Thursday, April 12, 2018

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 48

ISPE       EAG

Thoughts on Priorities and Direction Reforming WBG and WBG-IEG as One; as International Development Finance Institution Fit for the 21st Century to Better Support other UN System: UNO, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities; 193/306 UN Member States Entities; their National and International Partners to Deliver Stronger, Safer and Happier World through Delivery on SDG Pledge by end 2030 Target date in all 193/306 UN Member States.


Our World is too rich to be poor and too poor to be rich. Poverty on such a scale demand forceful response. The Global Agendas agreed by World Leaders in 2015 – AAAA, SDG and COP21 (and Agenda 21) together make up the 2030 Transformation Agenda. The SDG is the overarching 2030 Transformation Agenda. The AAAA is essentially the Development Finance Dimension of SDG and COP21 (and Agenda 21) is essentially Environmental Sustainability Dimension of SDG. The SDG is intended to be the forceful response to World Poverty and achieved in all 193/306 UN member States could make required difference.

The SDG has been Designed to be an All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Agenda. All the 17 Goals of the SDG are indivisible and the SDG affects all North and South Countries in our World today. However, the SDG does not have complimentary All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Implementation and Evaluation Agenda. This is omission that needs to be corrected very quickly, if the SDG Vision is to be Delivered, that is, achieved by all Peoples, in all Countries – 193/306 UN Member States by end 2030 target date.

Reinvigorating SDG Vision Worldwide – The Big Issues

1.      Political Will without Enlightenment, Sensitization Awareness and Education throughout each of the 193/306 UN Member States goes to or amount to No Issue. Each of 193/306 UN Member States Governments at all levels – Executive, Legislature and Judiciary Entities Individually and Jointly need to jointly Mobilize the required levels of Political Will to be Pro Intellectual; to have Right Mindset required to Drive required Systems, Structures, Policies, Procedures, Communication, Cooperatives, Rules and Cultures Changes at Sub-national National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global levels and to be willing to clean the Augean Stable.
2.      National Security and National Economic Well Being Problems and related National Problems in each of the 193/306 UN Member States have Physical and Spiritual Dimensions. There is urgent need to find, implement with effective monitoring and evaluation Physical Solutions to Physical Dimension and Spiritual Solutions to Spiritual Dimensions of entire Nigeria National Political, Cultural, Attitudinal, Behavioral, Economic, Financial, Social, Environment / Climate Change, Religious, Moral, Communication, Cooperatives, Rules, Standards, Leadership, Corruption, Legal, Technical problems on the ground at all levels and in ways that recognize:-
a)      All Police, Security, Intelligence, Military Systems and complimentary Systems in most of 193/306 UN Member States today are in Huge Decay and need urgent Overhaul.
b)     The Will of Citizens in each of 193/306 UN Member States – Politicians in Power and in Opposition at all levels; Civil Servants and Public Servants at all levels; Traditional Rulers in all Classes; Religious Leaders at all levels and on both Christians and Muslims sides; Professionals and Practitioners; Academics and Researchers; Reporters in all Media – TV, Radio, Newspapers, Online; Labor Unions and Trade Groups; Students and Youth Groups and other Compatriots – to CHANGE for Good has been taken away and NEED to be RESTORED without DELAY.
c)      Thinking Through and Thinking Ahead for each of 193/306 UN Member States is a Vocation Somebody (An Institution with demonstrated levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character Courage, Discipline and Mindset) MUST be Mandated by Statutory Authority to have responsibility for.
d)     All Peoples in each of 193/306 UN Member States irrespective of Age, Class, Education, Tribe, Tongue, Gender, Religion, Political or any other Interest have Views on Re-engineering the Polity, some of which are divergent. Yet all Views of all Peoples in each of 193/306 UN Member States on Re-engineering the Polity NEED to be aligned and harmonized within entire National and International Development Systems Reform Program Central Coordination Platform using known One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation with clear Principles Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database, such as 3PCM developed by Nigerian Mr. Lanre Rotimi and German Dr. Hellmut Eggers – the most Advance such One Worldwide Approach available anywhere in our World today. 
e)      Finding clear and correct answers to How Questions is MASTER KEY to finding Sustainable Solutions to National Security problems, related National problems and related International problems. Records show that even in the UN System – UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) What Questions have been over answered but How Questions are avoided or evaded that all UN System – UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Events organized to find answers to How Questions end up finding answers to What Questions and that finding answer to How Questions is Matter of Know How not Past Glory, Big Name, Razzmatazz, Propaganda, Politicization or Tuff Defense.
3.      A New National Security Strategy that Work needs to be Integral Part of New National Development Strategy that Work and New International Development Strategy that Work and in ways that Design and Deliver Sustainable Solutions to Spiritual and Physical Dimensions of entire Nigeria National Political, Cultural, Attitudinal, Behavioral, Economic, Financial, Social, Environment / Climate Change, Religious, Moral, Communication, Cooperatives, Rules, Standards, Leadership, Corruption, Legal, Technical problems on the ground at all levels.

If this Reinvigorated National SDG Vision in each of 193/306 UN Member States is to succeed on Sustainable basis, it needs to highlight Sustainable Solutions to fundamental issues (noting that fail in One fail in ALL) of:-
ü  Misinformation, Disinformation Mismanagement, Double Speak Suspicion, Controversy, Confusion, Development Cooperation
ü  Ignorance, Education, Awareness, Sensitization, Neutrality
ü  Trust, Productivity, Confidence Building, Integrity, Political Correctness, Objectivity
ü  Partnership, Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Alignment Harmony 
ü  Agriculture, Climate Change, Security, Peace, Justice, Development
ü  Trade, Aid, Health, Debts, Negotiation,
ü  Politics / Elections, Money / Development Finance, Rights, Religion, Culture, Cooperatives
ü  Arrogance Indiscipline, Indifference, Incompetence, Impunity, Interference, Inequality, Ineffectiveness, Inefficiency,
ü  Hunger, Malnutrition, Poverty, Disease, Corruption, Migration, Refugee, Internally Displaced Persons, Homeless Persons
4.      If Reinvigorated National SDG Vision in each of 193/306 UN Member States is not to be another Vision and Words without Action Vision:-
a)      The Reinvigorated National SDG Vision need to recognize that our World is in Crisis. Social Mess “a set of interrelated problems … resistant to analysis and, more importantly, to resolution.” Characteristics of a social mess generally, and sustainability specifically, include an absence of a unique and correct solution, interrelatedness of problems, ideological constraints, multiple possible intervention points, resistance to change, value conflict, and political and economic constraints” like Malnutrition is a problem in all North and South Countries in our World today. The difference is in the Degree.
b)     Meaningfully addressing these real and complex problems on the ground Worldwide demand all National and World Leaders in all 193/306 UN Member States; all Leaders in UN System: UNO WBG IMF, WTO (ITO) and their Partners, Individually and Jointly addressing root cause or primary cause problems on the ground within:-
i.       Terrorism Dimension of 2030 Agenda
ii.     Indivisibility of 2030 Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21, Agenda 21
iii.    SDG as the Overarching 2030 Agenda
iv.    Reality of Social Mess in all North and South Countries in our World today
v.      Implementation and Evaluation Framework that Work in each Community, in each Sub-national level, in each of 193/306 UN Member States as well as International levels built upon:-
a)    Massive Public Sensitization and Policy Reform 
b)    Massive Intellectual Deployment
c)    Massive Communication for Behavior Impact and Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale 
d)    Effectively addressing both Spiritual and Physical Dimension
e)    Effectively tackling Thinking Through Linked to Knowledge and Evaluation Supply and Demand and Capacity Building - Individual, Institution, Society Supply and Demand
f)     Effectively tackling all concerned Stakeholders Shared Vision Challenge.
Driving Work towards Ending: Terrorism, Hunger, Malnutrition,
Poverty, Disease and Corruption in Nigeria, Africa; Ireland,
UK, EU, Europe; US, China and Worldwide.
vi.    Kick Start activities in (4(b)(i)) – (4b)(v)) within Finance Innovation Dimension and Non Finance Innovation Dimension of Linked Food, Agriculture, Nutrition, Health, Education, Enterprise, Peace, Security, Communication, Cooperatives components of 2030 Agenda: Policy, Program, Project Interventions 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One using One Worldwide Approach such as 3PCM.

SDG Vision: Tackling Implementation and Evaluation Challenge

We urge 193/306 UN Member States Governments: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary at all levels and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices to jointly recognize that:-
1.      Smallholder Farmers – Crops, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture face location specific and unique real and complex problems on the ground in each Community in each of 193/306 UN Member States, that Farmer Field School, FFS Interventions, related Food and Agriculture Interventions and related Non Food and Agriculture Interventions could help find Sustainable Solutions to.
2.      SDG is the overarching 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21 and Agenda 21. The SDG affects all North and South Countries in our World today unlike the MDG which affected only Developing Countries. All Countries are Off Track achieving SDG by 2030, given the SDG Pledge that No SDG Goal will be considered to have been achieved if it is not met by all Peoples in all Countries.
3.      SDG 17 Goals are Indivisible, that is, they are Interdependent, Interconnected and Interlinked. Therefore in finding Sustainable Solutions to root cause or primary cause problems within Goal 1 – Poverty and Goal 2 – Hunger and Malnutrition, it is inevitable that Sustainable Solutions will have to be simultaneously found to root cause or primary cause problems within Goals 3 – 17.
4.      SDG is an All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Agenda agreed by World Leaders in September 2015. In 1st Quarter 2018 Year 3 of Implementation, the SDG is yet to have complementary All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Implementation and Evaluation Framework that Work and all UN Member States and all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities are still in MDG Mode rather than SDG Mode. A New FFS Implementation and Evaluation Framework with complementary: Food and Agriculture Implementation Framework and Non Food and Agriculture Implementation Framework using One Worldwide Approach to National and International Development Cooperation such as 3PCM, with Clear Principles, Instruments corresponding to each Principle, Practices and Database could help get our World in general and each of the 193/306 UN Member States in particular back on Track to achieve SDG by end 2030 Target date.
5.      The AAAA or Finance for Development component of the 2030 Transformation Agenda, fully implemented in each of the 193/306 UN Member States could ensure that lack of Funds will not Thwart achievement of Reinvigorated SDG Vision in any UN Member State through Innovative and Creative Mutual Collaboration Events and Activities within MSPs, Multi Stakeholder Partnerships that Work.

Building MSPs that Work

1.      Our Organization had been in constructive engagement of several WBG and WBG-IEG Entities (including Entities with responsibility for Governance; Integrity; Corruption; (New) Public Sector Management, Investment Climate Reform, Learning, Evaluation and Result) on ways and means of Achieving Dream of World without Poverty for over ten years.
2.      The New Agriculture Revolution Program and related Revolutions; New Public Sector Reform Program and related Reforms and New Cooperatives Movement Program and related Movements form the Partnership Proposal Backbone of Reinvigorated Initiative to achieve SDG Vision in all Communities, in all Sub-national levels in all 193/306 UN Member States as well as in all Sub-regions, Regions and Globally by end 2030 target date. It is pertinent to note that WBG World Development Reports: WDR 2004 on Public Sector Management, WDR 2008 on Agriculture; WDR 2014 on Risk Management, WDR 2015 on Attitudinal change, WDR 2016 on Digitization and WDR 2017 on Governance and Law answered relevant What Questions but avoided or evaded answer to How Questions and this explain WBG and WBG-IEG less than optimum Performance supporting 193/306 UN Member States to Deliver on the SDG Pledge.
3.      These Integrated Programs are Interrelated, Interconnected, Interlinked and Interdependent. It is Fail in One, Fail in All and this underlines need to Deliver on SDG Pledge which states: that No SDG Goal will be considered met, if it is not achieved by all Peoples, in all Countries, by end 2030 target date. This implies that all Developed and Developing Countries, as at 2nd Quarter 2018 Year of Implementation are Off Track and Quantum Leap Frogs need to be made if all Communities in all Countries are to Deliver on this SDG Pledge. This Demand Answer to SDG How Questions.
4.      In the work towards making World Poverty History: Africa is holding the World back; Nigeria is holding Africa back and Herdsmen and Farmers crisis and Niger Delta crisis are holding Nigeria back.
5.      In the work towards achieving World Peace: Europe (51 countries) is holding World back; UK is holding Europe back and Northern Ireland Catholics and Protestants as well as Unionists and Nationalists are holding UK back.
6.      The root cause or primary cause problems of Inequalities, Conflict and Unsustainable Practises are Interrelated, Interdependent, Interlinked and Interconnected. Sustainable Solutions lie in meaningfully addressing all these complex problems as One and recognizing that Fail in One is Fail in All. Thus Sustainable Solutions lie in Fighting and Winning War on Inequalities, Conflict and Unsustainable Practises as Means to Achieve Dream of World without Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty through Delivery of this SDG Pledge.
7.      Top Down Approach need to be complemented by Bottom Up Approach: Driving Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management, if Sustainable Solutions are to be Designed to Deliver on SDG Pledge in each Community, in each of 193/306 UN Member States.
8.      Fighting and Winning War on Corruption go beyond lopsided Fight against Bribery focused on Bribe Taking Countries – largely South Countries. Turning blind eye to Bribe Giving Countries – largely North Countries is most unhelpful. There is urgent need to more vigorously tackle all 17 Commonly occurring forms of Corruption (including Political Corruption affecting most North and South Countries in our World today) as applicable to each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context.
9.      Many Countries are looking up to UN Agencies: UNDESA, UNDPAM, FAO, UNDP, UNESCO, UNICEF, ILO, WHO etc as well as World Bank and World Bank Evaluation for support to implement SDG and in ways that deliver on the SDG Pledge. Records show that these UN Agencies and World Bank Entities themselves need help before they could help Countries requesting their help. This explains why all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Entities and all 193/306 UN Member States are still in MDG Mode rather than SDG Mode as at 2nd Quarter 2018 Year 3 of Implementation. With just about 12 ¾ Years to do the much that remain to be done for many Countries to Catch up on the MDG and Press Forward to achieve SDG and in ways that Deliver on SDG Pledge, Quantum Peal Frog need to be made if all 193/306 UN Member States are to Deliver on SDG Pledge. Again records show our Organization has the Most Advance Approach anywhere in our World today that could help all 193/306 UN Member States deliver on SDG Pledge by target date.
10. Community to Global Sustainable Solutions to problems of Inequality, Conflict, Unsustainable Practises lies in Community to Global Sustainable Solutions to Poverty, Environment, Peace problems. All Stakeholders affected by Poverty, Environment, Peace: Policy, Program, Project Interventions need to participate meaningfully in Policy/Decision Making processes from Community to Global levels.
11. Delivery on this SDG Pledge underlines need to Move from Greed Driven Opportunistic Innovators to Love Driven Pathfinder Innovators as basis for Creating New International Development System Fit for the 21st Century.
12. Delivery on this SDG Pledge underlines need for Political Solutions, Economic Solutions, Ecological Solutions, Financial Solutions, Social Solutions, Religious Solutions as One appropriate to each specific Community, each Sub-national level in each of 193/306 UN Member States as well as at Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context. All these Comprehensive Solutions Drive: Systems, Structures, Policies, Procedures, Cooperatives, Communication, Cultures and Rules Changes at each specific Community, each Sub-national level in each of 193/306 UN Member States as well as at Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context. However, these Comprehensive Solutions without Political Solutions amount to no issue or are no issue.
13. The World Public Sector Report, WPSR 2018 again answers Public Sector Management What Questions. We note that some of our ideas and suggestions helped enrich WPSR 2018. However, our most important suggestion on urgent need to develop Frameworks that support UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities, 193/306 UN Member States Governments – Executive, legislature, Judiciary Entities and their National and International Partners to answer SDG How Questions inclusive of PSM How Questions achieving SDG Vision could be mirage. As long as UNDPAM keep avoiding or evading answer to PSM How Questions, the UNO will be unable to help 193/306 UN Member States to better tackle their unique and specific PSM challenges and this could thwart effort to get all 193/306 UN member States to Deliver on the SDG Pledge.
14. The New Cooperatives Movement backed by Law in each of 193/306 UN Member States will have Primary Society for Agro Producers, Agro Processors and Agro Traders etc; Secondary Union that is essentially Marketing Board etc; Central Society that includes:  Agriculture Cooperative Bank, Agriculture Research Service, Agriculture Capacity Building Service, Agriculture Cooperatives Central Administration Service and Agriculture Cooperatives Central Consultancy Service. The Capacity Building Service will include Training and Re-training of Paramedics – Human, Para Vet – Animal, Para Agromedics - Plant as well as Plant Doctors (DPM – Doctor of Plant Medicine).
15. Should each of 193/306 UN Member States Governments at all levels as well as each of UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities genuinely comit to answering SDG How Questions, Amazing TRANSFORMATION would our before eyes of Citizens in each of 193/306 UN Member States to the Glory of God and Benefit of Humanity.

UNRISD Strategy 2016 – 2020
UNRISD is an autonomous UN System Entity. UNRISD is uniquely positioned to help 193/306 UN Member States Governments: Executive, Legislature, Judiciary, at all levels and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities and their National and Global Partners to meaningfully address all points made above. To achieve this, we wish to make the following comments and suggestions for improving delivery on the UNRISD Strategy 2016 – 2020 in the time remaining:-
1.     The description of State of the World written by UNRISD in 1979 is still very current today – 40 years later. Gaps need to be identified and filled and on time. It is pertinent to note that Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty are not exclusive to Poor South Countries or Countries in Conflict. Poverty in UK is at Victoria Era levels for many Whites and other Ethnic Nationalities in UK today and numbers could increase significantly given direction of ongoing Brexit Negotiations. This is likely to increase UK woes, EU woes, Europe woes and woes in other Regions Worldwide, if remedial action is not speedily taken to move away from Brexit as Force for Evil and move to Brexit as Force for Good. Poverty in the US is at Jim Crow Era levels for many Whites and other Ethnic Nationalities in US today. The situation is same or worse in many other North Countries as well as South Countries. This underlines the need for UNRISD to serve both North and South Countries in the new dispensation.
2.      UNRISD listed several World Summits that produced Good Global Plans, yet real and complex Social Development, Economic Development and related problems persist or have worsened. This underlines the fact that coming up with Good Plans is One thing, fully Implementing these Plans with effective Monitoring and Evaluation of this Implementation is a different Ball Game and it is especially Difficult. This reality must be better addressed and for Development Impact and Development Result.
3.      UNRISD determination to address three overarching challenges – inequality, conflict and unsustainable practises is welcome. However, the three challenges are interlinked, interconnected and interdependent, that is indivisible and need to be tackled as One, within Delivery on SDG Vision in all Communities in all 193/306 UN Member States, for Best Results.
4.      UNRISD ask What, Why and How Questions. UNRISD Scorecard shows that it is Good at finding answer to What and Why Questions. However, it appears that finding answer to How Questions have been very challenging, over the years to date.

5.      In the first 50 years of International Development Cooperation (1960-2009) records show that What and Why Questions have been over answered but How Questions have been avoided or evaded; that UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF Events organized to find answer to How Questions end up providing answer to What Questions.
6.      Answer to How Questions is essentially DOING and this explains why it is especially difficult to find. Whereas answer to What and Why Questions are essentially SAYING and this explains why it is easy to find.
7.     In implementing answer to How Questions, that is DOING, it is easy to find Technical Solutions, Economic Solutions, Ecological Solutions etc but it is especially difficult to find Political Solutions due to Politicization and Polarization problems in the specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context. The implication is that in finding answer to How Questions, coming up with Technical Solutions and related Solutions without coming up with Political Solutions amount to no issue or is no issue or no solution.
8.      In finding, implementing and evaluating implementation of answer to How Question, there is a need for Thinking Through and Thinking Ahead in each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context. However Thinking Through and Thinking Ahead in each specific Community, Sub-national, National, Sub-regional, Regional and Global location context is a Vocation Somebody (An Institution with demonstrated levels of Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character Courage, Discipline and Mindset) MUST be Mandated by Statutory Authority in the specific location context to have responsibility for.
9.      The Role of answer to SDG How Questions and related PSM (Public Sector Management) etc How Questions in delivery on above SDG Pledge is clear. The problem is Can SDG How Questions and related PSM etc How Questions be answered without all relevant National and Global Stakeholders meaningfully addressing issues of:-
a)      Denial, Deception, Delusion
b)     Exclusion of Ideas Creators from Implementation and Evaluation of Ideas harvested from Consultations, Conferences, Studies, Meetings etc and included in Outcome Documents, Study Reports, Development Plans etc.
c)       Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery, Correct Recovery Management.
d)     Multiple Approaches by all concerned National and international Stakeholders, many of which are divergent or contradictory.
e)      Rethinking Applied Knowledge, Applied Research, Applied Policy, Applied History
f)       Rethinking Development, Diplomacy, Defence, Democracy, Data, Digitization
g)      Rethinking Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, Results, Measuring Success.  
h)     Reforming UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) to be Institution Fit for the 21st Century.
i)        New Thinking, New Ideas, New Ways of Doing Things and new Partnerships.
j)        Pilot Programs and Scale Up Programs for Practicalizing Implementation and Evaluation of answers in (9a) – (9j)

Moving Forward: 4 Steps

If each of the 193/306 UN Member States is to undergo required Transformation to Deliver on SDG Pledge in the 12 ¾ Years remaining, the State Authorities will have to take 4 Steps Together:-
1.      Condense all 17 SDGs into a Single Statement “Ending Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty” in each Community in each of the Sub-national levels and at National Level in the Member State.
2.       Convert Single Statement into Policy, Program, Project Interventions 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One within 3 Themes:-
a)      Thinking – Thinking Ahead and thinking Through
b)     Productivity – Innovation and Entrepreneurship
c)      Funding – Development Finance and Cooperatives Movement
and in ways that effectively overhaul Decayed 12 Integrated Systems: Research, Planning, Data, Digitization, Implementation, Communication, Finance, Cooperatives, Monitoring, Evaluation, Results and Learning.
3.      Operationalize 3PIs and 3PIs Training as One within Pilot Program and Scale Up Program.
4.      Recognize Mobilizing Political Will is Key to Design and Delivery of Pilot Program and Scale Up Program that Work in the Member State.


If WBG and WBG-IEG as One do not know why Design and Delivery of past Global Plans identified in WDRs and other Reports had flaws and failures, WBG and WBG-IEG as One will not know How to help National and Global Stakeholders Design or Re-design current and future Global Plans, especially 2030 Transformation Agenda: AAAA, SDG, COP21 for sustainable success in the Delivery on SDG Pledge in all Communities in all 193/306 UN Member States by 2030 target date.

If 2018 is to mark turning point in the work towards getting all Communities in all 193/306 UN Member States back on Track towards delivery on above SDG Pledge, then WBG and WBG-IEG as One need to consider and take appropriate action and on time on comments and suggestions set out in this Paper. It is our hope that Bright Prospects of Success would not be lost.      

Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group
Ado Ekiti – Nigeria, West – Africa.
Email:                                                    12 April 2018.

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