Sunday, March 29, 2020

Global Push To Achieve SDGs Vision and Words with Action Agenda 77

  EAG       ISPE 
                         ECONOMIC ALLIANCE GROUP                         INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR POVERTY ELIMINATION             
              (Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions Provider)         (Global Social Development Innovation Organization)          
    ER&A        NEHMAP Initiative
       ER and Associates Limited                         New End Hunger, Malnutrition and Poverty Initiative                 
(International Development Cooperation Consultants)                                                (Global Social Economy and Social Enterprise Organization)

ISPE EAG Comment on HOW to Fight and WIN War on CONVID 19 in this 2020s’ (3)

SBCC 2020 Outcome: Achieving Delivery on SDGs Pledge in each specific Community, Country, Continent location context, in less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date - Call for Development Cooperation Rapid/Fast and Radical/Fundamental Change in all 193 UN Member States Governments – Executive, Legislature, Judiciary in all Tiers as well as in all UN System: UNO, WBG, IMF, WTO (ITO) Entities – Headquarters, Regional Offices, Sub-regional Offices, Country Offices and Sub-Country Offices and their National and International Partners sides – Beyond Slogan.


'If my analysis is roughly correct, the forces for change facing the world could be so far-reaching, complex, and interactive that they call for nothing less than the reeducation of humankind”.
Paul Kennedy, Preparing for the Twenty-First Century

It is getting increasingly clear that Ongoing National Leaders and World Leaders Approach to Fighting War on CONVID 19, is not only Not Working, it is in reality Catalyzing National, Regional and Global Depression, which unchecked speedily, would take our World Off Cliff and DELIVER Global Depression that make the 1930s Global Depression, Child’s Play and in the process Guarantee Our World will Fail to achieve SDGs Pledge delivery by 2030, with attendant Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences for our Fragile Planet.

In Paper (1), we set out EAG Thoughts on HOW to Fight and Win CONVID 19 in the 2020s by Building Bridge between Lessons Learning and Lessons Forgetting, that is actually Learning Lessons from Past Global Public Health Emergencies to Find Sustainable Solutions to CONVID 19.

In Paper (2), we are elaborated on these New Ideas, as CONVID 19 Devastation keep getting worse and it is in Urgent Global Interest that World Leaders Change Course without Delay.

In this Paper (3), we are building on the above Quotation underlining the enormous research effort that went into Paul Kennedy’s important Book – Preparing for the 21st Century, to highlight the fact that
envisioning HOW communication could help societies engender the changes and development necessary for a better and more secure future on earth, that is effectively driven by the need for human change and development at different levels of society for creating a sustainable and better future on earth and the role of communication in these processes; is One of the Master Keys for Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 Linked to getting DONE the much that remain to be DONE, if all 193 UN Member States are to get back On Track to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

Unhelpful Divergent Response by World Leaders

In the Ongoing Fight against CONVID 19 the Lead UNO Entity is WHO. However it is appears WHO is more interested in Pontification and Daily Briefings on CONVID 19 Disaster than in taking Global Lead in Design and Delivery of National, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to CONVID 19 in all 193 UN Member States, in all its Dimensions: Political, Cultural, Economic, Financial, Social, Environmental, Security, Science, Communication, Religious etc.

This explains why Top WHO Representative could say it is not helpful for Countries to lock in
and WHO could say all 193 UN Member States need to demonstrate and be seen to demonstrate Three Types of Solidarity – Political, Science and Financial, yet WHO look on as 193 UN Member States do the opposite, even as CONVID 19 move from Bad to Worse.  

It is interesting that European Commission President is now speaking out in favor of EU Member States demonstrating and being seen to demonstrate the EU Core Principles as the best option for Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19, yet Leaders in the 27 EU Member States appear not to see her or hear what she is saying.

The Fear and Panic of CONVID 19, that is in reality Pandemic more in infection than in lethargy, is being largely fed by National and Global Media, to Make CONVID 19 Force for Evil, could be harnessed and redirected to Make CONVID 19 Force for Good, if National Leaders and World Leaders would immediately STOP their unhelpful divergent response and kick start unprecedented Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 Policy Coherence, Collaboration, Cooperation and Coordination as appropriate or applicable in each specific Community, Sub-Country, Country, Sub-Continent, Continent and Global/Planet location context.

Should National Leaders and World Leaders jointly take the next step of maintaining the momentum and press forward, it will be easy to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery, by 2030.

However, for 8,5 Billion People in our World of 2030, to keep looking on Powerless, as National and World Leaders continue their unhelpful divergent responses to Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 is Guarantee the War on CONVID 19 would be LOST and this in turn Guarantee SDGs Pledge Delivery will not be achieved by all 193 UN Member States and our Fragile Planet is on Auto Pilot to Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences of Failure to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030.

Communication and the Persistence of Poverty: Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 – The Urgent Need to Return to Basics and First Principles

CONVID 19 has exposed the soft underbelly of Public Health Emergency; Public Health; Health and Wellbeing; Domestic Governance and Global Governance; Academic Research and Professional Research - Systems and Services, in all 193 UN Member States.

The UNO Entities – UNDESA, WHO, FAO, ILO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNESCO etc do not have the answers 193 UN Member States need to help them Fight and Win War on CONVID 19; the Go To Think Tanks – Top 100 Universities in the World also do not have the answers 193 UN Member States need to help them Fight and Win War on CONVID 19.

The reality of CONVID 19 FEAR and Panic among Town - Politicians, Pulpit, Palace, Press and Gown – Academic Staff, Non Academic Staff, Postgraduate Students and Undergraduate Students means that Rhetoric, Razzmatazz and Buzz Words will not help in Winning War on CONVID 19.

It is National, Regional and Global Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions to CONVID 19 root cause or primary cause problems linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 root cause or primary cause problems on the ground in all 193 UN Member States that can help in Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 and on time before irreversibility point is passed in ongoing approach to Fighting War on CONVID 19 that is Catalyzing Global Depression that Promise to make 1930s’ Global Depression Child’s Play.

This underlines urgent need to return to basics and first principles to better address CONVID 19 root cause or primary cause problems linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 root cause or primary cause problems on the ground in all 193 UN Member States.

Building New World Order: Global Communication for Change, Development and Environment
Problems of Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery including Climate Change Action in all 193 UN Member States in the less than 11 years remaining to end 203 target date cannot be solved by segmented Academic Formats, Market-Place Interests or Mass-Media Headlines; instead of dealing with taken for granted issues (the apparent “bubbles” in the surface).

Public Policies as well as Research and Teaching Programs should detect the National, Regional and Global Development Cooperation Radical/Fundamental and Rapid/Fast Change Issues and deal with them deep inside the Boiling Pot.

Technical and Political: Policy Discussions and Policy Making require New Paradigms of Growth, Power, Wealth, Work and Freedom embedded into the Cultural, Social, Political and Economical Institutions and this is more Critical than Individual Motives and Morals.

The Old Paradigms must Die for the New Paradigms to Live. This demand building New World Order Driven by Global Communication for Change, Development and Environment robust enough to help all 193 UN Member States Fight and Win War on CONVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by end 2030 target date.

It will be recalled that USG Ban Ki Moon in 20 July 2016 Report of the Secretary General on “Updated overview of the major international economic and policy challenges for equitable and inclusive sustained economic growth and sustainable development, and of the role of the United Nations in addressing these issues in the light of the New International Economic Order” set out UNO Ideas on Ways and Means of building the required New World Order. These UNO Ideas had been especially difficult to move forward in past 4 years.

CONVID 19 as Force for Good could help move forward these UNO Ideas and in ways that help Fight and Win War on CONVID 19 linked to helping all 193 UN Member States get DONE the much that remain to be DONE, if they are to achieve SDGs Pledge Delivery in the less than 11 years remaining to end 2030 target date.

The Innovative and Entrepreneurial University
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Universities and Higher Education Institutions in all 193 UN Member States are Master Keys for Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States. For Universities and Higher Education Institutions in all 193 UN Member States to deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities in Building the New World Order, they must be effective part of the New Paradigms.
The innovative and Entrepreneurial Public Sector
The Business of Government is Governance. The Engine of Government is the Public Sector - Civil Service and Public Service.  
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Public Sector – All Arms of All Tiers of Government in All Countries, regardless of whether the Country Operates a Socialist Economy, with Communism being the most extreme form of Socialism or a Capitalist Economy are Master Keys for Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States. For Universities and Higher Education Institutions in all 193 UN Member States to deliver on their Statutory Responsibilities in Building the New World Order, they must be effective part of the New Paradigms.
The most extreme Capitalist Countries now know that without a level of Socialism, their National Economies cannot be Stable and the most extreme Socialist/Communist Countries now know that without a level of Socialism their National Economies cannot be Stable.
The UN World Public Sector Report 2018 set out UNDESA Ideas on ways and means the Public Sector in all 193 UN Member States could contribute to building the New World Order. However, as long as Original Ideas Creators are not meaningfully involved in the Implementation of Ideas included in UN Reports, the UN will always be unable to Implement these Good Ideas on Successful and Sustainable Basis.

National Leaders and World Leaders know that they need to Work Together to Succeed Together; that they need to adopt One Worldwide Approach including Whole of Agenda, Whole of Society, Whole of UN, Whole of Government etc.

However, without Technical Advise and Reform Consultancy Services Support from Consultants who have demonstrated answers to Fighting and Winning War on CONVID 19 HOW Questions linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 in all 193 UN Member States HOW Questions, this One Worldwide Approach cannot be effectively deployed in the Design and Delivery of Interventions that Work for 5 Billon Poor Worldwide.

We urge Presidents/Heads of Government in any Powerful North or South Country genuinely interested to take all necessary measures to Fight and Win War on CONVID 19 Linked to achieving SDGs Pledge Delivery by 2030 to take up the Challenge of Hosting the suggested HLPF, to please contact us on email below to discuss action next Steps in their Country and Global Interest.

There are bright prospects of success should World Leaders ensure that the HLPF to find Integrated Innovative Sustainable Solutions hold as suggested. However, there are Ultimate Catastrophic Consequences should it be Business as Usual and the HLPF not be convened and on Time.

It is our hope that opportunity for bright prospects of success would not be lost.

Director General
Economic Alliance Group
M: +234-8162469805
Email:             March 2020.

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