Friday, October 29, 2010

Development Change Champions – Our Global Agenda

Our world is again, at crossroads. The current global recession, is at levels comparable to 1930s’ depressions and has increasing possibility of double dip in US, UK and other Developed Countries. This triple whammy effect of this global recession underlines urgent need to reinforce Global Collective Action for World Political, Economic and Financial Stability. It is pertinent to note that current World Food, Fuel and Finance Crises causing the Global Recession are worsened by World Terrorism problems, thus also reinforcing Call for Global Collective Action for World Peace and Security, interlinked, interconnected and interdependent within initiative to reinforce Global Collective Action for World Political, Economic and Financial Stability, if solutions to Global Recession are to be successful on sustainable basis.

These real and complex world problems on the ground and the initiatives by World Leaders towards tackling them, which appears in many cases to be achieving less than desired results, hence the unrest in UK, US, France etc; underline the fact that in our world today, all economies – rich and poor; developed and developing are interlinked, interconnected and interdependent; that given available resources and technology – there is enough for everybody’s need in both developed and developing countries but not enough for everybody’s greed and that all concerned authorities could consider rethinking, redesigning and rebuilding Strategies, Policies, Programs, Projects within ongoing National Visions and Global Visions in each developed country, developing country and international institution.

The reality is that Poverty is the denominator of each of the Four World Problems of World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems on the ground across the Globe; that African Poverty and Stagnation is a Scar on the conscience of the world and that Nigeria with the largest population of Africans and third largest population of World’s poor, is Central to pulling Africa out of Poverty, Africa is key to pulling the World out of Poverty and Pulling the World out of Poverty is Key to solving on sustainable basis, World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism Problems.

Our study findings is that Nigeria, Africa and World Poverty on one hand and World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems on the other hand are Product and Cause of Decayed Research, Planning, Statistics, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment Systems, DVtGRPSIME&AS, on the ground on each Developed Country, each Developing Country and each International Institution’s side and that achieving Sustainable Solutions to Global Recession; World Food, Fuel, Finance and Terrorism problems greatly depends on TRANSFORMING DVtGRPSIME&AS into New Village to Global Research, Planning, Statistics, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Assessment Systems fit for the 21st Century, NVtGRPSIME&ASf21C and without delay if UK leaders, US leaders and other concerned World Leaders are genuinely interested in tackling the increasing pain and misery that is the daily experience of increasing millions of their citizens.

It is clear that Transformation from DVtGRPSIME&AS to NVtGRPSIME&ASf21C has Political Dimensions, Economic Dimensions and Technical Dimensions and that Reform Minded Researchers, Planners, Statisticians, Implementers, Monitors, Evaluators and Assessors who have adequate levels of Hard Competencies – Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies – Character, Courage and Mindset and who are empowered to serve as Internal Consultants and External Consultants to Clients and relevant Stakehoders on Developed Countries, developing Countries and International Institutions sides, can help make this Transformation reality and in record time.

It is also clear that this Transformation has Huge and Complex Change Processes that need to be Strategically Managed from Village to Global levels. To achieve this, there is a need for Development Change Champions on Service Providers and Service Users sides, within Developed Countries, developing Countries and International Institutions, helping to DRIVE One Global Agenda using new type of Advocacy – Continuing Constructive Engagement of all relevant Stakeholders to get involved in the Transformation through Joined Up Approach to Changing Disorder to Order; Unfavorable Rules to Favorable Rules; Injustice (partiality, unfairness and disproportional benefits) to Justice (impartiality, fairness and equity) and Globalization as Force for Evil to Globalization as Force for God.

In this One Global Agenda, there will be:-
1.    Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management, 3PCM within Development Evaluation, Development, Diplomacy, Defense / Security, Elections, Monitoring and Evaluation, Service Delivery / Performance Management, Procurement, Trade, Migration, National Orientation, Human Rights in all its Ramifications – Political, Economic, Social and Cultural Rights: HR-PESCR.
2.    Comprehensive Systemic Reform, CSR, within Village to Global Business, Environment, Competencies and Reform Themes
3.    Central Role within 3PCM and CSR Initiatives for Researchers, Planners, Statisticians, Implementers, Monitors, Evaluators and Assessors, who are Service Providers and Service Users on Developed Countries, Developing Countries and International Institutions sides.
4.    Central Role within 3PCM and CSR Initiatives for Public Interest Experts – Publicists, Lawyers, Accountants, Bankers, Journalists, Entrepreneurs, Technocrats, Unionists, Academicians, Fund Raisers, IT Scientists, other Professionals and Students on Developed Countries and Developing Countries sides.

This One Global Agenda urges angry citizens in Developed Countries, particularly UK, US, France to focus their energies on FIGHTING Disease CAUSING their Pain and Misery; Developed Countries Leaders to recognize that Aid is no longer issue of morality and charity but also of Homeland Security and Economic Wellbeing; Developing Countries Leaders to recognize that their Human Resources are their most Valuable Assets and International Institutions Leaders to recognize that without solving their Competencies Challenges, it will be an uphill task persuading Developed and Developing Countries Leaders to tackle their Competencies Challenges.

This Platform is for Genuine Development Change Champions who are serious about participation in the One Global Agenda to interact, exchange ideas and jointly participate in real Projects designed to Achieve Positive Development Change, in the Common Interest, Common Future and Common Humanity of Citizens in each Developed Country and each Developing Country in our world today. Every Monday we would be discussing a Topic, in which I would make a presentation, maximum 2 pages, for comments and reactions of visitors to this Platform. The comments and reactions should focus on what, why and how questions flowing from opeartionalizing in practice the ideas set out in each presentation.


If you want to participate in the implementation of ideas and suggestions generated from discussions on this Platform, we invite you to join Multidisciplinary Professionals Community of Practice on Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability, MPCOP-PE&ES and Comprehensive Systemic Reform, CSR Project. Please send 3PCM and CSR Project enquiry to

List of Topics for Next 10 Weeks.
New Topic Posted Every Monday

1.    Development Change Champions – Our Global Agenda Publication 1 November 2010 Ref 1/2010
2.    MDGs’ at 10: How to Achieve Sustainable Success in the Implementation of Outcome 2010 UN MDGs’ Summit? 8 November 2010 Ref 2/2010
3.    Rethinking, Redesigning, Rebuilding Country / International Institutions Advocacy Systems 15 November 2010 Ref 3/2010
4.    Transforming Policy, Program, Project Failure into Success 22 November 2010 Ref 4/2010
5.    One Worldwide Competencies Framework for All 29 November 2010 Ref 5/2010
6.    Reforms for Achieving National Visions and Global Visions 6 December 2010 Ref 6/2010
7.    Human Rights and Governance 1 December 2010 Ref 7/2010
8.    Religion and World Sustainable Development 20 December 2010 Ref 8/2010
9.    New Year; New Hope 27 December 2010 Ref 9/2010
10.                       Elections, Economic Growth and Pro Poor Institutional Reforms 3 January 2011 Ref 1/2011

Together we can help make our World a Better Place to Live, Work and Recreate for Citizens and Immigrants in all Countries Rich and Poor.

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