA 6 (12) Committees, HLPF and ECOSOC persuade and if necessary Pressure relevant UN and Non UN authorities to jointly focus on correct answer to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome, Agenda 21 etc How questions, through taking the following specific action steps:-
1.      Endorse the Papers, Policy Briefings and Articles and request UNDESA or UNNGLS to circulate the endorsed Papers, Policy Briefings and articles to all World Leaders, 193 Member States and other AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 etc Stakeholders.
2.      Underline need for Integrated Sustainable Solutions – Political Solutions, Cultural Solutions, Economic Solutions, Financial Solutions, Social Solutions, Environment Solutions, Peace Solutions, Security Solutions, Religious Solutions and Moral Solutions; to Design and Delivery of each Action Agenda Item in AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21 etc applicable to specific Village to Global location context in each of the 193 Member States and Non UN Member States.
3.      Urge all World Leaders, 193 member States and other AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21 etc Village to Global Stakeholders to recognize that Political Solutions is Master Key to unlocking remaining 9 Integrated Sustainable Solutions.
4.      Endorse each Entity pass resolution calling on each of the 193 Member States to adopt recommendations in the Papers, Policy Briefings and Articles and go further to establish immediately National Integrated Economic Reform Program, NIEReP for the implementation and evaluation of domesticated AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21 etc Vision and Words with Action, aligned with National Development Plan through National Reform Bureau working with Reform Implementation Unit in each Ministry, Department and Agency in each of the 193 Member States, whose activities are coordinated by Steering Committee on Reform and National Council on Reform within complimentary Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global Master Multi Stakeholder Partnership Platforms.

If SDG, AAAA, COP21 Outcome Document etc Vision Ambitions are to be achieved and on schedule date, Village to Global Stakeholders need to Work Together to Benefit Together.


The international community may have reached a point where it is necessary to acknowledge the elements and approaches that failed in previous development exercises. Likewise it needs to recognize the approaches that succeeded and are sustainable. Little Singapore at one end of the spectrum and large China at the other end offer examples of success. But what succeeded in one place may not necessarily work elsewhere.
While it is expected that developing countries themselves will raise some of the necessary funding, including through the building of strong institutions, better taxation, reduction of corruption and stemming the illicit outflow of funds, these measures will not necessarily produce significant results in the short term
The enormous cost of meeting the SDG 17 goals – a key part of achieving UN Security Council International Peace and Security Mandate, has not begun to be fully absorbed yet. Even if the world will eventually pat itself on the back for achieving some of the goals by 2030, the cost of reaching them is simply mind boggling.
Rough calculations made by the intergovernmental committee of experts on sustainable development financing have put the cost of providing a social safety net to eradicate extreme poverty at 66 billion dollars a year, while annual investments to improve infrastructure (water, agriculture, transport, power) could be up to 7.0 trillion dollars globally.
How will the UN convince rich nations and the world’s multinational corporations to help raise the necessary trillions to reach those global goals, including the eradication of poverty and hunger by 2030? Why are Powerful Countries seeking to avoid or evade the questions- Who Pays for What? And Who Does What and at What Time? Can How questions be answered without addressing these relevant What questions that have been avoided or evaded up till now?
According to the UN, there is at least one “hidden source” for development funding, primarily for the world’s most impoverished continent: capturing the illicit financial outflows from Africa, estimated at over 50 billion dollars annually.
James Zhan, Director of Investment and Enterprise at the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), told delegates that tackling illicit financial flows was essential for Africa to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The estimated resources leaving Africa in the form of illicit financial transfers, he pointed out, was nearly 530 billion dollars between 2002 and 2012.
“That was a huge cost for the continent’s development as those resources could have been invested into Africa’s economic development and structural transformation.”
He said illicit financial flows undermined institutions, drained the state of much needed economic resources, reduced the development resource base and led to higher domestic tax burdens to fill the resource gap.
The 17 SDGs also include quality education, improved health care, gender equality, sustainable energy, protection of the environment and global partnership for sustainable development.
According to Bhumika Muchhala, Senior Policy Researcher, Finance and Development Programme, at the Third World Network (TWN), there are the three key causes of illicit financial outflows - commercial tax evasion, criminal activity and government corruption.
She said tax evasion and avoidance, as well as transfer mispricing (trade mis-invoicing) practices of multinational corporations (particularly in the extractives sector), constitute the leading problem, along with money laundering practices and criminal activity such as trafficking in drugs and labour.
As many social movements, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), academics and policymakers point out, this does not happen by accident, she said.
Many Developed Countries, including UK, US, France, Germany and Russia and their institutions actively facilitate, and reap enormous profits from, the theft of massive amounts of money from developing countries, particularly African Countries including Nigeria.
“This undoes decades of economic development and sabotages the chances of future generations to grow beyond the need for economic aid,” she added.
Following an investigation last year, a High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa had concluded that combating such flows was no longer a choice; it had become an imperative.
The Panel, established by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), called upon the African Union (AU) to engage with its partner institutions to elaborate on a global governance framework to determine the “conditions under which assets are frozen, managed and repatriated.”
Ambassador Oh Joon of South Korea, President of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), told delegates at a UN panel discussion last month that Africa, like other regions, would have to mobilize resources from within the continent.
And the illicit outflows of finance represented an important loss of foreign exchange reserves, an erosion of legal tax base and bygone investment opportunities from natural resource rents, he added.
With an estimated 50 billion dollars per year in illicit financial flows, the effectiveness of domestic resource mobilization would be significantly curtailed if such illicit flows continued, he argued.
Addressing the high level segment of the General Assembly in September, the President of Senegal, Macky Sall, said illicit financial flows from Africa virtually exceeded official development assistance (ODA) to the continent (which amounts about 50 to 55 billion dollars annually).
“If 17 per cent of those assets were recovered, African countries could pay off their entire debts and finance their own development.” UNCTAD’s Zhan said Africa was the only region where illicit financial flows reached about 5 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP). He urged transparency and accountability through the strengthening of civil society and called for the promotion of institutional reforms and the creation of anti-corruption commissions. He said African governments had a big responsibility to tackle the problem but so did the international community.
But African countries could not do it alone. Multinational companies and foreign direct investment (FDI) were also an important part of the solution. United Nations agencies such as UNCTAD could offer advice to African governments to design investment policies and handle tax avoidance and illicit practices by multinationals, Zhan said.
Muchhala said while many organisations highlight the urgent need for reforms in information-sharing and transparency policies in the European Union and the United States, the Tax Justice Network, a key social movement comprised of various NGOs, has been stressing the need to counter tax evasion and tax avoidance.
To this extent, an advocacy campaign to establish a UN global tax body, with the universal membership of the UN, was carried out during the 2014-2015 negotiations for the third Financing for Development (FfD) conference. The conference, held in Addis Ababa in July 2015, failed to garner consensus for a global tax body due to the resistance of developed countries.
While this is a major disappointment, she said, the push for a global tax body by both developing countries and global social movements, will persist both inside and outside the UN. It is in Common Interest, Common Future and Common Humanity for US, UK and other Developed Countries to effectively support Nigeria, African and other Developed Countries to remove this huge disappointment. It is our hope that the outcome of UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015 will make significant progress in this regard.
Yes Billions of Dollars have been contributed / pledged thus far. But this is less than US$ 100 Billion and what is required is over US$7 Trillion per year for 15 years. Filling this Funding Gap is a Major Challenge that requires Innovation and Creativity for Design and delivery of required Political and Cultural, Economic and Financial; Social and Environmental; Peace and Security, Religious and Moral Solutions in each Community, in each Local Government in each of 193 Member States and non Member States in our World as is today.
It is pertinent to note that the UN itself is underfunded. With Budget of US$70 Billion that is about half New York State Budget, clearly much more needs to be done to better fund the UN if it is to be fit for the 21st Century.
New World Governance Indicators
A situation where Corrupt Leaders in Nigeria and other Developing Countries are Demonized while their Comrades in Crime in Developed Countries go free – (less those whose case come to the Public Arena who are then made scape goats to give the impression that Corruption is not tolerated in Developed Countries) must stop.
It must be recognized that while Nigeria and other Developing Countries are top on the Bribe Takers Index, it is UK, US, France, Germany, Russia and other Developed Countries that are top on the Bribe Givers Index. It must also the recognized that current World Governance Index including the Top Ones prepared by WBG and Transparency International are themselves Corrupt. New World Governance Index that is Scientific and Objectively Validated; that address all 17 Commonly Occurring Forms of Corruption in the same Index for all 193 Member States is required to support work towards achieving the SDG in all 193 Member States.


Do NGO Major Group Leaders, World Leaders, UNDESA, EOSG, UNGA, GA 6 (120 Committees, UN Security Council, ECOSOC, HLPF and Partners recognize that correct answer to all AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21, FAO Conference on Hunger and Poverty Action Plan, 2005 World Summit Outcome etc How questions lie in the DOING? And that without immediately:-
1.      Appointing Reform Adviser and Global Coordinating Consultant on AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, 2005 World Summit Outcome, 1995 FAO Conference on Hunger and Poverty Action Plan etc Policy Coherence, Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, P4CSD to UNGA, UN Security Council, GA Committees, ECOSOC and HLPF and Partners
2.      Selecting One Worldwide Approach
3.      Establishing Mater Multi Stakeholder Platform, MSP and MSPs for each Action Agenda item Village to Global, VtG
4.      Establishing Multidisciplinary Professionals Community of Practice on Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability as VtG Platform for all relevant existing and new Disciplines
5.      Addressing issues of Trust, Silos, Honesty, Thinking, Solidarity, Attitude, Behavior, Communication etc VtG
6.      Connecting each Community in each Local Government in each of the 193 Member States to UN Headquarters New York
7.      Establishing VtG Mechanism for Correct Diagnosis, Prescription, Surgery and Recovery Management
8.      Establishing VtG Policy, Program, Project Interventions, 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One
9.      Establishing VtG Mechanism for Ownership, Harmony, Alignment, Accountability, Transparency, Transformation, Leadership, Learning, Results and Participation (Citizens and Stakeholders), OH2A2T2LRP
10. Establishing VtG Mechanism for Policy Coherence, Coordination, Collaboration and Cooperation for Sustainable Development, P4CSD
11. Establishing VtG Mechanism for Master Collaborative Research Support Program, CRSP for each Action Agenda Item

It will be uphill task achieving increasing convergence between AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, Agenda 21, 2005 World Summit Outcome, 1995 FAO Conference on Hunger and Poverty Action Plan etc Vision Intention and Reality. If these Visions are not achieved by 2030 Target date, the ultimate consequences for our Fragile Planet could be catastrophic. To avoid this, Village to Global Stakeholders in each of 193 Member States and Non UN Member States need to consider facing new direction and adopting new priorities and without delay.

The answer to AAAA, SDG, Agenda 21, COP21 Outcome Document, 2005 World Summit Outcome, 1995 FAO Conference on Hunger and Poverty Action Plan, Synthesis Report, Data Revolution Report etc How questions is in the Doing with focus on Action and Accomplishment and not in the Saying with focus on Talking and Thinking.

Re-structuring UN Security Council Open Debate

The UN Security Council Open Debate is structured to have Four Briefers including the UN Secretary General, World Bank Representative, Chair Peacebuilding Commission and a Noble Peace Prize Laurate. Each of the Four briefers will speak for 10 minutes. Council Members will speak for 5 minutes and Non Council Members for 4 minutes.

The probability is high that this will produce Business as Usual with Briefers and Contributors focusing on What and Why questions instead of How questions the Debate has been organized to address. To avoid this, we suggest:
1.      The Panel is expanded to 6 – UN Secretary General, WBG President, IMF Managing Director, Chair Peacebuilding Commission, Nobel Peace Prize Laurate and Noble Economics Prize Laurate.
2.      The event be restructured to be an Interactive Meeting with focus on Questions, Answers, Comments and Suggestions addressing all fundamental issues raised in this Paper.
3.      The event allow for Virtual Participation through WBG Live Chat Platform and Google Hangout Platform
4.      All UN, DFID and USAID Country Offices are instructed to mobilize Local Participation in the event.
5.      The Panellists will answer all questions put to them. Participants can ask follow up questions or make comments and suggestions that help enrich or clarify answers provided by Panellists. Participants can articulate their own thoughts on solutions to any of the How questions through comments and suggestions.
6.      As much as Possible the Council Members will be listeners, taking notes. Where necessary specific question(s) may be asked that help enrich or clarify answers, comments or suggestions. No Council Member is expected to make comments or suggestions. All such contributions from Council Members will be processed into the Interactive Meeting Outcome Document.

Please find link to 2 WBG Live Chat Events we participated in 2014.

Had WBG authorities taken positive action on the Live Chat Outcome Document, if any was prepared, the WBG contribution to AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21 in the past year could have been much more significant.

Many of the points made by Lanre in the Mind Society Behaviour Live Chat were not posted and many that were posted during the Live Chat have not been posted in the archive Chat. This ought not to be so.


The UK is the only Country in the World that is Member EU, G8, G20, Commonwealth and UN. The UK Presidency of the UN Security Council offers unique opportunity for the UK to deploy this Strength in the Common Interest and Common Future of UK, EU, G8, G20, Commonwealth and UN.

The Concept Note for the 17 November 2015, UN Security Council Open Debate is very rich. We have in this Paper enriched it even more. Points made in the Paper are reinforced by Points made in the Series on Achieving AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Vision and Words with Action Agenda by 2030 in 193 Member States, currently at Part 7 and earlier Papers by International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group. ISPE / EAG.

There is urgent need to Reform the UN Family Organization to be fit for the 21st Century and to consistently Deliver as One. Sustainable Solutions to Europe Crisis, Africa Crisis and World Crisis can and should be a Key Outcome of UN Security Council Open Debate 17 November 2015,  ECOSOC President Retreat 21 – 22 November 2015, G20 Turkey 15 – 16 November 2015 and CHOGOM Malta 27 – 27 November 2015. But this cannot happen on its own. It can only happen if those with the Know How are given a Place to Stand that help them to effectively support the UN Security Council, UNGA, GA Committees, HLPF, ECOSOC, WBG, IMF, G8, G20, Commonwealth, G77+ China and Partners from Village to Global Levels in 193 Member States and Non UN Member States in our World today.

It is our hope that Bright Prospects of Success will not be squandered.  We are willing to offer a more detailed information / clarification as required by NGO Major Group, UN Security Council, ECOSOC, HLPF, UNGA, GA Committees and or other relevant UN Authority as well as any of the 193 Member States.

Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group
5, Moses Orimolade Avenue,
Ijapo Estate, Akure,  Ondo State,
M: +234-8162469805

Email:                                              13 November 2015.

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