Friday, October 23, 2015

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 5

ISPE       EAG

Achieving AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Vision and Words with Action Agenda by 2030 – Part 2

His Excellency Mr. Andrej Logar, Chairperson of the 70th General Assembly Second Committee and Permanent Representative of Slovenia to the United Nations, is convening informal consultations with NGOs in consultative status with ECOSOC on the agenda and work of the Second Committee on 22 October 2015, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM in Conference Room 2, at the United Nations Headquarters. A summary of the proceedings will then be made available to Member States in advance of the draft GA resolutions to be tabled later this month to be negotiated in November & December. 

The NGO consultations will follow a consultation among Member States scheduled for Friday, 9 October, 3 - 6 pm, where they discussed how the methods of work of the GA Second Committee may be harmonized with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, together with the agendas of ECOSOC and GA Third Committee, to eliminate overlaps and duplication. Based upon the results of the Member States consultation on 9 October, a discussion paper by DESA will be prepared in preparation for the consultation with ECOSOC NGOs on 22 October. 

This innovative step in the Second Committee represents a unique opportunity for civil society to share its distinctive perspective and concrete inputs to Member States’ deliberations on the Committee’s agenda and work in order to better respond to the challenges of implementing the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development.

This nomination process seeks candidates as speakers to address either of the following questions:
1.      How can the Second Committee ensure that its work is in line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development?
2.      How should the agenda of the Second Committee look like in the coming years?

A Call has also been made to interested persons to provide brief and concrete written contributions, which will be posted on CSONet. We prepared Part 1 in response to the Call and in time for consideration at the 9 October meeting and we started by expanding the Questions: 

Expanded Questions addressed in Part 1
1.      How can the Methods of Work of the GA Second Committee be effectively Aligned and Harmonized with the objectives of AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document, together with the Agendas of ECOSOC and all remaining GA Committees – 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 to eliminate overlap and duplication?
2.      How should the Agendas of ECOSOC and GA Committees 1 – 6 look like in the coming years 2016 – 2030?

This Part 2 has been prepared for consideration at the Wednesday meeting of 14 October 2014, based on additional information available to us. The Two Papers can help enrich the work of GA Second Committee and other Village to Global Stakeholders towards achieving increasing convergence between revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Vision Intention and Reality in each Community in each Local Government in each of the 193 Member States.

Outcome 9 October 2015 Meeting

UN Member States discussed aligning the work of the UN General Assembly's (UNGA) Second Committee (Economic and Financial) with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, during a meeting on the Committee's methods of work. Delegations are invited to submit further, written proposals on the Committee's work and the revitalization of its agenda by 23 October 2015.

Opening the meeting on 9 October 2015, in New York, US, Andrej Logar (Slovenia), Second Committee Chair, recalled guidelines adopted in UNGA Decision 65/530, to make draft resolutions more concise, focused, and action-oriented, as well as a resolution calling for work toward biennialization, triennialization, clustering and elimination of items on the agenda of the UNGA itself. Logar also stressed the need to promote complementarity and ensure the Second Committee's work is fully aligned with the "integrated vision of" the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (AAAA). He asked Member States whether the current structure of the Committee's agenda supports the three pillars of sustainable development, whether it covers the main aspects of the 2030 Agenda, whether sustainable development could become the framework for the (Committee’s) agenda, and how the Committee should conduct its work in relation with the UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), the Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural), and the High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF).


This underlines urgent need to answer revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document How questions.

Delegates generally agreed: that the work of the Committee should be built on the priorities set by the 2030 Agenda, the AAAA, the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015-2030, and the programmes of actions of countries in vulnerable situations; not to amend the work of the Committee now, but to engage in an in-depth discussion; and to discuss how other Committees and the HLPF will complement the Second Committee's work on implementing the 2030 Agenda.


This is a contradictory position. To effectively build the Committee’s work on the priorities set by 2030 Agenda, AAAA and DRR Framework, as agreed by Delegates, once more underlines urgent need to answer revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document How questions. However not to amend the work of the Committee now while simultaneously seeking to build the Committee’s work on the priorities set by 2030 Agenda, AAAA and DRR Framework, is to hinder the Committee from delivery on assigned responsibilities as recommended by practical and purposeful answer to revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Documents How questions. This obvious contradiction needs to be immediately removed, if effort to address above important points made by Logar and Delegates is not to be exercise in futility.

We have in Part 1 addressed many of these issues. In Part 2 our focus is on outstanding issues.

GA Committees

The GA currently has 6 Main Committees –
Disarmament and International Security Committee (First Committee), Economic and Financial Committee (Second Committee), Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee (Third Committee), Special Political and Decolonization Committee, (Fourth Committee) Administrative and Budgetary Committee (Fifth Committee), Legal Committee  (Sixth Committee).

This consultation is intended to help find ways and means of not only reorganizing the work of the Second Committee but also ways and means of aligning and harmonizing the work of the Second Committee with that of the Third Committee for the purpose of helping to achieve increasing convergence between 2030 Agenda Vision Intention and Reality.   

Our Study finding is that for Best Results the reorganized work of the Second Committee need to be aligned and harmonized with the work of all five remaining Main Committees but should go further to be aligned and harmonized with the work of six new Main Committees – Environmental Sustainability Committee (Seventh Committee), Corruption and Service Delivery Committee (Eight Committee), Monitoring and Evaluation Committee (Ninth Committee), Attitudinal and Behavioural Change Committee (Tenth Committee), Transparency, Accountability, Citizen and Stakeholder Participation Committee (Eleventh Committee) and Data and Development Communication Committee (Twelfth Committee).
Common Approach

In National and International Development Cooperation work, it is interesting to find out how different people were using the same term, for what purpose and with what effects. For example, Theory of Change is being used is at least 3 overlapping ways – as a discourse to find out someone’s assumptions about Change; as a tool that is rapidly rivalling the Log Frame and as an Approach which will likely include the use of a tool. Also PCM – Project Cycle Management, the most widely used Evaluation Approach is the World today has so many versions but the Original Version is used by Only One Institution and it has Clear 3 Principles, 3 Tools / Instruments corresponding to each Principle, 3 Practices and a Database.

We perceive that this probably is one of the reasons why the Synthesis Report recommended One Worldwide Approach to AAAA, SDG, COP21 Outcome Document etc. Without this Common Approach we cannot get Security and Diplomacy Right. Without getting this Right we cannot get Development, Democracy, Elections, Defense, Monitoring and Evaluation, Data etc Right. Without getting this Right we cannot get Governance, Service Delivery, Performance Management Right. Without getting this Right we cannot get Corruption, Hunger, Poverty, Unemployment, Underemployment, Unemployability Right.  

To get these Right first Time and all the Time, the One Worldwide Approach needs to Drive Agriculture Revolution, Enterprise Revolution, Government Revolution, Applied Research Revolution, Attitudinal and Behavioural Change Revolution, Data Revolution and other Primary Revolutions that are Integral Parts of Education Revolution, Health Revolution, Housing Revolution, Financial Inclusion Revolution, Environment Revolution, Climate Change Revolution and other Secondary Revolutions, that is all Action Agenda Items in revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document.

There is urgent need to select this One Worldwide Approach without delay.

Business Unusual

The Synthesis Report also recommends Business Unusual Approach. Operationalizing this in practice calls for Multi Stakeholders Platforms covering all Sectors and Issues within revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document as well as Multidisciplinary Professionals Community of Practice that Create Supply to meet Demand Created by Governments, International Institutions and other Stakeholders.

However, while World Leaders, 193 Member States and UN Family Organization Executives are mouthing Business Unusual, they continue to ACT Business as Usual. As long as World Leaders, 193 Member States and UN Family Family Organization Executives do not Walk their Business Unusual Talk, it will be uphill Task seeking to achieve AAAA, SDG, COP21, Synthesis Report, Data Revolution Report, FAO Conference on Hunger and Poverty Plan of Action Vision Ambitions in each Community in each Local Government in each of the 193 Member States and by 2030 Global Goals Target date.

Institutional Architecture

The Part 1 focused on Development Architecture that needs to be unbundled into:-
1.      New International Political Architecture, including Global Platform for Collective Action for Political Stability being responsibility of UNGA.
2.      New International Development Architecture being responsibility of WBG.
3.      New International Financial Architecture being responsibility of IMF.
4.      New International Trade Architecture being responsibility of WTO
5.      Six Specific UN Family Organization Members will be given responsibility for each of the following New International Architecture – Cultural Architecture, Social Architecture, Environment Architecture, Peace Architecture, Security Architecture, Religious Architecture, Moral Architecture.

Africa NGOs’ Capacity Building Survey

As we continue to reflect on our exchange of ideas with a US University that did a 2014 Survey on Africa NGOs’ Capacity Building, against the background of contemporary events in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World, we do not know if the Survey Report included most of our ideas and suggestions. It is clear that if these ideas and suggestions were accepted for implementation by USAID, other Donors, Major US Foundations, other Major Foundations, Powerful Governments – Developed or Developing; it could mark TURNING POINT in National and International Development, in ways that strengthen common interest and common future of Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and the World.

The Survey process provided evidence to support the following facts:-
1.      It is not that there is a lack of funding for NGOs’, it is that there is a lack of access by domestic NGOs’ to adequate levels of funding on sustainable basis.
2.      It is not that there is a lack of national and international development advocacy, it is that there is a lack of the type of national and international development advocacy adequate to help solve national and international development problems on the ground from village to global levels, on both developed and developing countries sides.
3.      It is not that there is a lack of national and international development goals, targets and indicators, it is that there is a lack of all relevant stakeholders common definition of advocacy, goals, targets and indicators and a lack of common approach by all national and international development stakeholders from village to global levels, on both developed and developing countries sides to: a) the research, planning, statistics / data, implementation, monitoring, evaluation, transparency, accountability, citizens and stakeholders participation of policy, program, project interventions towards achieving the goals and targets. b) the learning and results from activities in (a) and c) the advocacy driving CHANGE within activities in (a) and (b); in the all stakeholders joint work towards achieving the commonly agreed goals and targets as well as joint work to measure progress towards the goals and targets using commonly agreed indicators.
4.      It is not that there is a lack of good ideas and suggestions towards the solution to real and complex national and international development problems on the ground from village to global levels, on both developed and developing countries sides, it is that there is a lack of Political Will to meaningfully involve all individuals and institutions whose ideas and suggestions are included in survey / study / consultation / conference reports in the implementation as well as the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of their ideas and suggestions that have been included in survey / study / consultation / conference report recommendations.

The New End Hunger and Poverty, NEHAP Model we have developed ensures that all relevant national and international development stakeholders at each level from village / community to global / world; are working jointly based on agreed common definitions of advocacy, true development,  goals, targets and indicators towards the solutions to real problems on the ground within (1) -  (4) above. 

The Task to get all relevant stakeholders at each level from village / community to global / world to work together and benefit together, based on agreed common definitions of advocacy, true development, goals, targets and indicators towards the solutions to real problems on the ground within (1) -  (4) above, was not done in the past and that explains the shift from Aid delivery through Government Agencies to Aid delivery through NGOs’. The Task is not currently being done and that explains the shift from Aid delivery through NGOs’ to Aid delivery through Communities. Should the Task remain undone, the probability of successfully delivering Aid through Communities succeeding where past and current effort at delivering Aid through Government Agencies and NGOs’ failed, is Low.

If the Task is to be done and to succeed in delivering Aid through Communities, an All Inclusive, All Embracing and Ambitious Model, such as NEHAP Model, that meaningfully involves: all governments on both developed and developing countries sides; all relevant Political Groupings in the International System and all relevant International Institutions, particularly IMF, World Bank Group and All UN Agencies, needs to be Designed and Delivered. Our Model is probably the most advance such Model available anywhere in our World today. 

There is high probability that the most important findings of this Survey are:-
1.      Building NGO Capacity on successful and sustainable basis greatly depends on simultaneously building capacity of other relevant Stakeholders: Donors, Governments, Media, Universities, Communities etc.
2.      Capacity Building in (1) is on 3 levels. Level 1: Individual – Hard Competencies: Learning and Skills and Soft Competencies: Character, Courage and Mindset. Level 2: Institution – Manpower; Machines, Equipment, Transport, Technology; Management that support Individuals to deploy their Competences towards achieving Institution Vision, Mission and Mandate. Level 3: Society – Political & Cultural, Economic & Financial, Social & Environmental and Religious and Moral Space required for Individuals and Institutions to Thrive on Chaos.
3.      Capacity Building in (2) on successful and sustainable basis greatly depends on identifying, promoting and protecting: Network of Researchers like Matt the US academic in the Survey, who are Strategic Thinkers with demonstrated capacity to identify real challenges on the ground and come up with adequate Technical and Political Solutions and Network of Practitioners like Lanre, who are Reform Minds with demonstrated capacity for Diagnosis, Prescription, Surgery and Recovery Management Processes that help all relevant Stakeholders to JOINTLY identify problems, find Technical and Political Solutions, implement the Solutions and Monitor and Evaluate this implementation.

Implementing Study / Conference Report Recommendations – Root Problems

ISPE / EAG have identified that flaws and failures implementing Sound Recommendations set out in Study Reports; Conference Reports; Parliamentary Committee Reports; Regulatory Agency Reports, arise from the following Root Problems:-
1.      Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Approach as Robust as 3PCM Approach.
2.      Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups Platform as robust as NEHAP Platform
3.      Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Service Providers Consortium Partnership as Robust as NEHAP Partnership / Master MSP and MSPs’
4.      Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups Advocacy as robust as NEHAP Campaigns
5.      Lack of Movement for Positive Development Change Driving National and Global Collective ACTION as Robust as NEHAP Revolutions.
6.      Lack of National and International Development Cooperation Statutory Regulatory Agencies as Robust as Statutory Regulatory Agencies suggested in NEHAP Initiative.
7.      Lack of Neighbourhood to Global Institutional Architecture for all relevant National and International Development Cooperation Stakeholder Groups suggested in NEHAP Initiative.

Select National and International Development Cooperation Root Problems

1.      Mistrust among Stakeholders
2.      Disproportionate Benefits going to Powerful Partners
3.      Weak Capacity Building
4.      We and They Silos
5.      Poor UN Funding. UN Funding less than half of NY State Funding.
6.      Corrupt War on Corruption. Corruption in Nigeria is child’s play compared to corruption in NY State alone yet Nigeria is Demonized while US is celebrated. Yes Nigeria is high on Bribe Takers Index but US, UK< France, Germany, Russia are high on Bribe Payers Index. Corruption should be vigorously tackled in both Bribe Taking and Bribe Paying Countries. Also World Governance Indicators including those of WBG are Corrupt.
7.      Globalization as Force for evil should give way to Globalization as Force for Good.
8.      World Leaders endorsement of AAAA and SDG with full knowledge that How questions remain unanswered.

Common Definition

The increasing poverty levels in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World is a Scar on the Conscience of Researchers in Top Universities across the World, particularly in G8 Countries. To remove this Scar, Researchers in these Universities as well as in Universities in each of the 193 Member States need to shift focus away from academic research aimed at advancing the frontiers of knowledge to academic research aimed at institutionalizing true development. To achieve this, there is a need for all relevant Stakeholders on National and International State Actors and Non State Actors sides to have common agreement on the definition of Advocacy, True Development, Development Research, Goals, Targets and Indicators within revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document.

We suggest: Advocacy is the set of strategies and activities designed and delivered to influence: specific government, particularly the executive and legislative arms, in a specific country (for example Local Government, State Government or National Government in Nigeria) or specific Political Grouping of Countries, including the legislative arm where it exists, in a specific Sub-region e.g. ECOWAS; Region / Continent e.g. Africa Union; Global / World e.g. G20, to take particular decision, fully implement the decision and effectively monitor and evaluate the implementation to ensure increasing convergence between decision intention and reality.

Advocacy is the set of strategies and activities designed and delivered to influence: specific individual, institution or society to move from an undesired state to a desired state and to remain in this desired state. Should realities on the ground demand that the desired state be changed to a more desired state, this will be done on continuing basis.

True Development must mean the development of man – the unfolding and realization of his creative potential enabling him to improve his material conditions and living through the use of resources available to him. It is a process by which man’s personality is enhanced and it is that enhanced personality – creative, organized and disciplined which is the MOVING FORCE behind the socio economic TRANSFORMATION of Society. It is clear that development does not start with goods and things, it starts with people, their orientation, organization and discipline. When the accent on development is on things, all human resources remain latent, untapped potential and a Society can be poor amidst the most opulent of material resources. On the contrary, where a Society is properly oriented, organized and disciplined, it can be prosperous on the scantiest basis of natural wealth.

For Development to qualify as True Development, it must be all round, well balanced, progressive and self sustaining: all individual aspects must be mutually reinforcing. True Development has to be multi sectoral, multi disciplinary and multi dimensional. True Development is much more than provision of road, electricity, water, communication facilities, education and health facilities among others; however important all these may be.

True Development must include the exploitation of all available resources for the maximum good, vast improvement in a peoples’ self reliance and self reassurance in their creative and managerial ability, in their productivity and production, particularly of the goods and services needed by the majority to improve the quality of their lives; vast and rapid qualitative and quantitative improvement in their individual and collective security and welfare and in their socio cultural and socio political development in the installation of a more democratic, egalitarian, civil and civilized society amongst others.

True Development must embrace every aspect of a peoples’ life – political, economic, social. The reason is that these are interconnected and interdependent. An Individual cannot want to move forward economically without first of all having the political base for moving forward economically. An Individual cannot want to move forward socially without having the political and economic base to move forward socially. So if the relevant authorities – national and international, pay attention to one while leaving the other, these authorities will be deceiving themselves while increasing the avoidable pain and misery of these Individuals, with ultimate catastrophic consequences for Citizens in both Rich and Poor Countries in our World today.

Development Research - Turning Development Researchers into Policy / Program Entrepreneurs or Monitoring and Evaluation Entrepreneurs and turning Research Institutions into Policy / Program focused Think Tank or Monitoring and Evaluation focused Think Tank is not easy because it involves fundamental re-orientation, organization and discipline towards Policy / Program engagement or Monitoring and Evaluation engagement, rather than academic achievement; engaging much more vigorously with Policy / Program Community or Monitoring and  Evaluation Community; Developing a Research Agenda focusing on Policy / Program or Monitoring and Evaluation issues rather than academic interests; acquiring new skills or building multidisciplinary teams; establishing new internal systems and incentives and spending much more on Communicating effectively with all stakeholders – family, community, business, banks, governments and international community.

This should include Constructive Dialogue before, during and after the Research itself; producing appropriate Communication for Development Change, Economic Change, Social Change and Cultural Change products for each audience, at the right time and working more in effective partnerships – networks, coalitions and consortia. It also involves looking at a radically different funding model. For example, one that restores, the lost glory of cooperatives.

To effectively influence Policy / Program or Monitoring and Evaluation Decision Makers in all concerned stakeholder communities; Researchers need additional skills. Development Researchers need to be politically influential, able to understand the politics, the economics, the sociology and culture and the time and identify the key players. They need to be good storytellers; to synergize simple compelling stories from results of the research (not spin doctors who publicize falsehood). They need to be good networkers; to work effectively with all other concerned stakeholders and they need to be good social engineers to build Shared Vision initiatives that pulls all of these together or they need to work on multidisciplinary teams with others who have these necessary skills. This feature of the NEHAP Model / NEHAP Initiative / 3PCM Approach helps to achieve this and much more.

We can also share our suggestions on common definition of goals, targets and indicators’.

About ISPE / EAG

Lanre and colleagues have for over twenty years made great sacrifices, demonstrated uncommon zeal and exceptional patriotism in continuing constructive engagement of relevant sub-national, national and international stakeholders, to jointly focus on comprehensive systemic solutions to our real and complex national political, economic, social, security, cultural and religious problems on the ground.

In this period we have been working spiritedly towards helping to make Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World Hunger and Poverty history and in record time. In this period also, our Lanre Rotimi (Nigerian) and Dr. Hellmut Eggers (German) have created 3PCM, Policy, Program, Project Cycle Management Approach to Benefits focused National and International Development Cooperation – the most advance such Approach in our World today. 3PCM has been tried and tested, the Biggest Test so far in NIPOST 2000 – 2001.
3PCM uses Living Strategy or Communication Strategy and so it is Dynamic and continuing to improve daily. Glorious Heights reached by NIPOST at the time has NEVER been equalled even when NIPOST later received Technical Support from Netherlands / Dutch Postal Administration. We have built considerable expertise, experience and exposure in Nigeria, UK and EC that bring Whole of Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World Thinking to bear in finding practical solutions to all identified complex systemic problems in Nigeria, Africa, UK, Europe, US and World, fully implementing the solutions and effectively monitoring and evaluating this implementation in ways that achieve increasing convergence between National and Global Development Cooperation Goals and Targets Intention and Reality and on scheduled dates.

International Society for Poverty Elimination, ISPE, Volunteer Organization, is a Member of Economic Alliance Group, EAG. EAG has the following additional Members:-
1.      AR & Associates Limited, Strategy and Development Cooperation Consulting Firm – Research, Planning, Statistics, Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation, Assessment, Learning, Results, Advocacy.
2.      EAG - CLEAR, Centre for Learning in Evaluation and Results, Evaluation Organization
3.      EAG - CDPM, Centre for Development Policy Management, Research Organization
4.      EAG – FTS / FFS, Farmers Training School / Farmer Field School, Food and Agriculture Organization
5.      EAG – ETS / EFS, Enterprise Training School / Enterprise Field School, Entrepreneurship Development Organization
6.      EAG – PSA / PSE – Public Service Academy / Public Service Exchange, Public Administration Organization

EAG is neutral in promoting and protecting Sub-national, National and International Development Cooperation. EAG work towards supporting Developed Countries Governments; Developing Countries Governments; International Institutions / International Foundations / Donors; Organized Communities – Neighbourhood to Global; Media – National and International to JOINTLY Build National and Global Collective ACTION for achieving Increasing Convergence between National and Global Development Cooperation Goals and Targets Intention and Reality and on schedule dates.

The core business of the Group is the provision of Services for Strategic Management of Complex National or International or both National and International Development Change Processes under Blended Volunteer Services and Commercial Services Arrangement.

AR has been in business since 1993 but registered in Nigeria in 1995. ISPE has been in business operating as Economic Alliance International (EAI) since 2002 but registered in Nigeria in 2007. EAG – CLEAR; EAG – CDPM; EAG – FTS; EAG – ETS; EAG – PSA are for now domiciled in AR.

EAG has in the past 20 years spent over US$2 Million (N300 Million) to Develop the 3PCM Approach as well as its National and Global Development Cooperation Practical Solutions under Blended Volunteer Services and Commercial Services Arrangement within which we provided the Nigeria Federal Government alone Consultancy Services worth over UK Pounds 10 Million (N2.5 Billion) Free of Charge. This is Evidence that we do not have purely Commercial Interest but are Motivated by Service to Humanity as the Best Work of Life, hence two of our Slogans – Let Us Work Together to Benefit Together and …Building a Brighter Future as we Configure our World.


Sustainable Solutions to Poverty, Hunger, Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and related problems including Corruption and Terrorism on the ground in Developed and Developing Countries exist. Ability to successfully implement these solutions with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation exist or can be acquired. However, the Big Challenge is the Willingness to successfully implement these solutions with effective monitoring and evaluation of this implementation. Tackling this Big Challenge is essentially issue of Changing Attitude and Behaviour at Scale that the ongoing consultations to find answer to AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document How questions need to effectively address and in ways that meaningfully connect each Community in each Local Government in each of the 193 Member States to UN Headquarters.

The Roadmap to Paris will be more productive and result oriented if Structured and Organized produce COP21 Outcome Document that is Vision and Words with Action thus avoiding Error in AAAA and SDG and in ways that effectively address overarching Goals of Poverty Elimination and Environmental Sustainability from the Dimensions of Trade, Aid, Debts and Corruption with focus on Level 1. Implementation Solutions Level 2. Follow Up and Review Solutions Level 3. Capacity Building – Individual Level - Hard Competences: Learning and Skills and Soft Competences: Character, Courage and Mindset; Institution Level – Resources and Processes empowering the Individual to deploy Competences towards achieving Corporate Goals and Environment Level – Political, Economic, Social, Cultural, Security and Religious Space for Institutions and Individuals to Thrive on Chaos, CommWSDS as well as Communication for WSDS.

There is a need to create a Six new GA Committees, Master MSP and complimentary MSPs’, Multidisciplinary CoPs’, Multiple Institutional Architecture etc within One Worldwide Approach. There is a need to appreciate that UN, WBG, IMF, 193 Member States Governments and Partners need Technical Support from Consultant with required Competences that can help each of the AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Stakeholders Stake-holders to correctly identify where they are now (A); where they need to be to achieve AAAA, SDG and COP21 Outcome Document Goals and Targets by 2030 (B) and How to move from (A) to (B).

The Bright Prospects of Success implementing revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document could be squandered if the needful is not done on time. This is because all necessary arrangements to identify and fill gaps in AAAA and SDG; prevent such gaps in COP21 Outcome Document and press forward to fully implement revised AAAA, revised SDG and COP21 Outcome Document and effectively monitor and evaluate this implementation from Village to Global levels in each of the 193 Member States to achieve Global Goals Targets by 2030 cannot be left to happen on their own but need to be discussed, negotiated and established and without delay.

The ultimate consequences of failure to achieve 2030 Agenda Targets in each of the 193 Member States could be catastrophic. This is avoidable should World Leaders take positive Action on ideas and suggestions set out in Paper 1, Paper 2 and supporting documents – available upon request.

We are willing to offer a more detailed information / clarification as directed by GA Second Committee and or other relevant UN Authority.

Director General
International Society for Poverty Elimination / Economic Alliance Group
5, Moses Orimolade Avenue,
Ijapo Estate, Akure,  Ondo State,
M: +234-8162469805

Email:                                                    14 October 2015.

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