Thursday, November 5, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 99


  EAG         ISPE 


(Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)             

    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative

       ER and Associates Limited              New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty (Global Social Enterprise)                  

(International Development Cooperation Consultants)

Open Letter to World Leaders on Winning War on COVID 19 and achieving SDGs by 2030 (3)

Your Excellencies,

My name is Lanre Rotimi and I am honored to send this Third Open Letter to World Leaders on the topic of “Winning War on COVID 19 and achieving SDGs by 2030 (3)” on behalf of the International Society for Poverty Elimination / NEHMAP / Economic Alliance Group as well as the 5 Billon Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders in all 193 UN Member States 

I am six months after the First Open Letter, sending this Third Open Letter to Your Excellencies in these trying times in the Whole World, as a Citizen of the World.

I note with concern that many World Leaders on Governments and UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO – Trade and WTO – Tourism Membership sides read the First Open Letter and the Second Open Letter two weeks later, in May 2020, yet Business as Usual remain despite UN Promise to ensure Business as Usual is Obsolete and UN Unprecedented Global Response to Unprecedented Global COVID19 remain essentially inadequate, resulting in COVID19 continuing to wreck increasing havoc Worldwide, with increasing probability of worse to come, given National and Global Reality of COVID19: Multiple Areas Hit, Multiple Impacts Made and Multiple Dimensions Affected.

I am deeply concerned that the World Media keep promoting COVID 19 as Force for Evil rather than be inspired by Insights in the First and Second Open Letters to Change Course and start promoting COVID 19 as Force for Good and in Urgent Global Interest.

I again urge the World Media to this time do their part towards helping to Win War on COVID 19,  Win identified additional 4 Wars linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 (any Individual, Institution or Government still seeking to achieve SDGs by 2030 is in Denial, Deception or Delusion) and pressing forward to reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050, in all North and South Countries, by effectively putting substantive issues raised in this Open Letter in the Front Burner of Global Public Arena.

The World Leaders to whom the Open Letter is addressed are Leaders of:-

1. The entire UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO – Trade and WTO – Tourism Membership at Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices;

2.     All Arms of All Tiers of Government in all 193 UN Member States  

TCFD 2020 Status Report – Matters Arising


Your Excellencies, the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures, TCFD 2020 Status Report raise serious issues of serious business DEMANDING serious attention of All UN Membership Leadership, All Governments in all UN Member States Leadership as well as Leadership of their Domestic and Global Stakeholders.


If All UN Membership, All Governments in All UN Member States and their Domestic and Global Stakeholders are to Work Together to Succeed Together in Jointly addressing these Fundamental Issues and in Ways that Leave No One Behind, they need to Individually and Jointly recognize that:-

1.   Seeking to address Climate Related Financial Disclosures Matters without simultaneously addressing Beyond Climate Related Financial Disclosures Matters is No Issue or Amount to No Issue.

2.  Seeking to address Climate Related Financial Disclosures Technical Affairs without simultaneously addressing Beyond Climate Related Financial Disclosures Political Affairs is No Issue or Amount to No Issue.

3.  Without Climate Related Financial Disclosures Political Solutions, Climate Related Financial Disclosures: Technical Solutions, Cultural Solutions, Economic Solutions, Financial Solutions, Social Solutions, Communication Solutions, Attitudinal Change Solutions and any other Solution is No Issue or Amount to No Issue.

4.    In considering How Best to Move Forward Implementation of TCFD 2020 Status Report Recommendations, there is Urgent Need to correctly answer Climate Related Financial Disclosure Matters; Beyond Climate Related Financial Disclosures Matters; Climate Related Financial Disclosures Technical Affairs and Climate Related Financial Disclosure Political Affairs as One, How Questions and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

5.   Finding Implementing Right Answer to How Question in (4) with effective Monitoring and Evaluation of this Implementation Demand Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management as One Driving Correct: Political Solutions, Technical Solutions, Cultural Solutions, Economic Solutions, Financial Solutions, Social Solutions, Communication Solutions, Attitudinal Change Solutions, Risk Management Solutions, Geodesign Solutions, Capacity Building Solutions, System Reform Solutions and any other relevant Solutions as One and as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

6.  (1)  - (5) applies with equal weight in all remaining Services, Sectors, Issues or Dimensions of Reconfiguring our World to: Achieve World Transformation Agenda or Fight and Win War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date, as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

Tackling Triple Challenge in All North and South Countries

We urge WHO to genuinely recognize urgent need for each North and South Country Economy Domestic and Global Stakeholders Working Together to Succeed Together, Fighting and Wining War on COVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs in Country as soon as possible after 2030, reaching Global Goals 2050 by 2050 and New Country Vision in record time, greatly depends on UN and Government effectively tackling Triple Challenge in each North or South Country and On Time.  These are:-

1.   Winning War on COVID 19 in Country before Short Window of Opportunity Close, through Country Health and Wellbeing Project focusing on Health and Wellbeing Dimension of COVID 19, then press forward to Health and Wellbeing Dimension of all 17 Goals of the SDGs.

2.  Achieving Sustainability Governance that Work for the Poor in Country through Country Agriculture and Cooperatives Project focusing on Economic and Social Impact of COVID 19, then pressing forward to Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Dimension of all 17 Goals of the SDGs.

3.    Achieving SDGs in Country as soon as possible after 2030 through Country Services and Systems Reform Project  focusing on Services and Systems Reform Dimension of COVID 19, then pressing forward to Services and Systems Reform Dimension of all 17 Goals of SDGs.

The Triple Challenge will be effectively tackled within Sub-National, National, Sub-Regional, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Single Central Coordination Framework that Work for the Poor as applicable or appropriate in Country built upon:-

1.    Whole of Health, Whole of Government, Whole of Society, Whole of Agenda and Whole of UN etc as One Approach.

2. Correct Diagnosis, Correct Prescription, Correct Surgery and Correct Recovery Management as One Approach.

3.    Research, Planning, Data/Statistics; Implementation; Monitoring, Evaluation, Leaning, Results; Transparency, Accountability, Participation, Transformation; Leadership, Ownership, Alignment, Harmony and Measuring Success as One Framework.

4.      Filling Identified Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps.

5.    Organization, Orientation and Discipline of Country Citizens to be the Moving Force Driving Transformation of Country Society.

6.  Inclusive Education and Inclusive Communication required to effectively tackle Humans as X Factor and Capacity Building Challenges and in ways that help All UN Membership: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices; All Arms of All Governments in All UN Member States and their Domestic and Global Stakeholders acquire Minimum Certain Levels of  Hard  Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft  Competencies -  Character, Courage,  Cultural, Communication, Attitude, Behavior, Discipline and Mindset; required to achieve increasing convergence between Original UN Vision Intention and Reality in All UN Member States. Inclusive Education is: Education for Sustainable Development; Education for Sustainable Production; Education for Sustainable Consumption and Education for Sustainable Citizenship and Inclusive Communication is: Communication for Sustainable Development; Communication for Sustainable Production; Communication for Sustainable Consumption; Communication for Sustainable Citizenship; Attitudinal and Behavioral Change Communication; Political and Behavioral Change Communication; Economic and Behavioral Change Communication; Social and Behavioral Change Communication; Cultural and Behavioral Change Communication; Climate Action and Behavioral Change Communication; Environment and Behavioral Change Communication; Arts for Behavioral Change Communication; Entertainment for Behavioral Change Communication; Development Impact and Behavioral Change Communication; Communication for Behavioral Impact; Changing Attitude and Behavior at Scale Communication as One and within Universal or One Worldwide Approach: Whole of Community; Whole of Country; Whole of Institution; Whole of Government; Whole of Bank; Whole of UN; Whole of Agenda; Whole of Society as One Approach.

7.   Pilot Program and Scale Up Program using Known One Worldwide Approach – All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious such as 3PCM for Implementing (1) – (6)

a)   Orientation Workshops and Technical Surveys – Management Survey addressing Administration and Management Issues; Engineering Survey addressing Engineering and Technical Services Issues and Financial Issues addressing Banking, Finance and Insurance Issues.

b)     Implementing (7a) Outcome Document Conclusions and recommendations

c)      Building Bridge between (7b) Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting.

Yours Excellencies, this Type of All Inclusive, All Embracing, Ambitious Approach and Framework Deployed as Applicable or Appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context is MISSING in past and ongoing All UN, All Governments and their Domestic and Global Stakeholders Effort to Win War on COVID19, Win remaining identified 4 Wars linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 by 2050.

Multiple UN System Central Coordination Entities

Your Excellencies, COVID – 19 Hit Multiple Areas – Health; Education, Food, Labor, Income, Finance, Trade, Tourism etc simultaneously; made Multiple Impacts – Political, Economic, Social, Security etc and affected Multiple Dimensions – Governance, Globalization, Solidarity, Public Goods etc.

Your Excellencies, Winning War on COVID19 greatly depends on finding On Time, National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to real and complex National and Global Challenges on the ground in each Area Hit, each Impact Made and each Dimension Affected as One, Fully Implementing these Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions with effective Monitoring and Evaluation of the Implementation as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Region, Region or Global location context, noting that Fail in 1 is Fail I All.

Your Excellencies, the Design and Delivery of this type of Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions that Work for 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders of the 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030; as well as Work to achieve increasing convergence between Original UN Vision Intention and Reality; Win War on COVID19, remaining 4 identified Wars, achieve SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050, DEMAND a specific UN System Entity is saddled with Domestic and Global Response Central Coordination Responsibility. We suggest:-

1.      Health and Wellbeing -   WHO

2.      Industry and Livelihood – UNIDO

3.      Food, Nutrition and Agriculture – FAO

4.      Workers and Employers – ILO

5.      Financial  Stability  and  Development – IMF

6.      Finance and   Development – WBG

7.      Trade and Tariff – WTO

8.      Tourism and Development – UNWTO

9.      UNO Overall Central Coordination: Climate Change Action Ambition  UNFCCC

10.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Development and Environment Action Ambition  UNEP

11.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Angel Investors Action Ambition – GIE- MLC

12.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Financial Disclosures Action Ambition  TCDF

13.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Development Administration Action Ambition  -  UNEOSG     

14.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Service Delivery Action Ambition  UNRCNYO

15.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Political Stability Action Ambition  UNSC

16.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Economic Stability Action Ambition  UNDESA

17.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Corporate Sustainability Action Ambition  UNGC      

18.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Inclusive Communication Action Ambition  UNDPI

19.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Inclusive  Education Action Ambition  UNE3SCO

20.  UNO Overall Central Coordination: Integrated Innovation Action Ambition  UNIN

within UN75 restoring United Nations Original Vision to ensure our World has a New UN System Fit for 21st Century that effectively help Rebuild our World for Better in the next 75 years of UN System driven by UN150 Delivering UN System Fit for 22nd Century.

Your Excellency, this underline Urgent Need for WHO Reforms within entire UN System Membership Reforms linked to All Arms of All Governments Reform in All UN Member States – All North and South Countries, that Effectively Empower:-

1.     WHO to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Health System Stability.

2.    UNO to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Political Stability.

3.   WBG to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Development Finance Stability.

4.    IMF to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Financial System Stability.

5.    WTO - Trade to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Trade System Stability.

6.   WTO - Tourism to Deliver on its Responsibility for Central Coordination of Global Tourism System Stability.

Winning War on COVID 19 and Achieving Global Goals

Your Excellencies, we again express our deepest sympathies for the continuing loss of human lives caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria, Africa; UK, EU, Europe; US, China and Worldwide.

Your Excellencies, our World has tremendous Intellectual, Political, Legal and Financial Resources to shift from ongoing effort to Fight and Win War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 existng Model that is Risking Lives, Costing Jobs and Causing Chaos to New Model that is Protecting Lives, Creating Jobs and Promoting Stability as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.

UN Innovation and Non UN Innovation: entire UN Membership and all Governments - Tackle Triple Lacks Now

Your Excellencies, Winning War on COVID19, remaining 4 Wars linked to achieving World Transformation Agenda, that is achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date greatly DEPENDS on All UN and All Governments effectively deploying UN Innovation and Non UN Innovation as One towards Design and Delivery of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions as All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious as that described in EAG Valuable Suggestions and Inputs and this in turn greatly depends on All UN and All Governments in All North and South Countries effectively tackling Triple Lacks of:-

1.      Effective and Efficient Platform for Overall Central Coordination of:-

a) Political and Peacebuilding Affairs

b) Economic and Social Affairs

             c) Intergovernmental and Peace Operations Affairs

             d) Inclusive Education and Inclusive Communication Affairs

             e) UN Dao and UN Reform Affairs

             f) Environment and Climate Change Affairs

            g) Religion and Cultural Affairs

            h) Solidarity and Public Goods Affairs

             i) UN Innovation and Non UN Innovation Affairs


          as applicable or appropriate in each UN Membership Headquarters, Regional  Offices and Country Offices as well as at each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent and Global / Planet location context.

2.    Political Will and Public Will on the Part of Demand Creators - entire UN Membership and All Governments of All UN Member States and Supply Creators - Businesses: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Transnational Enterprises / Social Enterprises; Academic Institutions: Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students, Undergraduate Students; Consultants: Micro, Small, Medium, Large, Transnational on One hand and Elected Politicians, Political Appointees, Citizens and Migrants on the other hand to make Original UN Charter Driver of Genuine Reforms to make entire UN Fit for 21st and 22nd Centuries Cornerstone of Design and Delivery of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions that Work to effectively overcome real and complex National and Global Challenges on the ground as applicable or appropriate in each UN Membership Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices as well as at each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent and Global / Planet location context.

3.      Effective and Efficient Platform for meaningfully involving UN and Non UN Innovators - Original Ideas Creators, that is, People who through their unadulterated struggle and commitment use their God given talents to seek True Peace, Development, Equality, Security, Justice and Dignity in the World within (1) and (2).

Your Excellencies, Entire UN Membership: Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices and All Arms of All Governments in All UN Member States need to jointly tackle the identified Triple Lacks Now. Otherwise our World will race past irreversibility point in ongoing acceleration on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM.

Your Excellencies, as No One - Individual, Institution or Government know when this irreversibility point will be passed, One Day Delay in entire UN and All Governments Changing Course to start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM, may be One Day too late to avoid Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to Change Course On Time.

UN and Governments Change Course Now


Your Excellencies, we urge All UN and All Governments to genuinely recognize that:-

1.  Seeking to achieve increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality, is FLUKE; if viscous circle of No Lessons have been Learnt so UN Entities keep Repeating Past ERRORS and UN Entities keep avoiding or evading answer to How Questions is cause and product of UN Repeating Past ERRORS, is not broken and in urgent Global Interest.

2.     The Original UN Charter will Work to Deliver UN Fit for 21st and 22nd Centuries, if All UN and All Governments in All North and South Countries Genuinely Want it to Work.

3.   Our World is in increasing acceleration on MADning (Mutually Assured Destruction) Road to DOOM. Without Renewed All UN and All Governments Joint Effort to Make Original UN Charter Work to Effectively Deliver UN Fit for 2st and 22nd Centuries, All UN and All Governments will not Change Course and Start accelerating on MAPing (Mutually Assured Prosperity) Road to BOOM. One Day Delay in All UN and All Governments Changing Course to Start accelerating on MAPing Road to BOOM may be One Day too late to Rescue our Fragile Planet from imminent Perishing.

4.      UN75 Global Dialogue Initiative, UN75-GDI needs to have annual Flagship Conference, a Re-Set Annual UNGA and ensure that All Pre Summit Days, Summit Days and Post Summit Days Technical and Political Process Discussions as One is Designed and Delivered to achieve UN75-GDI Vision Ambitions. If this is not done and in Urgent Global Interest, UN75-GDI is essentially another UN Initiative that is Motion without Movement with Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences, at its extreme resulting in All Peoples in EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Dying 1st; All Businesses in EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Dying 2nd and entire Planet Earth Dying 3rd.

5.  COVID19 has exposed the soft underbelly of Decayed Governance, Partnership and Accountability etc Systems in All UN and All Governments in All North and South Countries sides and offer Short Window of Opportunity to Re-Set National and Global Initiatives and in ways that help achieve UN75 Vision Ambitions Leaving No One Behind.

6.   Failure of All UN and All Governments to effectively utilize this rapidly closing COVID19 Short Window of Opportunity will have Guaranteed Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences at its extreme resulting in All Peoples in EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Dying 1st; All Businesses in EU, rest of Europe and rest of World Dying 2nd and entire Planet Earth Dying 3rd.

Suggested Way Forward – Tackling Implementation Challenge


Our real experience is that:-

A.  All UN and All Governments in All North and South Countries seeking to Jointly Implement UN75 Report September 2020 Findings without effectively tacking UN75 Report  September 2020 Implementation Challenge through Immediately Converting UN75 Report September 2020 from Vision and Words without Action to Vision and Words with Action that Work within (1) - (7) above, is Guarantee that UN75-GDI will FAIL like past and ongoing similar UN Initiatives.

B.   Meaningfully addressing (A) greatly depends on Entire UN Membership Jointly Deploying Power as Convener, Catalyst, Cultivator and Collaborator to effectively support Multi Stakeholder Partnerships that Work for World Poor.

C.   Meaningfully addressing (B) greatly depends on Entire UN Membership meaningfully involving Original Ideas Creators – UN and Non UN Innovators, who through their unadulterated struggle and commitment use their God given Talents to genuinely seek True Peace, Development, Equality, Accountability, Governance, Globalization, Justice and Dignity in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.


Suggested Way Forward – 3 Day HLPF/HLVM


The most All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Answer to Win War on COVID19, remaining 4 Wars, achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 and UN75-GDI How Questions could and would be found in speedily UN and Governments convening 3 Day High Level Political Forum that is High Level Virtual Meeting, HLPF/HLVM, attended by at least 100 Heads of Government from both North and South Countries leading High Powered Delegation from all Arms of all Tiers of Government in their Country; Heads of entire UN Membership Headquarters, Regional Offices and Country Offices and Leaders from Business, Academia, Consultants, other Major Groups and other Stakeholders.


The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM is essentially a Global Re-Orientation Program Kick Starting Global Productivity, Quality and Empowerment Improvement Program and Global Re-Engineering Program, suggested to hold End November 2020.


The Main Aims of the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM are UN, Governments, Business, Academia, Consultants, other Major Groups and other Stakeholders Reaching Common Agreement on:-

1.      Identifying and Filling All Information, Research, Knowledge, Innovation and Ambition Gaps in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.

2.     National and Global Evaluation including Bridging Gap between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.

3.     One Worldwide Approach underlining Step 1 –How to Get DONE What National and Global Stakeholders have AGREED to Get DONE (National Goals and Global Goals) before moving to Step 2 – Getting DONE What National and Global Stakeholders have AGREED to Get DONE, in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date. (Please Note All UN and All Governments have put Cart before Horse Omitting Step 1 and Operating in Step 2 without Global Agreement on One Worldwide Approach is Major Reason for Multiple Failures being experienced over the years to date).

4.     Design and Delivery of North South Cooperation; North North Cooperation and South South Cooperation as One that Work for World Poor in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.

5.      Design and Delivery of Policy Cooperation, Coordination, Collaboration, Coherence and Commitment for Better Governance, Alignment, Harmony, Transparency, Accountability and Participation that Work for World Poor in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.

6.     Achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Charter Vision Intention and Reality in Fighting and Winning War on COVID19; War on Climate Change Mistakes; War on Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty; War on Inequality, Injustice and Conflicts; War on Corruption, Indiscipline and Impunity linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date.

7.     Design and Delivery of Pilot Program and Scale Up Program demonstrating (1) – (6) above.

Yours Excellencies, this Type of All Inclusive, All Embracing, Ambitious Common Agreement Deployed as Applicable or Appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context is MISSING in past and ongoing All UN, All Governments and their Domestic and Global Stakeholders Effort to Win War on COVID19, Win remaining identified 4 Wars linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reach Global Goals 2050 by 2050.

Your Excellencies if the 3 Day HLPF/HLVM is to meaningfully contribute to effectively filling this MISSING Link, the Pre Summit Days, Summit Days and Post Summit Days as One Technical and Political Process Discussions need to start without further delay. Too much Time has been wasted already


3 Day HLPF/HLVM, Mid – End November 2020: Working Documents


The suggested 3 Day HLPF/HLVM present Unique Opportunity for All UN, All Governments and their Domestic and Global Partners to Jointly Fill HUGE Gap in UN75 Report and similar UN Membership Reports, linked to Improving Implementation and Evaluation of World Transformation Agenda for Best Results, identified in EAG Submissions and in Urgent Global Interest.


The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM Working Documents will be circulated to all Registered Participants including Speakers and Panelists, who’s Presentations will Speak Directly to aspects of all the Working Documents most relevant to their specific Presentation and in ways that Best help achieve increasing convergence between World Transformation Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.


The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM are Working Documents:-

1.      New UNSG Annual Report on Work of the UN September 2020

2.      New UN Comprehensive Response to COVID19 September 2020

3.      UN75 Report September 2020

4.      TCFD 2020 Status Report

5.      Dutch AIV Human Rights and SDGs Report May 2019

6.      EAG Valuable Suggestions and Inputs to UN Distilled from EAG Submissions to UN April – September 2020.

3 Day HLPF/HLVM Overarching Outcome - Single Catalytic Action Agenda

The 3 Day HLPF/HLVM Overarching Outcome will be Single Catalytic Action Agenda for All UN, All Governments in all UN Member States and their Domestic and Global Stakeholders, with the following components:-

1.   New Comprehensive UN Response to COVID19; Climate Action; End Poverty; End Inequality, End Corruption linked to achieving SDGs as soon as possible after 2030 and reaching Global Goals 2050 by end 2050 target date that Work for 5 Billion Poor Children, Youth, Women, Men and Elders of the 8.5 Billion People in our World of 2030.

2.   New Global Architecture for achieving increasing convergence between Original UN Vision Intention and Reality in all North and South UN Member States.

3.   New Implementation and Evaluation Framework for achieving World Transformation Agenda as applicable or appropriate in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global location context.


Your Excellencies, it is now clear to UN and Governments that SDGs cannot be achieved by 2030, that COVID19 is making Bad situation of All Countries being Off Track achieving Global Goals worse, yet COVID19 present Huge Opportunity for Global Reset that help achieve World Transformation Agenda.

Your Excellencies, too much time has been lost and COVID19 short window of opportunity is rapidly closing and should this opportunity be squandered, Ultimate Global Colossal Consequences is Guaranteed.

Your Excellencies, history beacons. Decision must be made on Way Forward in Common Interest, Common Future and Common Destiny of Present and Future Generations of Citizens in all North and South Countries in our World today. The Ultimate Consequences of Wrong Choice is too Catastrophic to be imagined. Yet wishes alone or good intentions alone will not prevent this looming ultimate National and Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences known to UN and Governments, from being Reality, if National Leaders and World Leaders Fail to Change Course On Time.

Your Excellencies, it is our hope that the Valuable Suggestions and Inputs set out in this EAG Submission convince World Leaders on need in Urgent Global Interest, to ensure the suggested 3 Day HLPF/HLVM hold by End November 2020.

Your Excellencies, the Future of our Fragile Planet greatly depends on World Leaders on UN as well as North and South Countries Governments sides, effectively utilizing COVID19 rapidly closing Short Window of Opportunity, before it finally close.

Your Excellencies, should Bright Prospects of Success Deploying COVID19 as Force for Good be Squandered, Global Colossal Catastrophic Consequences described in this Submission is Guaranteed. This underlines urgent need for World Leaders on UN and Governments sides to take all necessary measured to avoid this Global Catastrophe.

Your Excellencies, we are not Doomsday Prophets. UN and Governments Leaders have Superior Intelligence – processed information, evidencing the Validity of Points made in this Frank and Blisteringly Truthful Valuable Suggestions and Inputs.

Your Excellencies, we Pray World Leaders make Right Decision and On Time for Design and Delivery of National and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions that Work to Solve Contemporary World / National and Global Challenges, Resulting in a Better World in next 75 years, that is, UN at 150 would Deliver Stronger, Safer and Richer World for all World Citizens in 75 years time.


God Bless UN. God Bless our World.




NEHMAP Team Leader and

Director General

Economic Alliance Group (Global Integrated Sustainable Solutions Provider)

M: +234-8162469805





November 2020.

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